Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 94: Task Force killed

"You are the president of this little flower alliance, Ziri." Only Croff asked, struggling to get up.

When I heard his question, I didn't mean to stop, but walked towards him. "I grabbed Bacroft's throat sharply, and the other hand reached out to stop. But it didn't move fast enough, and it was eventually me Holding his neck to lift it up. Although he grabbed my wrist desperately and wanted to move that hand away, but that hand was like an iron pliers. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the slightest, but he was helpless. I was struggling there desperately hoping to get a chance to breathe. Looking at Baclov who was struggling there, I did n’t lift him like this all the time, but smashed it to the ground after lifting it to the highest point, At the same time said: "My guild is called Frost Rose League, not a small flower. "With the end of my voice, Baclov had banged into the ground, and was forced into the rock by me.

After smashing Baklov a bit, I didn't let it go, but suddenly lifted it up again. It's just different from the arrogant expression before, now Bakrov's face is only left confused. It wasn't a slight hit just now, this guy is now in a semi-conscious state. But I did not intend to let him go, but continued to say, "Second, my guild is not something you can laugh at." After I said it, I threw it suddenly into the sky, and my right hand was eternal. Keep up. "The eternal **** of thunder and lightning cuts." A red beam suddenly burst from the eternal tip, instantly catching up with Baklov who flew up into the air in one step, then continued straight up into the sky, and after the beam disappeared. In the originally clear sky, a large amount of thunder was suddenly gathered, followed by a click, a large sky mine suddenly fell from the sky, and instantly exploded Baklov, which had been bombarded by a beam of light, directly in the air. Countless fragments, and each of them ignited a raging fire, as if a large number of fire meteors shot out in all directions. The extremely arrogant Baklov was so easily blasted into fly ash.

After a thousand drops of Baclov, the battlefield in front of the entire warehouse area was almost silent for a moment. I chose this Baclov as the target before, because his words were too arrogant, but the more important reason is because I need a role model to fight against the morale of the remaining Russian protoss. Because the protoss are inherently despised for mortals, and the players in our guilds are a little worried about resisting the protoss, so our guild players have always been in a weak state in terms of morale. Now I just want to use Baclov to cheer up those players in our guild. By the way, blow the arrogance of the Russian protoss.

My plan! It can be described as the smooth progress of Jing Ridang. As the strongest protoss in this area, Baklov was evened out by my three consecutive strikes. This strength can definitely scare many people, especially for those who are afraid of death. Say. Because the strength of ordinary people is much stronger than ordinary people, protoss are often more afraid of death than ordinary people. The self-confidence and bravery they show are often based on strength. After knowing that they are not opponents of each other, the protoss are actually It is the race that is most afraid of death.

"Well, who else wants to try our Frost Rose League is bullying?" I asked, looking at the protoss who were all holding back.

Although they were very unconvinced, in the end the protoss did not answer any of them because they were very smart besides fearing death. They knew who dared to come up at this time, and immediately became my main target, so no one dared to speak at all.

"No one dares to speak, right?" I glanced at the audience, and then said, "Very well, you are much smarter than Kaos and the guy just now, because neither of them believes me, so now they Have disappeared from this world !!!

"What? Lord Kaos is dead." Hearing my words, all the Russian protoss who were present were stunned, and all voices of doubt came out. "No way, you can understand that you can kill Bacroft. But how could Lord Kaos be the one you can handle?"

"I'm clarifying the facts. I'm not discussing something with you. I don't want to believe you can believe it, but Kaos won't be resurrected because you don't believe it. If you want to know if I'm telling the truth, you just resist it. Then I will send you to see your Lord God soon. "

Although most of the Protoss still do not believe my words, I am very satisfied with the effect of these words, because I did not intend to let them believe my words and stop fighting. What I need to achieve is nothing more than to lower the morale of these guys, and in terms of the current situation, my purpose is quite good. Although most Protoss do not believe that Kaos is really dead, they are somewhat doubtful. It is such a little suspicion and disbelief that has caused the combat effectiveness of these protoss to drastically decrease. At least many of the protoss who have been rushing at the moment have now shown quite conservative tactics, which has already achieved my purpose.

