Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 82: Talk collapsed

"Why is this score so low?"

"Low? Is it very low?" My enemy asked in surprise.

The protoss pointed to the list I gave him and said, "Look, you see, why is this zipline skill only thirty points?"

"Is it still small at thirty?" I asked loudly, "You don't lose anything if you open up the right to learn skills. Our people have to pay you extra money to learn the skills. Do you have any actual contributions? Obviously not. So what else are you tangled with since nothing is coming out? "

"But you want us to make up 100 million points to be willing to do the task, and we only give you dozens of points if we open up a skill, so don't we have to open millions of skills to get you out of the task?"

"Please, there are millions of skills for so many protoss of yours. Millions of skills are only a fraction of that. Besides, I do n’t use them all to learn skills. Is it also possible to exchange points for this kind of equipment! And your skill is only 30% and it ’s really not much, but there are a lot of skills of hundreds of thousands, even tens of thousands! If you are willing to open up the high-end skills, I will also Do n’t mind helping you out with just a dozen skills. ”

I just said that the thousands of tens of thousands of skills are not flickering them, in fact, I really gave that kind of high-scoring skills. Of course, the group of protoss are not stupid. They have seen the skills I gave them, but they are not willing to open up. Not that they don't want to drive. But dare not drive. In the list of skills I have given, like the Free Protoss in the United States, a skill has been given a high score of 100,000 points, but the Free Protoss was killed and dare not open, because this skill is called "space projection ". Strictly speaking, this skill is not exaggerated. Its function is actually very simple. It is to concentrate the power of magic to extend the range. For example, the fire wall that could only be released within a hundred meters was superimposed by this skill, and it will become a fire line that can be released hundreds of kilometers away. Although the firing distance has become longer, because the fire wall becomes With the line of fire, the power has increased a lot. Of course, for the average person, this skill will be learned, anyway, it is just an auxiliary skill, but the Free Protoss is afraid to open it to me, because many of my skills are very powerful, and I have the ability to restrain divine power. So once I learn this skill. Then I will have the ability to kill the Protoss within the Protoss attack range. Do you think that the Protoss could make me such an anti-Protoss sniper? Therefore, they will never open this skill, even if I give 100 million points and then post things.

In addition to that spatial projection, it is like the "Great Prophecy" of the Dark Temple and the African one. A small country protoss possesses "element conversion." Skills have been given a score of more than 100,000 points, but it is a pity that even if they open such a high score, they still dare not let me learn. Of course, those can let me The skills I learned have a much smaller effect on me, but I also give them very low scores. If you want to use this skill to get enough points, they will not give me a thousand skills to think about it.

In addition to the villain skills, of course, I also gave corresponding scores for other technical information and advanced equipment and advanced biological eggs, but these are also high and low. Compared to skill points, the score of this part of the technical information is generally very high, starting at more than 100%, especially the dark temple has a reserved technology called "artificial soul making". This technology we directly give a score of 10 million points, because this technology is of great significance to our guild. In fact, this artificial soul making technique is a magic version of artificial intelligence technology, but its structure is not perfect, and it is not as powerful as the artificial intelligence in reality. However, our guild has a strong technical foundation. As long as there is some information, it is not difficult to obtain the agents we need after strengthening and perfecting it. With this intelligent production capacity, our guild army of puppets will enter In the era of mass production, after all, there are still many flaws in the method of instilling the knowledge system with blank souls, and the yield is too low. The experimental production is too small, and it is slightly inappropriate for mass production.

In addition to technical information and skills, this part of equipment and magic pet eggs is relatively the lowest score item. Even an artifact can only give scores of several dozens. After all, the artifact of Niucha can only be worn by one person. Every time we acquire a technology or skill, it means that the people in the guild can use it, so compared to these seemingly worthless skills and Technology and equipment are the least valuable things.

