Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 106: Wake up

This was originally according to our plan. Wena controls chaos and shrine first

The god's core is close to the god's core of the Russian Protoss, and then uses the mutual attraction of the god's core to **** the god's core fixed above the magic array to draw out the magic array range, so we have the Russian god's spiritual core. However, things did not go according to our plan. When the divine core of the Chaos and Order Temple was near the divine core of the Russian Protoss, it turned out that the divine core of the Russian Protoss was not absorbed, but instead the divine core of the Chaos and Order temple gradually began to lose control towards the Russian Protoss. The core of divine power floated past.

"Hey, you can't come any closer. Too close will be consumed by the magic array as a source of energy!" Seeing the chaos and order of the protoss's core of **** power actually began to drift toward the center of the magic array, I thought it was the result that Wei Na did not control well So hurry up and remind her to keep away.

Originally, Vena was anxious when the situation was not right. Now when I heard my shout, I immediately shouted, "No, I don't think so! The divine core of the Russian Protoss is forcing the chaos and order of the Protoss of our Protoss, I'm almost Can't hold it! "

"What?" We were all anxious when we heard Wei Na's words. The core of the power of the Russian protoss is not necessary, anyway, it is cheap and white, and it is not painful to lose money. But the Protoss of Chaos and Order is the guardian protoss of our guild, but that is our own strength! If the core of the Protoss of Chaos and Order is lost, this time we will really lose a lot.

After seeing our surprise, she remained motionless for a long time, and Wei Na shouted anxiously: "Don't all stand still stupid, want to do some arsenic!"

"A way, a way ...!" Everyone heard Weina's voice rushing around, but which way is so easy to think about? The core of divine power is not ordinary. If it ’s an object, “We ’re going to pick up people directly, and we have to pull it back with our hands? But the problem is that it ’s not a mass! But the core of the divine power does n’t seem to be a pure energy body, for example, traction spells and the like. What it does has no effect on it. At present, we know that there are only two things that can have a powerful effect on the core of divine power. One is the core of divine power itself, and the other is the will of the main **** in the divine family to which the core of divine power belongs. Because there is no way to move the core of the divine power, we would not expect Weina to bring the core of the divine power of chaos and order!

Everyone at the scene was fainted by this situation, and their brains were moving around in the same place to find a way. If they were more hot, they would simply push it by hand. Of course, the essence is the same whether it is transferred in-situ or pushed by hand, which is completely useless.

"What to do? That's the core of our divine power!" Starfire looked at the chaos and order that were gradually approaching the core of the Russian Protoss, and the anxiety of the Protoss was almost crying. The character and prestige of the protoss are based on the strength of their ordinary creatures, but their strength is based on divine power. Once the core of the divine power is lost, the protoss is no longer a protoss. Seeing this situation, even those who are still calm down, must be anxious.

"No, this won't work!" After standing under the core of the divine power, he waved his hand for a long time, and the peacock was somber.

Wang finally reluctantly gave up trying to push by hand.

The core of divine power is not something you can touch at all.

Seeing the chaos and order of the protoss core of the Protoss-one step closer to the protoss of the Russian Protoss in the middle of the magic circle, my eyes were almost red, and all kinds of messy thoughts in my head jumped out for a moment. Probably it ’s anxiety or something, just in the sight of Wina, I could n’t hold it. When the two cores of divine power were about to come into contact, I suddenly cleared my head and followed the gate of the earth between the two and the core of divine power. In the narrow gap.

Seeing that the door of the earth was unfolding, Wei Na, no matter what the upper **** is, no longer the upper god, she directly gave the core of the divine power of the chaos and order to the back garden of the mother of the earth. According to the normal situation, the mother garden of the earth is just for my use. It should not be allowed to enter by other protoss, let alone infiltrate things like the core of divine power. However, this time we are really forced to helpless. Anyway, the core of the chaos and order of the magic family is still sucked into the core of the magic family. The core of the gods still ca n’t be maintained. It is also possible without accounting.

