Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 39: Unexpected super skills

The Frozen Banshee said so, but I know she must not have seen me through this, she just did not want to tell me. However, as her strength increased, I was forced to take a step back, and it was this step that made me understand how she appeared to me.

In fact, the method of Frozen Banshee is not magical, she just saw the wire under my feet. Just now I've been rushing along the vines, along the lines looking for the machine at the other end of the line, and I was walking forward while holding the line. The gargoyles of the nearby Death Guard were all rushing forward. I was here to bend forward and touch the farmer like a farmer. It was not strange now. I was forced back by the Frozen Banshee just now. I happened to step on the wire on the ground, and I immediately thought of the reason why the Frozen Banshee appeared to me.

Although it was revealed, I didn't mean to worry. While the Frozen Banshee was pushing harder, I suddenly turned away from her direction of strength, and then kicked her against her back while she couldn't hold her strength. The Frozen Banshee also responded quickly, and immediately turned around after I avoided it, but she only came to protect the vital point with a sword, and I got kicked on the sword ridge and kicked her whole person. All kicked out.

After a blow to the Frozen Banshee, I quickly turned around and rushed into extinction. In the guard of the gods, since all the converted guards of death are now illusioned by Amenities, they look as if they are full. In the square, I scrambled everywhere, and after I flashed into many death guards, the Frozen Banshee immediately looked at the flowers for 7 eyes, and worked hard to confirm for a long time that I could not figure out which one was the real me. In desperation, she had to choose a target with the highest probability and rushed past, but unfortunately that target was quickly killed after her attack. This strength is obviously not my normal performance, and the Frozen Banshee also knows that as long as the first goal is not found right, it will not be so easy to find me again.

In fact, when the Frozen Banshee killed that fake me, I was watching not far from her, but I didn't take any action to stop it, so the Frozen Banshee could only be anxious. I watched her run away anxiously and then I started looking for the wires on the ground again.

According to the extension direction of the wire I saw before, I quickly moved towards the general direction, but because there are many enemies over there, I had to mix in the death guard first to kill all the way, anyway, now in the eyes of Russian players everywhere It's all me. They can't tell which is true and which is false. As long as I don't do something that is too normal, it is generally not exposed.

After I joined the battle and released the magic pet, the battle in the entire square changed significantly. At the beginning, relying on the number advantage, Russian players could barely block my Death Guard corps, but with a large number of casualties of Russian players, the Death Guard with a strong backup supplement gradually gained the upper hand. In fact, when it comes to team fighting power, the Death Guard is much higher than Russian players. The problem is that I did not let the Death Guard to fight these Russians. It was they who took the initiative to meet the Russians after rushing out of the gate. War. Otherwise, I wouldn't let them challenge the big troops of the Russians at all, even if they should, they should be in a line first, and they would not be mixed up in such a mess. To be honest, such a battle group is actually very unfavorable to us, because the unitary combat power of the Death Guard is not high compared to those Russian players, but it is slightly worse. Their true specialty should be teamwork. After all, the Death Guard is A legion, like my unicorn warrior, they are regularized troops, and their battles cooperate with far-flung players and general combinations. But in this situation, the crowd is completely messy, let alone cooperate, it is not bad to hit yourself.

Although I lost a bit in the formation, anyway, I'm here. The double dragon arrow consisting of luck and plague has a strong penetrating ability, making the Russians always unable to line up. In addition, many of my magic pets are auxiliary. In this large-scale battlefield, they assist the magic pets. The strength will be particularly obvious. Soon the battle will be pulled back by my magic pets. The Russian players' team not only has fewer and fewer players, but also continues to be compressed and retreated. In the end, we are forced to force it. Out of the square range.

I do n’t know if the previous situation surprised the Russians, so that the guild called the Pantheon misrepresented, and even prepared only a few arrows to deal with me. Now, when we rushed out of the square, the Russian Jin people finally responded. The kind of powerful and dreadful arrows of light before was taken out again, but it was not the same as a dozen or so before. Five bows came this time. However, it is these five bows that have caused us serious casualties.

As soon as Lucky and Plague rushed out of the square exit, they saw five white lights coming across the street across.

In response to the lucky and plague response at the time, they patted each other's claws and pushed themselves away from each other. The beam of light flickered out. Only when they flew away did they think they had a companion behind them, but unfortunately wanted to save them That's too late. Immediately behind Lucky and Plague is Xiao San. This guy had undertaken the second-line cleaning work because three heads could attack three targets at the same time, but unfortunately, Lucky and Plague suddenly flashed away, but exposed him. It was a little three that was bigger than luck and the plague by itself, and the target was a lot bigger. The five girls' light arrows shot all of them, and they instantly knocked off Xiao San's two heads and one wing.