While those protoss have not fully recovered. The players in our guild immediately launched an onslaught against those protoss. Although there is still no protoss to kill, the overall situation is improving. At least our personnel who have been in a state of decline before can barely suppress those protoss. Seeing that the situation had stabilized, I no longer waited, and rushed towards the nearest battle group.

Thanks to my assistance, the two sides, which were originally in a close match, were instantly broken. At the same time as I wiped out those protoss one by one, more local personnel were also freed up. As the proportion of our combatants gradually increases, the remaining protoss forms become more and more critical, but even if they know that the situation is bad, they can no longer run away. Because a large number of protoss were killed, there are more and more idlers on our side. Naturally, the remaining protoss are surrounded by three layers inside and three layers, even if they can escape from those players who are in direct contact with them. It's just impossible to completely leave the siege for a group of opponents.

I think the battle on the warehouse side has basically no suspense, so I left this area in advance, anyway, the remaining protoss could not make any waves. After re-launching, I was planning to continue looking for the next target, but who knew it but suddenly received the notification from the **** of war.

"Zi Ri."

"what's up?"

"Are you looking for the right target for your shot?"

"Yes, any suggestions?"

"To the northwest, there is a very good target three thousand kilometers away."

When I heard the words of the army god, I first instinctively turned my body toward the northwest, but then realized that it was wrong. "What did you say? Three thousand kilometers away?"

"Yes, our task force is in trouble."


"Cafe" should be a jackpot in your words. "

"Every prize in China?"

"The task force accidentally touched a special task during the operation and was given a clue for a level treasure."

"Class treasure? What is it?"

"Not sure for now, but not surprised

"Money?" My eyes flashed as soon as I heard the word. "how many?"

"Soro said they fell into the pile of money, how much can you say?"

"Heap of money? Shouldn't there be a lot of money to fall into a large group of people? Right, are they in any trouble?"

"It is said that there are a lot of senior protoss and monsters guarding the place, and the task force has suffered heavy casualties. There are only seven people left, including Solo.

"Pass me the coordinates and I'll be right there." After calling Ran Fei Bird to jump straight up, I immediately let the bird fly to the destination with the fastest speed. More than 3,000 kilometers is not near at all. Even at the level of flying birds, it still flew for nearly an hour before reaching the sky above the destination. "That's it?" As I let Asuka hover, I checked the information with the **** of war.

"If you see a large half-melted rock, it should be right here."

"Then I think I'm right." Below this place where Asuka is hovering is a large area of ​​burning forest. The flame has left the area we hovered and is spreading to the periphery. Where there are no firefighters, this is estimated. It is impossible for the fire to extinguish naturally. Fortunately, this area we circled should be the first to catch fire. So when it was burning elsewhere, there was only a few sporadic flames left because most of the combustibles were burned out in advance. In the center of this scorched land, there is a large pit with a diameter of about thirty meters and a surface height of about one meter from the ground. A large amount of lava is gathering at the bottom of the pit, but it seems to be almost solidified. A large amount of black agglomerates floated on the surface of the lava, while bubbles continued to rise upwards.

"Do you know what this looks like?" I said to the **** of war in the communicator.

"Would you like to say that the meteorite crashed? Implication, you guessed it, this is a crater. Just ten minutes ago, our dispatch team accidentally encountered the process of falling this meteorite, and that meteorite was even more A big pit was smashed on the ground. Do you know what's under the pit? "

"Ansang?" "No, but it's almost the same." The army **** explained: "Under the expansion is a passage. Our people followed the passage into an extremely large underground maze, and finally found piles of diamond coins and The total amount of various equipment and resources is so high as to be impossible to count by them alone.