Those protoss held the list that I came up with, the more research the more tangled, they dare not give high-scoring things, the low-scoring have to open a lot to count, and no matter how they count, they feel panic, but Obviously, what I don't do is obviously even worse. After all, once the ring of commandment falls into the hands of the Russian protoss, it is basically a dead end for other protoss. What? Why don't you move the ring of precepts ahead of time? If the protoss is not stupid, can they still move until now? Although these protoss don't want the ring of commandments to fall into the hands of the Russian protoss, they don't want these things to fall into the hands of anyone other than themselves.

The ring of commandments is now equivalent to shared property. In order to avoid the **** of one of them, it is decided to move the ring of commandments. What if one of the disciples is robbed by another? So many protoss can be said that they don't believe anyone, so it seems that the most complicated way to bump the Russian pros in their heads is the easiest way. At least this method as long as it is willing to bleed can give everyone absolute peace of mind. Some bug moth came up halfway. After a period of intensive screening, the representatives of the various protoss have come up with communication tools and connected to the headquarters. After a discussion, the representatives of the various protoss have come back together to discuss each other, until more than two After a few hours, these guys still didn't have the slightest intention to produce results.

I'm not in a hurry for the behavior of these guys. I really want the Russian Protoss to take things away. For our guild, it is nothing more than an increase in input costs, but the output will also increase proportionally or even excessively. So I'm not in a hurry. After all, the Protoss will definitely be anxious once the Ring of Eve is taken away, and as soon as they are anxious, I will be able to sit down and start the price. It will not be up to them how much it will be.

The gods clearly understand this, so although they are a little slower, they still discuss the results. "At this time, the Jingjing was almost in the middle of the night. It was more than six hours to get a meeting in this room.

"Is this your final decision?" I asked as I watched the lists returned by the Protoss.

"Yes, you just look at it like this. If we agree, we will pay immediately, and then you help us to settle the problem of the Russian protoss.

"Man. Let me see first"

The previous lists for the various protoss were printed for statistical convenience. As long as those pros accept the conditions, they can check in front of the corresponding items, and finally just calculate the total score. Of course, the total score is not my calculation. Although my electronic brain computing ability is also good, but after all, there is no military **** fast? So all the final orders were moved back to Isinger to look for the army god. The final items selected by the Protoss are actually similar to what we had guessed before. In addition to opening up a lot of ordinary skills, they also opened up some mid-range skills. In addition, they also provided some artifact equipment and magic pet eggs. As for technical information. A total of two items were checked. One is that the Dark Temple has opened the magical energy conversion theory data, and the other is that the heavenly court has opened up the primary medicine synthesis data. The main reason that the Dark Temple gave this technique is that the Dark Temple knows that our guild itself has a good research strength in this area. Even if they are not open, we can come up with it ourselves soon, so take this in advance. The benefit of changing things is not a loss for them. In contrast, the technology provided by Tianting is more useful. This technology is actually the primary stage of alchemy, but it is not the elixir that is refined at this stage but the advanced medicine. This technique may not be useful for advanced players, but it is definitely a cornucopia type of technology for a guild. After all, there are only a few high-end players in this game, and the most are ordinary players. These medicines are basically as important as ordinary meals for ordinary players, and this thing is not like equipment. Buying one can last a long time. This thing is a consumable and it is particularly fast to use, so the actual The cost is actually very high. If our guild can produce these advanced medicines, it will definitely make a lot of money in the future. Besides, the materials used in the drug synthesis system are actually very cheap. When ordinary members go out to practice, it is estimated that they can meet the needs of the guild. At that time, they will organize people to take the initiative to collect, so the cost of drug manufacturing must be very low low. Spend less money and earn more. This technology is not a cornucopia. What is a cornucopia?

For the situation of the blocking technology of each protoss. I basically expected it, but I didn't expect these guys to knock the door like this, and only two of them were opened. This still accounts for human feelings. Otherwise, why didn't I see the few open technologies that have a bad relationship with me? Heaven and the Temple of Darkness are our old relationship households, and it's not bad to be able to open up two techniques for face-saving.