The light and arrow's silent annihilation ability is weird. The position of Xiao San's body being shot is as if it suddenly disappeared. The speed is so fast that even Xiao San does not respond. What happened to his two shot down heads? Even when he fell to the ground, he still looked surprised.

The absence of two heads is not a big deal for Primary Three. The advantage of the three heads is that when two of them have a problem, they can still be spared. More deadly than his head was his wings. After breaking off half of his wings suddenly, Xiaosan immediately lost his balance and smashed into the building on the side of the road. After smashing through the entire building, he accompanied him with a large group of flames. The back of the house was worn out, followed by a violent explosion throughout the building. It seemed that some large instruments were originally installed inside.

After the four light arrows were blocked by Xiaosan, there was still a light arrow that wiped his wings and flew past him, but behind Cun Xiaosan was a tank, but the light arrow had a relatively high orbit and did not touch him at all, but straight into the rear. . Behind the tank were Ling and Weina. Fortunately, compared with the big guys, their small body meant that it was relatively easy to dodge. Moreover, at the time, the flight path of the light arrow, except Ling, could not be touched by anyone.

There was no panic about the incoming light and arrow Ling, and she only did one thing, which was to suddenly raise a hand to summon a white skull. As a retired dark goddess, Ling's undead and dark spells are top-level. Calling a white skull, such an undead wizard's entry skill, is a matter of thought. However, although Ling used only one of the lowest skills, it fully showed how keen her intuition was. Just at the moment when the light arrow came, she showed the flight path of the light arrow and made accurate defensive judgments, and even had extra effort to think about how to save the most effort. Masters do not have to master many powerful skills, but masters must be able to use existing skills proficiently and achieve their goals through appropriate combinations. Ling's advanced skills are really used. That is absolutely shocking, but now. At the moment, she used only one skill to solve the dangers, which is her strength.

The white skeleton that was summoned was hit by the light arrow directly before it appeared and fell from the air, and then disappeared in mid-air as if suddenly summoned, but the light arrow There disappeared at the same time.

This look of Ling only seemed to solve one light arrow, but it made me find a major achievement. Before, I had been jealous of the terrifying power of the light and arrow, but until now I suddenly realized that this thing was actually full of problems. The main thing is that this thing is too easy to be intercepted.

The special ability of the light arrow seems to wipe out all matter in a certain range, but this range is very small, probably only as large as a sphere with a radius of about two meters, and things passing this range will not be affected at all. And the light arrow seems to have no penetrating power at all. It seems to take effect when it hits an obstacle, whether it is a wall, a person or a piece of paper. Expand on this clue to infer that this thing cannot be used in the desert or rain or snow at all, because the sand in the desert is too much, and the light arrow may be activated by the sand particles in the flight, if the distance is too close It is even possible that even the shooting personnel will be destroyed together. In a rainy or snowy environment, the situation is similar. The light arrow may be detonated by the rain immediately after leaving the bowstring. Not only will it fail to hit the target, it will also kill the archer's archer. In an environment such as a forest, a similar situation may occur, because the light-piercing ability of this light arrow is zero, it can be detonated even if the leaves cannot penetrate, and the opponent can hardly move as long as it moves continuously. May be shot.

Of course, despite the many disadvantages, this does not hide the powerful destructive power of this weapon. In the ocean and most terrestrial environments, this thing is actually very powerful, especially in open areas, the more the mapinchuan area can show the terrorist power of this thing.

After the first wave of light arrows hit, the opponent released the second wave of light arrows without any pause, but I also knew how to intercept the situation. As soon as the second wave of light arrows appeared, luck and plague flashed out immediately, and behind them, a large crowd of flying insects rushed up regardless of their body. My ghost beetle summoned up to millions, the opponent could put five arrows in a round, and they couldn't shoot after exhaustion, so I simply let the ghost bug go up as a shield. Although the response of the ghost worm is not fast enough to intercept the light and arrow, as long as there are enough numbers to form a worm wall in the air, it is very easy to stop the light and arrow. The five arrows in the second round ended up being blocked by bugs except for one that had missed the net because the swarm didn't respond quickly enough. It had no effect except to kill hundreds of ghosts. As for the arrow that passed through the swarm, it didn't play any role, and a skeleton summoned by Ling was knocked off again.