"So many?" Yes. But unfortunately, as soon as those things appeared, they met senior members of the Russian Protoss, and then many monsters attacked them together. As a result, they had to run away in haste, and now it seems that they were chased in the maze and lost their direction, and The personnel also dispersed. At present, there are only seven people in this group, including Soro, who can keep in touch with me. They can confirm that six people have died and 13 others are missing. "

I nodded and said, "That's to say they're all trapped in the cave below this, right?"


"Okay, I see. I'll be responsible here."


After the army **** cut off the communication, I put away the birds and spread my wings slowly to the ground near the burning pit. After a little thought, I summoned Everett. Whether as the King of Fire Elves or sculpting creatures, Everett's fire resistance is outstanding.

"Go down and help me see if the aisle is still there."

"Understand." Everett blinked twice, then flew over the semi-condensing lava, then sank slowly. In fact, this kind of semi-solidified magma is more dangerous than boiling magma. Imagine the viscosity of the asphalt and the hardness after it dries. You can roughly think of the state when the magma is about to dry. The semi-solidified asphalt will become extremely viscous, and it will be difficult to get rid of anything when it is stained, and the magma will only exaggerate when it solidifies.

After Everett sank completely into the lava, I began to keep in touch with him through spiritual contact, so that not only the news of the Throne of the Seal of God would be known for the first time. You can also help in time in the event of an accident. Everett sank into the lava first down the road, then found a meteorite that burned slightly smaller than a volleyball and looked like a rotten potato at the bottom of the lava pit. Next to this strange stone is a channel that is not too wide, but at this time it has been completely filled with lava, so it is impossible to see where it leads. After all, lava is not water, and it can transmit light. Said almost nothing.

After confirming the general direction of the passage, I did not let Everett continue to dig through the passage, but instead notified him after returning and switched to summon the Blazers and Rose Vine to find a place to compare with the pit. The distant location dug in the direction of the passage. Lava is fluid only when the temperature is high. If it flows into a pipe, it will definitely block the course automatically because the forward part is cooled and condensed. However, the pressure in normal volcanic channels is generally high, so the lava will be washed away even if it condenses.

Although the lava in this large pit is not melted by the meteorite, the lava channel penetrated by the meteorite should also be a branch vein, so there is not much lava flowing out and it automatically blocks the exit. Under such circumstances, the lava flowing into the channel must have partially condensed and blocked the channel. As long as we leave the fault a little further, we should be able to find the part that has not been invaded by lava.

The trailblazer and Meihunvine are themselves digging creatures, which are very good at punching holes. With my order, the two magic pets immediately dug an oblique downward passage on the ground, but because the original passage below was relatively deep, it took a while to dig there. Moreover, what we confirmed before is only the general direction of the passage. No one can guarantee that it will not turn halfway. Therefore, it takes time to dig into the throne of the Seal of God and luck.

When the trailblazers and Meishun vine were desperately digging there, Everett also climbed out of the magma pit. But compared to when he went in, he had something more on his hands.

"Why did you bring that meteorite back?" I immediately recognized what I Everett saw. This thing is the meteorite that I just saw through the eyes of Dan Ivrit in my heart, but when I look at it with my own eyes, I will feel that this thing is slightly larger than I expected.

Everett dragged the meteorite with one hand, and a hair dryer popped out of the other arm against the meteorite. After that, he seemed to think of something: "The owner can ask Frost to help cool this down. ?"

"Yes, yes, but why did you bring this thing back?" I asked as Frost Xue called out.

Frost Xue passed the burning red meteorite to Frost Xue. Frost Xue just bowed his head and sighed, and the meteorite returned to the normal rock state instantly. Everett did not explain until then: "I just accidentally discovered that this meteorite has a very high hardness and magic blocking effect. It should be a very good smelting material, so I got it back."

"Oh? Let me see." Anyway, before the hole was dug, I took the meteorite and looked at it. Although I do n’t do much now, I ... There are two projects in Blacksmithing and Appraisers in Deli. Even if you don't relax a few materials, there is nothing wrong. Drop an appraisal at your fingertips. The result actually failed. You know that my current recognition skills are full, which is the highest level. With my level of identification skills, there is still the possibility of identification failure. The level of this material is too high, right?