Although open things are not very important in general, after all, they are huge in number and may not be obvious to high-end players, but the overall strength of ordinary members and guilds is still quite good. In addition, since there are a lot of artifact-level equipment and advanced magic pets in this list, I plan to make a big change for advanced players in the guild within a short time to seal the throne, and try to spawn some cutting-edge combat capabilities. Player squad. After all, we will soon start a war with the Russian Protoss. Even if the Russian Protoss lose their mana because of their seal formation, their equipment and combat skills will not be lost. Ordinary players still can't take any advantage in the face of these lost protoss. If it is not possible, it will be slaughtered in pieces, so I have to get some hunting teams beyond average as soon as possible. Do not ask them to deal with the protoss alone, as long as several people can work together to kill one or two protoss. After all, the biggest advantage we have compared to the protoss is that there are many people. Anyway, fighting is not a friendly match. You don't need to talk about friendship first, as long as you can win, you can use the shady tricks.

After checking the permission and opening information from the **** of war, I returned to the City of Discipline without stopping, but I did not immediately sign a contract with them, but said, "Okay, we just talked about the remuneration of our bank. Now we Let's discuss the issue of execution fees?

"Execution fee? Didn't you get paid? Why do you want to receive benefits?" A Protoss asked in surprise.

I blushed and said, "Is there any surprise? This was just wages. It was your labor compensation for our guild battles. There must be tools or something to work with?" Should we just work without giving wages? "

The gods seemed a little reasonable when they heard it, but they thought that it wasn't right. In the end, the little goddess of wisdom, Athena, responded quickly and shouted, "No. Didn't you say the contract before? Since it is the overall contract, then everything is yours. Why should we pay for it?"

"Contracting isn't complete contracting either! My contract is half-contracting and it's only contracting. You have to pay for the loss of combat tools. There is another point. Although we contracted, you let us deal with it in a guild. A protoss, do n’t you think it ’s too strong? What if you ca n’t beat the Russian pros? ”

Since Athena has just reached her early stage, this will no longer hide her wisdom. Arguing: "Don't we have opened up various permissions to help you improve your strength? Well, as you said before, this will add extra Cost, are you bullying us or are you going to play tricks? "

The tone of Athena's words was quite strong, and the listeners were extremely unhappy. Although our guild was one level lower than the Protoss, I didn't ask for anything, so I didn't feel the need to whisper to each other.

Since she's so tough, I also sternly said, "Everyone was working together. I don't want to hurt everyone's face. Okay, now that you want to tear your face, then I won't tell you anything about me. I say I glanced at the presence of the Protoss, some of them showed a guilty conscience, and most of them showed the same anger as Athena, but none of the Protoss who had a good relationship with me, such as the Temple of Heaven and the Dark Temple, did not. Show any attitude, just wait and see how things go.

After a pause, I continued to say, "I said before when you and I wanted to be paid. Letting you open the authority is to allow our guild to increase its strength in the throne of the Seal of God in a short time. It has barriers and Russian protoss. World War I ... How did the immortals do it. "I roared with anger! "Technical tile" small scolded two, advanced skills do not give one. The level of equipment and magic pets is not low, but they are all ordinary goods. You know how much combat power such things can improve. I'll tell you straightforwardly, I ca n’t beat the Russian Protoss with such a thing, and I ca n’t keep the ring of commandment.

Just now I was thinking about asking you for some tools to improve your strength, and I will pay you back when the battle is over. As for the reward, I do n’t want to pay any more. ? But now it seems that the crystallization of wisdom left by our ancestors is obviously not outdated. Renshan was deceived and Mashan was riding. That's right. I'm sorry to help you, but you just treat me like that? Not willing to borrow some tools from you? What are the benefits? Okay, do you want more of you? Is it okay if I quit? You do n’t have to open the authority. I do n’t need those things either. You have to find a way to move away from the ring of commandment. "I turned around without hesitation and walked towards the door without any regrets.

