Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 91: Decent death

The so-called duel is actually abusing people. The fighting methods that Kaos is good at have been restricted by me. The only fighting methods remaining are ordinary attacks and some physical skills. Originally, Kaos was not afraid of dealing with ordinary people, but the problem was that he was not dealing with ordinary people, but with very unusual me. What's more, I also added a rule for unlimited calling of magic pets, which is equivalent to infinitely magnifying my combat power. To overcome me under such circumstances is simply a dream.

As the duel space prompted the battle to begin, the pet around me immediately moved. All three of Kaos's pets were summoned, but they were subdued by luck, sickle, and crystal as soon as they appeared. Because according to my rules, the magic pets can be revived immediately after they die, so fortunately they did not kill the three magic pets, but tied them together, so even if they can be resurrected, don't expect help. Busy on Kaos.

After encircling Kaos's three magic pets, Ling instructed the remaining magic pets to surround Kaos. Kaos knew this situation and knew that he was completely hopeless today. His divine power has been sealed, and the combat effectiveness has been reduced to 90%. Now he is besieged by so many pets at the same time, and the opponent can all be resurrected indefinitely. Is this a fart? Of course, it is not to say that Kaos has no possibility of being embarrassed, but this possibility is relatively low.

His only hope now is to be able to rush out of their siege chairs and I will kill them, otherwise it will be a waste of time. My magic pets can be spawned indefinitely, and attacking them has no meaning at all, but if I were killed, this duel would end. However, although this method is the only way Kaos wins, it is more difficult to implement. Not to mention how much Kaos' combat power can be left after limiting so many things, my individual strength alone is by no means easy to deal with. Not to mention I'm not alone. So how could a large group of magic pets stand there, letting him attack me regardless? As for getting rid of these magic pets, this method is theoretically feasible, but it is definitely not that simple to implement.

After weighing the form of the scene, Kaos did not immediately give up. On the contrary, instead of giving up, he chose the most impossible task, which was to kill me directly. After the target was determined, Kaos acted like an unloaded shell and rushed towards me in an instant, but just as he just rushed out not far, a huge figure suddenly stopped him and All the roads leading to me are blocked between me.

Kaos, who was originally planning to fight together, was completely dumbfounded, because just now, a huge black snake had coiled into a hill around me and surrounded me in its body. If Kaos wants to kill me now, he must kill the snake first. Although Kaos didn't know what the snake was, but it could be seen from its hill-like volume. This was by no means an ordinary commodity, and it was definitely not a simple matter to kill it. What's more, the duel rule formulated before is that the pet is dead without punishment, that is, even if he kills the snake, the opponent will be resurrected immediately, so he should not expect to rush in anyway.

Kaos was stunned by Hei Yan's behavior, but my other pets were not. Before Kaos returned from his thoughts, he saw two light balls, one black and one white, suddenly flying in front of him, and then the light **** collided and exploded in front of him. Kaos flew out, and after waiting for him to land, he felt a dark shadow suddenly rushed over and hit him, and the huge force almost spit Kaos out. .

Although dizzy from the previous explosion, Kaos did not lose consciousness. After being hit by the bird, he immediately grasped the edge of the bird's wings, and the other smashed into the bird's body and smashed. . With the strength of Kaos's god, if the bird hits it with his head, the bird will definitely not survive, so under normal circumstances, the bird's choice should be to leave immediately after hitting Kaos, and then look for opportunities to attack again. However, things are different now.

Kaos's seemingly stabbed punch eventually opened a big hole in the bird's body, but did not kill the bird. After being hit, Kaos really wanted to kill the creatures in front of him, but he misjudged the bird's body structure. Normal people see a creature bumping towards themselves, and the first reaction must be that they hit the other person's head. After all, most creatures are heads forward. But flying birds are synthetic creatures, not something that evolved naturally. Unlike ordinary creatures, flying birds are actually flying backwards. The steel fork-like object he was facing forward while flying was actually an extension of his spine, not his head. The triangular object that looked like a tail behind him was his head. Because of this hunting mistake, Kaos punched the bird's tail vertebra with a punch, and did not hurt enough to be instantly fatal. Of course, under normal circumstances, this kind of injury is enough to make the current creature lose its combat power. However, the current situation is not normal, so Asuka doesn't care about injuries at all, and it will die if it is dead and then resurrected. There is no death penalty here. There is no step down or a certain time. Dead is the same as dead. Because he didn't care about death at all, Asuka didn't choose the guerrilla tactics of cautious one-strike, but chose the best-effort tactics. Instead of letting go of Kaos, the flying bird was punched into the jet thruster by overdrawing vitality. We only saw that after hitting Kaos, the bird instantly became a super rocket, dragging a nearly fifty-meter-long jet flame and Kaos hit the ground like a meteor. Because it is a top-down dive in itself, and the bird's deadly jet propulsion method, his and Kaos' speed reached a state of horror almost instantaneously.

