Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 98: So big 1 fish

After I gave the order, I was planning to swim back. Who knew that Ariana suddenly exclaimed: "No, that thing rushed towards me, so fast!"

"What?" I was surprised to refocus my attention on the sonar signal from Ariana, but I saw a huge virtual image approaching. Although in the sonar signal, the closeness of that thing is not very fast, but we must know that the Arona who has the sonar signal has been using the highest forward. So the degree in the sonar signal is not the actual degree of that thing, and his real degree must be added to the degree of Ariana. At Ariana's degree, she can approach her creatures at such a fast rate, and how terrible it can be imagined.

"Master, don't stay, just run away!"

Ariana's reminder woke me up. Yeah! I'm getting closer to each other by the degree of Ariana, am I more finished? Fortunately, there is still a few minutes between me and Ariana. "I can run ahead of time. This can get a little time for the Seal of the Seal of God, but I'm willing to rush and get out of this passage before the thing rushes! Just pass After the narrow entrance, the other party should give up. It doesn't matter if it has to rush over, anyway, my magic pet is over there, if it dare to rush through, then no wonder I am.

Thinking of rushing towards the entrance while desperate, but looking at the sonar signal of Ariana, I must be too late to run to the hole before the other side catches up with me, but now there is a distance to me Ariana was able to run out safely.

This won't work, so running sooner or later will have to be caught up. After thinking about it, I suddenly summoned Fenglong, and with the sudden opening of Fenglong's space, a huge egg-shaped object crashed into the water. As soon as this thing appeared, the body was stretched out at this time. At this time, it can be seen that he still has a basic human shape, but it looks more robust, and most of the body surface is relatively smooth curves, which is very suitable for underwater action.

In fact, this thing is a mobile angel, but this is just a type of water in Taiwan. After releasing this big guy, I didn't ask him to deal with that big monster. It's okay to fight, if you can't beat it, it will only irritate it, so it is best not to provoke it. The reason I let him out was not to let him go behind the court, but to let him take me forward.

As soon as the guy appeared, he immediately swam behind me, then stretched out two hands and held me in his arms, followed by four water turbines on the back and shoulders, and spun high, accompanied by a burst of white bubbles, we Immediately flew forward at a much faster rate than before. Although this degree is still not as fast as that thing, at least this degree is much faster than mine.

After running for about five or six minutes, Ariana finally caught up from behind. When she first saw us, she froze a bit, but soon she understood, and quickly swam up to grab the water and use the mobile angel's body to help him. However, because Arna's volume is not proportional to that big guy, Arna's propulsive force can't actually help us improve how much.

Since neither Adana nor I were as fast as the guy behind, the thing quickly approached the point where it could be seen with the naked eye. At first, I could only see a large group of black ghosts, but soon I could see the face of that thing.

This so-called monster is actually not too strange, because it is basically a fish except for its size, but the head is really scary. The head of this thing has a long triangle, and its sharp mouth has seven or eight rows of sharp needle-shaped teeth. This kind of tooth is not used to bite the prey, but to fix the prey. When it bites something, these many dense teeth can act like a devil's stick to fix the prey so that it cannot slide out of the strange fish's pout. For the creatures on the ground, such teeth are not very useful, but it is necessary for the creatures in the water. Most aquatic creatures have slippery and hard scales, so a hunter must have such teeth to ensure that he will not be ran away again by the opponent after successfully biting the prey, otherwise it will face frequent hunting failures.

The fish's teeth in front of him are exactly this standard file tooth, but for me it has the same teeth, because the guy's size makes each tooth more than one meter long. In terms of its volume, such a long tooth is relatively short, but for me, the power of Fenxi is not much lower than that of the spear array. Even if the armor is on top, normal people will never want to be attacked by it. Take a bite.

"That thing is getting closer!" Said Ariana, looking at the fish head that was looking for ≥.

I said helplessly: "Oh ... I didn't want to provoke it, now it seems to be endless!" I helplessly ordered the mobile angel above my head: "Release No. 3 floating mine, set the current water depth, and time two Ten seconds, execute immediately. "

After I finished talking, Mobile Angel suddenly opened a small window behind the butt, a suspended mine with the size of a beer barrel rose from the small window, and then the clamp holding it suddenly bounced. As soon as it started, Fu Lei immediately separated from the mobile angel and was thrown away.

The fish in the back was obviously not intelligent enough. After ten seconds, it caught up with the floating mine and swallowed it. After a few seconds, I only heard a muffled sound, and the giant fish's body pumped fiercely, followed by a large number of

The red blood water emerged from the corners of his mouth and gills. At the same time, the strange fish also made extremely screaming sounds, which sounded as if they were rubbing against each other with rotten iron skin.

