Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 96: Play tricks with me?

"Yes, I can definitely find it." Soro replied very positively. "Although I was in a hurry when I ran out, I have sprinkled the scent powder marking the route along the way, as long as we track the mark and return all the way."

"Good job, now we will go back and look at those treasures. They are still there."

According to Soro, what he sprayed was a powder with a clear odor, but this was obviously only relative to the smell of ordinary creatures, and the human nose was basically difficult to smell. Although the protoss are stronger than mortals in many aspects, they have not seen much better smell, so this kind of powder is impossible to notice unless they seek it for a purpose. After I gave that powder to Bailang and smelled it, the rest of the work was much simpler. Bai Lang's nose is much stronger than ordinary creatures in terms of smell. It is just a faint layer of smell to us, but it is very strong to him.

Followed the scent all the way back, after running a few passages, Solo began to remember the way, so that our speed was much faster. After continuing through several passages, Solo suddenly reached out to block us. "Stop, that temporary warehouse is ahead."

"You're waiting here first, I'll let the magic pets come and see." I stopped Solo from advancing, and then reached out and pointed forward. The dart jumped dry from my shoulder immediately, a few rises and falls Disappeared at the corner ahead.

By connecting the field of view of the dart, I can clearly see a huge natural cave appearing on the side of the channel in front. Only a small part of this natural cave is 6 lands, and most of the area is occupied by a large area of ​​water. There are a few mouthfuls of broken boxes cluttered on the 6 floors here, but apart from these things, I don't have anything that can be called a treasure.


"What's going on?"

"Is your current temporary treasure house in a cave that is mostly water?"


"So treasure. Where are the cards?"

"On the open lot near the entrances to the cave. There are a lot of crystal coins and various equipment,

Some even rolled into the lake next to it.

"But there are only a few broken boxes there."

"What?" Solo was very surprised to hear my e! J words. "How could they be so

Almost out of here? That's a lot of stuff! "

"Is there a lot of stuff?"

"At least a dozen people are busy all afternoon."

After hearing Solo's words, I began to think. If there are few things, temporary transportation is possible, but if there are too many things, then it is not so easy to remove. Of course, space equipment can also be transported, but the problem is that since the Russian Protoss stacked those things here, it means that they lack the appropriate space equipment to store these things, otherwise why bother to store them? Take the space equipment directly and install it. "How easy is it to take wherever you want to take it?"

"Soro, are there many Protoss?"

"Few people, except for those who chased us, probably only a dozen people left.

"This way? It's impossible to rely on how fast people move. It shouldn't be possible to transport them with space equipment, otherwise they don't need to be stored here. So it should be impossible for them to carry things too far That's right. "Having said that, I suddenly saw a crystal coin by the lake from the perspective of a dart. The crystal coin was half soaked in water and half exposed on the shore. Because the cave was relatively dim, it was really hard to see without paying attention. "I think I know where they hide." After seeing the crystal coin, I already guessed the trick of the Russian Protoss. They didn't actually take things away, they just threw them all into the lake next to them. Although it will be a bit more laborious to salvage later, "but it is better than being enemy now?

"You know?" Soro couldn't see the environment of the scene, naturally he could not think of what I thought

s things.

"Everything should be in the lake."

"In the lake?" Soro stumbled for a moment, then reacted. "This. These guys

Really thief enough.

Most people will definitely think that they have transferred things away, and they will never think that the treasure is still in that cave. Haha, it's all cheaper for us now. Chairman, let ’s go and get all those things up? "

"Wait." I pulled Solo, who was about to rush out, back. "You are white

Stupid? You are usually very smart. Why do you short circuit when you fight? "

"Where am I wrong?"

"Are you stupid? If the Protoss of Russian Jin really transported everything away, then the cave is naturally empty by people. But the problem is that the thing is still there! If you were to be like this, Are you gone? "

"You mean ...?" Solo finally responded. Treasures as important as this are definitely impossible without personal protection. So, on the surface, it looks like there is no one in the cave. In fact, there must be some guards lurking somewhere, and there may be a lot of them. "President, what shall we do now?"

"Do you still need to ask?" I restrained Solo's head and said, "Of course, first guard

deal. "

Now that you want to kill the guard, you have to determine the position of the guard first. We do n’t want to kill most of the guards and then suddenly jump out of another guard to make a suicide attack and use the magic to explode the entire cave with the treasures in it. They are reimbursed together, so we must first determine the specific positions of all the guards, and then Which protoss will have a chance to blow themselves up.

