Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 20: Solution

The army **** was slowly spoken by the two pans when the warehouse department asked the ancestors! "I do n’t know how to do it. But I have a good memory. I remember that Chapter 187 of the Strategic and Tactical Classification of the Encyclopedia of the Chinese War was mentioned in Chapter Three. If there is no way to defend the enemy from outside the country, then do not use refueling tactics to consume the enemy, because as the strategic retreat proceeds, the strength of the defender will be continuously weakened. Although refueling tactics can slow down the enemy Invasion, but it has consumed the fighting power of the country and is detrimental to the overall war situation. "

"So what's the right way?"

"The correct strategy should be to actively abandon the stubborn defenses of some areas in accordance with the actual situation, exchange land for time and the throne of God under the premise that it will not seriously damage the industrial and economic base of the country, and rely on strategic verticals and a large number of harassing troops to conduct asymmetric operations to achieve The purpose of greatly delaying the enemy ’s offensiveness and consuming its combat strength. At the same time, the main force of the country should use the time exchanged for this space to strategically deploy the Throne of Seals, select the final battlefield based on actual conditions, and then use this battlefield Position as the center begins to accumulate strength. When the strength is sufficient, the enemy should also hit here. At this time, use the equivalent tactical force to engage in battle with the opponent or simply carry out field annihilation. In this way, it is hoped that after the raid, it will defeat the victory. "

"Fuck, military god, did you graduate from the military academy? Have you read the Encyclopedia of China War? That thing is longer than the British Encyclopedia!" Da Guofan lamented heartlessly.

Although the cauldron has nothing to look at, the others here are all human beings. After listening to the words of the army god, they were all lost in thought. The first response was Su Mei. After listening to the opinions of the **** of war, she thought about it for a while, and then asked: "Compared with the overall strategic strength of our country and the Russians this time, how much space do you think we need to use to exchange the seal of God of God this time?"

"There are too many things involved. I just put forward a plan for the time being. It mainly depends on the strategic deployment and progress of Japan. If necessary, I can start the calculation immediately, but it may take several hours to get results. "

"Then you calculate first, we need to know the situation as soon as possible.

However, does your ear fly out of space? "

"Of course." The **** of war replied affirmatively: "My rough estimate is that most areas controlled by the Northern Alliance must be used as a buffer zone to digest the invading Russian forces. And this still counts our harassing forces to be able to The harassment target was completed as planned. "

"Most of the Northern Alliance's area of ​​control? Isn't that the Northern Alliance to cover most of this loss?" Hongyue asked, "What will they do?"

"If you do n’t do it, they do n’t do it. Then do n’t even think about keeping a piece of land. But we can gather the leaders of the major guilds in China to discuss before the war. Compensation is equivalent to dividing the losses evenly. "Ying suggested.

Shura Ziyi nodded and said, "That must be done, but there are a lot of questions later. What should we do with this part of the army? Where shall we go?"

"No, we don't need to assemble troops." Rose said, "We are not without troops. In terms of total combat effectiveness, we are actually a lot stronger than Russia. This time, the situation is that Russia's plan just caught our throat. Now that our fighting power has been concentrated in Japan, we are unable to resist. Not that we really ca n’t beat the Russians. Only by attacking troops can use space advantages to successfully drag the progress of the Russian army, then we can use the time of the Seal of the Throne Completion of the strategic plan in Japan. After we occupied Japan, it was justified that we would transfer our troops back on the ground that the domestic war was tight. Then Matsumoto had the excuse to use the Japanese to counterattack our city and recapture Japan. "

"Matsumoto Masa?" Shura Shii asked in surprise. "Is Matsumoto Masa undercover in our guild in Japan?"

Most of the senior members of our guild know this time ’s battle plan against Japan, but they only know that we have an undercover in Japan in the plan, but they do not know who it is. Matsumoto ’s investment in our guild is known. There have been few people, and it can be said that it is one of the core secrets of our guild. Although Shura Ziyi is one of the senior members of our guild, but because this matter has nothing to do with her position, we have never been with her Sure. Of course, people who were not aware of the news were not hers.) In fact, most people here don't know that Matsumoto Masako has come to us. Rose knows that she did not hide it after she said she leaked. After clearing things up, everyone understood many doubts in the battle against Japan.