Kaos did not react at all and was hit by the other head against the ground, followed by a loud noise, even though we stood a few hundred meters away and felt the ground shake.

The body and bones of the bird that hit the ground with a dozen times phoneme were instantly inertialized into a sludge. At the same time, the jet fuel stored in the bird ’s body also had a violent big explosion. Its power was comparable to that of a medium-sized magic crystal The bomb went.

With that loud noise, I took the bird's death notice for granted at the same time, but I summoned the bird immediately after receiving the notice. The flames from the explosion had not yet fully emptied, and the birds were hovering intact in the sky.

Contrary to Asuka's unscathed resurrection, Kaos, who hit the ground with Asuka, was miserable this time. At the moment of the impact, Kaos was topped by a flying bird. In other words, Kaos hit the ground first, and then the bird did not hit the ground, but hit Kaos. At that speed, the birds and bones and muscles all smashed into a ball of paste-like things, but you can imagine how miserable Kaos was in the middle. Although Kaos's armor and other items have been restored after entering the duel space, the impact was still so severe that when the flames had dissipated, he staggered out of the huge deep pit.

Originally, under normal circumstances, the main **** of Kazel was able to kill creatures such as birds, but now he is so embarrassed by the rules that Kaos almost bleeds blood. However, despite being angry and depressed, he could do nothing. To blame, I can only blame me for being too cunning and too stupid. I didn't expect that the rules could be set like this.

Despite being frustrated, Kaos knew that now was not the time to be angry. After he got out of the pit without saying a word, he rushed over to me. He is not the kind of person who will sit and wait for death, even if he has a chance to live, he will fight for it. However, since it is a front-line vitality, it is very rare. Kaos is now not so much working hard as to support his final dignity as a protoss. In fact, when he heard the rules I made, he knew he wasn't saved this time, but his self-esteem made him unable to give up. Even if he knew he was dead, he had to fight deadly, and he could not die .

Seeing Kaos rushing over again, I didn't say much, just waved forward. Ling and Xiaochun's magic completely covered Kaos's route in an instant. Even the powerful mixed magic of light and dark couldn't stop Kaos, and he was instantly lifted off again. But this time he still fell down, but climbed up again and humbled.

Without receiving my order to stop, Ling and Xiaochun naturally did not stop, so Kaos was bombarded again without suspense. In this way, Kaos flew back and forth tossing back and forth tossing back and forth a dozen times before I finally understood. This guy isn't fighting me at all, he's just trying to die. With Kaos' strength, if you really want to fight, although it is still dead in the end, it will not be suppressed by Ling and Xiaochun? From now on until now, he has never dodged at all. He rushed up against the attack every time. How could such a play not be bombarded? So he wasn't fighting me at all, he just wanted to die soon.

After understanding Kaos' thoughts, I also felt that I should not toss him. There is no need to be merciful to the enemy, but tormenting an already dying enemy to get pleasure is pure fun of a coward. My goal is to destroy, not torture.

"Ling, Xiaochun."

"Don't it be decent to let him die?" Ling truly deserves to be a loyal and devoted housekeeper, and I guessed her before I even said that.

I nodded and said, "Use your strongest skills. Send him on the road one time and don't toss him.

"Understand." Ling turned and asked Xiaochun: "Are you coming or me?"

"I'll come." Xiaochun said to me: "Trouble you to stay away, it will be dangerous near here."

"To understanding."

As former rivals, Ling and Xiaochun knew each other very well, and after working together for so long after becoming my magic pet, Ling naturally knew what Xiaochun was going to do. She directly asked me to run with some other pets more than ten kilometers away, and then handed me a telescope.

Kaos probably knew we knew what he was thinking, so he didn't move at all when he saw that we retreated, but just stood there waiting for Xiaochun to give him the last one. Xiaochun waited until we all evacuated from a safe distance before turning to face Kaos, saying, "For you to be a bit boned, I will let you see my ultimate destruction technique. You put Keep your eyes wide. I usually do n’t have this skill. "

When Xiaochun was preparing skills over there, Ling was explaining to me with a telescope. "Xiao Chun probably wants to use the ultimate destruction technique. That's what our two gods of light and darkness can do, but the names are not the same. The temple of light controls the light that calls the world, and our temple of darkness calls it the destruction." Road is actually a spell. "

"Is this skill great? Why haven't I seen you used it before?"

