Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 65: Will count

The two remaining mountains in Ergou look very scary. Six Olympus ... It is a very famous super **** mountain in the world. The Olympus Protoss who live on it can be said to be the Protoss of the world The most famous of them exist, like what Zeus, Hades, Athena, which is not a world-renowned deity? If the Russians want to teleport this group of people to the Russian gods, it would be a little weird? You must know that the Olympus Protoss is a group of super-powerful masters. The Russian Protoss squeezes with them, that is, to find abuse, it is impossible to run. b Moreover, even if the Olympians did not care about the behavior of the Russian protoss, what did the Russian protoss move Olympus to themselves? The Russian Protoss is missing a mountain? Definitely impossible!

After thinking about it, I think the possibility of Mount Olympus is very small, because the Russian protoss won't get any benefit at all, at least in my opinion it is not good. On the contrary, the disadvantages are obvious. In the end, they will definitely offend the Olympus Protoss, and then trigger a rally between the two Protoss. Unless the Russian Protoss gets water in their heads, it is absolutely impossible for them to choose Mount Olympus. In addition to Olympus of the two mountains, there is only the Himalayas. Originally, the Himalayas belonged to the terrain that divided the borders. There were no protoss living in them, and the mountains had no resources to use except ice. Therefore, it is not good for the Russian protoss to remove the Himalayas. However, although there were no Protoss on the Himalayas in the past, they are not without Protoss. Because the city of commandments is on the top of the Himalayas

If the target of the Orth Protoss is the Himalayas, then everything makes sense.

"Their goal is the city of commandments?" Although the army **** did not have too strong creative thinking ability, he still had basic association ability. As soon as the target situation was listed, he immediately understood the key.

"I'm afraid so."

Although the city of commandments is the city of our guild, and the main city of our guild system is set there by default, in fact, it cannot be regarded as our city at all, because the defense of the entire city is not our guild. Control, but the joint defense team composed of multinational protoss is protecting. The City of Discipline is plainly a special resettlement site for the Ring of Discipline, but it is nominally anchored in the name of our guild. As for the fact that I set the default main city of the guild there, it is nothing more than a touch of light. After all, the default main city is the guild headquarters for the system. If the city is captured, not only the guild level will drop, but also the guild war value, technology value, kill value and meritorious value will all fall down, so The main city of a guild is very important for a guild. It doesn't have to be so big or prosperous, but it must be secure. At present, there is no city in this world that is safer than the precept city that is jointly protected by multinational protoss, because any force attacking it must face the joint strangulation of all other protoss forces at the same time. Even if it is as strong as our frost rose, the Alliance can only fight against one protoss power. To challenge the protoss all over the world at the same time, it is to find death.

Now that the Russian Protoss has set the teleportation target in the Himalayas, there is no need to guess the purpose, it must be for the ring of commandments. Although the Russian protoss were also present when the gods agreement was signed, they did not die to compete for the ring of commandments. After all, once the thing was in hand, the protoss who owned it would have the strength to fight against any other protoss, even It is easy to smooth the joint power of several protoss. After all, like the heavens and the Egyptians, these are the lower gods. They have divine power but not the power of rules. Compared with the pure rule weapon such as the ring of commandments, the divine power is Children's toys are completely incomparable. Therefore, the motive of the Russian protoss to obtain the ring of commandments is understandable, and the subsequent inferences can be completely matched. The teleportation attribute in that super circle is to move the Himalayas together with the city of commandments. The cutting law in the law circle is to cut the Himalayas from the ground below, otherwise it will not be transmitted at all. As for the last magic array to suppress divine power, it goes without saying that it must have been prepared for the multinational protoss guards on the mountain.

Thinking of this I suddenly patted my thigh. "I know what the Russian Protoss do to study so many magic weapons!"

"Huh? Why?" Although the **** of war was a battlefield commander, he didn't have the divergent thinking ability like me. So I don't understand anything at all.

I pointed to the magic-restricting magic circle still floating on the small screen nearby and said, "It's because of this thing."

"Why?" Army God still didn't understand.

