Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 48: Deformed weapon

Child Death Ray is an advanced undead spell. It is characterized by fast entry. And ignore physical defense and magic resistance. Its effective range is only affected by the magic power of the caster. The higher the magic power of the caster, the larger the ray range, and the lighter the coverage area. Otherwise, the effect area is reduced to the effect of the death ray. This is mainly related to two things. One is the mental power ratio between the caster and the attacked target, and the other is the vitality of the attacked.

Generally, the magic of death rays has a basic damage value, and its value is fixed. Of course, the death ray power of each level is still different. After all, the skills released at the full level cannot be as powerful as at the first level, but the skills of each level are the same. This is not affected by the quality of the caster. However, although the caster cannot affect the basic damage of the death ray, it can affect the final damage caused by the death ray. The formula for calculating this final damage is roughly: final damage to the caster's psychic target and target's psychic base damage.

The benefit of this conversion formula is that the lethality of death rays to all occupations approaches an average. And there will be no special restraint against certain professional players. Because the combat mentality of the combat department is relatively low, the final calculated damage value will be relatively high. In contrast, legal professionals have high mental strength. The final damage is relatively much lower. Although it seems that the warrior players are more disadvantaged and take more damage than the legal profession, in fact, because the warrior player ’s health is also much higher than the legal profession, the actual actual threats to the combat system and law Department professionals are basically the same.

However, the above situation is only for player-to-player or player-to-yang battles. The Russian protoss has turned death rays into magic cannons fired by artificial weapons. How to calculate the spiritual power of the caster? Is the machine mental?

"Is this thing really a death ray?" I asked with uncertainty.

Ling uncertainly said: "It looks a lot like the situation, but I'm not sure. The easiest way is to try again."

"Okay, let's get out and let Everett try two more shots."

Since you suspect that this thing has a small death ray, you can no longer use the mountain as a target. After all, the thing itself is dead, as if you use death to stare at the stone.

To test whether this thing is a death ray, Ling directly summoned a hundred white skulls. Then let us scatter and catch a lot of small animals in the forest. In the end, we even let Lucky and Slim to catch a big fighting guy who came around and tied it to the cliff to wait for an experiment.

First, I shot a mouse-like animal in accordance with the requirements of Fleet, and the animal immediately hung, and the corpse showed an abnormal grayish white, and there was a slight death on the surface. Similar to the previous gecko. This experiment at least proved that this weapon is lethal.

In the second experiment, Ling put a white skull on the target, and then Evrit shot a soul fire in the skull's head and was instantly blown away. And you can clearly see the moment when the ray hits the skull. There was an explosion in the skull's head. This effect is completely different from the process of animal deaths seen before. The effect is very obvious. The skeleton without soulfire is just a pile of ordinary bones, which fell apart almost immediately after being bombarded. This experiment further proved that this kind of ray is likely to be a death ray, because the death ray that hits the soul fire of the undead creature will also explode, and it looks exactly the same as before.

The third experiment. This time Ling made many skulls stand side by side in a row. Then let dozens of skulls line up in a column and stand at the wrong side of the skull as a target, and finally let Evrit attack the skull that was the target.

Everett hit the target with a shot, and the soul fire in the skull's head that was the target burst instantly. It's as if a bomb is in the head, but the soul fire in the skull's head, which is located on the left and right sides of the skull and behind him, also exploded, although the whole row of skull soul fires burst out. The lethality produced by this ray is transitive, but the interval between the front and back is very short. From the beginning of the target skull fire burst to the last skull fire burst, there is only a gap between the front and back. In less than a second, the Seal of the Gods, and this transmission distance is eight meters. Twelve skeleton soul fires burst on each side of the target skeleton. Although the soul fire of the thirteen skeleton was also extinguished, it did not explode. The soul fire of the fourteenth skeleton was severely damaged, but it was not extinguished. Supporting the skeleton's body caused it to fall down. As for the fifteenth skeleton, it simply fell down when the power spread to him, and then climbed up again. The skeletons at the back just shook slightly, and from the twentieth Only the skeleton started to shake. Three experiments not only proved that this thing is a death ray, but also tested that its range is about a little over nine meters, but the real power is only within a radius of eight meters. After this range, the power will decay very much.

After completing three experiments, Ling asked Evrit to do the fourth experiment, but this time he replaced the fierce Warcraft he had caught before. This guy is a very strong monster. Although he hasn't reached the point of metamorphosis, he can also reach the level of the small rib in the general leveling area. This guy was originally arrested to test the power of this weapon's death ray. Who knows that the experimental results have made people, after Liu Erben's mass beast has been caught, he keeps facing us, When Jieguo waited for Everett to get over, the guy was as if someone had cut off the nerve center, and suddenly he threw himself on the ground without even struggling and died.

