Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 72: Perverted monster

The second group of demons used healing to help me, and my recovery was far away from normal people. "I lay on my back and recovered a seven hundred seventy-eight." (.) The monster next to him was still melanitis and they could n’t move on the ground. He could only struggle desperately to get up from the ground, but unfortunately his limbs were dragged by him, and a small snake like a hill was pressed on his body. With the effect of gravity, he couldn't even move.

After confirming that the monster couldn't get out of trouble, I let Night Shadow fly to the monster's forehead, and then took off his gloves and reached out to the monster's head. Although I don't know what I'm going to do, the monster instinctively feels that the situation is not good, and he is struggling to keep his head away from my palm, but his neck is pressed by melanitis and he can't do anything at all, although he has exhausted his strength, But still unable to break free of control, can only watch my hand stick to his brain.

"Capturing started." I started the catching ability at the same time I stuck the monster's head, but different from catching ordinary creatures, the moment I activated the skill, suddenly there was more between my palm and the monster's head A spinning magic circle. A yellow light flashed on my hand, a circle of aura surrounding the state rushed down from my arm and moved all the way down, and finally hit the maggot, the magic array, but the magic array was suddenly shocked, and even the aperture Bounced back again.

When the crushed monster trembled, it seemed as if it had been hit. The body suddenly bowed up, followed by a sudden roar and stood up from the ground. Even the weight of Heiyan couldn't suppress his powerful explosion. Li was taken off by the whole. The bitterness and luck that originally bit the monster's arms were dragged off the ground after the monster stood up. The violent monster roared and slammed the two dragons biting their arms and threw them together. Lucky and slender are not stupid. Now he couldn't drag himself, and immediately opened his mouth to avoid it. Who knew that the monster suddenly grabbed the two dragons' tails and pulled them back after they let loose their mouths.

The dragged back and Pei Shou were fleeing hopelessly, and quickly turned back to the monster and began to bite wildly, but the sharp dragon teeth biting the monster turned out to be Mars splashing and could not wear it at all. Minions are invalid. Lucky and Slim changed their strategy immediately, and opened their mouths as Longyan sprayed out at the monster. The dragon yan of the two dragon king dragons is originally a very powerful thing, but this thing seems to have suddenly gained invincible attributes, ignoring the dragon at all, holding the two dragons' tails directly and throwing them both towards Smashed together. Fortunately, Bian Shou was spraying Dragon Yan, but his body was suddenly turned by the inertial belt. Both Dragon Yan were sprayed into the air, and the two dragons were smashed together with the sound of wind. Just listening to the dull thumping sound of luck, the lucky and emaciated Long Yan could no longer spray it. On the other hand, big mouth blood was sprayed from the mouths of the two dragons, obviously the internal organs were shaken. Lucky and Wenshou were in a semi-confused state after being collided for a while, but the monster was overwhelming. After the impact, they both waved at them and smashed at the crystal and Xiaosan who still bit his legs. Xiaosan and Although the crystal can flash. But I was afraid that Biansu and Lucky were hit directly on the ground and were killed. Helplessly, they had to let go of the monster's legs and reach out to pick up their companions. However, they were knocked to the ground because of too much power. To fall to death.

"I rely, what kind of monster is this damn?" Seeing this situation, I also know that I can't keep this thing anymore, I must make a killing move. In fact, just now when I failed to capture, I realized that this thing could not be captured at all, because a strange protective seal on his body was resisting my capture. Just now the people around me didn't notice because the monster suddenly exploded, but I really felt it. Just at the moment when the magic array shook back, my aperture was hit back into my head. At that time, I only felt My head is about to explode, if the restorative spells on my body have not disappeared. It is estimated that he was directly killed by the shock. Such resistance is not even the offspring of a higher **** such as Yeyue, but this monster possesses it, which is obviously unreasonable.

"Master. The energy index of that thing is going up." Ling said, standing next to the monster while holding a crystal ball.

"What's the value?"

"Before the change was less than 50 million, and now it is over 200 million."

"In other words, the strength of this thing has increased by more than four times?"

"Not only that." Ling continued: "His volume also showed a slight increase, as if his body was not operating according to any rules at all, and the energy in the surrounding air did not change at all, that is to say He does not rely on external energy to change, but his volume and energy climbing at the same time can only show that this guy is connected to a special space and gets energy from it

I frowned and said, "No matter what he becomes, break him down before I say it."

"Understand." Ling reached out and waved forward. Milla and the tank immediately blasted the monsters back and forth with successive bombardments, but every time an attack that could blast the monster's body out of a large hole now can only blow up the surface. A layer of flesh. And with the monster's energy index rising sharply. The tank and Mila's attacks seemed to have a tendency to become increasingly useless. However, while the attack still works, they are still attacking as much as possible to secure the time for the throne of the Seal of God. At the same time, because the monsters are back and forth, luck and pestilence have finally been saved, but it ’s only estimated that they will be short-term Do n’t expect to come into the throne of the Seal of God.

Due to the sudden explosion of the monster, the original war was almost completely stopped. People in both China and Russia are staring at our battle. Obviously, as long as I win with the monster, the victory scale will immediately fall. To the side that survived.

With the bombarded receding little monster, he suddenly took a big step backwards on one leg. Then he went up to the ground to support the body that was constantly retreating, and his hands were in front of him to block all the shelling. Seeing the monster suddenly come so scared. I immediately shouted, "Not good. He's going to fight back, don't let him take a shot. Don't hide his strength, hold me down." I shouted so loudly that almost both sides of the battlefield heard it, but Most people don't understand what it means. Hidden strength? Isn't that all the strength just now? The first reaction in the hearts of everyone was that I was bluffing. Only a few people really thought that I really planned to use all my strength.

