Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 113: Unlucky

Kenjiro Koto was apparently asked for a moment. Before that, he always planned to suppress my various aspects of combat power through the joint efforts of several people, and eventually reached the day of defeating me. However, now he heard me suddenly, but he froze. It looks like they thought so much before, it seems that I never thought that in case I was single-handedly disrupting their cooperation and preventing them from forming a joint force.

"Well, do you want to keep us from joining forces if we don't join forces? & Hato Kenjiro knows that you can't be discouraged at this time. Once the momentum is suppressed, the battles after that will definitely suffer. Then, Olive simply beckoned the people over there and imprisoned him. Now the more he talks about this situation, the more he has no confidence, it's better to hurry up.

Opposite the Red Lotus Phoenix and Nobunaga's ghost hand saw a few of them seeing Kojirou here beckoning, and immediately came over to this side, and saw them move, and our Kristina was here. Come forward together. If you continue to follow this form, it will definitely become a collective brawl between masters on both sides. However, just when I thought the melee was about to start, Kojiro Ko suddenly disappeared in a flash.

I've seen Kenjiro Koizumi's jutsu a few times, and even if he plays again, he won't be able to play it, so I don't care. However, when I thought he was going to attack again this time, he didn't feel any danger. Before he fell so many raids without success, it was because I could feel his murderousness and prepare in advance, but this time I didn't feel anything.

When I was nervous and thought that he had used Xinyuan Hua again, I didn't expect the ghost hand Nobunaga.. But there was a sudden flash behind him, and Kojiro Koizumi appeared directly next to him, and then saw him suddenly throw the ghost hand Nobunaga embraced, and then flashed again, two people disappeared together. / 1 At the same time as the two of them disappeared, Kenjiro Koizumi suddenly appeared on the side of the branch with his ghost Nobunaga, but it was only three meters away from me, so I didn't make much of a reaction. However, this is not the end. After the run-on Nobunaga had n’t brought it over, Kenjiro Koto disappeared again next to Nobunaga ’s hand, and the next second he emerged from the side of Honglian Phoenix. “Then the same way I put Honglian Phoenix 1 Also brought to my side, but the position of the station is on the other side. In this way, Kojiro ’s back and forth transmission speed is getting faster and faster. In the end, almost two or three lights and flashes are seen at the same time at the rudder, often caused by one transmission. The halo didn't even disappear, and the other one came out again, and the fast one almost couldn't see the figure.

In this way, in the time of less than five seconds, Kenjiro Koizumi not only brought Nogizuki Nobunaga and Honglian Phoenix to me, but even the eighteen other members of their cherry blossom group were brought together. come. In other words, Kenjiro Koto completed nineteen teleportations in the Sigil Throne in less than five seconds. This is really fast. Nothing to say! However, the teleportation is only preparation. His real purpose is obviously not to treat people. All of them have been brought along, otherwise they would be better to come over by themselves, there is no need for him to take the teleporters one by one.

Immediately after the eighteen people, Nobunaga's ghost hand, and Honglian Phoenix were in place, Kojiro Koto immediately stood in his place. At this point, the position where they stood just formed an encirclement, the sun mark in the middle of Lei was me, and the three people outside were the ghost hand Nobunaga, Honglian Phoenix, and Koto Kujiro. The positions of the three stations were just connected Is an equilateral triangle. There are six people behind each of them, and these six people stand at six special points, the three of which are the three sides. Together, there are eighteen people, and they just form a double-layered six-pointed star. Array.

"No, they have to set their eyes." Although Kristina did not know much about ninjutsu, the principles of magic were all the same. The other party stood out in the position of this rule, and has deliberately arrived first. Isn't it silly to see this purpose again?

It is a pity that although Keli Jinina has the problem, it is too late at this time. Just as she was preparing to break the opponent's formation with magic, I also realized Kotoro's purpose and rushed out, but just when I first jumped up, Kotoro's team made them appear at the same time. An upright standing position, and put a strange and strange handprint in front of his hands, fist in his right hand, stretched out his index and middle fingers in front of his mouth, and chanted a strange spell together.

