Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 108: You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder

"Hello? What are you doing here? How can I offend you?"

"What offends you?" The gods pulled me up and asked. "What the **** are you doing in the Russian **** world? How did you pull the protoss in your guild halfway?"

"Oh, you guys asked this?" I thought I had done something wrong before. These guys wanted to settle accounts with me. They turned out to be worried about the fighting against the Russian Protoss! "Strange, haven't all the people in our guild returned? Didn't you figure out the situation?"

"Inquiry, but everyone in your guild has their mouths stuck, and we have to ask something!"

"Is this still happening?" Although I was surprised in my mouth, I actually knew what was going on. I guess this situation is probably arranged by roses. In fact, Rose didn't mean anything else, just wanted to cover things up first, so that I could arrange a speech when I came back. After all, the outcome of this battle is very important. If you do n’t let these protoss know the situation first, it ’s easy to do if you need to hide something. If you let them know that something is different from what we said later, then I want to make It will not be easy to come back. Rose did nothing more than take out insurance.

"I said Ziri. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, why don't you give us a letter of approval?" Said an Indian protoss.

Since they are in a hurry, I can be in no hurry. "This matter is not urgent. You still go to the conference room and wait. I will arrange things here and I will talk to you in detail."

"What? We'll know the results now." Anubis stopped in front of me and said, "You're [don't] rush us. Hurry up and say."

"But I'm really busy!"

"Are you busy?" Anubis asked in disbelief.

After hearing his tone, I immediately put on a very angry look and said, "It's true [what's wrong with you, I'm just an idler?"

Taishang Laojun probably heard my anger, and immediately came out to round the field and said, "Okay, okay, things are over, anyway, now it is useless. In this way, we will go to the meeting room and wait, but you also have to Tell us about it first? "

I took a look at Taishang Laojun and said, "Okay, today I sell Laojun a face. The result of this battle is generally our victory. But I will tell you more about the specific situation later."

"Okay, we'll just wait."

Under the persuasion of the old monarch on the stage, the gods had to return to the conference hall with me and wait for my news. Anyway, as long as they know that the Russian protoss has lost, there is nothing to worry about. As for the specific details of the battle To be honest, they really don't care much.

After sending those Protoss, I quickly started to send the ring to the main meeting hall of the guild in Isinger, and the main leaders of the guild were waiting there except me.

When I saw me entering the conference hall, before I sat down, Eagle first said, "Oh, Zi! The situation in Japan is not so good!"

"I know, but as soon as our talents return, it doesn't seem appropriate to just transfer to Japan directly. You wait for me to figure out the details before I say it." I appeased the eagle and sat in the seat. He said to the top, "Show me the projected map of the battlefield situation in Japan in the military god."

With the end of my speech, four triangular prisms were immediately raised around the conference hall, and then four beams were projected from the periphery of the conference hall to the center. Finally, a huge three-dimensional map was woven into the center of the conference hall. .

The voice of the **** of war explained this while demonstrating: "Everyone now is a map of the battlefield situation in Japan. The blue area is our current control area, and the red area is the area that has been occupied by Japanese personnel for less than three days. The yellow part is their previous control area. It can be clearly seen from this map that the largest part is the red area, which means that the Japanese side will almost endeavor the previous week in these three days. The results have all been pushed back. And at this rate, we may lose all our control areas in Japan one day. "

"Is the situation serious enough?" I said on the map. "Three of us have transferred our elite troops, but is it too fast for the Japanese to fight back?"

"This is the case." Suddenly, the projection of the illusion of Masamoto Matsumoto in the conference hall explained: "I didn't know it at the beginning, but only this morning I knew that it was originally for the opportunity of robbing people of the site with the help of the death guard time. Zhongdu got some practical benefits. The guy Nobunaga actually secretly prepared an army from others, and he secretly contacted several guilds as his allies, and planned to seize the opportunity when we launched a counterattack. . "

I couldn't help sneering when I heard explanations from Nobunaga's hand (it should be Masamoto Matsumoto). "It's a good ghost Nobunaga. It's poisonous to want such a plan."

"What do you mean? Why don't I get it?" The cauldron rice asked me back and forth with a look I and Matsumoto Masahiro didn't understand.

Su Mei couldn't help but said, "Brother Cauldron is really stupid! Isn't this easy? This time our original plan was to occupy the whole of Japan first, and then Matsumoto Masahara will act as the leader of the Japanese player to lead the Japanese player to fight back against us and will We 'escape' Japan. So although Japan is still in the hands of Japanese players, Matsumoto Masahara has become the leader of this land, and through Matsumoto Masahara we can control the entire Japanese battlefield, necessary It also allows them to help us get rid of the forces that stand in front of us. "

"But what does this have to do with Nobunaga's plan?"