Su Mei and other roses explained afterwards and said, "In this case, it is possible to connect the plan for Japan to the plan for Russia, but the master of the seal of time must be mastered. Moreover, it is not necessary to say that the space of time is changed. Let the Russians rush into the territory of our country, and we must limit their scope of action. We must not let them cross the border with locusts, then our losses will be too great! "The army **** suddenly interjected:" I can guarantee this. Such a situation will definitely not occur. As long as the important materials are evacuated before the entry, and those who are assisted by the assault troops will not have extra spare time to **** city resources, this is not a problem at all. "

After everyone's discussions, we finally negotiated a way to deal with the Russian invasion, but the specific content can not be formulated until the calculation of the **** of war is completed. Because there are no specific strategic details and we can't discuss various issues for the time being, Rose proposes to do everything that can be done first. First Red Moon and Rose rushed to the Northern Alliance to find the smoke and rain to discuss the issue of land concession. As for the Eagles, they were responsible for convening other Chinese guilds to discuss the coordination issues. After everyone was busy, I was going to make a mess with the Russians again. I didn't expect to be blocked by Erlang Shen before leaving the conference room.

"Well? Isn't this Erlang Zhenjun? Why are you here to run for free?"

Seeing that I was still kind, Erlang Shen didn't mean to be kind to me. Pulling it up directly, I jumped on his cloud and said, "You still have time to talk to me, you're fake. Heaven is almost up for your business! The old guys with too many ghosts are so platinum now. Get rid of your beard.

Fortunately, I finally thought of a solution. "

"The solution?" I was surprised for a while, and then I responded that Erlang Shen said that this time the court could not help us keep the soil. "What? Do you think of a way?"

"Crap, didn't you take me back so quickly?"

I was excited when I heard that Erlang Shen himself had a solution. The original plan of the army **** only helped us through the difficulties, but in the end we just guaranteed not to suffer too much. Losses are bound to occur, and it is absolutely unique in the history of our guilds to invest so much manpower and resources in such a big event. "Erlang Zhenjun, tell me what the **** is it?"

"I want to know that I told you long ago, where do I use you to ask? Jade Emperor told you to go to heaven. He will tell you how to deal with it. I only know that there is a way. I do n’t know how to do it. . "

When I heard this, I was more anxious than Erlang Shen. "Fuck, don't you know that I'm taking this for a ride? Turn off your protective **** light, we use teleportation, this is faster!" I said on my mouth that the teleportation ring had been turned in my hand, and even Erlang God would teleport together After arriving at the teleportation array outside Nantianmen, I also ran the Erlang God and ran all the way. Rushing all the way into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, I found that there was no one here. I was so angry that I immediately pulled over the Erlang **** and asked, "What about people? Do you play me?"

Erlang Shen said helplessly: "I said that the Jade Emperor summoned you, but did I say that at the Ling Xiao, the treasure hall called?"

"Mistakes ... it seems like nothing! Where is the Jade Emperor?"

"In Guanghan Palace."


"Guang Han Palace." Erlang Shen thought I didn't hear clearly and said it again.

I quickly explained: "I didn't hear you clearly, I asked you why the Jade Emperor ran to Guanghan to meet me?"

"I don't know about this. Where does the Jade Emperor meet you? Is it my responsibility?"

"Forget it. You still hurry to take me! It ’s so far delayed by you!" Guanghan Palace and Tianting are not together at all, appearing from Isinger to Heaven and to Guanghan Palace are completely two directions, And it's one south and one north. I teleported the God of Erlang and myself to heaven is not a time saver. That was a waste of time, the Seal of the Seal of God, because the course was completely reversed.

Hearing my complaining there, Erlang Shen immediately countered: "What is being held up by me? I was pulling you in the right direction, did you have to send us to heaven?"

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Have you given me time to say the Seal of the Throne?"

"This 咋" is what matters now ~ ~ or go to Guanghan Palace! "I knew I was wrong, and I hurriedly interrupted.

Knowing the place this time, I still didn't let Erlang Shen take me over the clouds. Although the fairy cloud technique is fast, it can't be compared with the degree of flying birds. When Erlang saw that the flying bird was flying so fast, he simply didn't mention his cloud, and touched Zhang Qingyun Fu directly to the flying bird's back. The degree of the flying bird immediately jumped up like an auxiliary propeller, and finally It even soared to over 30 times the phonemes, and I couldn't even see Yun soon. If there were no obstacles in the sky, we would not know how many times they had been killed.

I did n’t dare to run around like the court of heaven after killing Guanghan Palace at lightning speed. After all, this is the first time I came here, and this is the place where Chang'e lives. The location is special. In case of accident, Chang'e , I don't want to be a pig.

Under the leadership of Erlang God, I quickly saw the Jade Emperor in the Guanghan Palace, but the people present were not only the Jade Emperor and the gods of heaven. There were even a few people who killed me unexpectedly here .

"Huh? What's the situation?"

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