As the core of the chaos and order of the Protoss was pushed into the gate of the earth, I quickly stepped in, and went directly to the temple of the mother of the earth to explain the situation to her. Fortunately, my relationship with the Mother of the Earth is better. Although she was slightly angry, in the end, she agreed to let me temporarily store the core of the chaos and order of the Protoss's **** power.

After solving the problem of Mother Earth, I hurried back to the core of the magic circle here. The question that needs to be resolved now is why the core of the divine power of the Russian protoss cannot be pulled. It is said that in addition to the willpower of the main **** corresponding to the divine core, only the gravitational force between the divine cores can have an effect on the divine cores. However, at that time, Wei Na controlled the chaos and order of the gods 'core power to keep it from moving. According to the principle of gravitational transmission, the chaos and order of the gods' core power should be fixed. After that, the **** of Russia's gods should be absorbed. That's right. However, the actual situation is that the core of the Protoss of Chaos and Order has been sucked away. Although the core of divine power is not a physical body, it should at least obey the laws of mechanics? According to this situation, the only possibility is that there is a certain kind of power that affects the divine core of the Russian protoss and makes it impossible to move, and the gravity between the two divine cores is obviously greater than the dimension.

Both have control over the core of the gods ’power, so the end result is that the center of the gods’ power of Russia has not moved, but the core of the gods ’power of chaos and order has been absorbed.

"What exactly fixed the core of the power of the Russian Protoss just now?" I closed the gate of the earth, and then turned around around the core of the magic circle. It seems that if I ca n’t find the reason in the throne of God Seal in a short time And to solve this problem, the plan to absorb the divine core of the Russian Protoss was defeated eight times, because the divine core of the Russian Protoss has already reduced a lot of time, and if it goes on, it will soon be magical. The array drained.

"I think there should have been something restricting the movement of the divine core of the Russian protoss just now, so that led to the absorption of our divine core." The protoss who were present were naturally not low in intelligence. The problem I just thought about They all thought about it soon. However, although everyone's intelligence is not low, but in terms of knowledge, there is a real originator here.

Yin Xue said very seriously: & t; I think the problem lies in this magic circle.

"How do you say?" I asked.

Yin Xue explained: "The core of the divine power itself is a very special existence, and its energy structure cannot reasonably be used by the magic circle. But what do we see now? We see that this magic circle is absorbing the Russian protoss Sufficient amount in the core of divine power. This is obviously not in line with normal conditions.

"So what you mean is, since the Russian protoss have found a way to extract energy from the core of the divine power, may they have also found a third way to exert power on the core of the divine power in addition to those two normal methods?" As soon as Yin Xue finished speaking, I guessed what she meant.

Yinxue nodded and said, "Yes. Since this magical formation of the Russian Protoss can use the energy in the core of the divine power-maybe it also has some kind of gravitational effect on the core of the divine power itself, making it impossible to move. "

"Isn't that turning into an endless loop?" Ling heard here and said, "We came to Weina to use the chaos and order of the Protoss's core of the Protoss to draw the Russian Protoss's core of the Detox out of the magic circle in order to close the magic circle. When you close the magic circle, you ca n’t move the core of the divine power. In this way, the two conditions are suppressed. Would n’t we never be able to take out the core of the divine power and wait for it to go out? ”

"No, I don't want to lose my divine power!" A young protoss of a Russian protoss cried when they heard that they would lose their divine power. For the protoss, letting them lose their divine power to become ordinary people is the same as turning billionaires into poor eggs. From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality. After being used to the days of divine power, suddenly there is no divine power. I think most of the protoss will think that it is better to die.

With Ling's words, the atmosphere at the scene became instantly chaotic. The protoss present was in a hurry, regretful regret, crying and making everything. I stood by and watched the chaotic scene and finally couldn't help but shouted, "Give me peace!"

Suddenly the scene suddenly restored peace, and everyone focused on mine.


"Do n’t call them anymore. You are all protoss, just like a group of aunts selling vegetables."