"How dare we use this skill casually?" Ling complained. "That is the last trick from killing. One use is reduced by five hundred levels. Even if we ca n’t use it a few times, our level will be zero. Now it ’s because The rules you set are not punishable by death, so Xiaochun dare to use that trick. "

"Oh I got it."

Ling Zheng explained that suddenly we all felt a powerful and terrible storm of energy blowing from the front. Although it was not the wind in the true sense, it was a shock that could be felt. And the power contained in it is absolutely terrible. Ling Shishi explained: "This is Xiaochun's use of the superimposing technology of the Seal of Time and God to overdraw all her five hundred levels of vitality and magic power and put it to a point, so this kind of energy fluctuation will erupt. "

I nodded and said, "Yeah! Five hundred goddesses of light are concentrated and released in an instant, and that is indeed a force that destroys the sky and the earth. I estimate that even such a trick in the higher **** will be injured."

Ling also nodded: "Almost. The energy is concentrated to this extent, and it is already close to the power of the law, even if it can hurt the higher god. It is not strange. Oh, ready, everyone is about to close their eyes. "

With Ling's prompt, we quickly closed our eyes. Although it's weird why we didn't let us see it, but the long-term cooperation has made us all instinctively ignore the question and closed our eyes immediately, and almost suddenly felt the bright light in front of us when we closed our eyes. Although we all closed our eyes, the light was so strong that it penetrated the eyelids and hurt our eyes. The magic pets and I couldn't help but protect the eyes with our hands. At the moment when the strong light burst, I even felt as if someone was burning us with fire. The horrible light radiation is estimated to have exceeded the light radiation at the moment of the atomic bomb explosion. If it wasn't because we and Xiaochun belonged to a companionship, and most of the damage was automatically ignored, it is estimated that we could all light up just now.

It was only a few seconds after the strong light erupted that we all dared to take our hands down. At this time, the surrounding area was still white, not because our eyes had a problem, but there was a small sun hanging on the ground in front of it. Moreover, not only did the sun go out, but it also gradually increased. In the end, it continued to expand into a huge white light sphere with a diameter of several kilometers. In the end, we had to cover our eyes because the light was really It's too strong to open his eyes. The earth around us was black at this time, and the land under our feet was dehydrating and cracking at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and some of the rocks exposed on the surface were burnt red. "Ling, how long will this puppet operation last?"

"About a minute or so, forbearance passed." Ling knew that we were more uncomfortable because she was not comfortable. Not because of the confrontation of light and dark attributes, but hot. We are all Xiaochun's companions, so Xiaochun's spells will basically not hurt us except for some indiscriminate spells. Although the ultimate destruction technique in front of us is also indistinguishable from enemy to enemy, we are actually not in the range of magic. The changes in the surrounding environment are actually caused by the aftermath of that magic, and this aftermath also belongs to the scope of identification of enemy and friend, so we will not feel any power. But even if the power of magic does not act on us, the power of reflection through the environment is not immune. The biggest problem we feel now is heat, and it's not ordinary heat, it feels like the infrared heaters of hundreds of high-powered cars are all facing you, UU reading a book www.uukanshu. com I even feel like I'm a roast duck in a microwave, and I'm almost cooked.

Fortunately, the time said that the Seal of the Seal of God was relatively accurate. One minute later, the kind of magic wave that can scare people from the center of the light ball outside suddenly disappeared, but because the air has been heated to the point where it can shine by itself, although the fuel is gone, the light ball is not a bit Meaning to go out. We just waited for about a minute in the place to start to gradually weaken the surrounding light, and it was a few minutes after the light weakened to the point where the eyes could adapt, but the surrounding air was still so hot. Root wood, as soon as it is taken out, will surely burn itself into coke.

Although the temperature did not completely drop, fortunately, it had no effect on us. The site of Xiaochun and Kaos Station has just turned into a large pit with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. The edge of the entire pit is a fiery red, while a small amount of magma is accumulated at the bottom of the pit. It is estimated that most of the magma has been directly gasified, and what has accumulated at the bottom of the pit should have just flowed down after the temperature dropped. Xiaochun's figure hovered in the middle of this huge pothole without a doubt. As for Kaos, it was more appropriate to describe it in one word. The word is "evaporation on earth." "The ultimate destruction technique is really amazing! A grand god, even burnt, has no ash left!"


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