"Stupid! I have said so much and you still don't understand? Although our plan is like this, the ghost-handed Nobunaga did not want to lose his status, so he secretly prepared a unit. A counterattack will be launched at the time, but there are not many people directly controlled by Matsumoto Masahara. As long as Nobunaga's hand can occupy more land, there is still room for redemption. After all, even if Matsumoto Masahara leads Japan in name The player successfully expelled us, but the ghost-hand Nobunaga actually controlled a large amount of land. Even if the ghost-hand Nobunaga could not directly turn his face with Matsumoto Masaru because of his reputation, it was still OK to listen to the announcement. In that case, Although we have made a full set of plans, the actual results are still the same. Why did Matsumoto Masaru order the guild players to act according to our needs, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga would definitely not be so obedient, then the only thing we can do At best, it is only for the Japanese not to take the initiative to attack us. It is impossible to use their power to help us fight the country! "

"Oh, that's it!"

Hongyue suddenly arrived: "But this time it is probably not a good thing."

"So is it." Rose and I nodded in agreement.

When I saw the cauldron and asked, Hongyue simply explained directly: "If this event didn't happen and the plan of the ghost-handed Nobunaga succeeded, our plan would basically be abolished. And we want to do it again in the future. Such a large-scale operation is definitely impossible, which means that we want to indirectly include Japanese players into our control. It is completely hopeless. However, this time it is just an opportunity. I thought I could take advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack in advance to occupy more land, but I didn't want to just expose their plan in this way. When we pushed the plan back, they would never play tricks again. And because this indirect action will greatly hurt the Japanese guild, it will more accurately reflect the correctness of Matsumoto's plan and will make those Japanese players more confident in Matsumoto's future. "

"No, you are a bit wrong."

Hongyue looked at Rose in wonder and asked, "Where am I wrong?"

"The ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't think it was an opportunity and took the opportunity to launch a counterattack in advance. This was simply what he planned."

"What do you mean?" Hongyue clearly didn't quite understand how Rose was? It was definitely an early planned operation.

I reminded Hongyue with a smile: "Don't you think that the newly formed resistance will appear weird?"

Hongyue wasn't a fool at first, and she understood me completely when she heard me. "What do you mean ... that guild was created by Nobunaga?"

"It may not be his own idea, but he definitely has a copy."

"No wonder!"

Matsumoto said with a smile: "It's a pity that his plan is doomed to fail. Because he didn't know, my plan was successful because we were originally a group."

Matsumoto's words were clear-cut. The plan we arranged with Masamoto Matsumoto was exactly the fight scene in the TV series. We had already set the trick. When we pushed, Matsumoto Masahara gave it. When Matsumoto Masahara pushed, we let it. One from offense to defensive, and one from defensive to offensive, but in fact we are all acting in coordination with each other. However, Nobunaga's hand took this plan seriously, and he really thought that Matsumoto's plan was feasible, so he played a trick of borrowing chickens and eggs, thinking that he could successfully **** Matsumoto's plan. As everyone knows, the premise of the success of this plan is that the beneficiary of the plan is Masamoto Matsumoto, and if he succeeds Masamoto Matsumoto, it is naturally impossible for us to cooperate with him. Although Japan ’s combat effectiveness will not change, we used to take the initiative when Matsumoto was fighting back, but now the ghost-handed Nobunaga fights back, but he will hit our fists. Is n’t that what is it?

"Well, the situation is clear now, but what should we do? Arrange?" Eagle asked.

After a bit of contemplation, I said, "It's definitely not possible to move the troops directly, so in the event of fueling tactics, it will be even worse for us. These forces have leveled up the Japanese and they have to kick the group of Russian stupid bears. Butt! "

When Rose heard me, she said to the military Shinto: "Is there any good suggestion for this situation?"

God of War immediately said: "According to the information I know, I think there is a tactic to try."


"First of all, we will divide the elite troops returned this time into two parts, and draw out the most elite of them to send to the front line immediately."

"Top-notch? How many people will be drawn?"

"You don't need to count the numbers, as long as the most powerful group of people. The screening criterion is that one can go in and out at will, without siege because of the large number of people. As long as it meets this criterion, it can be counted as one. "

"The standard is so high. I'm afraid there won't be more than one hundred people in the final selection, right?" Eagle asked slightly doubtfully.

Hongyue added: "With the senior and super mobile angels of our guild, we should be able to make three or five hundred."

"You don't need that much," said the God of War. "We just need to be the best of the best, to insert into the enemy's striker with the greatest weakness, to stop their attack in one fell swoop."

"Are you going to knock on the mountain?"

