Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 54: White-eyed wolf

The magic purity of the second magic crystal is much higher than that of dry magic crystal, which means that the number of billions of crystals is actually more than that of a magic crystal of such a large barrel. With such a large source of magic power, basically everything is enough, and she is no longer polite with me, she just reaches out and pulls the stopper on the bucket and puts a hand in.

Almost as soon as her hand was in contact with the liquefied magic crystal, the woman's body began to change rapidly. The first thing she showed was that her chin-shaped head was rapidly growing. Soon it turned into a golden long straight down to the waist, and her head was born with a slight curl, even more beautiful than others.

After the head grew out of the woman, a layer of black things suddenly appeared on the chest and lower abdomen, and these things continued to spread and bulge upwards, and finally formed two underwear-like armors on her body.

"Are you clothes or armor?" I asked in surprise as I watched what had grown on her.

The woman immediately replied, "This can be considered clothes or armor, but it is actually my exoskeleton."

"Are you a Zerg?"

"No, I'm an undead."

"Undead?" Ling shook his head. "I didn't feel any undead breath in you, shouldn't you be an undead?"

"Of course, I am not an undead, but I am indeed an undead. Because I am a special big Lich."

"Are you a Lich?" I re-examined the woman up and down, and asked, unsure, "Is there a Lich like you?"

"Of course there is, but this woman like me suddenly jumped off the bed, and then stretched out a hand to me:" Know again, I am the undead banshee Lilith, the oldest and strongest surviving Great Lich. "

"Purple Sun, President of the Frost Rose Alliance." I reached out a hand and shook her and introduced myself.

"Ling, his magic pet." Ling pointed me.

"Okay, everyone knows now. Thank you again for releasing me." Lilith said with a smirk. "In return, I decided to make you all part of me." Almost she said At the same time, her hands had melted into a slime-like mass of meat that covered my wrist and quickly began to climb up my arm.

Although I had long thought that such a thing might happen, the degree of this woman's face turning was really unexpected, and the strength had just begun to cross the river and demolish the bridge. But unfortunately, although she is fierce enough, she is not smart enough. At least she should study the structure of the bridge before dismantling it?

"What am I going to say about your behavior like this?" I was changing my body while I was talking, and before I said a word, my entire body had completely turned into a silver moon, and with my magic Completely released, the temperature on the surface of the body suddenly soared to an extremely horrible temperature. The temperature in the entire passage instantly passed the melting point of the rocks, and even the walls began to liquefy gradually. As long as I continued to heat, I will guarantee for a while. Can burn down the passage. Although I rarely use the name Yinyue, the equipment on Yinyue's body is the thing of the last **** after all, the power is naturally exaggerated, at least this solar field is absolutely unstoppable. Li Zisi, who had just suddenly turned her face and wanted to devour me, started screaming as soon as I turned, her body surface was instantly burned by the blood bubbles in the field of the sun, and within a few seconds she It has changed from a big beauty to a pile of rotten meat again, and this time is even worse than last time. Before that, it was still a good piece of meat hanging on the hook. Poorly burnt.

"Ah" Rao Ming "Rao Ming" Although she was burned into a meat ball, Lilith was still able to sound, but because the sound system was burned a lot by the high temperature, her voice became that terrible again. Voice, and bite words are not clear.

After hearing her begging, I forced the sun stick in my hand to the ground for a while, and the red area around me instantly recovered the staff, but even if I closed the area, the temperature here would definitely drop at 1:30. It ’s not coming down, after all, the walls and the ground have been burned into magma, and here is a closed space. It may take a few days for the heat sink to completely cool down. Fortunately, although Lilith was afraid of the sun field, it was not hurt by high temperature. After my field disappeared, she struggled and began to deform. The burnt unrecognizable meat mass finally formed a roughly human shape after a while of wriggling, but that's the end of the change. Although she just absorbed a lot of magic power, she has been urging her cell regeneration in the field of the sun so as not to be completely burned by me. This process is obviously relatively magical. Burned to death. But the magical power that was absorbed before was completely consumed, and now it is impossible to regenerate.

