Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 36: I do n’t know

"First of all, thank you for coming here to participate in this auction at this time." Frozen Banshee said thank you words in her voice without the slightest temperature, but what she said below made me tell her why she appeared in the previous The questions here were swept away.

"If you can come here, it means that you have contributed in this war against China, and in return, you will be given the loot! $ 格."

The meaning of the Frozen Banshee is very obvious. This auction is all the behavior of distributing guilds against China's aggression, so all the people present are my enemies. Of course, this is a game. Players can be resurrected if they die. If in reality, brain figures of hostile nations come together in a meeting like this and get mixed in by me, then it will be great. You can use the entire command system of the opponent once. I am crippled, but here it is simply impossible.

After speaking the opening remarks, the Frozen Banshee finally entered the topic. "Because the war itself consumes resources, we need to consume a lot of money in advance before occupying the Chinese city. So in order to ensure that the war can continue, we must get the war funds. Where does this money come from? It is from the auction funds used by you. The staff of the Pantheon will be responsible for the specific operation of the auction, and they will explain any rules and precautions. "After that, the Frozen Banshee left. The auction table, and then an auctioneer in a tuxedo came up and started to take over her moderator.

"Hello everyone, I am the auctioneer at this auction. As for my name, I wo n’t say it, and you do n’t want to know. Now I will tell you about the auction process and rules. First of all, I hope you understand The risk of this auction. Because the cities and resources we sell are not actually in our possession, it is also possible that you paid but did not get the cities you deserve. Please be clear about this. Do n’t be late. Ca n’t get the city to come and make us noisy, then we wo n’t manage the money. ”The auctioneer here suddenly gave a smile and said,“ Of course, the probability of not being able to get the city is actually very low. After all, We plan very carefully for this plan, so don't worry too much. "

After saying this note, the auctioneer paused for a while, and then continued: "Okay, now let me talk about the auction rules. Because the things we sell are special, the rules this time are also more complicated Please pay attention to it. The first thing to tell you is that because the mega-guilds that contributed the most in this war have been assigned the ownership of large cities in advance, most of the small and medium-sized cities that can take out the auction are And mining areas, of course, is not to say that there are no large cities, but it is relatively small. One thing you need to pay attention to is that these guilds assigned to large cities actually sent people to the scene today, so do n’t think that those large cities The city will definitely be won by you. After all, the funds of large guilds are relatively more abundant. Fighting with them! $ Gold is not a wise move, so I hope that everyone will be slightly restrained when they start to bid. "

After hearing the words of the auctioneer, a buzz sounded at the scene, as if it became a vegetable market in an instant, but think about it, the large cities in our country were first picked up by those big guilds and were present. The other guilds are naturally not very satisfied. Although I dare not know what to do with Daxing, it is always okay to complain.

"Okay, please be quiet." It is estimated that the complaints of the following people are almost the same, and the auctioneer began to maintain order on the spot. "I know you are not upset, but don't be jealous. Those big guilds have indeed been assigned to the most oily and large cities, but don't forget that everyone who is charged is also here. You only come here You can buy a city or a mining area with money. This has saved a lot of things compared with others. Although it seems on the surface that you spend a lot of money to buy a city and people use it to siege the city, you must know that in There are a lot of intangible consumptions in the process of attacking the city, so the benefits of others are not in vain, and they are all worked hard. "

After listening to this auctioneer, the people below were finally a little balanced. In fact, their imbalance is only because of jealousy, which is actually the same thing as ordinary people's hatred. It's just that the presidents of these small and medium guilds hate large guilds. They know that solo players who have not joined any guilds also hate them. From this point of view, everyone is actually the same.