Although the mantra was very long, cooking came into effect almost when they made their first note. I moved fast enough, but still only took two steps, and the next step was kicked to a layer: the light curtain. Following my body, I hit this layer of light curtain and was bounced back.

Seeing this situation, the farmer was also anxious, and stretched out his hand directly to the side: "Eternity." Inserted on the ground o39 ;. Eternity suddenly trembled, and then flew towards me violently. A member of the 缨 花 group who was meditating felt that there was a wind breaking behind him, and he quickly tilted his head, and the next second he saw a red shadow belt service rubbing his ears and flying. But at this time he realized that the black thing was his head, and a heat flow also fell from his face.

Seeing that guy was injured, all the other members of the Sakura team were scared of sweat. The formation they are forming is actually not ninjutsu, but a kind of protoss law array passed on to them by the Great God. Its role is to ban a small space and make it an independent space. Although internal and external personnel can see and hear each other, everything will be isolated and cannot come in and out, and of course it is impossible to attack through the barrier. However, the hooked sickle was just inserted outside the seal array, but it passed through the enchantment as if it were completely unaffected, and if it was not the members of the Sakura group responded quickly, it would not work well.犟 ↓ They have to downsize before they finish. They said that the plan could not keep up with the changes. This group of so-called Japanese masters who were present would really understand the meaning of this sentence. Originally, their plan was to activate this formation method bottle and seal it in space, and then use the characteristics of the personnel in this formation method to resurrect the place in situ to completely kill me back to Novice Village. However, this plan has not yet started, and it almost died. Such horrible things were not even thought of in their plans.

"Everyone concentrates, don't get distracted. & T; probably noticed the instability of everyone's mind, the ghost-handed Nobunaga could not help but shouted such a sentence, but it is obviously not forcibly to say half of the mantra: there is no price Yes, he just finished this sentence, and others felt relieved, but there were two bloodstreams in his nostrils.

Although the situation was dangerous, Nobunaga's ghosts finally stabilized the seal array. Chrystina, who was blocked outside, was conveniently stopped by an invisible barrier five meters behind the members of the outermost sakura group.

"Damn, why did you seal Ziri alone?" Zhenhong said anxiously to the others:

"You get out

Click and see if I can break this barrier.

All the players present were masters, and there was no hesitation and hesitation, and when they heard it, it was really red: they broke the barrier and made them all go aside. After seeing everyone letting go, Zhenhong took two steps back, then made a gesture, followed by the right arm stretching, a golden light mass appeared on her shoulder, and then followed The red arm danced, and the group of golden light also began to o39; the road went forward and gradually became larger and longer, and finally formed a golden dragon. After the completion: After a series of movements, the power of the Hi Red chair was all concentrated on the right arm, and then suddenly opened his breath and voiced, the whole person moved forward violently! At the same time, the golden dragon coiled around her arm also flew out with her fist and hit an o39; on the invisible wall.

Just listening to the loud noise, the entire battlefield shook violently. Even in the crowds of both sides of the battle of several hundred meters, many people were shaken to the ground, and the ghost letter in front of the seal front. It was long that their pack was blown out by the collective, but it did n’t really fall down, and it looked like they were standing firmly. Obviously, the vibration did not reach the inside of the enchantment, they should be caused by magic backwash. of.

"Damn, why can't this thing be penetrated?" Zhen Hong looked unhappy at the intact barrier,


Chris O39; Dina shot o39; the members of the cherry blossom group who shot the real red road and said, "Did you see the blood they sprayed? This at least shows that your attack is not completely ineffective.

"Yes, this thing will never be invincible. As long as we increase our attack strength, we should ·

You can completely destroy it. At least it can shake people inside seriously. Said the gold coin.

"Damage output is not our specialty, let's see yours below." Shadow Spring simply tweeted

Stupid. Then he took the rose directly to the side and threw the task of breaking through the enchantment to others. "

Real Red and Kristina and Gold Coins saw Rose and Shadow Spring receding to the side, and immediately prepared for advanced skills, intending to destroy the enchantment immediately. But when they were busy outside the enchantment, I was not idle in the enchantment.