After the failure of the appraisal, I threw away more than a dozen appraisals. It doesn't take much mana to identify skills anyway. Dozens of consecutive appraisals failed in succession, until the twentieth appraisal did not suddenly hear the completion tone.

"Haha. I finally identified it." Picking up the meteorite, I looked at the properties again. The main composition of this meteorite is a special mineral called blackstone, whose content only accounts for about one ten thousandth of this meteorite, that is to say, the black stone extracted from this meteorite is not lost at all, it is estimated that we There is no way to see it directly with the naked eye. However, although the content of such things is extremely low. However, it is an excellent reinforcement material that can increase the hardness of any metal equipment, and hardness is directly related to the defense value of the armor and the attack power of the weapon. so. This metal is actually a pretty good smelting material. Of course, because it is an auxiliary material similar to an additive, the demand during smelting is not large. Even if it is only one ten thousandth of this meteorite, it is enough to give several sets of spares.

Originally, we didn't come here for this thing, so this thing can be said to be a pleasant surprise. After I collected this meteorite. Rose Vine and the Trail Blazers also reported that the excavation was complete. Let them move to the lower passage first and I followed.

When we entered the passage below, it was not an artificial cave, because I could not find any traces of man-made processing here. Except for the unevenness of the walls, the ground was also deep and shallow. If this is an artificial cave. In order to save trouble and not to deal with the wall and the top of the cave, it is understandable that even the depth of the ground digging can not be justified.

"This should be the old lava pipeline." Everett glanced around the surrounding environment and said, "The condensate on the ground is all volcanic rocks, and there must have been a lot of lava flowing through it before. But this place once had For some time, the throne of the seal of the gods should be submerged by the underground river, and the smooth curves on the walls were washed out by the water. There should be a lot of water flowing through the throne of the seal of gods for a long time. "

I nodded and said, "Your analysis is correct, but that's a long time ago. It wouldn't be a month or two for the lava to cool down completely under the ground, and the ground here is abnormal. It's dry, and there's a lot of dust on the surface. It should have been a long time since there was no water flowing. On the contrary, there should be a group of people passing by recently. "

"Do you know how poisoned?" Everett wondered where the reason came from.

I didn't answer, but pointed to Ivrit's feet. Everett lowered his head with a puzzled look, but now he had a corpse lying beneath him. Because Everett moved in suspension, he never landed under normal circumstances, so he floated over the body without notice.

The body under Everett's feet does not belong to a humanoid creature. It is a creature with a pale skin and no hair, the size of a domestic cat, and looks quite disgusting. It has limbs and a long big tail. And with webs between your toes, you should be good at swimming. The cause of this creature's death was a cut on the waist. From the wound, it was not caused by any animal's claws, and only intelligent creatures could kill the prey without eating. If it is an ordinary animal, killing only Will appear in self-defense and predatory behavior, and the little thing in front of it obviously does not make the other party need self-defense. The predatory assumption is not valid because of the existence of a corpse. There are many reasons to die this thing is because this little thing is very ugly. It's like humans see a rat as if it killed him. Suddenly encountering such a thing in this underground passage, most intelligent creatures will kill it out of caution or cleanliness.

After checking the body of this creature, I took back the pets who were not well adapted to the cave environment, leaving only Ling Xiaochun, Yeyue, Rose Vine, Azana, Bailang, and darts outside. Ling is my most important magic pet, and the goddess of darkness is also more adaptable in such a dark environment. Although Xiaochun is a goddess of light, she can play many roles in a dark environment. For example, when she is a mobile light, it is good to encounter an enemy posing as a flashlight. The cave creatures are basically afraid of light. Xiaochun is estimated to be able to walk sideways here. As for Yeyue. She was kept out entirely because of her snake tail. In such an uneven environment. Her tail is at least a few times more powerful than us, and she should be able to respond quickly if something happens. As for Ariana, although they are mermaids, it is good to be a sonar in such a closed environment. Needless to say the last rose vine, white waves and darts. They are dedicated to crypts.

