Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 34: Follow the vine

"Actually you don't need to be so nervous at all." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "The plan we made before is actually very good. Now that the Chinese plan to end the battle on our side first, then we will cooperate and let them end as soon as possible. The battle was gone. When they thought we were no longer worried, we jumped out and gave them a hard shot. By then, they had been dragged by the large Russian troops in China, even if they wanted to fight us again. France pulled out. As soon as they finished playing the Russians, we didn't have to worry about it. After all, the Russians were not easy to deal with. It is estimated that there weren't many people left after they played Russia, and we have consolidated again at that time. With Homeland Defense in mind, it was not so easy for them to counterattack.

"Kimatsu Matsumoto." Someone immediately admired and smacked Matsumoto Masa's fart. It ’s not the same as before. They had been planning to abandon Matsumoto Masako in favor of Nobunaga. Now the current plan of Nobunaga is not only good for them, but may bring everyone into trouble. Situation, in this case who is willing to follow the ghost hand Nobunaga? Isn't that looking for death?

While Masamoto Matsumoto smiled as he responded to the many presidents who came to make a flatter, Nobunaga's hand silently withdrew from the crowd. At this time, his stay here is meaningless except for being blindfolded, so he no longer considers staying here again, instead of doing something serious here, even if it is time to hold the seal of the throne of God. Grade is much better than staying here.

At the same time that several Japanese companies are happy and sad, I have met again with Red Moon in Fulcrum City, but this time I did not explain to them, except for Red Moon who knew the truth and no one knew me. Is it true that they were killed once, especially the deletion of the magic music team, they do not even know that Matsumoto Masaha has joined. Anyway, this is not something that must be known, I think it is better to have fewer people, at least it is more conducive to confidentiality.

Because I have always smelled a face since seeing me in Fulcrum City, so really they did not dare to ask me about the situation at the time, plus Hongyue and I sang double reed, it was easy to confuse them. past. After I returned to Isinger, I immediately rushed to the army god, and the others had to go to each of them to do their own business. After seeing the people dispersed, Hongyue followed the command center of the army god, and she laughed when she saw me. "You guys are awkward-they can pretend!"

I asked, "Isn't they seeing anything?"

Hongyue shook her head. "True red and gold coins may have guessed one thing. After all, they know that Matsumoto Masa is already ours. Although Bingbing knows Matsumoto Masa's identity, she is relatively simple and probably hasn't thought of it. As for other people, I Make sure they don't know. "

I clicked and said, "So my play is not a white show -o. Oh, by the way, you will inform Xiaying a while, you do n’t have to be careful about sending troops to Japan. Now even if we are in front of They will not react in the face of the Japanese. "

Hongyue glanced at me with a clear look, then turned around and said, "I don't need you to remind me, usually you are not there, and the big and small things in the meeting are not me and Rose. I have a few things to help you Busy?

I did not refute the words of Hongyue, anyway, she was just talking casually, and she didn't really want to fight with me. After the red moon had gone, I turned to the Shinto army: "Where is the Russian army now?"

Here. God of War enlarged a huge map of northern China to the size of the entire room. On this map, you can see the actual control area marked by clear black and white lines, and judge the ten from the changing pattern. Eighty-nine are real-time maps, otherwise they will not change every moment.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing at the red dot on the map-a completely enclosed by the white area.

"The elite team of our guild." Jushen said a little, then pulled in the air, and the yellow dot in the picture instantly expanded to us and expanded into a clear live image. I saw only a few of them. A trap is being made in the forest, but a small team of Russian players are moving here, not far away. Obviously this trap is for them.

"Can you monitor the situation of each team?"

The **** of war nodded and said, "Not only every squad, but I have actually monitored almost all areas of the Northeast." "That means you can actually find anything I want to fight?" I was a little excited. Asked.

The God of War's answer was lukewarm, but it made me completely excited. "As long as what you ask is indeed within my surveillance."

"Okay, look at this." I took out the larva I caught earlier. This thing was brought back by Cohopra. It is mainly used as a reference object to compare with the target. I did not expect it to be used now. God of War just glanced at him and asked, "Do you need me to find this thing?"

I nodded. "Let me see if there is such a thing in the surveillance area. Oh yes, you wait first." I said, took out a crystal and hit the previous woman's projection into the air. "Did you see? This worm was hatched from the gem on the woman's chest. If you can't find the worm, see if anyone has a similar gem on it."