"I trust, this power is too scary, isn't it?" Seeing that small concave "class monster" was shot down, all of me and the pets were startled. Death rays do belong to advanced magic, but even if they are used by the division, they will not be small enough. To the point In other words, the actual mental power output of this weapon is higher than that of the division. It is unclear to what extent. Because the Xiaozhu "being shot down by one shot, we only know that its lethality has surpassed the vitality of Xiaowa's two-stage, but the specific height is completely unremarkable.

"No, you have to find a better one to test."

"More powerful?" Fortunately, he cried first when he wanted to catch the more deserving Warcraft. "First declare! Slim and I can't do this. It's two different things to catch and kill, isn't it? Just this one. It's made us tired of the old nose, and it's even worse, we can't make it!"

"No one asked you to go by yourself." I told Ling: "You and Mira bring Yeyue and Princess together. It should be easier to get your special abilities together."

"Okay, leave this to us." Ling flew to the top of Lucky's head and said, "Go, let's catch a big one."

Lima is not the same when it comes out, they return in less than 20 minutes. And followed by a string of monsters. I heard the loud voice of luck yelling across the distance: "Everett, get ready, we'll get you a bunch back."

"I trust, is there anything wrong?" Everett finally noticed the unusual sound in the forest behind Lucky. Looking from the air, you can see that the jungle behind is in a rather horrible way. Unknown creatures have opened a path to the stubbornness. The towering giant trees at the front of the road are constantly being broken and fallen. , While leaving a wide road behind.

"Ready to prepare!" Seeing this, I quickly made other magic pets ready, in case the death ray can't break that thing at a time, the rest depends on us. Although the shooting of that thing by Everett is pretty good, it can't shoot fast. It is one every minute. This is thanks to the fact that Everett doesn't need to dissipate heat. The cannon, even if it is not melted by its own shot. Cooling takes at least an hour. Degrees like Everett are simply gods.

I was lucky enough to rush past our eyes and flew behind everyone, and then I saw that the edge of the forest behind him was suddenly knocked out of a large hole, and a monster with a horizontal shovel on his head was coming out of that forest. What rushed out was even more terrible because it was followed by exactly the same thing.

"I rely, why are there three at a time?"

Ling jumped down from his lucky head and fell to me and said, "We don't want it! There is such a high-level Warcraft nearby, and they are still living in groups. It took us a long time to separate the brigade and lead it separately. Three heads. You can rest assured that even if Evrit's death ray is uncertain, we should be able to solve it ourselves. "

I nodded and didn't speak anymore, because the next Everett had already entered the final energy gathering stage. I saw that sharp muzzle suddenly appeared at his muzzle, followed by a flash of black light. The monster that rushed to the front suddenly smashed a dog's mud on its front legs, and the huge shovel-like horns were inserted into the soil, causing his entire body to roll over his head and smash into the The sky in front of us stirred up soot.

Although one of them was overturned, two other monsters have also rushed forward, and Evrit's shot must be too late. I saw this situation, Yang Jian shouted in front of her finger, "King Kong, steel teeth, hold them up."

A huge steel orangutan slammed in front of us. His arms beat on his chest for a while, then he rushed up and caught the horn of the monster on the left with his hands, but the monster also had seven or eight layers. The height is high, and the volume is not much smaller than that of King Kong. In addition, he ran fast beforehand, and the kinetic energy was much larger than King Kong. Although King Kong stood on the ground with his feet, he was forced to slide backwards. It took more than ten meters to stop the monster there.

While King Kong catches a monster, the other side of Steel Teeth also crashes to the ground, but he does not have the terrifying power of King Kong. His specialty is defense. Without any fancy, Steel Tooth snarled and rushed up, the huge body slammed into the monster, and then the two flew out in the opposite direction together. However, the steel teeth had adjusted their posture before being hit by the fly. The quadruped net immediately recoiled back as soon as they landed, but the monster was rolled over and hit the forest edge for a long time without climbing. Rising, the strength of the two is a verdict.

After blocking two monsters, Gangya and King Kong attacked again. Gangya rushed to the side of the monster that fell down the forest and bit the monster's neck, twisted his head, and only listened to crackle Two beeps, the monster's already struggling body instantly softened, and it was clear that the cervical spine had been broken by steel teeth, and the body out of control was useless even if it was strong. On the other hand, after stopping the monster, Steel Fang suddenly turned over and jumped to the side of the monster. Then his strong forelegs slammed the monster's brain, and twisted the force in one direction. The monster's neck was twisted into a twist after a crackle. Then the huge body fell to the ground and never moved again.