I took a look at the **** of war and explained: "The answer is simple. Although this magic array can suppress the divine power, it operates without distinction. So once the Himalayas are moved into the clan, Erpei, the entire Russian gods will All the protoss in the shadow of that giant law formation lost their divine power. To obtain the ring of commandments, the Russian protoss must first deal with the guards sent by the protoss of various countries to the city of commandments, and these people must be sent to protect the ring of commandments. They are very capable in the tribe. Even if everyone is out of divine power, the group of Russian protoss will still be able to do the elites of these countries. "

I said that the **** of war finally came over here, and then I said, "That's why they researched so many weapons that rely on external forces, so that when they have weapons they can use, but those guards do not have divine power, the battle result must be one-sided."

"Yes. The Russian Protoss is really fierce enough. By that time, they can kill the guards to get the ring of commandments, and when they get the ring of commandments, they become the strongest protoss in the world. Who, no one is blocking them. "

"Then we should immediately destroy the large magic circle and notify the protoss of other countries?" The army **** asked the hand and was already calling the communication crystal, apparently he took it for granted.

After the communication crystal flew over, I reached out and pressed the crystal down. The army **** reached out and tried to touch the crystal but was held by the agent. I could only look up in wonder and wait for my explanation.

"No, let's not inform anyone."

"do you have any plans?"

"If the protoss are notified, it will only be possible for the protoss of various countries to come and settle the matter in the end, and it will not be of any benefit to us. So let's not divulge this matter, and let the Russian pros take the Himalayas to the Russian deities. . "

"But if they get the ring of commandments, they will definitely support the expansion of Russian players. At that time, they will support them in the back, and the protoss of various countries will not be able to get in. We can only wait to be destroyed!"

"No, it's not that easy." I said, "This magic circle can seal the divine power, but it can't limit the magic on the player, so only the protoss will be affected."

"Then you mean one?"

"Record three things." I said suddenly, the **** of war immediately switched to record mode. "First, immediately send someone to install advanced teleporter jammers in the city of commandments, and pay attention to emptying out the magic characteristics of our guild's own teleporter scroll, so as not to interfere with our people by mistake. These jammers can at least persist for a few minutes before being teleported away. Second, all elite players in our guild will be given a teleportation scroll for the commanding city. Once the Russian Protoss begins teleporting the Himalayas, let them Immediately teleport themselves to the city of commandments. With the help of the jammers, they should be able to rush before the city of commandments is teleported away. Then they will be teleported to the Russian deities together with the city of commandments. All the protoss who are present have no magic power. Instead, these elite players will be stronger than the protoss. To know the experience value that a protoss can contribute, it is something astronomical! Such a good guild will collectively experience it. How can I let the opportunity pass? Third, send someone to say hello to the various protoss forces, saying that I may need to borrow the ring of commandments in the near future, They gave me a temporary authorization. "

"Understood. I'll get things done right away."

"Hey, the Russian Protoss want to get something from me, and I'll let them know that my Frost Rose Alliance is not so messy. Wrong, right now I'm free. Is there any place on the battlefield that needs my support? "

"There is ~ ~ After the army **** heard me, he immediately sketched a few times on the crystal, and then immediately printed a strategic map on the home screen and marked several areas. In addition, ten were displayed on the side of the map. A few characters with photos. "These are the masters of the Russian invasion forces. We have been killed by several harassment squads. To deal with such unconventional forces, you only have to rely on high-end forces like yours, except to surround them with large forces. You also know that we can't form a military advantage there, so we can only rely on you.

I glanced at the data on the screen casually, and then said, "Just a few little farts, I'll go and send them all home in a moment. Is there anything else to do?"

"If you can kill these people, it's best to kill the Frozen Banshee a few more times. Her combat effectiveness is too strong. During your time in the Russian **** world, she killed three of us alone. The assault team, if it was not the same as Zhenhong's big move, was injured by the quake, it is estimated that our harassment operations would have to be suspended. "

"She can't be idle anymore, she has everything! Okay, I'll drop by and see it. Send me a copy of the map, and I'll go find out those little farts and talk about it.", If you want to know the future, please log in. , More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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