Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 7: Amazing news

Under the high and powerful blows of the two tortuous mobile angels, no one can stand up to confrontation. Almost all the people who met her were brought down by her, or they were kicked into the sea. The more powerful the mobile angel's power is, the more the average player's attribute value is between six and eight times. The actual generated thrust can easily throw a person up to a distance of ten meters, and kicking people into the sea is a trivial matter.

After kicking all obstacles on the deck one by one and kicking them into the sea, I and the mobile angel climbed up the bridge on the top of the command tower along the spiral ladder outside the boat. When I saw me on the spiral staircase, the people above quickly hurriedly closed the door. Unfortunately, this behavior was as childish as a child covering his head with a quilt and saying I don't take a bath. The battleship command tower is not a residential building. The gate is only used for sound insulation and wind protection and to prevent the shell fragments from attacking. But the problem is that it can't be locked!

When I turned the pressurized handle on the door, the people inside immediately thought of this final play, and several people rushed forward and grabbed the handle desperately to compare with me. After trying it a little, I felt that it was more laborious, so I took a step back and let the mobile angel walk to the door.

She was far more violent than I was, reaching for the door directly. Then pull out. Accompanied by a squeaking metal twist, the door was pulled down from the door frame by her. After throwing away the hard-torn door, Mobile Angel grabbed a few unlucky eggs at his feet and threw them all back into the room, and I followed the Mobile Angel into the room.

"Hello everyone! All of you here should know me, right? So I won't introduce myself." After seeing no response from everyone, I continued: "Since you have nothing to say, let me ask. I want to find out where each of your ships came from? "

This sentence seems to have encountered the mute switch, and the Koreans present suddenly restored their ability to speak. For a moment, the guy who clearly saw the Supreme Commander said: "Zi Ri. I know you are great, but the game here is not realistic. Even if you use our life as a threat, we will not tell you

"Did I say that you want to answer it ?. With my voice, the mobile angel suddenly came to a sailor and dragged it over. Although the command room is the most concentrated place for players on the battleship, it cannot be ruled out. After all, a boat needs too many people to control it. All players use it. No matter how big a guild can't drive a few boats.

The net caught was pulled to my side and kneeled softly. "I said I said. What do you ask me to say

I smiled and looked at the senior players of the Korean guild and said, "Look, can't this be solved?"

"You must not say that the captain is pointing at that level.

The old sailor cried with a snot and a tear, saying, "Captain, I'm sorry for you, I'm useless, but I don't want to die! You are adventurers, your soul is immortal and you can be born again. I am just an ordinary person, That's the only life, I don't want to die yet. " This point shows a huge difference from the player. Although the player will drop the rank. But after all, they are immortal. Although they don't want to die, they don't fear death. Ke's life is usually only once, when he hangs, he really hangs, so he can't use death to threaten the player, but he can use it for prestige.

Seeing that his men were so disappointed, the player rushed to kill himself. In the game, players rarely treat Yang as an equal person. They are set to assist players in the game, so most guilds are treated as tools or consumables. Now that there is a tool to leak the guild secrets, how can this be tolerated? The captain flashed in his eyes, raised his hand and threw a flying knife over.

With a bang, the flying knife was pinched by the mobile angel in the air. The opposite captain did not respond slowly. Now that the attack failed, he immediately rushed up with a large knife, but he just jumped on the chart table for the command and was held up by a sword with his sword.

"A few people don't take me too seriously, right?" I walked casually to the window of the bridge and sat on the window sill. Unlike the narrow windows in other places on the ship, the bridge windows are not only large enough, but also many, because of the need to observe the sea surface. I sat on the windowsill and shook my legs leisurely, and said, "Did you not have a player in the top 200 of the world in Korea? Didn't he tell you? The person after the top 20 in the world and the top 200 in the world. Adding all together will not be able to deal with anyone who is before the top 20. The players who are not special in combat want to hurt people under my hands. Are you the goddess of fortune your wife? "

"I, I, I"

"Okay. You needn't say anything. I have no time to listen to you and interrupt the captain. I look at the surrendered sailor again." Now it's your turn to say. Tell me where did your guild battleships come from? "

That shivered and said, "I do n’t know much about specific things. After all, I ’m not a senior in the guild. They do n’t tell me important things. What I know is that they do n’t pay attention to what I hear. Part and what I see

"You just need to tell me what you know and listen to me. That guy first looked back at their captain ~ ~ Although the guy was held by the mobile angel with a sword, he still looked back His desperate winks made him say nothing. I didn't raise my head, and suddenly raised my hand, and everyone didn't see what I had done, and saw that the captain's head suddenly rolled off his body. Almost all the sailors I was frightened by this scene, stuttered words were not correct. I patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "Relax, kill him because he wants to disobey my will, but you are helping me, so I Won't kill you. You can rest assured over them, I will send you to the shore when you finish talking. Although I can no longer serve as a soldier. But you can live here as an ordinary person. They will have no chance and will not avenge you for this in the future

Hearing that, the guy finally found a little more confidence. "Actually, these ships were not ours. Our guild originally did not have so many ships at all. All these warships suddenly appeared in the throne of the Seal of God in recent times. After being the helmsman here, there were several captains and presidents. They are talking here, and I heard them say that the ship seemed to be built by a certain Chinese force. "

"What? This ship was made in China ?. It took a long time to blast our own city into a sparse fleet. It turned out to be from China. If this is true, then it will be a big joke! This is big water Rushing to the Dragon King Temple was purely an accident? Or was it a conspiracy?

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