Naturally, the task of searching for the target cannot be given to the darts, after all, he has just

They turned around in the cave with a big swing and must have been spotted by the other party. If you let darts reach

Running around searching for caves, it is estimated that the guards in the dark will immediately understand my intentions, and when they are prepared, it will be even more difficult.

After recalling the darts, I said to Solo: "For the treasure, you have to perform a show with us, are you okay?"

"Acting?" Soro looked at me puzzled, wondering what I wanted him to do, but since he is now under my command, then my wish is his ultimate goal, which must be accomplished no matter what. "President, what do you want me to do?"

"You will be like this ... like that ...

After my explanation, Solo and the other six personnel understood my intentions. Because of the imminent throne of time and the Seal of Throne, we had no time to do a rehearsal ÷, so we directly entered the cave.

"President, here it is." Soro casually shouted at me just after entering the cave and shouted to me walking behind: "Here are piles of babies like mountains, and there are ... eh? Baby?" It seems It was just a treasure. All was gone. Soro shouted in surprise, as if he was afraid that no one had heard it.

I followed Soro into the cave, looked around, and finally said, "You

Are you sure you saw a lot of baby here before? "

Soro nodded desperately. "Of course, I'm pretty sure. I don't believe you can ask them." Sorolla testified with his companion.

When Soro said this, the other players nearby and quickly helped prove that "Ben and this group of people are still messing up and telling where a pile of what kind of treasures are piled up." Great people should also believe that the treasure does exist.

I listened to the explanations of these people while observing the environment inside the cave, and then suddenly snapped my fingers. Several magic pets with Ling as they appeared to me instantly. As soon as Xiao Chun appeared, he lit a white light ball to illuminate the inside of the cave, and at the same time, the sound of several objects falling into the water on the opposite lake. Although the sound was not loud, the ripples on the lips of the lake betrayed them.

Ling Zaiwu said to me in the touch: "I felt six, one on the top of the cave 200 meters ahead of us on the left, now hiding. Behind that stalactite. The other one was near the cave stalagmite Behind. There are four other lake shores that were originally in the distance, but they all hid just after Xiaochun lit the lighting technique. The water went down. "

I nodded slightly, and then pretended to say to the surrounding magic pets: "Scatter and look, if the treasure is left here, there should always be a trace."

"Yes." Several humanoid pets summoned by me turned around to observe the surrounding environment, but they did nothing. However, at this moment, Ariana suddenly walked towards the water's edge, and as she gradually approached the lake, I could obviously feel a few bullies. The forces were gathering. Feeling those magics, I couldn't help sneering in my heart.

Ling's voice reappeared in contact. "Huh, this rookie, I can't hold my breath. I feel three new magic waves."

I replied, "I feel it too, but not as much as you do. The mental endurance of this group of protoss is really weak, and this is no longer breathless.

Just when we touched the dialogue with our hearts, Ariana had reached the lake. After standing there and looking around, Ariana suddenly squatted down again, then leaned down and put the whole face into the water as if to wash her face, but she just deepened her head and soon again Back out. "Master, the water here is hot!"

"There are lava channels nearby, so the temperature of the rocks is naturally not too low, and it is not surprising that the water is hot

strange. What do you have now? "

The magic pets shook their heads, only Bailang said: "I smelled a lot of people have come here and left in another direction."

"It seems they are really transferring things, it's really cunning," Solo said.

Azana said, "What about being cunning? We haven't seen it yet."

"Yes, master, let's hurry up!"

"Okay, come out right away." With my order, the magic pets and Solo's group

They rushed out together.

After listening to the gradual disappearing sound in the passage for a long time, a sudden splash of water splashed up in the calm lake surface, and a figure stood up from behind. "Well, a bunch of idiots, just go after our bait slowly."

"Boss, I didn't expect your plan to be really useful!" A Golden Protoss jumped from behind the stalactites at the top of the cave.

With the emergence of these two protoss, a dozen protoss soon appeared in the cave one after another, but when they thought they had cheated the forks, I and my magic pets were hiding there Near the cave exit. The distant footsteps heard by the protoss just now are actually a group of death guards that I summoned temporarily. Using their footsteps to confuse our footsteps makes your protoss mistakenly think we are far away. Originally, this trick was destined to fail as long as it met a protoss that was sensitive to elements like Ling. Fortunately, the Russian protoss basically focused on strengthening the body. Not only was the mage class itself very small, but even if there were , The level is not high. It is because of this that we are proud to hide in such a short distance and not be seen.

While listening to the conversation of the protoss in the cave, I asked in the soul contact those magic pets just called out. "Do you feel the exact number?"

Azana said, "I can be sure that there are eight in the lake, and those treasures.

