Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 203: Full-time strangling group

Sell ​​them. Don't let them rush over! "A Japanese player stood at the base of the magic crystal cannon, who was paralyzed, and directed others to rush towards the gate to try to block our attack. Japanese players also knew the importance here. Even if he was not directing there They will rush to block the door regardless of their body. Just like them. People on our side also know the importance of the gate, so the assault force here is also the strongest.

Both sides are desperately killing for the control of the gate. The Japanese player occupying the place will completely control the gate in sight, and at this time, the commander suddenly saw something that almost made his soul fly away. I saw a huge beetle at the entrance opposite the gate, quietly chopped there, and then three blue crystals on the back of the beetle stood upright and pointed straight to the side of the gate. However, relative In contrast, what scared him most was the man standing in front of the bug.

"I fired and stood in front of the tank riding the night shadow, holding my right hand up high and eternally facing the commander's horrified gaze forward and pointed me straight out. The bank's staff inside the city gate were hitting well Suddenly I heard the crystal communicator in the ears, the army **** shouting at the maximum volume and let them squat. As a result, all the players in the guild in the city gate all squatted down on the ground, followed by a whine. A blue light bullet flew overhead from their heads across a group of Japanese players who were about to rush across from the middle of the doorway. With a loud noise, a blue jet-like flame instantly brought the group of people around with them. All took off.

Before the players on our side responded, the second light bomb flew over them, and the Japanese player who had previously commanded on the gun mount disappeared into the flame with the entire gun mount. The Japanese player has been baffled by the second consecutive combo, but the third light bomb flew over, but this time the drop of the shell was relatively low. Instantly brought down a large area of ​​Japanese players farther away.

At the end of the triple shot, I waited for everyone to respond. I quickly withdrew the tank and slammed Yeying's belly. Yeying immediately stood up, and after a hissing, he rushed into the gate of the city gate and flew across the long passage. The first response from the Japanese player who saw me rushed forward was to block. The night shadow was too fast, and before they ran, they crossed the line of defense and entered behind the line of defense of the Japanese players.

The first girl who came close to me was a young girl who looked pretty young. This Japanese girl wearing a Japanese samurai armor was right in front of the city gate, because the people in front of her were taken off by the three-strike of the tank. . When Night Shadow rushed over, she immediately became the first person to meet me. It was okay to be blocked by someone in front. Now I have to face the most horrible me in the hearts of Japanese players. The girl was so frightened that the girl even forgot to attack when I rushed over with a tall night shadow, but I would n’t because she forgot to attack There is the slightest softness. When Ye Yingquan passed by the girl's side, a head full of horror also followed.

When the girl was killed, a guy not far behind her raised the knife and cut it off immediately, but Ye Ying didn't give him any chance and stepped on his chest with his forefoot directly. All his sternum was broken. His people also flew backwards instantly.

Immediately after killing two people, I pulled the reins, and the night shadow immediately stood up again and made a circle in place. I held up eternity and shouted to the back: "Fill me."

The members of the guild who were still squatting on the ground immediately jumped up and rushed out with me. The Japanese forces around me were already low in morale because of my shock. Now they are suddenly disrupted by the sudden attack. The defensive line that was about to take shape suddenly became a chaotic battlefield, although we did not take any advantage here. But the absence of a line of defense means that the casualty ratio will be determined entirely by the individual qualities of both sides. The Japanese are relatively weak in this area, and naturally they are even more disadvantaged, not to mention that my defense destroyer has not withdrawn from the battle yet.

"Zi Ri is here. I ’m going to disturb the rear of the Japanese in a hurry. Suddenly, I heard a shout coming from the front, and I have a closer look at a Japanese ninja who seems to be calling a companion. It seems that there is nothing special about the ninja's ordinary equipment. But there are only two possibilities for those who dare to actively seek me. One is that he is an idiot. He thinks that he can kill me, and the other is that he has some special abilities. I do n’t know which kind this guy belongs to. But my habit is to never despise any enemy overturning a boat in the gutter. Many masters have encountered it and I do n’t want to be one of them. Under the call of that ninja soon There are more than a dozen Japanese players gathered nearby. These people have quite professional careers. There are a lot of melee attacks in the near range. There are even special support personnel in the back. After Brigade Six swept through the industry, I understood the Japanese's intentions. I have suffered so many times with me. Even if the Japanese are stupid, they should sum up something. Came not to mention the Japanese is not that stupid.

