Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 59: Field trips

Chuan ... Hanging on his shoulders and hanging down to his feet. It seems very salty.

The old man obviously slowed down after seeing me, but the magic fluctuations on his body showed that his emotions were in high tension. After walking to the team of guards, the old man waved for the guard to give way, and then he looked at me and said, "I don't know why President Ziri is free to come to our small sacrifice ground?"

Seeing the calm expression on the old man's face and his extremely active magic wave, I almost didn't laugh. "Oh, don't be so nervous! Your magic is almost lighting the air, aren't you afraid of a fire?"

The old man was flushed when he heard me, but he still asked firmly, "What the **** are you doing here?"

"Hahahaha, don't tease you." I smiled and smiled suddenly and closed: "Let's stop the maze, let's talk straight. I know you have some kind of underground building under this sacrifice ground, and I want to go down Take a look. You should be very clear about my strength, so do n’t resist if you are clever, tell me where the entrance is, and then leave immediately. Of course, you can also choose to resist stubbornly, but I must first tell you the result of choosing this option But even the resurrection cannot be expected to die completely. Are you sure you want this option? Or do you want to cooperate with me? "

The old man was obviously shaken when he heard me. Although he didn't say, but I already saw from his reaction, I didn't go wrong. This should be the location of the entrance, and the old man must know the existence of this entrance.

"Do you want to choose which one?" Seeing the old man not responding for a long time, I asked again. If it is the general case, the old man can still fight with me sloppy eyes, but unfortunately I asked too directly, he did not even have the opportunity to interrupt, can only get stuck there to answer it is not no answer or not. Although he felt very embarrassed, I didn't intend to sympathize with him. "You have to make a decision quickly. Now I will count three times. If you don't respond, I can go in by myself." I finished counting without waiting for the old man to answer.

The old man looked at me and really had a terrible heart in his heart, but the three digits were just that. I counted fast, almost in less than three seconds. I saw that he didn't respond and walked forward. The old man saw me immediately backed up behind the guard and raised his hand: "Stop, although this is not a temple, but it is also a territory of the Protoss, and no outsiders are allowed to break in."

"Oh? So do you mean to choose negative stubborn resistance?" I said and took eternity off the back of my hand. As soon as the eternity turned into a ball, it melted and stretched into a sword shape. "In this case, let's die." Before the old man spoke again, I suddenly stepped forward and stepped out of the ground under a circle of cobweb-like cracks, followed by a crosscut of the eternal sword fiercely. The red sword-mang radiated out, and passed through the crowd in an instant.

Except for the old man holding up a protective cover in time, everyone else was swept away by Jianmang without even responding, but the result was not changed in any way because of the old man's protective cover. As Jianman flashed by, the crowd in front of it suddenly became short. All the people swept by Jianman fell down to the ground like harvested wheat, and everyone's wound was almost a waist. The neat section, including the old man, is no exception.

One move brought down most of the enemies in the sacrifice ground and I did not show any excitement. I knew before that the people here were just covering their ears. The real enemies are in the buildings below. That is the most dangerous place. Although all the people here were not killed just now, the rest were completely frightened, and no one responded until I stepped over the body of the group.

After passing through the front hall, which is only slightly larger than the street-front shop, there is a small garden. I said before that the structure of the sacrifice field is like a reduced version of the temple, and the overall structure is almost exactly the same. Unsurprisingly behind the garden is a small building. If it is a shrine, this should be the library and the place where the protoss live, but here is the sacrifice field, there is no protoss, so this is the residence of the priests and guards.

After entering the building, I first observed the structure of the building. This small building is small in size and can be seen at a glance. There are two large rooms on each side of the lobby on the first floor, which are the residences of the priests and guards. The identity of these people is too low, even if there is an authentic entrance here, it is impossible to repair in such a place with many eyes. Opposite the door is the staircase leading to the second floor. There is only the main sacrifice room and the library, so there is no need to look at it. On both sides of the staircase are two rooms, one is the office of the priest, and the other is the office of other priests. Needless to say, if the tunnel is hidden here, the most likely is the main sacrifice room.

I kicked the door of the main sacrifice room and I got poisoned. This room is relatively large, after all, a quarter of the whole floor of the building is occupied by it except for the aisles and stairs. Except for some simple office furniture in the room, there is only one wall made of huge bookshelves. It is more eye-catching ~ ~ When I walked to the bookshelf, I summoned Ling. When Ling Cai saw the bookshelf, he walked over and wiped the bookshelf with his hand, and immediately came to a section: "The door is behind this."

"Why are you so determined?" I asked curiously. Ling Fan asked: "Do you think it is necessary to protect the basic divine teaching materials with powerful protective divine magic? Besides, a complicated set of counterattack arrays is connected behind this."

"There are three hundred and twenty silver here!" I said, and then I went up and pulled the bookshelf in front and tossed it aside. The back wall doesn't look much different from ordinary walls, but if you look closely, you can see that there is a very inconspicuous gap network on the edge of the wall to form the shape of a door. "This seems to be the entrance, but what is going to be done with this defensive circle?"

Ling thought for a moment: "There are three methods. One is to cut the door directly with the eternal sword. Anyway, the law formation is based on the stone slab on the door. As long as the door is destroyed, the law formation is naturally useless. The second method is to let me crack the magic circle, but this takes time to seal the throne of the seal. I guess it will take at least one day to seal the throne. The third method is to find someone who can open the door. Since there is a door here, Definitely for people to come in and out, the Russian protoss won't be stupid enough to seal themselves out, so they must know the opening and abandonment of protective spells. "

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