When I first moved, those protoss thought that I was pretending to increase the price. Who knew that as soon as I stepped out of the door of that room, they would be teleported away. The group of protoss representatives who tried to stop them would not be able to stop.

After discovering that I had really gone, some of the protoss in the group were impatient and began to worry. One of the Protoss stepped up and accused Athena: "Can't you have something to say? Now run away the purple sun qi, what can the ring of commandments do? In case the Russian Protoss really start the magic circle to connect the mountain with the commandments Take away the ring together, can we really chase the Russian gods and grab them? "

Another protoss said: "It's not impossible to go, but the price can be great! It really doesn't matter if you pay Zi Ri a small fee, anyway, it's not too big for us, isn't it?"

Hearing these groups of protoss pointing their fingers at themselves, Athena immediately scolded angrily: "You idiots, Zi Ri is simply a strategy to seize the old ways, he just pretended to be angry and forced us to raise the price. I promise. For a while He'll come back as a good old man and say give us another chance. "

"What if he doesn't come back? Do we really let the Russian guys take the ring of commandments?" A protoss asked. Wei Yiyang said, "Isn't this back?"

The door of the room was pushed open only after she had finished speaking, and when Athena turned proudly to expose my ugly face again, she was surprised to find that it was not me who came in, but that the bank would be in the city of commandments. Person in charge.

"It happened to be here, so I will notify each other one by one." The person in charge said, "Our president just said, please take away the ring of commandments within twelve hours, and the bank will no longer assume the ring of commandments. The trusteeship business. Because the Russian Protoss may start the magic circle at any time, in order to prevent the Bank from suffering undue losses, if you still do not remove the ring of commandments after 12 hours, the Bank will throw it by yourself Go down to the mountain. In addition, our president also asked me to inform you that during the supervision of the ring of commandments, the Bank will have received a total of twelve commandment stones. This thing will not be useful to us in the future, so this The guild will sell these commandment stones. We intend to sell them by auction. The auction venue is set here. After three days, the throne of the Seal of Time is three days. If you want, please bring enough benefits to participate in the auction. Of course, the auction is still not rich. You can use the permissions and equipment that were previously opened for us to trade, and the amount will be converted according to the score given to you. This is convenient for comparison. The higher the price. Well Ladies and gentlemen, the time stamp throne of God only eleven hours fifty-eight minutes, please ring the precepts remove it as soon as possible. "

The player turned and left the room after speaking, and even the guards at the door were taken away, leaving only a group of Protoss standing in the middle of the room with big eyes and small eyes. It took a long time before someone finally responded and snarled at Athena: "Aren't you saying that Zi Ri is just a gesture? Now, he's playing with us for real! What do you say?"

"I"! "Athena wanted to say a way, but she really couldn't do it. She just believed that I would not give up the benefits of her mouth, so she was determined that I wouldn't really turn my face with them, but now it seems that I am completely She didn't care about those interests, but once she figured this out, she realized that they had nothing to threaten me at all. I'm not a subordinate of them, they don't have the right to order me. To say that force of coercion, it is even more Don't think about it. The Protoss simply does not have the authority to actively attack a certain player's guild. This is a system commandment and cannot be changed at all.

Seeing that Athena was there, a protoss who understood the matter quickly said: "This is not the time to hold the blame, but we should quickly find a solution. Everyone think about what we should do?"

Anubis, who has rarely spoken, said, "In fact, we do n’t have much to choose from now. The first thing to decide is the regulation of the commandment ring. There are three ways to do this. One is to find an agent to help us again. Take care of the ring of commandments. This method is more troublesome to handle, and there are a lot of potential safety hazards during the transfer process. I do n’t think you all believe in others. So who is responsible for this transfer process, and how to transfer it. It is very troublesome, and even if it finally moves to the destination, it is still unknown whether the selected agent can effectively supervise the circle of commandments like Frost Rose Alliance, so this method is a lot of problems in general. Extremely troublesome. "" What about two more ways? "Asked the Protoss.

