Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 17: Really strongest on land

Looking at the rockets flying in the sky, the nearby Russian player Cang gave up Ya Xinshigang's hope.

The transport vehicle behind is just an on-board nuclear bomb. Any rocket in front of it is enough to ignite it, and only one of them needs to explode. There was absolutely nothing left at the scene. Even if someone had intercepted a rocket before, the remaining Russian players still could not raise any confidence. At least none of them felt that the other party could hold so many rockets.

The facts are similar to those of the Russians. The person who intercepted a rocket just now did not have the ability to intercept so many rockets at the same time, but she had the ability to freeze the transport vehicle. I saw a huge white light group hit the transport vehicle accurately. Suddenly the whole car was frozen into a huge ice together with the people on it. It was within three seconds of being transported out of the Seal of the Seal of God within less than three seconds after being frozen. Those flying rockets hit the transport vehicle without distinction, and for a while the entire vehicle was covered by the fire of the explosion, and even the car was invisible from the outside.

In a blast of earth-shattering explosions, the transport vehicle was lifted off the ground and moved laterally for seven or eight meters before falling off the ground again. Along with a soothing frictional sound, the car body taxied on the ground for ten more times. It was only a few meters before it was stopped by a big tree on the roadside, but the people nearby didn't dare to resume the action immediately, and their eyes were all focused on the car. Until the thing was still protected by the ice, it finally came out. Tone.

"Zi Ri, I think you're getting more and more annoying now." A white figure flew onto the frozen body after everyone returned to normal. I'm not surprised at all about the appearance of the Frozen Banshee. It is strange that she is not guarded by such an important transport team.

"I haven't seen you for a long time!" I looked up at the frozen banshee standing on the car and said with a smile, "I never thought of it! I always thought that Japanese talents were our biggest enemy, and I didn't expect to make such a big circle. The real enemy has always been squatting at the door. Can you tell me why I chose China? I thought about it from the standpoint of Russia, and I ca n’t seem to find a reason for you to attack us! You really are sure Does Russia make such a choice? "

I don't know if I was stunned and angered by me. The frozen banshee's original cold face can now scrape off the ice residue. "Huh, I'm too lazy to talk to you. You can solve this crisis by yourself. You can just take the shot. After preparing for so long, the plan has reached the stage of closing the net. No matter how hard you try, it is in vain. But you should not think Surrender, I will not accept your surrender. I will not be reconciled without uprooting your Chinese. "

"Is this why? Because you hate the Chinese, it makes no sense to treat all Chinese as enemies, even if you sacrifice these Russians for this?" I naturally said this to the Frozen Banshee. This woman is obviously not thinking properly; showing her feature fully to Russian players may have the effect of affecting her plan. Unlike Japan's almost completely unified system, Russia lacks a strong leader. The Frozen Banshee may have some influence in the Russian guild, but the influence and the binding power of the regime are different. She can only use various benefits to seduce the guilds to do what she wants, but cannot order them. As long as I can prove that the big cake she painted for the guild can't actually eat at all, then she will not be able to mobilize any Russian player.

Obviously the Frozen Banshee also knew what I was doing. She may be paranoid, but not a fool. She is not mentally defective. After understanding my purpose, she stopped talking to me, because she knew that she would only be taken by me into the ditch to deal with it, and I could not rely on my mouth to deal with it.

"Give me to death." The Frozen Banshe suddenly jumped down from the car, and she threw a large white powder while she was still in the air. Although I don't know what it is, I know it must not be touched. However, backing down was like losing momentum, so I didn't back down at all. With my will, luck suddenly appeared behind me. Followed by, I was lucky to use my claws to grasp the ground with wings and forcefully forward. The huge wind pressure not only blew all the powder back, but even the frozen banshee was blown together behind the overturned transport vehicle. . This time, not only did not take advantage, but the powder sprinkled by himself covered his face, and the angry Frozen Banshee was almost crazy. "Zuri, you bastard!"

"You're littering yourself, what's so angry about blowing your own bow?"

"The Frozen Banshee you want to rebuke suddenly thought of me. This is because she deliberately hooked her and pressed her back." Hmm, I can see the truth under my hand. "

"Shout, it's not that I was waved at that

"You," okay, this time I'll let you know that I'm great. "The Frozen Banshee suddenly drew out her frost sword and rushed at me.

I had to be careful when I saw the Frozen Banshee getting serious. This woman claims to be a draw with me in cold regions. Although it is not too cold here, it is definitely not warm and warm. Even if the Frozen Banshee can't show her full strength here, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Even if I am not careful, it is possible to capsize the gutter.