"Magic", please "became a humanoid meatball, and Qian Qiantun stretched out an incompletely shaped arm to me in order to stretch. It is smart to learn. There is no evolutionary useless thing. The throat and ears are made out.

Looking at the still-moving meatballs on the ground, I said coldly, "More magic? What do you think I will do for you? Will you make me a dessert after dinner?"

"No, it won't, I will never think again." Lilith hurriedly justified.

"Hum." I snorted coldly with my nose. "The reason you don't have anything to think about is just because you don't have enough magic power. Would you let me go if the magic power is high enough? Do you really think I'm stupid? ? "

Hearing me, Lilith gave a meal first, and then she reached out her hands and begged, "Please, give me some magic! I am like this now, the internal circulatory system is incomplete, and there is no way to provide energy for the body And my magic power is going to run out. If you don't give me magic power, I will die. "

"What did it matter to me?"

My words made Lilith noticeable. Since she would cross the river to tear down the bridge, it naturally shows that she is not a kind of pure nature, so her behavior rule also includes the concept of seeing dead and not saving. Lilith, who had been saying nothing for a long time, suddenly began to twitch violently after a while, and obviously the evolution was not completely a bad state for her. Now she can't take any reason at all for this reason, she can only stretch out her unshaped hand and begged: "Please ... heart ... magic ... I

With a bang, a magical crystal the size of an apple fell in front of her. She couldn't help thanking her any more, Lilith grabbed the magic stone and absorbed the magic in it. With the depletion of this magic spar, Lilith's body also has most of the characteristics that a human should have, but the problem is that her head has not grown. I looked at her like this and thought about throwing two more almonds the size of almonds to her. After all, she looks like a big bald girl now, and feels awkward. Anyway, even if the human form is restored, as long as there is no extra magic, she will be a waste.

After absorbing the magic from these two little magic crystals, Lilith finally recovered her human form, but she was still naked. The exoskeleton that was used to cover up the shame obviously required magic to generate, and her deformation The order seems to start with the most important part first, and this shame part is obviously a minor item relative to the body part, so it is automatically omitted when the magic is insufficient.

Because the previous bed was burned into a pile of fly ash by my solar field, now Lilith can only stand on the ground naked. But she obviously didn't care much about my body being seen by me, because she didn't even want to cover it with her hands.

According to the previous situation, Lilith's race should really not be human, so she has no response at all to these human moral etiquette, whether it is the former benevolent revenge or now she does not care about being exposed to the eyes of the opposite sex. It shows that she has no human morality.

Although Lilith is wearing nothing now, but I'm not the first brother, I looked straight up and down after looking at her perfect curve: "I was just going to let you work with me and escape from the prison together. , But it ’s a pity that you are not a suitable partner ~ ~ so I don't think that equal cooperation is suitable for us. "

"Then what do you mean ,?" Li Ersi actually heard what Yi Jing had probably guessed, but she had to ask clearly, after all, it was related to her vital interests.

When I turned the palm of my hand, a golden magic pattern appeared in my palm, and a drop of my blood was still floating on it. "The magic pet contract, this is what I think is the safest thing." In fact, I really only planned to run away with Lihos in the past, but now the reason for changing my mind is not because of her revenge, or because I think It is not safe to work with her, but because of her strength. Just the moment Lilith turned her face, I read most of her attributes. After all, the magic generated by the barrel of liquefied magic crystal was still too little for her. After supporting her to complete the transformation, there was not much left, so she It was tantamount to being weak. But despite this weak state, I still read the attribute data of far-reaching creatures, which shows that Lilith is actually very powerful. The reason why she is so vulnerable now is entirely because she lacks magic power now. Now she is equivalent to a person who is going to starve to death, even if it is more powerful before, now it has reached the edge of the exhaustion of the oil lamp, no matter how powerful it can not be out.

Looking at the magic pet contract law array in my hand and looking down at her hands, Lifis finally nodded to me. "As long as I can live and lose my freedom, I recognize it."

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