"There are two more. The method is not very good. One is to leave this face and don't give up some blood to invite Ziri back, and the other is to dismantle the ring of commandment. Don't use it."

"What? Would you like to bring back Ziri?" Some of the Protoss immediately called out, "I'm going to go to your own. I'm not a protagonist, we are also a Protoss, but I can't afford to lose this face!"

Another Protoss said: "But the latter method is even more unreliable! I will not say how useful the ring of commandments is, even if it is dismantled, what about the parts? When the ring of commandments was incomplete, everyone grabbed them. I went there, now it ’s broken and I ’m back to the original state? Do you still remember how many people and materials we lost for this thing: I do n’t know what you think. Anyway, I do n’t want to go back to the original state. Stupid. Bamboo said, even if the ring of commandment is taken apart, how can the parts be divided? Littering is definitely not enough, and it is not enough to allocate. To whom? Not to whom? Who decides?

"Isn't that just going to ask for Ziri in the end?" Said a protoss.

A protoss next to said: "Although embarrassed, it seems that this plan is the simplest and most affordable!"

Someone took the lead, and the others followed with a chatter.

"I think it ’s the most assured to hand over to Ziri. Is n’t the supervision given to Frost Rose League always done well? We basically do n’t have to worry about it, and from time to time we can also use the ring of commandments to help us do what we originally did. Things that cannot be solved are much better than competing for the precepts of the law with no previous investment. "

"Yeah yeah!" Protoss echoed immediately: "Although I lost face a bit, but it is not too much to say. Although Frost Rose Alliance is a mortal guild, its strength is no worse than some Protoss forces Now, we really want to count the soft power. Most of us can't do anything with them! "

I am speaking more and more each sentence of the gods, and I think it ’s better to apologize and rush me back. It is better that Athena want to persuade me after hearing these words of the gods. After all, she still thinks I'm just doing gestures, so he doesn't want these protoss to invite me back, but she also thought that if she spoke again at this time, it would become the target of criticism, so she thought about her Still put up with it. However, just as she was about to fade out of sight, someone cried again.

"Well, since we're going to apologize, who should we let go?" A protoss asked.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course, such a shameful thing is the person responsible." After that guy's eyes suddenly turned to Athena's body.

Just when Athena wanted to leave everyone's sight, who knew that she suddenly became the focus of everyone? "What do you think of me? . After asking, Athena found that everyone still looked straight at herself and added quickly: "Would you not want me to go? I can say first, I won't go, whoever you love to go to

"What are you talking about?" Asked a Protoss: "Who ran Ziri Qi just now? Now you are going to give you a chance to remedy, who do you not go to?"

"Well, I just don't go, what can you do to me?" Athena found that everyone seemed to agree with that guy's point of view, and could not help but get upset and be outrageous. Although she is the **** of wisdom, her first profession is the **** of war. It is certain that she has a bad temper. Now that so many protoss are targeting her together, she is not mad at being angry.

Seeing that the situation was going to be rigid again, the representative of Tianting finally came forward and said, "Let me just say something fair. Although Athena ran away Zi Ri Qi just now, but that was just an inducement. The real reason is us The previous price was too low, and people were angry. Athena just hooked up his anger. So you ca n’t blame her for this matter. Athena is obviously proud of this, and she wants to publish it. Thoughts, but who knows the representative of Tianting changed his tone: "But Athena, after all, you have directly angered Ziri. If you can say it euphemistically, things will not be like this. So I think you still have a little responsibility, but it's obviously not fair to hold you accountable. In this way, you still have to take the job of apology, but not let you go alone. I propose that some of our protoss who have better relations with Ziri come forward as peacemakers, and then Athena will apologize and give Ziri a step down. I think the face is still strong, and people with strength will naturally give you face. If the Russian protoss succeeded because of this incident, then everyone's strength will be damaged. Face is even more fragile. So, don't worry about the issue of shamelessness. Also, after we invite Zi Ri back for a while, everyone can't pick it up! Be generous! Ziri is alone, we have so many! Let's share it. In fact, the family can't produce much. Why do you hurt yourself because of this little profit? .