Looking at the response below, it ’s a little better, and the auctioneer started to say, “Okay, I need to pay attention to what everyone said. Let ’s start with some specific auction rules. This auction is conducted in the form of cities and mining areas. That is to say, we will sell one city and one mining area, but we can bid for each city and mining area separately. This is no different from the general auction rules. But ... "The auctioneer suddenly aggravated his tone and dragged a long note. "But you must pay attention to the fact that the city we sell does not necessarily end up being occupied. If this city is not finally defeated after the battle, then you will not be able to get this city, nor will XJD. I will return it to you. But there is one thing you need to pay attention to, that is, the cities that are really at risk are actually those cities that penetrate into the hinterland of China, not the cities on the border. The cities on the border are usually close to military forts. Cities, such cities are usually very defensive, so damage must be more serious after the fall, and due to innate factors, such cities are usually not very profitable. However, because such cities are close to China's borders, they will definitely be in Immediately after the occupation of the Throne of Seal of the Seal of God, and after the end of the battle, it will almost certainly be under our control. Therefore, if you want to buy such a city, you will have little risk. On the contrary, cities that penetrate into the hinterland of China because they are off the border It ’s far away, so the chances of not being able to attack it in the end will be doubled, but this city in the hinterland Usually, these cities are more commercialized. Although these cities are not less defensive, they must have more oil and water than border cities. Of course, the two cities I said are actually two extremes. Neutralized cities located between the two, their characteristics will vary depending on the distance from the border. You can decide how much to buy these cities based on your predictions of the battle situation. I just say one last word here, That is, while you have a huge profit in a certain city, don't forget the huge risks associated with it. "

After the auctioneer said these words, the presidents who were present began to think about it. Some people also discussed with their peers, but the process was very short. Obviously they had done their homework before coming. Now Just clarify the previous judgment.

After the people at the scene had finished the discussion, the auctioneer lifted a piece of cloth on the front desk, revealing a crystal globe below. "Okay guys, let's start the auction below. Please look at the map first." He said, and then pressed his hand on the crystal globe. The globe immediately projected a huge earth above the venue, and then followed the auction. The finger of the teacher moved, and the huge earth pattern began to rotate with the rotation of the globe below. After dialing a few times, the auctioneer turned the earth figure to the location of China, and enlarged the part where China and Russia bordered. I think this thing is very similar to the holographic projection crystal of the **** of war, but the effect is simplified a lot, but its volume is relatively small.

"Okay guys, the city you see now is the first city we auctioned. It is located at xxx, xxx, xxx, the name is Huangshui City, the defense degree is 6831Z, the city exhibition degree, other detailed data can be found in Check it on the crystal ball in front of your seat. The city's base price is one million crystal coins, and the price increase must not be less than 100,000 crystal coins each time. Interested parties can start competing. "

As the salesman's voice dropped, a row of numbers and a name suddenly popped up on a crystal screen in front of the auction table in the center of the venue. Under the explanation of the auctioneer, everyone knew that the two rows of information were the guild name and bid Amount, of course only the name and amount of the current highest bidder are shown there. After everyone understands what the information content represents, that screen has not been stable because the screen always displays the highest bid before updating the name, plus the price has been changing so that people present cannot see it at all Knowing exactly who paid the price, you can see that number has been constantly rising. In just ten seconds, the price soared to as many as 23 million crystal coins, and it continued to jump upwards, but not too slowly.

After nearly a minute of continuous jumping, the price finally stabilized, and finally it was shown that a guild called the Water Ghost Federation bought the city for 48 million crystal coins. After the auctioneer asked three times for no one to increase the price, the city finally managed to return to the guild. Next, the auctioneer began to place some cities in our country on the map one after another to allow Russians present to compete for purchases, and the scene seemed unusually fierce from beginning to end.

There are many people robbing those cities with low risks, and although some cities deep in our country have high risks, there are also many people taking risks because of their oil and water. It feels that as long as the auctioneer dares to sell, some people dare to buy.

Because I know that if the Russians do not have an accident this time, the Russians will definitely fail in the end, so I'm just looking at this kind of snapping on the scene as a joke. After slowly pouring a drink for myself, I drank slowly, but just after the drink was half filled, I heard the auctioneer suddenly shout: "The next auction city is the highlight of this auction-Isinger. "

"Uhhhhhh ... hmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since since before), the auctioneer has sprayed all the drinks just in his mouth. These people are too exaggerated, right? It is normal to sell border cities. After all, they think they will win this time, so selling border cities is nothing wrong. As for the later sale of inland cities in China, although this is a little risky, it does not mean that it is absolutely impossible. At least if our guild measures are ineffective, they may still occupy one or two of our inland cities. of. But now they are so vocal that even Essinger dare to put it up for auction, and it seems that Essinger has been captured by them, isn't this too much?

I thought that no one would accept such an outrageous auction. Who knows that after the auctioneer shouted a 100 million crystal coin for the auction price, someone actually bid, and the bidding number was brushed by the newly appeared rate before it was displayed. Lost. "I rely, this group of people absolutely have the door clamped!"