"Huh, fortunately, we also have quite real companions here."

We breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly the monster that had been knocked down by Everett suddenly shook and stood up again. Obviously, the death ray is not enough to kill a monster of this level at one time. Don't look at Gangya and King Kong killing the two monsters in the blink of an eye, but you must know that Jinnet was an area guard before, and Qinglong and White Tiger are a level of existence. Although Gangya is not so bullish. But people were sealed up by the court of heaven before. Can it be an ordinary creature that can be carefully sealed by the court of heaven? Therefore, being killed by the steel teeth and the gold net does not mean that this creature is not powerful, it can only be said that they encountered a more abnormal existence.

Looking at the monster that was shaking up on the ground, I quickly read out its attributes. As a result, the monster has been killed by nearly a third of its health, and it seems to have appeared a variety of negative effects such as dizziness and weakness. In this way, a player above level 900 can easily kill it. It means that the monster has been seriously damaged just now. In fact, the heavy damage does not mean how much the opponent's health is destroyed. The heavy damage in the game refers to the proportion that makes the opponent lose the combat power. If you can fight a creature, you ca n’t climb it anymore, even if he is now Life is full, then he can be considered a heavy hit, after all, anyone can kill him in this state. And if you are about to run out of blood on a monster, but that guy can still use most of his combat power to resist, this can not be called a serious injury, at most it can be considered a serious injury.

"Ling, the damage value is about one million." "A million damage value?" Ling was startled. "What's the mental strength of that thing?"

"Eight thousand six."

"The damage value of one million, the mental power of the target is 8,600. Assuming that this weapon shoots a death ray of level 20, if this is converted in reverse, isn't the weapon's mental power value equivalent to a lower-level protoss?" Ling said with some surprise.

Xiaochun said next: "This thing was originally made by the Russian Protoss. The most convenient thing for them to study is probably themselves. It is understandable that this weapon came in accordance with their spiritual strength.

Speaking of them, they only made something equivalent to the low-level protoss spiritual power, which is good for us. If they made a relatively high-level protoss ray of death, wouldn't it be a big shot? "

"I'm afraid more than just a large shot, but we don't have to worry about it even if it's powerful." Ivorit explained: "The drawings made by the Russian Protoss are much larger than mine, so the power is definitely different. It is only equivalent to the low-level protoss mental power. It is definitely because the reduction of our volume has caused the power to decrease, so the calculation results are wrong. However, even if the shooting power of the weapon produced by the Russian protoss is calculated according to the strength of the high-level protoss Do n’t worry about it. "

"Why? Xiaochun asked.

"It's very simple," Everett said. "Do you think anyone would dare to use this one-time weapon that hurts the enemy by one thousand and 800?"

According to Everett, we all reacted. The weapon was used by Everett because he was not afraid of high temperatures. But if the Russians get this drawing and follow the production, the final thing will definitely be a big explosion as soon as they are started, and they will not hit the enemy. One will definitely be killed by it. Who dares to use such a perverted weapon?

"Speaking of which, isn't this the only thing in the world that you can use safely?" I asked.

"It's not necessarily there," Ling suddenly said, "The Russian Protoss can study this shows that they are very researched on the nature of magic. But I think they are extremely behind in the arrangement of magic arrays and energy conversion. If we It is possible to thoroughly understand those research materials, and then use our technology to improve it. It is not impossible to produce a practical death ray emitter. Even if it is slower, as long as it can shoot. It is a big deal to install a few more diffusers. Use the left wheel Replace the heat sink of the pistol in the magazine mode, so it should be able to meet the requirements ~ ~ If that thing is not made, the Isinger Mobile Fortress and large battleships can be used. The general transport device is probably It ’s not possible to install such a large device! "" It doesn't matter, anyway, this weapon is not very versatile, I think the most useful use of this gadget is to deal with advanced players, because it can ignore defense and magic resistance attributes, compared to advanced players Even if you have high mental strength, you still need to lose blood. It is better than other slow weapons that can't be hit at all. "

Hearing what I said, Ling suddenly frowned and shouted, "Wait, wait. We all seemed to be in a misunderstanding before."

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

Ling explained: "Before we only considered practicality, we thought that this weapon would explode once it was fired, and even if it did not explode, it would take a long time to cool the throne of the Seal of God, so it was not practical. But we did not expect Maybe they didn't plan to use it a second time? "

"What do you mean?"

"It means that this thing is for you."

"For me?" I looked at Ling in surprise, and then suddenly came over. , If you want to know how the future, please visit 更多 chapter more, support the author, support genuine reading!

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