To be honest, it is not easy to find a group of people in a huge underground maze, especially when there are other things in the maze that are interfering with your search. But the only good thing is that Solo's seven-member team can still keep in touch with the **** of war, so you can communicate with me and confirm the position of each other, so it is much easier to get closer to each other. But I ca n’t do anything about the remaining team members. I can only see their luck then. If they can meet me, they will be lucky. If they ca n’t, they will be self-reliant.

Under the continuous positive coordinates of the **** of war, the distance between me and the team led by Solo was getting closer and closer, but when we finally met more than a hundred meters, we were met. Stop it.

"What's the situation?" They all looked stupid on the spot when they saw the huge stone wall Solo in front of them.

On the other side of the stone wall, I was also there. It was already close to this level according to the coordinates, but it would be separated by a wall on both sides. That's why I say it's trouble finding people in the tunnel, even if you know the coordinates. If you don't have a map, you will often end up with a situation that is close at hand but separated by a wall or something.

"Chairman." Solo's voice abandonment in the communicator seemed very anxious, but the last step was not seen, which is far more difficult than before.

"Don't be nervous, just a wall. Just stand there and don't move. I'll just make a hole through it."

Because he hadn't thought of it before, Soro seemed so nervous, and now he was so stunned. "Yes! President, will you punch holes! Bai worry!" "What do I mean to punch holes? I'm not a mouse."

"Sorry, I said the wrong thing. Don't be angry, President. I" Ah! "

"Hey, what's the matter?" The originally calm environment on the side of the communicator turned into a mess with Solo's scream, although it was not visible because the video mode was not turned on. But the roar of the monster in the communicator mixed with the shouts of the players is already very good.

"Master. Do you want to burrow past?" Rose Vine asked directly with her heart after hearing the voice over there.

I stepped on the rock wall, and then said, "No, the rock formations here are too hard. When you dig in, people die early. Fortunately, thin, crystal, Xiaosan, Xiaofeng, give me the dragon flame. Heat the rocks, Frost and Snow are responsible for quickly cooling the rocks and making them brittle. Myra, the tank, use your strongest attack to blast me off the rocks. "


There are many people and powerful people, and the magic pets work together to call it a fast. Four dragons, six heads, and Xiaofeng take turns to attack. The powerful flame can completely redden a rock layer of more than one meter in an instant. At this time, the frost and snow will cool the wall extremely cold. A large number of cracks will appear inside the rock, some of which can even extend to a depth of seven or eight meters in the wall, and the completely reddened rock, which is more than one meter thick in the outermost layer, explodes directly. After blasting out the metre-thick rock layer outside, several dragons and frost snow immediately let aside and begin to gather magic. Mira's rays of destruction and the tank's magic crystal cannon followed the rocks that were already full of fissures. Above the wall. Just listening to the bang, accompanied by flying debris, the original rock wall was suddenly blasted out of a large hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters and a depth of more than ten meters.

In this confined space, the power of explosive skills seems to have been greatly improved, but the shock wave generated by the explosion is also terrible. Just now my ears could not hear anything.

Although the sound is a bit shocking, the throne of time and the seal of the throne are urgent, and we dare not hesitate. Immediately after the explosion, they did not even wait for the gravel to land completely. Fortunately, they rushed up and started to heat the wall. Then the frost and snow made it burst and become brittle. Following the tank and Mira, they detonated again. The previous one was ten meters deep. The big hole immediately became a trail more than 30 meters deep.

"Very good. Continue." Two attacks digged more than thirty meters, and four more times at this level should be able to penetrate.

