Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 100: Monster is a failure

"What creature am I concerned about you?" The smooth monster that had been performing before had asked such a word in Yeyue that he suddenly turned like a sudden, and became abnormally angry. His eyes stared at Yeyue Bi with fierce eyes, meanwhile he said fiercely: "Don't you, the snake-tailed monster, say me, you won't be much better."

"Hahahaha!" Yeyue said with a smile: "You must not be mistaken. I am not the same as you. I am not Kimeira. On the contrary, my figure is the pure expression of my bloodline. I am a descendant of the upper **** , A direct descendant of the son-in-law goddess. As for saying that I am a human snakehead, this is actually a mistake. The human being was created by our son-in-law, the granddaughter of the son-in-law goddess, based on her own shape, so I said It ’s not the human upper body that grows, but the human upper body is made according to our form. In fact, human form is a common form, do you not see that the various advanced creatures in the divine realm and **** will basically evolve into human form in the end? As for you ... I can feel that you should have been humanoid, because your energy form seems to be humanoid, but the shape has become an animal. Are you a humanoid before? "

"You bullshit!" After hearing Yeyue's analysis, the sly monster jumped up like a cat with a tail on it, and flew towards Yeyue, but Yeyue didn't mean to hide. . Just as the monster was about to rush in front of her, a large tail swept across it, snapping the monster back into the air. A booming monster slammed into a pile of rubble, and kept sliding out of the way before stopping.

"It seems I'm lucky to have hit it." Yeyue continued: "Looking at your response to this pattern, don't you want to become like this? Or was your pattern an accident?"

Ye Yue said that she was just guessing based on the reaction of the other party, and the purpose was just to anger him. Compared with sly enemies, angry enemies are often better at dealing with some enemies. After all, one only knows how to fight hard, while the other uses tricks. Even if the strength is the same, the final battle result is definitely different.

Although Yeyue was guessing, I thought of a possibility. I had previously obtained a juvenile scarab in the Russian gods before, and that scarab was even stranger and it hatched from the human body. Later, when investigating the Russian **** world, I also saw a large number of strange organisms in that protoss prison. All of this seems to point to a possibility-Russian protoss in biological research. If they are really doing that, then it seems impossible to experimentally synthesize beasts in their own ethnic group. Whether it ’s implanting a scarab in the human body and hatching it now, or creating a Chimera with a humanoid soul is a matter of course. After all, the ultimate ultimate application of studying these technologies is to strengthen yourself, and in terms of the characteristics of the monster in front of it, the Russian protoss seems to be not far from success. The war tramp that this guy used before is the best proof. That thing is not the skill it should have at all, but it will. This shows that its body has integrated the genes of a large creature with the ability to use war trample.

"Are you really Kimila?" I had recovered, and walked to Yeyue next to Yeyue with the help of Lingling and Xiaochun.

"Well, you don't want to get any information from me, I have nothing to say."

"Really? But I really want to know. Can you tell me, okay?" A voice that sounded so soft that all the bones of the body suddenly appeared to us, and the princess' seductive body appeared at the same time. Beside me.

"I ... tell ... no ... tell ... tell ..." The monster was completely in chaos after the princess appeared, and his conversation became messy. It seemed that he was playing the password twisting game with himself, and even held his own head later. Began rolling around.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at the monster.

Gong mainly maintains skills, so Yeyue explained to her: "This guy's body has too many animal components in it, so it will inevitably carry a lot of animal instincts. The strongest instinct among all instincts is survival instinct and The breeding instinct is that the princess is based on the breeding instinct to penetrate the target's spiritual defense for the breakthrough point, so although the guy's intellect knows to resist, the body instinctively wants to obey. Now it seems that this guy's soul is very strong, and I have a strong mind, so I had a tug-of-war with my body, and I worked so hard. As long as it gives up resistance, it will return to normal immediately, but it will also be completely controlled by the princess. "

"So it is. But what if he keeps resisting like this?"

"Either the princess exhausted her magic and couldn't hold it, or her head burst like a ripe chestnut fruit."

"I want to know the research progress of the Russians. Don't let their heads burst. Do you have a way?"

"I don't know if there is any way, I won't."

Ye Yue appeared immediately after saying Ling, and then said, "The method is actually very simple. It has been suppressed by the princess, and now it has almost no resistance. As long as you used Tai Chi to lock the soul array to hold its soul Lock it up, and then force its soul out of the flesh. I am the Dark Goddess who specializes in playing with the soul. As long as it becomes a state of soul, isn't it rounded out as we round it? "

"Yes, too!"

Once you understand the method, it will be much faster. The Taiji Soul Formation was set up very quickly, and it took less than a few seconds. That guy is busy fighting his instinct now, and he has no reaction to the arrangement of the matrix under his feet. Immediately after completing the formation, I activated it. The princess stopped the temptation skill at the moment I activated the formation, and instead used a powerful single soul impact. The soul of the monster that was originally turned by instinctual dizziness was instantly blasted out of the body. I saw that the white monster's body suddenly fell down like it was headshot. At the same time, a faint golden figure came from The monster fell out of his body.