It is in the water, but because the other party is probably anxious to hide everything. When using the other method, the equipment and supplies are scattered on the bottom of the lake and distributed everywhere. It may take a while to salvage. "

"Let's talk about the salvage at that time. Isn't there you and the little dragon girl? Okay, Ariana confirms that there are eight in the water and how many are on the shore?"

Ling said: "In addition to the two I said at the beginning, when Arona was close to the water, I felt three magic waves, one of which was hiding behind the stalagmite at the entrance with the previous one, and two more All stalked behind the stalactites at the top of the cave. "

"That means there is a jade on the shore?"

Ling corrected: "I only felt five, and I'm not sure how many.

"There must be a leak." The princess said suddenly, "I felt a total of fifteen characteristic mental waves there, that is to say, there should be fifteen protoss there. Sister Ling appeared five and Sona confirmed There are eight in the water, only thirteen, and two more? "

Xiaochun said: "Doesn't it seem that these guys are all Liang Liang. At least two are still able to hold their breath. But then we can be in trouble, the two undiscovered enemies to the end How can I find it? "

"Master, didn't you just leave the ghost worms over there? Did you see them?" Ling suddenly asked.

I nodded and said, "After we left-they appeared, but only thirteen, and the other two never came out."

"Sly guy!" Xiaochun sighed, "If only the entire cave is filled with water


Ariana also said, "Yeah! Now I can only guarantee that these two protoss who have not been revealed are definitely not in the water. I ca n’t help it on the ground. My echo position is so great that I ca n’t be in such an open cave. Use it! "

The princess suddenly suggested, "Would you like to take a risk?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at the princess in surprise.

"It's very simple. Isn't we just at the entrance of the cave? I suddenly flashed into the cave for an indifferent mental shock. Even if the other party is a high-level protoss, it is inevitable to stun for one second or two. By then, as long as you can catch Just live and kill both of them. "

"No." Ling objected: "Your indifferent spiritual impact power is not small, but unfortunately the role of the Seal of God is too short. If you are in close combat, one or two seconds is enough for us to kill seven or eight targets, but one Will we have to find those two targets in the Throne of the Seal of God in these two seconds and have to complete the attack across the distance between us, this requirement is too high, we must be too late! "

"Then I'm not tied!"

"That's right." Xiaochun said suddenly, "Master, don't you have a crystal bubble that can surround an enemy with the Seal of God for a period of time? Just let the darts bring that thing, and then let the princess hit those guys with mental shock first. Stunned, with darts, he can definitely rush to him within two seconds and trap him. So we won't have time to start the throne of the Seal of God? "

"What about the other one?" Ling asked: "Hidden. But two enemies!"

"I only think of one solution, just think of another solution to solve the other

Just fine. "

"The other one I can get Yeyue to get it," said the princess. "Yeyue's petrified pupils don't need to consider the attack distance at all, as long as they focus on the target, they can definitely stop the opponent before they react. To completely petrify a protoss is estimated to be relatively expensive, so Yeyue can no longer use petrified pupils to deal with others, only hand-to-hand combat.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can control those two guys, then we start now

Take action. "In the end, my decision played a decisive role. The magic pets quickly prepared for a sudden attack. At the same time, I also made Solo understand their intentions by hand, but I did not arrange them. The task, because they are not my magic pet after all, to deal with so many targets at the same time, it is estimated that they will go wrong with their cooperation.

After the plan was decided, it was up to me to count down. I stretched out a hand, then retracted a finger, and then retracted another, so silently prepare for the countdown. Finally, when my hand was fisted into a fist, the princess rushed in first through the hole.

After mocking us, the protoss in the cave just discussed how to transfer these treasures. However, just after they had discussed about half of the time, a cute little girl who looked very cute suddenly flashed in at the entrance. . Before the Protoss reacted, I saw the little beauty's eyes flicker suddenly, and the Protoss immediately instinctively tried to hide, but undifferentiated spiritual shock could not be avoided, and the Protoss present at the same time seemed to be simultaneously People followed a muzzle on their heads and snorted and fell back together.

Although the thirteen protoss in the center of the cave were all knocked down, the princess did not look at them more, but watched the other places inside the cave intently, thinking that the two seals of the Seal of God were hidden for the first time. Protoss. Unfortunately, the strength of those two guys seems to be far beyond our imagination. The indiscriminate spiritual attack of the princess is much weaker than the directed attack, the opponent is a protoss, and the spiritual resistance itself is high. As a result, it appears to be invalid.