"No, I just want them to delay the offensive speed of the Japanese troops, so that we can use this opportunity to shrink the defense." After the war **** said, he continued to explain: "If our high-ranking units are sent to the front line, efficiency will be inevitable. It ’s a big discount. To use their combat power, you must first lay down the front cannon fodder and mix it with high-ranking arms. The aircraft cannons are powerful, but do n’t forget that the main battlefield will always be those with cannon fodder. Relying on high-level services can only fight local wars, and infantry is the final decision force. Therefore, we must give time to low-level services, let them leave and mix with our high-level services, and then re-send the powerful mixed army Go out. Then we can use the Japanese troops to lose our morale in our high-end house and turn the war back in one fell swoop. "

"It's a good plan, but it's a bit difficult to implement." I ordered and said, "God of War, you immediately screen the high-level combat power in the guild, and select people who meet the requirements to inform them to the front line. Specific tactical arrangements You are responsible. "

"I have all the personnel information in the guild. I have selected high-level force and can go at any time."

"Then send it out immediately."

"So? How about you?" Suddenly asked the **** of war.

I was stunned for a while before reacting. The **** of war asked me if I would join the war. To say high-end force, the biggest high-end force in our guild is me. "This ... I'm still very busy. You count me first, but I can't go right away, and wait until I've finished all the things at hand. Oh yes, don't be too shabby for those who passed by. They have to rely on hundreds of people to stop the entire Japanese army's offense. Various advanced drugs and spar have brought them enough. Don't be stingy. "


Because now only a few hundred units need to be sent to Japan, and the front is wide, the transportation pressure is much less. Large troops have to set up and set up. These are high-end forces. No formation is needed at all, and it is OK to send them out in a single or a group of several people.

While the **** of war directed the group to Japan, I asked, "What about Russia?"

The **** of war is that Taixin Eryun is not a problem for him at all. He is mobilizing troops there, and the situation is still being reported. "Russian forces have breached our original line of defense and are now only tens of kilometers away from our final security line. It is estimated that it will not be long before our final line of defense is lifted. Once this line of defense is breached, our country The important cities of Russia will be presented to the Russians without reservation. "

"They're really cruel." I said again and asked, "How long does it take for your budget to spend the elite power to leave Japan?"

"It takes at least three days."

"So? How long can we stop if we don't do reinforcements?"

"Up to twenty hours."

"Are it all day?"

"Twenty hours is already the maximum time. The most likely outcome I predict is that the line of defense will be breached after sixteen hours. The extra four hours are already the result of everything I calculated in the best case. . "

"Then how many troops do we need to reinforce to ensure that they insist on doing things in Japan?"

"At least one elite army. It requires a full combat force of more than 900 levels and no less than 50,000."

"Five thousand? My death guard is almost enough with Kirin Samurai."

"No," said the **** of war. "The death guard you summon is powerful enough, but the ranks of the unicorn warriors are too low to serve as combat power in this legion. Moreover, even if they can be regarded as advanced combat power, their actual number is still not enough. of."

"It's really troublesome. The fighting situation in Japan is so urgent. Where do you want me to send 50,000 people out?"

"Your Death Guard can be part of it."

"Your Death Guard can top it off."

"What about the 20,000 remaining?"

"About ten thousand can come out of the elite this time."

"Isn't that still ten thousand?"

"It depends on the monsters."

"Monster?" Then I suddenly thought of it. It seemed that in order to fight against the insidious plan of the Russian protoss, the heaven court seemed to assign the demon to me to help guard the homeland. I had forgotten this because of the group of guys who had to deal with the Russian Protoss, but now I remember that we still have such an ally. It is a pity that although the Russian Protoss has been exterminated, the agreement in the court of heaven is guaranteed by the system, so even if the Russian protoss does not exist, they will still be unable to participate in the war.

"Did you forget, President?"

"I just remembered it." I reached out and said, "You don't care about the demon side, I will arrange them to help." Speaking of the demon, I thought of something. It seems that I had asked Black Unicorn to fight for me before. Although Hei Qilin said at the time that he only helped me play for five minutes, he also said that he would use large skills as soon as he played, and tried to use up all his magic in five minutes. With the strength of Heiqilin, he consumed all his magic power within five minutes, and God knows how many people can be killed. I heard that the Russians gathered their troops together this time, so that the magic of the black unicorn can be maximized. I hope he can kill all the Russians in one move, then we will have complete peace of mind.

After discussing the issues on both sides of the battlefield, I asked Rose: "The battle against the Russian Protoss has ended. This time it can be said that there are many benefits, but there are many losses. The discipline city has basically been abolished, and the estimated reconstruction cost It will not be much lower than the original construction cost. It may well exceed the money to clear the ruins. In addition, our high-level combat power lost a lot in this battle. The mobile angel alone lost one. Large piles, and those non-renewable seniors have died a lot. What do we do with this loss? Do you want to find all those protoss? "

"Of course, who are you looking for without them?" Hongyue said for granted.