I just finished the scolding here, and the number on the screen J1 over there has jumped a few times in a row, and instantly jumped from the base price of more than 100 million to 800 million crystal coins, and there seems to be a trend of jumping up. Sure enough, my idea just appeared, and the number suddenly increased by one, to more than 1.1 billion. Not only me this time, but even the presidents of the small guilds around them started to call them crazy. However, the idea of ​​the lunatic is different from that of the average person, because when someone scolds the lunatic, the price starts to jump up again, and it is still the kind of extremely abnormal jumping. The price of 1.1 billion yuan has become 2.5 billion yuan in a blink of an eye, and I can't help but scold this guy for absolutely two or five.

Scolding him for two or five is certainly not because of Isinger's price problem. My construction cost and profit are far more than 2.5 billion crystal coins. According to Rose's statistics, even if Essinger's reconstruction process has the funds or material subsidies of Tianting and other Protoss forces, our guild still invested nearly 5 billion crystal coins in it. Those things are converted into expenses. The actual cost of Isinger should be between 60 billion and 80 billion crystal coins. If anyone can use 2.5 billion crystal coins to exchange for such a city, he is definitely a little bit Not stupid. The reason why I say this guy is two or five is because he really believes that the Russians can beat Isinger down this time.

Although "Zero" is a financial bomb, its essence is a black hole that constantly absorbs funds, but in "Zero", the city that cost over 10 billion crystal coins is only one such as Essinger. According to the conversion formula in which capital is approximately equal to strength in "Zero", a city with a value of 60 billion to 80 billion has a defensive capability that is definitely higher than the attack power converted from this cost. Ten billion, then you use sixty billion to buy troops. As long as there are no accidents, these troops will definitely not be able to defeat the city of Isinger. But the question is, how many troops can you buy for 60 billion yuan? Calculated in the future with the most cost-effective sky court. Among them, there is a limited version of the **** general, a single price of 100,000 crystal coins, the level is 2,000, the combat power is only a little lower than me. If you exchange all of these gods for six hundred ↑ b, you will be able to redeem 600,000. What is the concept of six hundred thousand and two thousand? The top ss of the large monster area is almost at this level. That's a big ss that can single out a group of players, and with a little miscellaneous soldiers can easily make a small guild completely destroyed. Six hundred thousand such perverts gathered together to slaughter Russian invading troops back and forth for more than a dozen, and the Russians still counted on them to capture Isinger. If this can be achieved, there will be no fairy tales in this world, because fairy tales are more reliable than this.

With that number constantly jumping, the presidents of the Russian Jin Society also became excited. They all wanted to see who the world's most famous first male city would be, despite the fact that It is impossible to have a life, but the scene seems like no one cares about it.

After the price bounced for nearly a minute, it finally started to decrease, and soon a more prominent name jumped out. "The Smart Polar Bear Guild is now biding on $ 3.8 billion in crystal coins, has anyone come up with more? If not, the world's number one city, Isinger, would be owned by the smart polar bear." Auctioneer Shouting sensationally, but no one is paying any more, obviously this number is scary enough. After all, although Isinger is worth more than 60 billion yuan, our guild actually produced less than 5 billion yuan. Besides, our 5 billion is not a one-time investment, but it took nearly a year to slowly increase the Throne of the Seal of God to so many ~ ~ Moreover, our guild itself is a wealthy type, itself More rich. It's scary enough that this smart polar bear can deliver 3.8 billion at a time.

After repeatedly making sure that no one bid, the auctioneer finally sold Isinger to the smart polar bear. The presidents of the guilds at the scene applauded the smart polar bears, but I shook my head beside me. This guild should not be called a smart polar bear at all, but a stupid bear. They spent 3.8 billion to buy a city that will never be captured, and they did it.

Originally, I thought that after selling Isinger, those people should be more convergent. Who knows that the auctioneer seems to be addicted, but he started to sell other cities behind Isinger, and the competition is even more fierce stand up. According to their posture, I am afraid that half of China should be gone after a while. I don't understand what these people think. How big is half of China? There are indeed many Russian invading troops, but how many people can be allocated to a square kilometer on such a large area? Don't they think that three or five people can occupy a city? There is not enough greed to swallow elephants. I have seen it today.

I sat with a sneer and looked at the auction in front of me, but I did not expect a person walking in the aisle suddenly, and sat directly beside me without a word. At first I thought it was the chairman's companion who had changed my card, but I looked at it stupidly on the spot.

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