The Frozen Banshee rushed in front of me didn't show any skills, but suddenly fluttered. I just felt that she disappeared in front of me with a flower in front of me. For a moment, I was a little bit stunned by the poisonous clams in the body. But after all I played so many times. on. This response is still there. Although no one was seen. But I was still a swift turn, and Eternity ran up in one's hand, listening only to the sound of the ding, Eternity and the Frost Sword slammed into a chirping sound.

Seeing that I had caught this blow, the Frozen Banshee Lihai lifted her leg and was ready to kick me, but I moved faster than her. As long as her current sword was framed, I had already lifted my foot. It turned out that I kicked the Frozen Banshee first, with a scream. The Frozen Banshee flew upside down immediately. After rolling a dozen on the ground, he fell into a large pile of snow.

I did n’t stop after this foot flew the Frozen Banshee. I looked up and said luck on one side: "After you deal with the car on the other side, I turned to the other side and said to the previous mobile angel:" You are responsible Over there, knock me up anyway. "

Fortunately, the mobile angel heard my order and went separately to find their own target. After the Frozen Banshee climbed out of the snowdrift, their actions now wanted to intercept the mobile angel, because she knew that lucky was large. Even if the average player suffers, at least it is sparse, but the battle of the mobile angel is too sharp, and no one can block him in front of her. However, just after the Frozen Banshee started, I suddenly appeared on her course. A whip leg was thrown away. Although the Frozen Banshee temporarily parryed, she was still kicked by the huge force. It took seven or eight meters to stabilize her figure.

"Where are you looking? Fight me, you dare to be distracted, you are the only one

Although I wasn't convinced of being scolded, the Frozen Banshee also understood that I can't be distracted by fighting with me. Am I not the ordinary player she met before? My name is Ziri, and I'm number one in the world. An expert who can easily drop any player below 1,000 levels. Fighting with me not only can't be distracted, and even pays full attention, otherwise there is absolutely no second possibility except death.

Helplessly glanced at the killing of the mobile angels and luck of the Quartet, the Frozen Banshee finally decided to concentrate on dealing with me first, no matter how I am currently the most dangerous, as long as you can not defeat me, even if you kill Lucky and That mobile angel was useless, anyway, my beckoning creatures were mostly only two pounds. It came out completely because the transport vehicle would explode, and I didn't want to reimburse all the magic pets together in order to attack several vehicles.

After making up her mind, the Frozen Banshee didn't stop. She suddenly disappeared and disappeared again. But this time it didn't come out from behind me. It suddenly appeared at my feet and suddenly came out. Feeling the movement under my feet, I quickly tightened my back and flipped back to my original position. The Frozen Banshee lifted her sword like a missile and emerged from the ground. According to her plan, if the assault from my feet was unsuccessful, she would wait until the end of the ascent to give me a sword with the inertia of falling. This is a good idea, but unfortunately she miscalculated my reaction. The sudden assault from the ground was flashed aside. Just as she lifted out of the ground and faced upward, I suddenly lifted my leg and kicked her on the stomach, and flew her entire body like a shrimp.

After being kicked and flying, the Frozen Banshee slid down the ground and groaned, but did not attack immediately. Several consecutive attacks were interrupted, and the Frozen Banshee should be aware of the problem no matter how stupid. I have reacted too much to ordinary people, and she used to deal with ordinary people's tried-and-true tricks, but all of them didn't help me. The gorgeous combination skills that rely on the degree are like a comic show in front of me. I can always avoid her first skill and interrupt her serial skills by grasping the key point of the thousandth of a second of the group at the moment when her first skill is about to end and the second skill is not yet activated. This important moment finally made the Frozen Banshee realize how naive her previous thought was. After all, the world number one is the world number one, and not everyone can imitate it. She used to claim that she could beat me head-on in the tundra. After all, it was her own propaganda. We never formally played against each other. Even the last contact, we just separated as soon as we played. All the strength, and this time she finally understood that the first is not what she said, the real first is played. "It seems that you finally understand." I saw that the frozen banshee's eyes changed, and I knew she had understood the difference between me and ordinary people, but I didn't plan to relax her fear of this, instead. I will make further adjustments based on her changes. With my words, the eternity in my hand has gradually melted into a liquid state and flowed onto my hands and the automatically ejected blade. Now my ten fingers and six blade claws are covered by eternity, and their sharpness has reached the same standard of eternity. As long as they are aligned, everything is everything.

Seeing my actions, the Frozen Banshee finally understood my intention. The gorgeous skills she showed before did not work for me at all, which means that I can only rely on the most basic attacks against me. Quick and continuous blows in exchange for the opportunity to make mistakes on the fly, otherwise no one can defeat the beautiful skills in vain.