"That's right, I agree with the Protoss taking the lead.

With the approval of the first protoss, subsequent protoss also successively agreed. Although Athena was still a little bit unconvinced, she finally had to submit. Anyway, an apology is a lot of meat. Hold on and pass.

After much discussion, the Protoss finally dispatched an apology delegation. The delegation made a total of four protoss, of which Athena was mainly responsible for apologizing, Tai Shang Laojun, Anubis and Di Tans were responsible for pulling the relationship and playing emotional cards. With such a team, generally it should be There is a problem. However, in general, no problem does not mean that there is no problem.

Shortly after this delegation left, they encountered problems.

"What? Are you going into the training space?" Taishang Laojun almost did not shake the player in front of him. The member who was mentioned by Tai Shang Laojun said with a bitter expression: "You just have to shake my body away! It ’s no use! Our president is in the training space, the place is isolated from the outside world. Unless the chairman comes out by himself, we won't be able to reach him at all!

The guy suddenly loosened his hand just after talking about Taishang Laojun, but the guy didn't notice being squatted with a butt. However, Tai Shang Laojun's performance was even worse than him. I saw Tai Shang Laojun thinking like that when he lost his mind: "It's over, it's all over now!"

Anubis was startled at first, but after thinking that this didn't seem to be my character, he asked, "You president didn't explain anything?"

The member immediately shook his head like a rattle. "No. The chairman only said that after you removed the ring of commandments, you would renovate the city of commandments and transform it into a regular city. However, Miss Rose is responsible for the specific purchase of materials. I only know that she has sent someone to Ordered materials

"Well, it seems that Ziri is really playing this time!" Di Tans turned and said to Tai Shang Laojun: "What you say in heaven is also Zi Ri's own protoss. If you have any secret contact methods, hurry up Contribute! It's going to be a problem later! "

"Do you think I don't want to do that?" Tai Shang Laojun said angrily: "I thought Ziri just wanted to knock more" Lan ... West. So there was no such thing, who knew he was playing really hard! Many times can really invite Chen Xunba! This purple day, hi

"Isn't he playing tricks this time?" Athena finally seemed to understand something by looking at the expressions around them, so she asked a little nervously.

"How dare you ask!" Taishang Laojun gave Athena a glance, then turned around: "Troublesome people who have been notified by us in Heaven, I have returned to Heaven, I must return to Heaven immediately to discuss the crisis management Go to the plan! You said it was a trouble! "Taishang Laojun said, setting up a cloud of white clouds and disappearing in the sky.

Di Tans looked at blank Athena and said: "Although you are known as the Goddess of Wisdom, it is a pity that you have too little experience. But this can't blame you, after all, we have even watched this time. The performance of Ziri before It really looks like he has always extorted our style, so I didn't say anything, but I was always pretending. Anyway, Zi Ri is not a big deal for us at all, just satisfy him. Although this guy is a little greedy, But things are still very good. But now it seems that this time you are really too stingy, and the price difference between the things you give and Zi Ri is too big. Zi Ri has a habit of never trading at a loss. He must have seen that he would lose money this time, so he just kept doing things and pushed things clean. It ’s better not to lose money. ”Anubis told Di Tans:“ Do n’t scare her, we Let's hurry up and discuss how to deal with this matter! So it seems that there are only two left in the three plans, but these two Fangjiao,

"It's not easy to do it! The price is better than being ridden on the head by the Russian Protoss, isn't it?" Di Tans said to Athena again. Biss goes back and informs the others. "

"Aren't you going back?" Anubis Ran said.