Despite the interception method, we did not plan to be beaten. Just after the second wave of light arrows landed, Lucky and Plague rushed towards two of the archers, but the other party obviously knew that these archers were important. Fortunately, they were stopped by several jumping players as soon as they rushed to half. But we are not the only two assaulters of luck and plague. Just after they were intercepted, the death guards rushing out of the square suddenly raised their right fingers at the same time, and then all the death guards suddenly and simultaneously Read it. "Summon ... the stars fall." "My sun!"

Starfall is not a special skill. This is a mixed attack spell of soil, fire, and space, which can summon meteorites from the sky to attack targets. According to the system classification, this skill belongs to intermediate and advanced skills, that is, players after the 600 level can learn. But in my opinion, this skill is purely a personal character skill. One

What is a character skill? That is to use the skills to see the character. The falling stars are said to be stars. In fact, as long as you do not do 200 levels, you can summon more than a dozen or twenty meteors. It looks like a large number, but considering the range of this spell, its The spread rate is so high that it's almost impossible to know what it will hit. In fact, there are also many people in the game who were killed by the meteors called by themselves. Of course, this is an individual case, but it also illustrates the extreme dependence of this skill from the side. However, it is worthy of praise for the striking power of this skill. If you can ignore its low pointy hit rate, then the damage value of this skill can be said to be one of the best skills you can learn. The total damage can pass its single skill. Currently I only I've seen six ones and two of them are still suicide skills, so the power of this skill is quite good.

Although the skills of the stars falling down are very powerful, it is also a waste of no matter how powerful the skills are. Besides, most people don't learn this skill at all. Occupying a skill position affects the skill search degree, but it also costs money and time to practice the Throne of the Seal of God. There is really no value in learning. Even if someone exchanges it occasionally, it will regret the decision.

But too! The above situation refers to a situation where a person uses the stars to fall. When you see a dozen or twenty meteorites sparsely scattered on the square of land of a few square kilometers, the power is negligible, and it can't hit anyone anyway. But what if it is used by tens of thousands of people?

"My god!" After seeing hundreds of thousands of meteorites smashing down, the people in the Pantheon almost fell down with their chins. It was not until the fastest meteorites started to smoke that they thought of running away. .

Since the meteorites appearing in the skills of falling stars are directly captured from space by space spells, they are not the same as ordinary fall-energy meteorites. They are not washed down in space, but are suddenly sent out in the air. Then it started to fall down due to gravity. This characteristic determines that the degree of meteorites called by the meteor falls is not fast when they first appeared, but after all, meteorites are meteorites. When they appear from high altitude and gradually fall, their friction with the atmosphere will become more and more intense until the temperature is enough to burn After dissolving the steel, the meteorite will start to turn red and smoke, and this phenomenon just shows that the meteorite has begun to enter its most powerful state.

Although the players in the Russian guild began to escape after seeing the meteorite falling, the meteorite fell too fast, but after a dozen seconds, a meteorite successfully landed. Just listening to the loud noise, the meteorites with long tail flames rushed into a huge building, destroyed them in an instant, and the second and third meteorites also began to land. Any of them No one is less powerful than a bombshell. When the number is usually scarce, you can't see the power of these meteorites. Now that the number is large, it shows its terribleness ~ ~ Some of the flying meteorites have collided in the air before they landed. A large meteorite that has turned into numerous fragments can instantly turn a region with a radius of tens of meters into a honeycomb-like state. No matter whether it is a person or a building, it is almost like paper in front of the meteorite, and it is worn at the same touch. .

Those archers who used to shoot at us with that special bow, now know what power is infinite. They are the two light. Even the houses under their feet were instantly destroyed by meteorite. People are fragile in front of visitors these days like grass in the storm, and they have no power to fight back.

Ling stood beside me looking at the meteorite rain that was still flying around, and asked with some confusion: "Why did the Death Guard fall to the stars? Isn't this dagger only for players?"

In fact, what Ling said is not bad. The skills of falling stars are very special, so it is useless in the hands of Yuanjia / 1, but in the hands, the effect can be understood only by looking at what the Death Guard now does. Therefore, in order to balance its power, the system has set a rule long ago, that is, it is not possible to actively learn this skill, which eliminates the possibility that some people intend to buy a large number of mage types, and then teach them to use the stars to fall to push other cities. But now, this situation seems to be a little unexpected. Although the Death Guard is my summoned creature, "How can they learn how the stars fell? Besides, I didn't order to let them still be magical!

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