Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 80: Sky-high price

Ladies and gentlemen, since you can get my proposal, I have this book. Then we do n’t ask for it. Anyway, I need a lot of things. If this condition doesn't work, I will switch to another one. As long as I think the calculation can help you deal with the Russian protoss. "

Listening to what I said, the members of the Protoss on the spot reacted in various ways. For example, the representatives of the protoss forces who did not understand me showed a relieved expression after hearing my words. On the other hand, the representatives of the protoss forces that knew me like Heaven and the Temple of Darkness, not only expressed their expressions. Without relaxation, it became more dignified. Because these guys know my situation and know that I can't compromise so easily.

Sure enough, just when they guessed that I had another move, I started to say, "Since this condition is not working, let's change it. I said before that asking for money is useless to me. So I don't want money. And you are unwilling to provide such conditions as open arms, then you can only choose one or more of the only payment methods! "

"What specific things can you pay for?" Asked a Protoss representative.

"Except for the money I don't need, there aren't many kinds of things that you can pay. The first is to open a certain right to me like the kind of agreement that opens the right to purchase arms. This is a non-material reward." "No, no!" The Protoss present immediately began to oppose this first plan after hearing me. A representative shouted there: "There are only three types of authority that we can open. One is the right to buy soldiers, the other is the right to learn skills, and the third is the right to learn technology. These three rights have almost all auxiliary capabilities. Not one! "

In "Zero", in addition to selling soldiers in the country, the Protoss can teach a variety of skills and techniques. It is easier to understand how to teach skills, such as those fighting skills learned by Zhenhong because she succeeded in teaching. Obtained the right to learn skills in Tianting. Other players can also learn the various skills of the national protoss forces by doing tasks. Of course, if you want to learn advanced skills, you must complete difficult tasks. This benefit and risk always coexist. If you want high returns, you must pay high. . In addition to skills, the Protoss forces generally also have some technical abilities, such as the heaven in our country, which can make various magic and spells, and alchemy. These things belong to the technical category, and they are only for personal learning. Different, these technologies can actually be learned as guilds.

Although skill learning and technology learning are different from direct sales of soldiers, the three have the same complementary and mutually exclusive attributes. For example, the famous magic "Starry Sky to Shadow" of the Dark Temple and the famous "Guardian God" of the Light Temple belong to the typical complementary magic. Starry sky to shadow is originally an attack spell that can make the target completely lose its physical existence, neither physical attack nor physical damage, but this attack magic is often used by mage players, because the mage not only does not You need physical damage, but you are most afraid of physical damage, so if the mage uses this skill on himself, it will simply wipe out his biggest shortcomings. However, although this spell can make the magicians resist physical damage, it will cause double magic damage, so this magic is usually used as an attack spell when used alone. After all, in addition to being able to bully soldiers with this skill when singled out, once encountering a group battle, as long as the opponent has a spell member, the mage will not dare to throw a starry reflection on himself, otherwise he will not be hit by the opponent's magic It's just seconds. Even the blood is too late. However, on the surface, the starry sky reflection is just a useful spell, but once you learn it with the patron saint, the trouble will be more serious.

The patron saint is a famous spell in the Temple of Light. Its basic setting is that the protective spell can make the subject completely resistant to magic and spiritual damage within a certain period of time, that is, it is basically invincible except for physical attacks. Originally, this spell was not very powerful. After all, the creatures mainly dominated by physical attacks in the game accounted for more than half, so this spell was of little use except for occasional use against mage. But once you use it in conjunction with the starry sky reflection, then the problem becomes bigger. The person who hits the reflection of the starry sky completely ignores the physical damage. If a guardian **** is added at this time to come up with a magic free skinny, it is really invincible. Unless you wait until the spell expires, no one will move you at all, and you can still fight back with spells. You are asking how can such a skinny play system make it appear? What? You say that two people can learn one spell each and then team up to add each other? This method has been tried for a long time, and it turns out that this is not the way, because the patron saint is a single self-protection spell, which means that you can only add it yourself. The starry sky reflection can be added to others, but the problem is that you can only add to the enemy in addition to adding to the enemy. If you want to find the system's stump, first come to the friendship with your teammates, add the starry sky to the shadow and then regroup , Then the system will let you know how intelligent the new era of intelligent systems can be. For this kind of behavior of deliberately finding loopholes ~ ~ The system's response strategy is to directly lock all of your random lucky points and lock your enemy's luck to the maximum. At that time, you will find that even if invincible, you will be beaten to find teeth. After all, the luck index is obviously more important than the offensive and defensive attributes. Those who do n’t believe will think about how to find the plenary after cutting the enemy's hundred swords Right! Guaranteed to make you depressed to commit suicide.

In short, there is no problem in learning about magic skills among teammates, but one person must never learn several fully complementary spells at the same time, otherwise whoever learns will be invincible. As for the right to learn technology, this thing is actually more dangerous than the right to learn skills. After all, complementary skills can only create one or two invincible players, but complementary technologies can create invincible guilds. There is absolutely no abnormality, only more abnormal. s things. Therefore, the gods said that it was impossible for Calvary to open these things to me.

However, I don't care, anyway, I didn't expect them to agree. Making such a request is nothing more than going around to let them open up the right to sell soldiers. After all, compared with skills and technical rights, this small authority is relatively speaking The least harmful one.

After trying to understand the reason, the gods shake their heads like rattles together. "No, absolutely not. You talk about other payment methods! We can't accept this method."


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