What does it look like? It's not really saved. It really doesn't work. I have one last move. "

As soon as I heard that there was still a last resort, all the remnants of the Russian Protoss all gathered around and asked anxiously: "There is a way you can use it quickly! The core of our divine power will soon go out!"

"Know, you are anxious, I am also anxious! You don't want to lose the core of the divine power, and I don't want to lose the chance to get so many protoss to join in one go! Well, now let me spread out, I will tell you how to do it. "

In fact, my approach is very simple, just a little risky. The situation just now has actually proved two points. 1. Gravity does exist between the cores of divine power, but it is also quite powerful. Second, the core of the divine power corresponds to the main **** of the protoss indeed can use the willpower to pull the trio's divine core to move. With these two guarantees, the next steps are much easier.

The reason why the protoss core of the Russian Protoss cannot move is probably because there is a problem with the magic array set by the Russian Protoss. So as long as it is closed, the Protoss core of the Russian Protoss should be able to move. But the problem is that when the Russian Protoss set up this magic formation, they never thought of closing it, so there were only three cases when they wanted to stop it. 1. Remove the core of the power of the Russian protoss as the source of power. Second, the core of the power of the Russian protoss is exhausted and naturally extinguished. Third, the magic circle was destroyed.

This first case has proven to be infeasible, and the second is something we don't want to see, so we can only use the third case.

"Master, do you want to destroy this magic array, right?" Ling is worthy of my gold medal, she immediately guessed what I meant when I said it.

I nodded. "Yes. I just want to destroy it."

"No." I just said the old man of the Russian Protoss immediately objected: "The entire magic circle is filled with huge energy. Once the structure is destroyed, it will cause a big explosion, and its power will be very scary. The core of our divine power will all die together! "

"Did I say that this core should be destroyed directly?"

"Then what do you mean ...?

"I'm going to destroy the edge area of ​​the magic array. Although the destroyed area will burst instantly, it will take time for the entire magic array to detonate completely. The explosion will gradually spread from the destroyed area to other areas. The degree is still very fast, but there is always time for the Seal of the Seal to fall. I guess the explosion will wait

It takes at least three or four seconds to defend the throne of God Seal. But the magic circle will lose its effect during the destroyed *. Therefore, after I destroyed the magic circle in the fringe area until it exploded, you should have three to four seconds. The Throne of the Seal of God will drag the core of the power of the Russian protoss from that magic circle into the gate of the earth. When the explosion arrives, It's okay here, anyway, the Earth Gate will not be afraid of this explosion. "

"Yeah, it's really feasible to say this! You must hurry up and implement it!" The old man was immediately excited when he heard my plan, and no matter what he needed to consider, he asked me to do it.

"Don't worry. Although things can be done like this, you have to plan something.

I pushed away the old man and said to Wei Na: "In a while, you will be responsible for hiding in the gate of the earth to help me look at the magic array. Once it goes out, you must immediately the God of the Seal of the Seal will be the **** of the Russian God The core is sucked into the gate of the earth. I will leave Ling here to cooperate with you. Once it is still unable to suck, Ling Ye will close the gate of the earth for me to ensure your safety. "

Wei Na lost her way: "I understand."

I turned to Starfire again: "You are responsible for taking other people to the city of precepts. After a while I detonate the magic circle, its blasting power will be very great, and I estimate that the entire Russian **** world will be blasted into the sky. You stay here It's definitely not safe, but it's better to go there. As long as the magic array goes out, the city of commandments will immediately leave the world and be restored to its original position by the power of the law, and naturally it will not be afraid of explosion. "

"We ran away, what about those people above?" Yin Xue suddenly said something like this, but I was stunned. (X) At the beginning I wanted to ask who was above, (x) But soon I reacted. (X) Yeah! There is not only the Protoss in the Russian **** world. (S) There are thousands of original aunts here! () 婀! Like Soro who joined our licensed and the people in the city I met before when I came to the Russian **** world, (.) Those are all the indigenous people here! (N) And when we looked at the map At that time, (e) it seemed that each node of this giant magical array created by the Russian Protoss was just below a giant city. (T) That is to say, once this magic array explodes, don't even want to survive the ones above. Although those are just, although those people seem to have nothing to do with me, they are hundreds of cities and countless lives after all! (The phone and computer text station addresses are in brackets)