Along with my shout, the magic pets no longer hide the sudden glimmer of the body of the sixty-one dragon girl, followed by a moan. The little dragon girl who originally appeared in a human form was instantly restored to the body of the dragon, and then she heard a curse that rang through the world. "Suddenly in the sky came a golden dragon that was ten times larger than the body of the dragon girl. I looked at him in the past and he was a bit like the father of a dragon girl. I saw that golden dragon suddenly Fly to the little dragon girl, and then merged into the little dragon girl's body like a phantom, and the figure of the little dragon girl suddenly skyrocketed to the size of the golden **** dragon. No need to attack now, just looking at the huge volume Everyone has confirmed that she has the ability to single out with that monster.

After the transformation was completed, the little dragon girl did not rush down immediately. Unlike the dragon, the dragon and the dragon generally do not rely on the minions to fight, and regard it as an uncultured dragon. Real dragons are usually spell battles. The same is true of Xiaolong Nu. I saw she drew a few strokes in the air with her dragon claws, and then said, "Open the sky, the heavenly **** is thunderous and evil."

The original clear sky suddenly added a cloud of black clouds with the dragon girl's curse, and the cloud of black cloud grew rapidly during the tumbling, covering only a few hundred miles around the surrounding area within a few seconds. Under the dark cloud. After the enlargement was completed, the center of the thundercloud suddenly rolled out the red clouds. The naked eye could see the thick red lightning tumbling. Even without landing, the surrounding people's hair was upside down, and some responsive pets were even more sensitive. Is to pull the host directly to run. But before they had run far, they saw a sudden flash in the sky. A red thunder thunder slammed in a water tank. This lightning is different from ordinary lightning. It does not disappear after a flash, but first shoots a red electric light from the sky to the ground, and then the electric light starts to move forward along the ground. There was no interruption in the middle, and it just advanced all the way to the monster. The soil on the ground was like a water surface separated by a speedboat. As the thunder and lightning progressed, it was deeply plowed by a black smoky trench.

Although the monster saw Tian Lei, there was no response at all. Since the explosion just now, he seems to have lost his sense of reason. Now he doesn't even know the fear and growls directly at the thunder and lightning, but he has lost his fear. Instinct is not completely forgotten, at least I also know that using the claws to block the thunder, but the meaning is not the same. As the lightning strikes the monster, the cloud in the sky is excited like a shark smelling blood. The lightning bolt, which was only the thickness of the water tank, suddenly increased in three jumps to a diameter of more than 30 meters. Thunderbolt. The cricket smashed the ground continuously, and all nearby players and Yang showed flashes of arcs on their weapons. Some of the cannons placed in front of the battlefield were even directly ignited by the induced electricity generated by thunder and lightning and started to fire themselves, but these are now unnoticed because the black clouds in the sky suddenly all gathered back to the central red cloud. , As if compressed by some force. Finally, after all the black clouds were gathered together, the red clouds below slammed directly and spit out a giant red electric ball with a diameter of more than one hundred meters.

As soon as the electric ball appeared, the quick-response people in both armies cried out together: "Fast lying down."

Although they shouted in a timely manner, after all, people's response rate is fast. Some people who are slow to respond still fail to keep up with everyone. The red electric ball in the sky suddenly hit the ground suddenly after it appeared, and then everyone felt that the whole world was bright, and then nothing was seen. Everyone knows that this is the glare effect. I just blinked my eyes, so I didn't move, but some people apparently had little experience, and immediately jumped out after seeing nothing. Just when they jumped up, they were taken up by a force. Although they couldn't see it, I could see clearly. After the light ball fell to the ground, a big explosion occurred. The powerful shock wave swept the ground and generally rolled up the corpse on the ground along with various people and materials and threw it away. The artillery weighing several tons was chaotic in the air like a small sand. Flying, tens of meters long, giant creatures howling and being blown off the ground and taken to the high altitude, only a few good people who were picked up were prevented from being blown away.

The shock wave from the explosion has been raging for several minutes before it completely ceased, and the place where we fought in the site has become a huge crystallized pit. In addition to the shiny broken glass-like material, the pit has only Plenty of red magma and rising green smoke were all.

Such a terrifying power is simply a force that destroys the world. In theory, it should be impossible for bacteria to survive. However, just after the smoke at the bottom of the pit spread out, we actually saw the monster stepping out of the magma-filled pit step by step. Even though he looked at his futile footsteps, it was also known that this thing was not badly damaged ~ ~ It was just that he could still move, which really surprised us too. The little move of the little dragon girl just now represents her attack The limit of power is too high. Such a big move can't kill this guy. This defense is too strong, right?

"Isn't this dead?" I watched the monster crawling out of the pit for a while before reacting. "Ling Xiaochun."

"Understand." Ling Xiaochun flew forward at the same time, and then chanted together. "Exhaustive source of darkness, great source of light. I am in the name of the goddess of dark glory. Borrow your power, and smash a law of energy and matter."

With Ling and Xiaochun's spell ended. The action of the monster in front suddenly stopped, and then the space around him suddenly shattered into countless fragments like a mirror, leaving a huge black hole in place, and those fragments that fell on the ground were completely sucked in before they land among them. Then the black hole began to change with the passage of time and finally became a small black spot. But at this moment, the black dot suddenly flashed. Following the earth-shattering big bang, the powerful blast was more than ten times stronger than the last movement made by the little dragon girl. This time it was not just ordinary people. Even those who had not been blown away before were not spared, because the underlying hides they hid were blown away by the wind.

Looking at the unrecognizable battlefield in front of me, I finally lost my breath. "Whoo, finally killed."

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