After struggling for a while, the strange fish suddenly restored its balance, then screamed and rushed over again, and the degree was significantly higher than before. If it had rushed with this degree before, we would have been caught by it.

"Ah, that thing is soaring!" Arana screamed after looking back at the degree of the thing.

Zaixi Yi awakened: "We are coming soon! I'm going to put away the mobile angel, you are going to catch me and continue to rush forward. After a while, you will directly drill into the Fenglong space and wait for me to drill through that hole. Come out again, so that we do n’t have to delay time to seal the throne of God. ”


After Arana answered, I let the mobile angel lose two more mines before putting it away, followed by Arana quickly hugged me and rushed towards the cave entrance. Now we are less than thirty meters from the entrance of the cave, and this distance quickly rushed past. When it was only two meters from the entrance of the cave, I suddenly pulled out eternity, and at the same time, Ariana entered the space of Fenglong. I slammed my wings twice, rushed to the hole by inertia, and my skills were activated. "Boom." A loud bang. The original narrow hole in the front was stiffly opened by a large gap of more than one and a half meters by my skills. With the original passageway, this exit is now nearly one meter and five meters wide, enough for me to pass. Of course, even if the hole is ten times wider, the guy behind will definitely not be able to get through.

Because the hole widened, I did not reduce it at all, and as soon as my wings were retracted, I passed through the hole. The monster in the rear just rushed to the side of the mine at this time, but I do n’t know if it ’s a loss and a wisdom, knowing that this thing ca n’t be eaten, or eager to get revenge on me, anyway, the guy did n’t swallow it, It was knocked out of a floating mine as it passed by. However, the floating mines are all touch-fuze. Although the set time of the Seal of the Seal of God has not arrived, the fierce collision detonated it in advance. Two groups of fireballs wrapped in water exploded underwater. The monster's body was also crooked, but compared to the one that had exploded in its body before, the power of these two explosions in the body was obvious. Not as good as the previous one. The two bombs just paused for a few moments and lifted a few scales without causing too much damage. On the contrary, the explosion of the bomb not only did not change the monster, but made him even more angry. With the same kind of momentum, the guy just rushed towards the entrance that was obviously unable to get through.

I let out a sigh of relief after I walked through the entrance, thinking that the guy wouldn't catch up, but I didn't expect that I hadn't swam far, so I heard a loud noise from the rear, and the whole lake was lifted. stand up. The horrible big head of the strange fish, the missile drilled from the firing hole generally hit the entrance of the channel at the bottom of the lake, and a large rock covered his head and rushed up from the bottom of the lake.

"I trust, this guy is too brutal?"

Looking at the strange fish that rushed over, I dare not delay, and quickly turned and rushed to the water. The strange fish was probably bumped. After all, it is not a joke to rely on your head to punch a rock layer more than one meter thick. That is because the rock is not tofu, no matter how hard it is. After rushing out, the strange fish first shook off the rock like the neck picture on the top of the head, then shook his head slightly, soberly, and began to look around for my trace. As a result, I was almost on the water.

Immediately after the enemy, the strange fish immediately exploded the previous impact, and twisted his body straight towards the water. Even before I came out of the water, I felt that the water in the rear seemed to be pushing me forward. This is the performance of objects approaching from the rear. Fortunately, I'm not too far away from the water. I raised my two arms and aimed directly at the water. Then I moved my fingers and heard only two beeps, and two dragon tendons slammed out of the Avengers. Almost within a second after the shot, the spinning cable head was dug into the rock at the top of the cave, followed by the barb on the cable head, and bounced open, firmly swallowing the top of the cave. on. At this point, my fingers moved again, and the two ziplines quickly stretched, followed by a huge force, pulled out of the water and flew towards the top of the cave, and at the same time I was on the shore of the lake not far away. Tank and Mira, who had been preparing for a long time, shouted, "It is now."

When the crazy weird fish left the water, it immediately scooped up from the water. With its length, it was easy to jump to the top of the cave and bit me off. However, just before its head was less than five meters away from the water surface, a light ball shining with white light flew from the side, right in the middle of the fish's chin.

Just listening to the bang, the monster's head was instantly blown to the side, and at the same time the monster screamed again. It's just that the hatred didn't give up on it, and still insisted on rushing up, had to swallow me. However, just as it rushed forward, another red light flew over, again bursting a large group of flames on its head, and this time the cowardly fish couldn't hold it back and fell back sideways. Out of the water, set off a sky spray.

With previous experience, I do n’t think the fish will give up like that, so I did n’t dare stop even if I climbed to the top of the cave, but immediately retracted one of the dragons and shot it. In the opposite cave wall, follow the release of another zipline to open

Wings, rushing to the shore by descent while narrowing the rope. The moment I was about to land, I retracted the zipline again, and then flapped my wings firmly on the ground.