Seeing that I was stuck at such a critical moment, the old man of the Russian Protoss could not help but rushed to grab my arm and shook desperately, "No, you can't hesitate anymore. Those are just ordinary people, they If you die, it ’s dead, no big deal. We are the Protoss, the more protoss of all the lower lives. You ca n’t give up on us for those people. 1

Originally, I still felt that this old man was very good, and also said that after accepting his apprentices, he would be loyal to the Russian Protoss or something. I thought he was not afraid of death. Now it seems that he is just afraid that after losing his divine power, he cannot get the feeling of being supreme, he is not afraid of death at all. On the contrary, this guy is actually afraid of death, but in contrast he doesn't want to lose his divine power.

After I figured this out, I couldn't even see him picking up him, and raised my hand to hold him away. Then to Yin Xuedao: "Can you do me a favor?"

"Happy to help."

"Troubleshoot it for me-make a giant projection, I hope all the inhabitants of the whole Russian **** world

What we can see, our image hears our voice. "

"Small problem." For Yin Xue, the use of energy is basic and basic. If you want to create a large illusion in the air, you only need to change the properties of air with energy to make it light. As for sound, this is simpler, Vibrating the gas makes it sound. Almost instantly, our situation was projected into the midair of the Russian **** world, and all the creatures of the Russian **** world noticed the huge image appearing in the sky almost at the same time.

I beckoned to the creatures of the entire Russian gods in the illusion, and then said, "Dear creatures of the Russian gods, hello everyone. You may not know who I am, that's okay, now what I want to say is that I I'm having a relationship with each of your lives. "I said to the side and showed the core of the divine power of the Russian protoss and the magic array below it. "What you see now is the core of the protoss of the Protoss. This thing is the difference between the Protoss and ordinary people. With it, even if you are ordinary, you are also a Protoss. Without it, again Strong you are also mortal. However, now you have also seen. The core of the divine power of the Russian Protoss is shrinking, and the main reason for its shrinking is the following magic formation. I believe you have already appeared that mountain that suddenly appeared in the Russian **** world. That's right, it is because of the magic circle's credit that it will appear in the Russian **** world, and since it appeared, it has been constantly resisting the pull of the magic circle and trying to return to its own space. And as this magic The core of the power of the formation, the core of the Russian protoss is being consumed quickly because of this pull. Now, I am facing a choice. The remnants of the Russian protoss said that if I can save their core of the gods, they will join My forces become my men. I am naturally very happy to get a group of Protoss, but I just want to get Russia The core of the tribe's divine power must destroy the magic array, and once this magic array is destroyed, it will produce a big explosion. Originally this has nothing to do with you, but unfortunately, this magic array is buried in you Under your feet. "

At first, the people in the Russian gods didn't understand what I meant, but until I said that the magic circle was under their feet, these people finally reacted. In a split second, the whole Russian **** world was completely fried,

Someone who is happy, someone who doesn't believe, some who cry, and some who run wildly. It is a mess. After all, for them, this is the end of the world. No matter how good psychological endurance is, It is inevitable that something will go wrong.

Although I can't see the situation in various places, I probably guessed what kind of situation would happen before I said this, so after I said this, I intentionally paused for a little while, then went on to say: "Russian Protoss In the past few years, this magical magic circle that penetrated the entire underground of the Russian gods has been secretly built, and its main nodes are just the largest cities here. Even if you are fortunate not to be in the city, you may not be able to survive because of magic. The power of bursts of explosions is very huge. The direct or indirect damage caused by its destructive force will directly kill more than 90% of the creatures here. The other 10% will even die of the subsequent disaster even if they survived the initial explosion. Sexual environment, therefore, the actual living creatures will be less than one ten thousandth of the current. Of course, if I do not destroy this magic array, it will not explode naturally, but then the core of the power of the Russian protoss will be completely Run out, and even if these surviving protoss joined me, they will no longer be protoss, but become ordinary people. A group of protoss And a group of ordinary men, which is more useful, I think you all know. Really, I'm stumped. I want Protoss men, does not want you to suffer unexpected calamities, I really do not know how to do.

