Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 110: 1 shameless

I did not hesitate according to the calculation of the **** of war, so in the end I chose the option with the highest difficulty. Of course, although the risk of this choice is a little bit larger, once it is really completed, the benefits are absolutely unambiguous. But before we get this task done, we have to stun all the protoss.

"Are you all anxious?" After arriving in the conference hall, I walked to the podium with a smile, and said, "I know you must be anxious, but I can't help it! You should be well informed among you The situation of our guild. Now our guild is facing the problem of multi-line combat. I ca n’t wait to split myself into three parts. I really ca n’t find the time for the throne of the Seal of God. But do n’t worry. I have finished my anxious task. Now I can come and tell you about the battle against the Russian protoss. "

"Zi Ri, let's get straight to the topic. We would like to know what you have done in this battle?" An Olympus protoss asked such a question arrogantly.

I glanced at him with a squint, and then said, "Going straight to the topic is four words: we won. Well, my report is over. Which one can leave if he is busy, I ’m going to talk to a friend who is more busy. Narrating the old, by the way, I talked about the war with the Russian protoss before. "My last half sentence was almost biting out the teeth of the shouting guy word by word, and the intensity was almost like eating Like a person, the guy who listened almost didn't turn over from his seat.

Seeing that guy was overwhelmed by my momentum, I continued to say, "Why? No one left? Wasn't anyone busy just now? Then since there are all old friends here who are very busy, there should be no more busy people Wait for somehow to come out and talk? "

The next person was almost vomiting blood because of my words. At that time, I jumped up and wanted to talk hard. Fortunately, the people around him were very acquainted with each other. Before he opened his mouth, he covered his mouth, his arms, his arms, and his arms. He pressed it.

"Very well, since idle people don't want to talk anymore, then please listen to me. I will naturally ask you when it is your turn. Let me talk about the results of this battle first. We won this battle. You should already know this. However, victory is not in vain. Although this time we used the plan of the Russian Protoss to defeat them, but the opponent is a Protoss after all, and this battle in the Russian gods It ’s completely unhelpful, so we almost rely on the strength of a guild to deal with the entire Russian Protoss. Of course, the supplies you supported before the war played a big role, but because the Russian Protoss later moved the magic circle in advance, As a result, some of your supplies did not arrive in time, so the loss of our guild is also quite high. After preliminary statistics, all the fighters in our guild died an average of two or more times in this battle, although our players can be resurrected, But the seniors of our bank are really sacrificed. Also, you may see it. Now the whole city of commandments is almost all Russia Family to become one of the ruins, in addition to the core area and the ground, the whole city needs to be rebuilt, this loss will not they let us all guild to bear it? "

Hearing me ask, the protoss who sang against me suddenly jumped out of the crowd and pulled him up and said, "Isn't that the account? The loss you just said is nothing more than casualties and city losses, but I do Think it's not a loss? "

I glanced at the several protoss around that guy with sharp eyes, and then deliberately pulled a strange emphasis to ask: "Oh? So what do you think?" Just now that guy has been pressed by everyone, this Suddenly the meeting popped out, and it was clear that the guys intentionally made him jump out. In fact, I have seen it for a long time, they have colluded long ago. This guy is not stupid at all. The reason why he started to offend me was to disguise himself as a second sister. In this case, he can say some other inconvenient or unspeakable protoss, anyway, he bears the name of a second sister-in-law, even if there is something inappropriate, you ca n’t really treat him like that?

In fact, at the beginning, I did n’t talk directly to this group of protoss, but first returned to Isinger to know that these guys must be united to deal with me, but the situation at the time really did not allow me to come here first, otherwise I would Wouldn't give them time to join the Throne of the Seal of God! But I'm not afraid even if they are connected. If you want to rely on your account, just rely on it. When you cry. The protoss who looked like Erzi said immediately after listening to me: "In fact, it's nothing. You said that the city was lost. Did you build the city of commandments? Is that the joint investment of our various protoss to build it? Even if it ’s lost, it ’s a big deal for us to fix it. Is it used to compensate you? What other casualties are there? This is nonsense. How can there be undead in battle? When you take the task, It was said to be a contracted battle, that is to say, the things we paid before the battle should be compensation, including loss of personnel, but you still ask us now? Are you planning to get double commissions? "