Although our previous plans outside were made for the situation in which the other person was struck by a mental shock, we did not think about what to do if the mental shock was invalid. Therefore, although something went wrong, our actions were the slightest. Not slow. At the moment when the princess's mental shock was invalid, a dazzling light ball was shot into the cave, and the extremely strong light instantly made the inside of the cave white, even if the other party is not dizzy now, do n’t expect to see

Something out.

The bright light ball appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. After entering the cave for more than ten seconds, the light ball suddenly extinguished, and the surrounding area fell into darkness again instantly, and because of the previous bright light, it is now dark. On the contrary, the hole felt darker.

The two protoss hidden in the dark were still proud that they were not overthrown by the spirit shock of the other party, but the sudden softness that later appeared really made them suffer, and their eyes were white with a flash of light. Nothing can be seen. However, they did not worry about it. After all, they were still far away from the hole, so even if they couldn't see it, the other party would not be able to find it for a short while.

Although they were thinking well, the two protoss were suddenly dumbfounded after their eyes gradually restored vision. Because during the temporary blindness caused by the strong light just now, a large area of ​​6 places near the entrance of the cave was completely covered by a layer of purple fog, and the fog was still there. The degree visible to the naked eye is expanding rapidly, and its front end has extended above the lake surface, and the entire cave can be completely filled soon.

Although the two Protoss didn't know what the mist was, they were-very sure, it was definitely not good for them. However, even if they know it's not good, they can't do anything about it. They are protoss, but protoss also have what they are good at and what they are not.

The strength of their Xi Shi is really strong, it is no problem to let them kill ten or eight ordinary protoss, but let them dispel the fog, that is the difficulty of strong men. It's not that they don't want to disperse, but that they are not professional, and there is no way to dispel.

When the two Protoss were anxious and helpless, the mist had gradually spread into the entire cave. The entire cave was now covered by a dense purple mist. Although the fog cannot be said to be out of reach with five fingers, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary fog. Even with night vision ability, the two protoss can barely guarantee a visible distance of less than five meters in such a fog. Five meters away is invisible.

The spread of the mist made the hearts of the two Protoss increasingly worried, but I was more and more relieved. The diffused fog just now is not the ordinary fog, but the evil fog diffused on my ring. This thing can block the eyes of others, but it looks like a sensory net to me. As long as something gets into this evil mist, it's the same as in my body, no matter where you are, no camouflage method is used, I can feel it all. At the same time that the fog completely covered the cave, my induction clearly showed the specific location of my fifteen goals, and even their current posture is clear, which is described by nothing. This feeling can't be more appropriate.

Immediately after locking the positions of those targets, I directed the magic pets to move. The first thing to deal with is the two deepest guys in Tibet. The reason why these rookies in the past will be revealed is entirely because of their instability and premature gathering of magical power. So even if they are left to the end, it is estimated that they will not have the courage to explode, and may even see the situation Maybe we will turn to us if we are not right. But the two masters who have been hiding are different. It can be seen from the previous performance that these two are often masters who participated in the battle. If they reach the final rule, they are likely to go to extremes to explode, so leaving the thirteen protoss in the middle is fine, hiding The two in the distance can never stay.

My darlings were not hesitant after I set my goals. The princess who started acting wrong first was the first. Because the previous mental shock did not work, she felt quite embarrassed, so after setting the goal this time, she focused her entire mental energy on one of the goals.

Targeted directional strikes and scoped psychic strikes are not an order of magnitude thing. The previous time, the protoss only felt that their heads were held up by something, although it hurt, but Didn't cause him to lose consciousness or lose control of his body ~ ~ But this time he felt like his head was about to burst, a horrible consciousness projected his image directly on his head. In. You should know that this behavior is equivalent to forcing two souls into one body. If the two souls can cooperate with each other, it is better. If it is a hostile relationship, then the result is only one by one. The head of the Protoss burst directly like a rotten watermelon under the princess's smashing of all the mental power, and all the contents of his head were sprayed out.

The other protoss didn't even know about the tragic death of their companions. The fog blocked the sight, and the mental attack was not like magic. It had neither sound nor energy fluctuations, except for those specializing in the spiritual department. However, it was useless even if he felt it, because not only could he not help, he was not far from death. As the guy looked around nervously, he didn't notice that a faint shadow was gradually forming behind him.

Sha Yezi herself is a resentment spirit. In this evil mist composed of various evil forces, she is completely integrated with the environment. Therefore, even if she enters the protoss, she is not able to show her approach, and is negligent. The price is life. As Sha Yezi's ghost touched the guy's back of his head, the cold hair on the whole body of the guy shuddered, but before he responded, Sha Yezi had completed the attack.

The two most dangerous Protoss ended in an instant, and the remaining goals were much easier to handle.

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