The strength of a single player is not my opponent. The Japanese came up with this approach and used a special seven-joint joint combat team to rely on perfect cooperation to defeat me.

"That's a good idea." I smiled at the group of people who surrounded me.

My indifference stems from my confidence in my own strength, but this group of Japanese is not as easy as I am now. They didn't hear what I said. The coldness on each face was almost frosting. The players in the nearby bank saw that I was surrounded and immediately directed a large group of old fences to come up and surround those people. I reached out to stop them and said, "Go and do it for you, I don't have to worry about it."

Those members think that my strength seems to have nothing to worry about, so they no longer care about the trouble of turning around to find other Japanese staff. Although the Japanese who surround me want to say that I am too arrogant. But they also know that they must not be disturbed now. Whether they can besiege me is still unknown. If I ask a group of people to besiege them from the outside, then they might as well give up and simply give up.

"Don't you plan to surround me like this until the end of the war?" I reminded with a funny look at the people who surrounded me but didn't dare to rush up.

I was probably stimulated by them. After looking at each other, those people really started to move, but it was a little unexpected that the first one was not the soldiers in the middle circle, but the strangely worn mages in the periphery. These people first put their magic skills on the ground in front of them. Then the jewels at the top of each magic technique emitted two beams and connected them into a huge six-pointed star. And I was right in the middle of this six-man star array.

After completing the Six Array of Stars, those mages suddenly retracted one hand and put their fingers on their mouths to bite them. When they followed their movements, they pressed their **** fingers on the gems at the tip of the magic skills. The six-pointed star formed becomes blood red, and the original magic element of the entire formation instantly agitates. Irregular element flashes began to appear in the air, which was an extremely unstable manifestation of magic elements.

"Are you planning to cause the imbalance to kill me?" I asked indifferently watching the mages.

The mages didn't say anything about my problem, but rather a very tacit group collectively recited strange mantras, and the last six mages suddenly recited the last sentence at the same time. After the spell ended, I suddenly felt that the restlessness of the surrounding elements disappeared instantly, but the situation did not return to normal. The surrounding magical elements turned from one extreme to the other. The element that was originally restless would explode at any time. Suddenly it suddenly lost all its vitality as if frozen. This imagination finally got me a little bit interested. "Is it peaceful?" I said calmly looking at the mages. "You are pretty good at supporting the Anning circle with six people. Unfortunately, you seem to have made a mistake. I am not just a mage?"

"Hum, don't be arrogant, you will soon fall from your altar, anyone can step you under your feet."

"Oh? Just rely on these mages?" I asked funny.

The warrior who responded angrily countered: "Of course ~ ~ soon they will make you lose everything you rely on."

"So what?" When I suddenly raised my hand, a golden beam flashed, and the six-horizon star array disappeared instantly. One of the mages flew out in a strange posture and fell heavily on the ground and never moved again. "Children. This is the end of the game. No one on the battlefield will wait for your mage to slowly prepare there for spells. They usually kill all the legal professionals in sight faster than me, and you It is your responsibility to protect the mage. Unfortunately, you don't seem to understand the situation at all! "

"No, it's you who didn't figure out the situation." The newly disappeared Liumang Star Array suddenly appeared again. Although it lacked a mage, the Star Array did not disappear and it was still running.

I frowned at the star array that was still running, and suddenly I raised my hand again. This time, those guys finally thought of protecting the mage. Unfortunately, my attack was not only fast, nor was the strength they could resist. Several guys who tried to protect the mage were all taken up by my flying knife. Although the mage was not dead, he was knocked out. After losing all the mage, the star array disappeared into the air instantly, and the proud guy's expression immediately collapsed.

"So what now? Can you recover it?"

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