Only then did I change the eternal form, apparently knowing that she already knew the key to dealing with me. That's why I transformed eternity into my hands, giving up the high attack of long weapons and fighting directly with both hands to gain the advantage of degree and flexibility. This small tactical change seems simple, but the difference between the master and the ordinary person is just a few things. Masters can change their battle-leaf style at any time according to the enemy's situation. Always attack the weakest point of the enemy with his strongest spear, and ordinary people will only choose one way of fighting from beginning to end. There is no cure for all diseases. Naturally, there is no perfect way to fight, but only to adapt. People who cannot respond to changes, even if you have mastered a very strong fighting skill, you can only be defeated by the master, because the other party will find your weakness, but you will not find others' weakness.

After choosing the battle mode, the Frozen Banshee rushed up immediately. This time, she did not perform the flashy instant transfer skills, but instead ran directly into the front. when. With a bell-like metal impact, I caught the sword of the Frozen Banshee with my hand. However, she did not give up, and quickly drew her sword and waved it again, and then saw that her sword suddenly hummed with an unprecedented high swing, and everyone around her saw only the Frozen Banshee's sword turned into A snow-white fog, and my hands disappeared into the afterimage in an instant. The clanging sound of the air almost became dense, and the impact sound continued to increase the pitch. Obviously both parties Speeding up attack. I just do n’t know when it will be added. However, unlike our fast attack, the bodies of our two sides stopped strangely and stood face to face, as if we were not moving at all. If not, our hands were almost invisible, it is estimated that No one will show that we are actually in battle.

On the surface, neither of us was moving. But the environment around us actually showed how fierce my battle was. At the same time as the two of us were competing, the snow on the ground was constantly being blown away from us like a snow blower, and after the snow was blown away, there was suddenly no sign on the ground. A large ditch more than three feet long and one foot deep, and this kind of cuts on the ground nearby continued to increase, and soon the ground was cut like mud. You know, this is a frozen land in Russia. It is different from the dirt that can be dug by hand in other places. The soil here is something that the **** can't move, leaving such scary cuts on the ground. It would definitely not be fun to cut into people.

When the people around me hadn't figured out the situation, the Frozen Banshee and I suddenly moved. First there was a smile on my face, then the expression of the Frozen Banshee became ugly, and then I suddenly took a step forward, and the Frozen Banshee stepped back with a big frown. There was nothing to move this step, but I walked continuously after this step. The Frozen Banshee didn't want to be too close to me, but kept going back. Soon we moved to the edge of the forest by the road. As we approached, the surface of the nearby trees suddenly began to have a horizontal cut, and some even deep cut the whole tree almost to the waist. After taking a few more steps, the Frozen Banshee was suddenly hit by a fragment of a cracked trunk next to it. But at this moment, her shape suddenly flashed, and then she saw that there were suddenly four or five **** holes on her face, and even the armor was cut out of several white marks. Seeing this situation, if the surrounding people can no longer see the embarrassment of the Frozen Banshee, it is a fool. A few impulsive guys no matter what is fair and unfair, they just rushed up with their weapons. When the Frozen Banshee saw someone rushing up, she not only did not show any joy, but became even more nervous. Seeing her appearance seemed to remind several people to stay away, but she was forced by me to be too tight. She didn't have time to speak. . Seeing those people rushing to us, they suddenly stopped without warning, until we were stunned, and walked back and forth past them, they didn't move.

Waiting for us to go far away ~ ~ A daring player next to him leaned over to take a photo of one of them, who knew that the guy who was shot suddenly broke into a pile of minced meat, and the one beside him The two of them were the pieces of armor that broke into pieces of metal automatically and fell off, and then they became a pile of minced meat just like that guy. The guy who took the first person before was taken aback by the sight in front of him, but this also gave a good warning to others. With these models, people around did not dare to approach us anymore.

The Frozen Banshee already knew this would be the result when her companion approached, but she didn't expect it to break so thoroughly. But she is not sad at all now, because it is now. She had been forced by me towards the previous frozen truck. She didn't want to change direction. It was just that my attack was too intensive, forcing her to move along the route I wanted. In fact, there are only two choices she can make now. One is to retreat according to the route I gave. The other is to stand still and I will be cut into a pile of minced meat. The Frozen Banshee doesn't want to be cut and cut, so she can only retreat, but she still has to die.

Once we affix it to the car, with our current attack frequency, even an overflow attack is enough to gradually cut the ice layer, and once the car body is damaged. The spray of liquefied magic crystal steam will be detonated as soon as it is stimulated a little bit, and there is no hope of running.

Seeing that it was about to be posted on the car, the Little Frozen Banshee suddenly did something that surprised me.

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