"Okay, you wait a moment." The **** of war only saw that he suddenly summoned a giant water crystal above his head, then drew a few strokes in the air with both hands, and the picture in that huge crystal suddenly began. Flashed at an extremely fast rate. Every time the huge crystal flashes, one of those suspended crystals in the room will surely shine at the same time, and the picture displayed in the huge crystal will be synchronized with the content displayed by the corresponding crystal at the moment of sparkle. . Because the flickering speed is very fast, it seems to me that the crystal above my head is flashing alternately with a very scary degree. As for the crystal in front of my eyes, it is so clear that I can't see the flickering. Except for the metamorphosis of the army god, most people are probably the same as me, let alone the screen content, and even the screen flash is invisible.

After the picture in that huge crystal flashed for ten seconds continuously, the crystal suddenly lighted up. The reason why I can clearly see the flicker is that the crystal has been flashing white before, but this time it suddenly shone in green, and then a small crystal suddenly flew out of the floating crystal array and stayed at me. In front of me, and then the large crystal flashed a few times in succession, each flash will let a small crystal fly to this side, and soon more than thirty small crystals are arranged in front of me, and the **** of reserve also stopped Looking at the crystal above his head, he returned to his original position. "These are your search results?" I asked.

The God of War immediately projected the picture onto the large screen and explained: "None of the surveillance points I can control have such bugs as you said, but they do appear." The picture shows more than thirty people's photos However, the angles of the pictures are relatively special, some are viewed from above, and some are viewed from the side, but all of them have photographed those people with a gem-like thing hidden in their chests. The God of War explained: "Because the equipment is buckled out of the body, the gems on these people's chests obviously do not belong to the equipment. But unlike your case, the color of the gems on these people is not all yellow. Some are red, blue and green, and here is a black one. I don't know if these are the kind of results you want, so they are all displayed. "

Instead of answering the words of the army **** directly, I asked, "Where are these people now?"

The picture above the head suddenly changed, and more than twenty of them were gathered together, and five others were divided into two groups, one in four and the other in only one. "Twenty or so people are here in a Russian city at the border of Russia and China. Of the other five, four are here." God of War said, showing a map. "They are marching, the position has been changing, and the other one was in Qingyun City before the Northern Alliance."

After reading the introduction of the army god, I immediately turned around and walked out, one side said: "Pass me the coordinates of the twenty or so people, and the five people who have entered our country immediately send an elite team to capture them back. If you can catch it, just grab it. If you can't, lift it back. Take care not to hurt the gem on their chests. "" Understand that the coordinates have been uploaded to your personal crystal communicator. "

As I walked into the teleportation array, I looked at the information in the communicator, and then put the communicator into the transmission array. After transiting through the Essinger's teleportation array, I quickly reached a city very close to the Sino-Russian border. From here I changed to a bird and crossed the border into Russia, then flew to the coordinates given by the **** of war according to the coordinates past.

The marked city was not far from me, and soon I found this city that was barely a city. Generally speaking, the cities in "Zero" are classified by level, and this one is obviously between the city and the village. The "city wall" on the periphery of the city is just a mixed wall composed of two rows of wooden walls and a mixture of clay and rock sandwiched between them. This kind of thing is more like a village. Miaoba is much stronger, but there is still a big gap with the real city wall.

It can be seen from the appearance that this is obviously not the other party's stronghold, it should be said that this is only a temporary foothold. After thinking about it, I retracted the bird, then summoned Amenis-gave me an illusion, followed by the cloaking ability on the cloak, and finally entered the shade of a tree uneasily. I am a walker in the dark. As long as there is a shadow, I can blend in perfectly. In fact, I can use the shadow to jump from one place to another. To me, each shadow is a portal. As long as the two shadows can see each other, I can teleport from one shadow to another.

With this ability, I quickly penetrated into the shade of the tree, and then emerged from a small shadow inside the city wall. After coming in here, I took out the communicator again, carefully looked at the location of the group of people, and then carefully touched it.

Due to the double protection of shadow and stealth ability, I easily sneaked into a low building without the Russians in the city unknowingly.