"No no no, stop." Rose reached out and stopped us.

Hongyue looked at Rose very puzzled and asked, "Aren't you usually very stingy? Why don't you care about it suddenly?"

Rose shook her head and said, "This is not a matter of whether you can't pull the door, but whether you can pull it out. The war didn't start before, and the guys asked us to do things, naturally what they said, but now they don't need us so much. Things are naturally different. "

"I want to dismantle the bridge after crossing the river. The protoss guys are too much stuff, right?" Chuang Wang said.

"This is not a question of breaking the bridge across the river, but a question of diplomatic relations." Rose said: "We and the protoss are just like the state-to-state relationship. There is no friendship or kindness. There can be an interest relationship between countries. There can also be hatred, but do n’t expect any kindness. We are the same as the Protoss. Now that everyone ’s interests are the same, of course there is friendship. Once we and the Protoss have become irrelevant or hostile, the previous friendship will change immediately. It's a fart. So we can't think of things too simple. "

"Then you mean that we will bear the loss ourselves?" Hongyue asked tentatively.

Rose shook her head. "What does it mean to bear ourselves? Do we run charity?"

"What do you mean?"

"Cry poor with them, try to talk about the tragic point of this loss as much as possible, will you give false numbers?"

"Why did we use false reports, but did we lose a lot this time?" Once Hongyue responded, the person who was also a thief would immediately change his tone of sorrow, and the parties concerned felt as if we really lost this time. It's miserable.

Rose looked at Hongyue and understood directly and said, "We have to make them lose face, but we can't force them on compensation. They love to give it, not better."

"What does this mean?" Eagle asked in confusion: "Why are you crying poorly?"

"Who said I'm going to be generous?" Rose said, "Surely we've got a lot of benefits in the Russian **** world this time?" Rose finally asked me this question.

"Yes, how much do we get this time, Zi Ri?" Su Mei asked.

"Things are not good, and many have not been cleaned up. But I think the biggest gain should be the entire Russian **** world. There is a copy of the map there, and there is no other line to grab us. The most important thing is there With equal strength, the monster ’s experience value is at least five or six times more than here. In the future, we can build a city there and then level up there. We can definitely increase the strength of our guild. ”

Rose nodded: "It ’s good to have a lot of things. At that time, you should first discuss the war compensation issues with the various protoss. The purpose is to make them feel that they have lost us. Don't compete with them for compensation. After that, let's talk about the booty issue. .Although we can reasonably share some spoils with those protoss, but who made them lose us before? This time we can completely reduce the spoils. As long as the face is gone, even if there are only few things to those pros We can see at a glance that we have deducted a lot, and they are absolutely embarrassed to say that by then, have n’t all the losses on the battlefield compensation before been dug back here? And there will be a lot more. ”

"I know why our guild is so rich!" Suddenly, Da Guofan said, "According to the calculation method of roses and bitches, people have to look for our money when they buy things! They want to be poor!"

Xuanyuan hit] [hit by hand, don't interrupt the building]

"Are you going to die? I'm not counting it for everyone's welfare?" Rose said again and again, "We will arrange things like this. If you don't understand anything, hurry up and ask. If there is no problem, we will execute it immediately. Both sides of the battlefield. Can't wait! "

In the sound of everyone's problem, I finally announced the end of the meeting ~ ~ and then everyone immediately sent each one to go out and go. Speaking of our guild, there are many commanders, but considering that our guild's booth is so large, in fact, there are not a lot of things to be managed by one person. Usually, we can't squeeze out a rest time. As for leveling Anything else will be [don't say]. I estimate that the system ’s achievements for the leaders of the guild are compensated because the leadership is too busy to level up. Otherwise, it is estimated that the leader of the guild can only switch to a non-combat professional, otherwise the guild is a master. The chairman level is the same as other trumpet, can there be face?

After leaving Isinger's side, everyone went to the battlefield, but everyone else went to the real battlefield, and I went to the battlefield of tongue warfare. The protoss in the city of commandments are not fuel-efficient. Although Rose's plan is feasible, it depends on who is going to get in trouble. Even if you have a bad mouth, you know the plan, or you will be surrounded by the protoss. Go in.

When I got to the city of precepts, I began to walk to the conference hall while thinking about what to say for a while, but the road was only halfway, but I suddenly found that Ling was blocking in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. Ling didn't speak directly, but directly pulled out my property panel for me to see. At first I was still wondering why Ling ran out and stopped me without talking, but I was completely stupid when I saw the property panel. "My god! Is there so much?"


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