While I was desperately digging the hole, Solo, who was blocked on the other side of the wall, had fallen into mold. Originally, they were chased by the protoss in the cave, but they were not caught, but at the moment when they were about to meet me, they were found by the protoss, and they were blocked in this dead end. Now I'm behind them. Although it's across the wall, it also represents hope, so don't say they have no way to run. Even if there is a way for them to run, it is estimated that they will not run. However, the question now is that the Protoss has arrived, but I don't know where it is now, what if I don't catch up?

Seeing the members of the Russian Protoss who were getting closer and closer, Soro prayed for me to come while directing everyone's heart alert.

"Your group of mice have finally stopped us, have you? Where do you run this time?" The protoss who took the lead was obviously depressed by the chasing process, so when they saw Soro they were blocked in a dead end. Then I couldn't help but get excited.

Soro was still worried that the other party would kill as soon as he came up. I didn't expect that the guy actually meant to tease them, which made Soro happy. If the other party wants to tease, let him tease him. Anyway, when the president arrives, he can tease back.

"Huh, it's unlucky for us to be blocked here by you. But a few of you are too useless. The divine protoss chased us for a few hours before they came to us, and still took advantage of our own walking into the dead end. Otherwise, We're lucky. Don't try to catch us if you are exhausted. "

"Hahaha Yu ..." The protoss smiled proudly: "Just say, you just say that. Anyway, you're going to die anyway, what about letting you take advantage of the verbal advantage?"

When Solo heard this, he immediately decided to answer the question. He was able to be selected by me because I liked his wit and smoothness. Will watch and watch. Hearing the words of the Protoss, he wanted to continue to talk to him and give me time for the Seal of the Seal of God, but who knew that the plan could not keep up with the change. Just before that mouth, another protoss next to the protoss who spoke to him suddenly said, "What's the waste with these mice? Let me cut them straight and go back to life." Although the guy was in front of him This protoss said, but his actions did not mean to discuss at all, there is still saying that there is already here, before the protoss wanted to oppose it. He ca n’t call others to say, “Hey, wait a minute. I have to tease these mice. You wait for me to play enough before killing them.” It ’s okay to think so, but it ’s a fool Can do things. And this protoss obviously does not belong to the category of fools.

Although you can't tell your true thoughts, it's okay to let it go in another way. The protoss suddenly shouted at the guy in front of him and said, "Wait a minute, these guys have made me scolded by the boss. Let me kill them."

Although the protoss who was more acute was quick-tempered but not reckless, he took a step back and made a hand gesture as soon as he heard the reason of the other party. Seeing that the other side agreed, the protoss came to Soro with a weapon. Although it is no longer possible to play cats and mice, it is also very cool to kill them. Thinking of this, the protoss raised his sword to prepare to attack. However, just when he raised his sword, the pig wall behind the opponent suddenly heard a boom. Although the movement was not that big, it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. Hearing this voice is different. The players and Chans in our guild are excited, and the opposite protoss are confused. Soro they were excited because they knew that the savior had arrived, and the Russian protoss had no idea what that sound was.

Although he couldn't figure out what the sound was ~ ~, the guy holding the sword didn't plan to study, and after a short pause, he rushed up. Solow saw the other side rushing and scared away, and the two players behind him quickly bypassed him and blocked in front of him. The two swords collided with that guy's sword at the same time, but The results were not so good. The guy was only taken a few steps back by the shock, but the two were shot directly until they hit the wall before falling off.

After a shock and retreat, the guy unhesitatedly unfolded and smashed into the crowd, and immediately flew all seven of them, including Solo. However, I don't know if he still has fun, so the seven of them did not die although they were all injured.

Probably it was seen that the guy in the front was not serious, and the impatient in the back couldn't help urging: "Well, don't play, hurry up!"

"No problem." Although not satisfied, the guy knew he couldn't play anymore, so he shot his weapon and cut it at Solo, who was closest to him. However, just as he held his sword high above his head and was about to slash down. The wall in front suddenly turned red, followed by a loud noise, and the wall burst open fiercely. Before this guy had any response, he saw a white light shoot out from the big hole that burst out, hitting the guy's chest, and immediately blasted the guy out.

"Finally caught up!"

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