On the other side of the building were several huge carriages. Unlike ordinary four-wheeled wagons, these wagons look as large as extended buses and have more than thirty wheels underneath. In front of these cars is not a horse, but an ice bear, a powerful fighting creature. After making a small hole in the back wall of that building with timeless care, I successfully penetrated into the building. This building was originally a free-owner's house, but now it has been emptied and there is no one, which is just right for me.

After successfully entering the house, I quickly ran to the side of the house facing the street. I did not borrow windows and doors to observe it, which was too arrogant. I carefully opened a small hole in the wooden wall with Eternal, and then closed my eyes. Because the distance is very close, I can not only see the situation on the streets outside, but even hear their conversation. "Blame you." A woman's voice shouted angrily.

A good-looking guy next to him played a standard bass, saying, "How can you blame me? I just checked the sign for you. The words on it were already written, and the sign was drawn by yourself. I will Is it possible to change the content above? "" Huh, you blame you, anyway, it's your fault. "The woman cheated and said that she was kicking the mean guy.

Seeing that the two were noisy there, the people next to him were all looking at a lively expression, without any intention to come up and pull the frame. However, I was suddenly excited because when the woman hit the man, through the angle of the clothes, I accidentally saw the red gem-shaped object on her chest. "Ling." I summoned Ling, and then let out the small hole to let her see the situation outside. "Let's see if there is a life wave on that thing?"

Ling Xun put his eyes together, and after a glance, he was very sure: "It's exactly the same thing as the woman on the cycle, except of course the color.

"That said I was right?"

"Sure it is."

"Okay, I see, you go back first." After taking back Ling, I went to the hole again to observe, and at this time, a woman who looked older had appeared beside them both. Pulled the woman away.

"Don't make a fool. The order of the tasks is determined by a lottery. Everything you choose is your own business. What do you bully Eric about?"

"Huh!" The woman snorted coldly, but did not dare to quarrel with this older woman.

The man called Eric urged instead at this time: "Sister, don't scold Sasha again! No one in our body knows if it is really useful, and everyone is anxious to try Test the power? "

"You know how to protect her. What about your manliness? The gap between the male and female ratios in Russia is so big now, you want beautiful women on conditions like this, I can find you for a few trucks, but you (8 favored her I don't know what is good about her, such as intelligence, education, social experience, appearance, family background, which is satisfactory? I don't ask you to find a woman like a princess, but at least it must reach the average level! I do n’t want to say anything. Now, just grab ten women out here. Nine are better than her. What do you think of her? I beg you to think about it? You are the future of the Yuri family. Heir, how can you do this? "" Sister, I'm not ...! "

"Well, don't say it, and then you have to make a noise again!" The woman stopped the saucy man's explanation and went on to say: "This is when I didn't say it. The important thing now is not your mate choice problem, but our Pantheon The question of whether the new experiment will succeed. "

Hearing my frown here, I immediately took out the communicator and connected to the communication of the army god. "Help me check our guild intelligence database to see if there is any information about the Pantheon."

"Yes." The army god's degree was fast with almost no delay. "According to Russian information previously collected, I found a total of three Pantheons here. The first is a building, a bit ..." "Next." I interrupted him after the God of the Fu Army had finished speaking. God of War immediately changed the report order and said, "The second one is a task, you can pick it up again and again, use ..."

"Next. UU Kanshu"

"The third is the name of a guild."

"That's it. Do we have any information about this guild?"

"Huh, but not many. The Pantheon is a relatively low-key guild and rarely participates in various events in Russia, but the size of this guild is not small. The entire guild has only one city, named the City of the Gods, with coordinates I'll give it to you in a moment. This city is very large. Its area is the fifth largest city in Russia, but its defensive ability ranks first among Russian cities. The Pantheon seems to have a large research facility and occasionally sells some Very useful small magic equipment or special creatures. I have so much information at the moment. "

I immediately said, "Give me the coordinates right away. Also, activate the Babel Tower and destroy the city for me in thirty seconds." "Understand."

Immediately after the communication was over, I ran out of the city using the ability of shadow crossing, and then rode a flying bird towards the coordinates of the city of the gods from the army god, and behind me, a beam of light more than three meters in diameter Suddenly falling from the sky, accompanied by a loud noise, the small city in the back turned into a huge fireball. The entire city, whether it was people or buildings, was instantly burned to ashes.

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