Dietans shook his head. "Although I also think that Ziri is a real game this time, but I ca n’t give up a little hope. I decided to go to Ziri and find them in the guild. Maybe the guy just lied to us. ? "

"Good luck then!"

After Anubis and Di Tans separated, they returned to the conference hall with the turbulent Athena. The protoss present at the scene heard the news and fry the pan almost instantly. If I really don't take this task, it means that they must remove the ring of commandments or be ready to go to war with the Russian protoss. If the war starts in a reciprocal situation, these protoss are not afraid. Anyway, the Russian protoss are one family and can't deal with so many of them. The punishment in the process is quite serious. Even if they pass, they do n’t know how much power they can have! If you want to defeat the Russian Protoss, you can only rely on the number of people, but that means sacrificing many, many Protoss members. Compared with the previous cost of benefits, the cost of losing the individual Protoss is simply one place at a time. None of the Protoss now doesn't scold Athena. Don't have to lose face to lose face. How much is your face worth a pound?

"What shall we do now?" Asked the Protoss.

Anubis sighed: "Although Di Tans went to Ziri, I don't think I can count on it. Even if Ziri doesn't really have room to practice, it doesn't really mean that he wants to cooperate with us. .Even if Di Tans can find him, he has a hundred reasons to refuse to help us. So now we are going to discuss how to organize the combat power to transfer the circle of commandment and protect it as soon as possible. "

"Protection? What protection do we take?" A protoss said with excitement: "I will not say the punishment for entering the territory of another protoss to fight against the other side. I heard that there are still things in the magic circle that limit the divine power. What battle do we rely on without divine power? But Ziri said before that the Russian Protoss prepared a lot of weapons that are not driven by divine power. We did n’t prepare anything. After encountering them, they were not chopped by others. ? "

"The casualties are for sure, but not as exaggerated as you said?" A protoss retorted next to it.

"Without my exaggeration? Casualties?" The protoss said angrily: "Does your tribe don't care a lot, right? Tell you, the Protoss of Luoqius counts less than three hundred together with the reserve. Sacrifice? How many do we have? Can individuals sacrifice? "

Another protoss interjected: "This is true. Which of our protoss comes from more? The heavenly courts are more protoss, and the regular members have just passed 10,000, right? The war between the protoss is basically a miscellaneous soldier. It doesn't come in handy. How much strength do we have to sacrifice? "

"I knew it shouldn't have been so stingy in the beginning!"

"Don't regret it now! That's useless.

Let's think about how to solve the problem! "

The gods themselves are not belonging to each other. You have your abacus. I have my careful thinking. Everyone's opinions cannot be unified at all. They are all for their own sake. How easy is it for such a group to discuss something? The Protoss can barely discuss a few words at the beginning, but when it comes to the specific strength of Lima, they mess up, and finally quarreled for more than an hour until the Taishang Laojun came back to discuss the method and did not quarrel. .

"This **** ring of precepts ~ ~ I really wish that the thing shouldn't exist at the very beginning!" A protoss couldn't help it. Can only be depressing vent.

"It's useless to say such things! Things are there, not what you say can't be done! Besides, the ring of commandments is the basis of all laws. You can't go without you if you don't have it, but it's omnipotent. . "The Protoss suddenly stopped here. "Ah! I think of a way!"

"Huh?" The gods, who were about to give up, immediately focused on him as soon as they heard the idea.

When the guy saw everyone eagerly looking at himself and did not dare to sell off, he said directly, "We are riding horses to find horses. Isn't the ring of commandments omnipotent? Use it to pull back Ziri forcibly!"

"Does this work?"

I am sorry for being off for three days. I was caught off guard by three major incidents at home these days. However, the matter has been basically resolved, and then nothing happened to me, and the update returned to normal. If you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support for writing


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