"Huh, I'm finally ashore!" I just said, and Ling suddenly said, "But that thing doesn't seem to be dead."

The way is to prove that Ling ’s words are normal. Ling ’s voice has not yet fallen, and there is no sky above the lake again, a huge fish head emerges from the lake, his eyes straight toward me with red light Rushed.

Qin was holding the big fish that rushed over. I didn't mean to dodge at all. I just stood there and stared at it. Although the instinct feels that the game is not right, the intelligence of the fish obviously does not want to understand the reason, so the big fish still rushes up regardless. However, just before the big fish was about to hit us, a bigger head suddenly appeared in the lake. Heiyan's opened huge mouth rushed up from the side, and bit the whole head of the strange fish in his mouth, and then flew it out with great force, hitting it with a bang. Above the cave wall, the whole tremor of the earthquake shuddered.

The strange fish bitten by Hei Yan made a scream of heartbreaking lungs, and the huge body was completely rolled out of the water and wrapped around Hei Yan's body. Only then did I see the whole body of this guy. I used to think this guy's head looked familiar, but now he saw his long flat body and recognized it. Although I don't know if it's a breed, this thing looks like a large belt fish. However, I guess the two are just elephants. After all, even if the fish can really grow to such a large size, it is absolutely impossible to take over the bombardment of the tank and Mira.

The bitten fish monster screamed while desperately twisting the body to get away, but Hei Yan itself is the creature that is best at entanglement. He is not afraid of the entanglement of the fish, but actively hangs with it. Due to its size, and its rank is several times higher, Hei Yan almost presses the fish monster on the rock wall like an adult bullying a child, and uses the half body that grows out to slowly press himself Stuck to shore with herring fish.

No matter how strong the fish monster is, it is completely incomparable with the black amphibious monster. The fish that was dragged ashore quickly showed symptoms of hypoxia. After struggling hard for a few times, the body began to become softer and softer, and finally finally loosened from Hei Yan.

"Distant, is it?" I looked back at Ling and asked.

Ling shook his head. "No, I can still feel the magic wave fluctuations." Animals are usually much stronger than humans, so it is generally difficult to die through, especially low-level creatures such as fish, often appearing to have been broken for a long time. The Indian throne can still jump. This monster with fish is clearly in the category of Warcraft. Its vitality will only be stronger, not weaker, so it is definitely not so easy to die.

After listening to Ling's answer, I directly stunned Hei Ying and said, "Bite it."

Hearing my order, Hei Yan immediately strengthened his mouth. Unlike ordinary snakes, which usually do n’t have much biting force, Hei Yan ’s mouth is completely a shredder. With a click, the fish ’s head bursts open, and brain plasma and blood are sprayed everywhere. I stepped forward to collect the brainwater, blood, and fish meat of some strange fish, and then allowed Heiyan to swallow the whole fish. Brain plasma and fish blood are for Lilith to swallow rna. As for fish ... I plan to eat this myself. It is estimated that the salvage work will take some time. I am full of hunger. I can play barbecue while supervising the salvage project.

Because the entrance of the rabbit hole-sized passageway was turned into a train tunnel by the **** fish, the blocking work had to be completed by the little dragon girl. Because the passageway is too big ~ ~ The freezing degree can not keep up with the water flow, and it is impossible to plug the gap. Not to mention that the freezing ability emulated by Emmenis is a bit more elegant than the original Frost Snow, even if they Together, it is absolutely impossible to freeze this big gap. However, it is much more convenient for Xiaolong girl to get off the horse.

Use water barriers to block the flow of water to form a wall of water, and then let the tanks and lucky them stand against the wall to prevent it from retreating into the lake over here. But there are pros and cons. Although this method can seal the large entrance, because the water wall is unstable, the little dragon girl must come back from time to time to strengthen it, which slows down her pumping. And because the water wall itself does not have the power to block the water pressure, it is necessary to let the tank stand against them, which makes the tank and fortunately they cannot help to collect the treasure. It also affects our collection. Fortunately, these are all problems that can be overcome now, and there is no other way to do it first.

After more than four hours of hard work, the tired little dragon girl finally drained the lake. Because she was responsible for the operation of the two spells at the same time, the little dragon girl's pumping speed was much slower than expected, but fortunately it was finally done. Although the water has not completely dried up, the water level in the lake has now dropped to the point where the bottom can be seen. At this depth, no diving ability is needed, and the 6 creatures can still go fishing.

I yelled at the Kirin Samurai and Death Guard who had been waiting for a long time, and said, "Don't stand still, let's hurry up."

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