"Is this your unanimous opinion?" After hearing this guy's words, I immediately asked out loud. However, the race present at this time actually turned into a dumb collective, one by one did not express any opinions, but the meaning was very clear. This is what they are telling us to support this argument and do not want to pay me any more. "Very well, it seems that everyone agrees with this agreement collectively. That is to say, am I completely self-sufficient in this battle?" This sentence comes out, and the following is still silent. This group of protoss is really more shameless than one. The silence now is not wanting to say the words, but their meaning is clearly that. Seeing their response, I was not angry, but laughed: "This is what you mean, don't regret it."

Seeing me laugh, the group of protoss will not change at that time, but another protoss of a small force sitting there and said, "President Ziri, don't take us to the point. This battle was contracted by you. The commission you give includes your compensation for the loss. It is obviously unreasonable for you to ask for money now. As for what you mean ... no one here is a fool. Russia's legacy I Don't you think you can swallow it alone? "

"Hahahaha ... suddenly? Have I said that?" Although I was laughing, I sweared the **** guy n times. This bunch of iron **** is really hairless! But ... I'm not the kind of master who can be slaughtered. "You do n’t have to pay for the compensation. I already knew you would n’t give it. I just wanted to let you know that I took the loss. Do n’t say that we are stingy.

As for the spoils ... Of course it can't be swallowed. But ... don't you plan to take me one? You do n’t care about the loss, you wo n’t let me touch the booty, right? "What did President Zi Ri say?" "Another protoss said," Lot is one of the battlefield benefits. Since you are a battlefield contractor, you should understand. Our advantage is to help you fight the war. If you share the final income with you, then you are not a contractor but an antique. I heard that your Frost Rose League is a commercial copy, don't you understand this? "

"Okay, that's good. It's clear." I said this in my mouth, but my eyes narrowed gradually. Anubis and Di Tans, a few of them who knew me, were a little confused. This guy knows my temper. My characteristic is that others do business with me seriously, so I follow business principles. It is a commercial method to take up more, and I wo n’t say anything. However, if it really doesn't give me any profit, then it is another matter. Because besides the businessman, I am closer to the robber. If the sale is not possible, then we have to grab it.

"Why? President Ziri also intends to deduct a little spoils of war?" Anubis, they just wanted to make a sound round, who knows immediately another protoss came out to say such a sentence, the temperature at the scene fell instantly freezing point.

"Crack? What a joke? How could I buckle?" I stared at the Protoss who just said, "I can eat things indiscriminately, but I can't talk nonsense. If you have evidence that I have seized loot, Then I have nothing to say. If there is no evidence, who dares to say what should not be said in front of me, then don't blame me for turning my face. Today, since everything has been said about this, then I might as well I ’ll tell you straight away. Although our Frost Rose Alliance is a guild, we are not afraid of any Protoss. We can destroy the Russian Protoss and other protoss. That ’s the question. Whoever wants to discuss it will speak up. "

"President Ziri, what are you talking about?" Di Tans stood up and tried to make a round, but was interrupted just after I said a word. /\\address

"His Honourable Di Tans, in the light of our past friendship, I would advise you that you shouldn't mess around at this time, so as not to lose yourself into it ~ ~ I believe you also saw that they were just What's wrong with me. Now in your early days? You ask them who

Will you remember to take one more? "

I stunned the second half of Di Tans's words directly, and looked around, but he didn't say anything. Several other protoss at the scene shut up after thinking about it. They are all protoss. The situation of various protoss is clearer than mine. Cross river demolition

This kind of thing between the protoss is the same as common sense of life. Who can not know?

When the gods were spoken straight by me, I already walked to the door and said, "Since everything is explained clearly, then please take care of the rest. The loot is already piled up in the square. Please

I ’ll do it by myself, so I wo n’t step in, lest someone say I'm undercut. Oh yes, I may be busy in the next time, and it is better not to find me. "I said here that the person has come out of the door, but the next second I put my head in

He said, "Well-it's better not to look for me sometimes, so ... goodbye." After finishing the last word, I slammed the door firmly, and the gods in Zhen's house were all there.

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