Hearing my words, the minds of the creatures of the entire Russian gods almost mentioned their throats, because the difference between my thoughts was bad for them. How could they make such a big decision without sweating?

However, I did not worry them for a long time, and I quickly said: "But, although I am very reluctant, although I am very reluctant, I still feel that I can't take you to add a few strong thugs to my guild. Life is exchanged. This is not fair to you. Therefore, I decided to give up the Russian Protoss' surrender request. I will protect the magic circle until the core of the Russian Protoss's power is completely extinguished. "

Roar ... With my words, the entire Russian **** world cheered. The voice was really like a mountain tsunami, the trembling earth was shaking, and in this cave, the old man who ravaged the Russian protoss was crazy After a general rushed up and shouted: "You can't do this, you can't do this ... We are a protoss, we are hesitant, he wants more!"

With so many of us at the scene, of course the old man couldn't really rush to me. He only ran for two steps and was stopped by the big round Pluto, but he did not hesitate to attack and wanted to resist, but the big round Pluto was not easy to mess with, even if she did not have the power, she could still take the Russian protoss The old man hit his teeth all over the floor.

After seeing their teacher beaten, the remaining young sanctification of the Russian protoss finally joined the ranks of the riots. Anyway, they also knew that losing their divine power would mean losing everything, and they would not be beaten until they were not beaten.

Although the remnants of the Russian Protoss rushed together, we still have a big snow ss on our side. As a **** beast, Yin Xue has no divine power. Her strength comes from her own magic power, not divine power, so the magic circle that suppresses divine power is useless to her. The members of the Russian Protoss who rushed up were rolled away collectively by her for a while, and they fell down like a group of Wang Ba who encountered a typhoon.

In the battle on our side, Yinxue did not close the live broadcast, so the ugly state of the Russian protoss was seen by the students of the Russian gods. Immediately, their hatred for the Russian protoss began to rise straight, and to the chaos and order protoss It is extremely revered. After all, we saved their lives in disguise.

"Well, Yinxue, turn off the broadcast." When Yinxue wiped out the soft-footed shrimp of the Russian Protoss, I let Yinxue close the broadcast. Immediately after confirming that the broadcast had stopped, I immediately said to Wei Na: "Hurry out and pull out the core of the chaos and order of the Protoss to see if there is any change.

Almost as soon as I finished speaking, Wei Wei cried out in surprise ~ ~ Oh! Our core of divine power is expanding rapidly. It seems that a lot of the power of faith is continuously flowing into the core of our divine power. Strange, how could our faith suddenly grow so much? Is it ...?

Seeing Wina's expression, I knew she guessed it. So he explained with a smile: "Do you think I'm a loss-making business?"

"No, master, you are definitely the common model of adulterers." Ling jokingly praised.

In fact, I did not suffer. Just now I suddenly figured it out. Although it seems that the Protoss is more important than mortals, how does the protoss' power come from? It was created by the power of faith. And who provided the power of faith? Ordinary creatures, of course. Instead of struggling to host a few new members of the Russian Protoss, I might as well sell them personally, so that people in the entire Russian gods will believe in our chaos and order of the Protoss. In this way, we are equal to gaining a lot for nothing Than the power of faith. Although these belief powers can not help us to generate new Protoss individuals, they can greatly enhance the strength of the Protoss who have joined the Temple of Chaos and Order. Moreover, the benefits of this promotion are definitely stronger than a few more garbage gods. In this way, our previous behavior was basically to lose watermelons and pick up sesame seeds at the end of the year. Compared with the useless garbage protoss, the biological community that can generate a lot of faith is more important. Fortunately, I finally figured it out, otherwise this time I will really lose money.

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