Although the body is a monster, the soul being blasted out is humanoid, and this pale golden light also shows that he was once a protoss. According to his previous behavior, he is likely to be a member of the original Russian Protoss, but he unexpectedly changed to what he is now after participating in the Synthetic Beast Project. As for the owner reported by our member, I think it should be his partner or his subordinates. But because our members do n’t understand the situation, we treat that partner or subordinate as his master, which can also explain why the magic pet is so much stronger than the master.

Because there was no physical drag, and the princess had turned off the temptation skills, the guy's soul immediately woke up as soon as it fell out. After jumping from the ground, he also looked at his body in surprise, then touched his face, and then reacted. "You got my soul out?"

"Please, you are a protoss. Don't pose as if you don't know the physical strength of the soul?" The princess said with a sneer at face.

"No, I didn't mean that." The guy said a little excitedly: "I had an accident before resources participating in the skill synthesis experiment, and the body became like that. At that time I was like dragging out to reshape the body, but regardless of How can I try, my soul just can't get out. That body is like a prison, which locks my soul firmly in it. But you, how did you get me out? I mean to get me Soul comes out. Haha, now I can become human again! "

Maybe it was too exciting, the guy even started to talk incoherently, but finally let us understand what he meant. I said that a monster has such high intelligence. It turned out that he was originally a normal protoss, and it was no strange thing to be smart.

"What skill synthesis experiment did you just say. Isn't it a biosynthesis experiment?"

"Do you want to know our research project?" The guy was really very smart, and he was just excited and incoherent. Now he suddenly recovered and turned into a shrewd look.

"You want to trade with me?" Seeing his tone clearly, he just wanted to trade with me.

The guy nodded and said, "I didn't want to accept your offer before because I thought I would live like this in the future, so I didn't mean to switch to other forces. It was the same anyway. If it wasn't for me Salsa still needs my care, I am dead! But since you can get my soul out, we have the possibility to trade. "

"What do you want? What can I get?" Unexpectedly, the original intention was to force a confession. I did not expect that this guy became a person after his soul came out. But it's normal to think about it. If you wake up one day and you become a stray dog, you will definitely get discouraged. After all, I will have to go to the garbage dump to eat in the streets in the future. This kind of life is absolutely unbearable for human consciousness. But if you suddenly become a stray dog ​​and then change back, you can imagine the excitement.

"My requirements are simple," said the guy. "First, protect me and my lover in the future."

I nodded and said, "You are ours when you join us. It is our responsibility to protect our own people and their families. You can do it without saying.

"Second, I want you to provide me with a research institute."

"Ah?" Seriously, this request really surprised me. I thought about what benefits he would want. I didn't expect him to ask me for a research institute. "Do you mean to let me give you the opportunity to study biosynthetic technology?"

"It's not biosynthesis, it's skill synthesis. I'm not researching the synthesis of several organisms into a new one, and I'm tired of making things as old as Kimela. I'm studying the special attributes of various creatures, Special skills are combined into our own. For example, the trample of war released when I used that monster just now is copied from a Komodo war monster. "

"You can copy the skills and special attributes of other creatures to yourself?" My jaw, surprised by this guy's technology, couldn't close. If his technology is true, then we will be rich. Think about the special skills of those special creatures. If they can transfer and copy each other, then what? Special attributes like steel teeth—physical defense invincibility and princess—spiritual defense. If these two attributes are combined, it can create a physical hazard that is not afraid of damage. Reduces spell damage by more than 90% and ignores the soul. Attack levels pervert. And if you make a copy on this basis and copy all the special attributes of my magic pets to each other, that would be too abnormal.

I'm thinking about the benefits of this obscene skill, but in front of me, this guy took the initiative to give me a basin of cold water, which poured me through the heart. "Don't be too happy. Although I'm researching, there are too many technical flaws. You also saw what I just saw, and you don't want to be a monster yourself?"

If the throne of the Seal of God becomes a monster in a short time, I honestly don't mind, and I haven't changed anyway. However, even if he is transformed, he can't figure out what it will become. Secondly, once he becomes successful, he can't drag away, which is annoying. Even if I can pull my soul out of Taiji Lock Soul Formation, what can the body do? The physical properties are all followed by the flesh, I ca n’t always run around with my soul state, right?

"How far have you studied this technology?"

"For the time being, you can only extract attributes, but I often make mistakes when migrating attributes. So far, I have only had one successful experience ~ ~, and that was the one that moved me the most."


"Yes. My lover has been injured by a senior protoss of other forces. Not only cannot her body be demobilized, but her soul is about to be broken. I was forced to use immature technology on her. It turned out to be perfectly successful, without any side effects at all. If there is any regret, it is that the transplanted attributes are a little weaker than the original ontology attributes, and there is no such strong effect as before. But I transplanted this Attributes still save my lover. "

"That's OK? What attributes did you transplant to her?"

"Infinite rebirth." The guy proudly said, "I was an attribute taken from a special prisoner named Lilith. At that time, she had only a piece of meat left, and she could be resurrected without limit. It was really powerful! It's a pity that Sarah's ability can only help her demobilize soon, far less exaggerated than Lilith's infinite regeneration. "

"Who did you say the attribute you copied came from?" I was taken aback by hearing the guy's name, and then suddenly came over and called Yeyue: "Stop her!" Unsurprisingly, it was me At the same time, Lilith had rushed out of the training space and rushed at the guy.

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