The structure of this enchantment is rather strange. In addition to covering the outermost layer of the entire area to block their invasion of true red and Kristina, there is also a layer of barrier inside the enchantment, which makes me inaccessible. Honglian Phoenix and Kenjiro Koto are three of them. However, unlike True Red, they were five or six meters away from the members of the cherry blossom group on the outermost side. They were blocked. The area I could reach was only one meter away from the ghost hand Nobunaga them. Although this distance cannot be broken, I can use this distance because I have eternity.

When they thought that the seal enchantment was preserved, Nobunaga's hands suddenly made things unexpected. The eternity that flew into the realm just now was dancing a gorgeous gun shadow in my hand, and then stabbed in the direction of Suijiro who was facing me straight. Seeing that the pomelo hook stabbed at him, Kojiro quickly lowered his head at that time, only to hear a bang, his head was cut off a lot, and even his left ear was cut open.

Although I successfully flashed through my assassination, the chicken Kenjiro was still scared out of coldness. If it was not because there was a distance of more than one meter between us, and he had been staring at me. Be prepared. I guess this There should be multiple holes in his head.

When I saw that I could n’t hit it, I immediately grasped eternity and planned to cut it horizontally. Anyway, Kenjiro Koto can't move in a wide range, it is a good opportunity to kill him. ”However, when I was struggling to force horizontally, I was born. I tried hard, but I was surprised now, and I was stuck. I felt like I was piercing a spear into the semi-dry concrete, although you could easily plunge in and out. , But moving the spear to the side is extremely strenuous. This is the situation I have now. Eternal penetration into the enchantment seems to be no problem, but I want to move horizontally within the enchantment but there is great resistance, although that resistance cannot Completely sealed-eternal movement, but o39; but serious & Hato Kenjiro.

It seems that when I was struggling horizontally, Kojiro Kokoro was startled. It would look at my hard-working wave forever and immediately understand what was going on. Although it was difficult to stop and ridicule me with the curse in his mouth, his face was clearly marked with the words "completion". However, just when he was proud, I changed again. Although moving laterally is difficult, since it is easy to get in, it should not be difficult to pull it out, right? I thought it was time to twist the gun and make it turn Bi Yuan. Originally, it is the same for a long gun, but the problem is that I am not holding a long gun but a hook: o39; sickle gun. This east straight blade has a sickle-like oblique blade on the side, so the branch turns

The sickle, originally facing the air, turned around. Now, as long as I draw a gun backwards, the fishing sickle can accurately catch Koto's neck. After that, if I pull a little bit harder ... you say that Kojiro's neck and my Wing, but which one is stronger?

At first I saw I turned the gun and Kenjiro Koto didn't understand what happened. But when he felt the chill at the back of his neck, he fully understood. However, at the critical moment, their team cooperated to show their prestige. Just as I grabbed the handle of the gun and pulled it back, the ghost-handed Nobunaga suddenly stopped again and shouted, "Turn.

With a shout from Nobunaga's hand, everyone who made up the enchantment took a step to the right almost at the same time. Because all the people forming the formation are in sync, the formation is o39; the body is abandoned and chaotic, so Yui is still not interrupted, but they make a turn, and Xiaojiu Kenjiro has left the hook on the side of my hook sickle. The range covered by sickle, but in the end I only cut a small blood hole on the neck of Kotojiro. Although a little blood was shed, the small injury was negligible!

"It's okay?" Watching them collectively moved away from my attack, I also became interested. "Okay, then I'll see if your collective transposition moves fast, or if I shoot fast.

Hearing my words, Nobunaga, they all collectively showed a bitter face. Of course, they knew that my shots would definitely move faster than they did, but now they can't say no? As long as I move, they will have to move, someone will die without moving, and as long as one person is missing, the enchantment will collapse, and then when the outside Chris will let them charge back, they will have no more life. Already.

Just when the ghost-handed Nobunaga was lingering, I did something that made them even more panicked. I saw that the sickle rifle gradually shortened in my hand, and finally turned back into a sphere, and then it seemed to have become a viscous liquid flowing down from my hand, and as the liquid ran along me His hand is flowing down, and it is gradually taking shape. By the time it finally solidified, Yong, the I-Hook sickle had become an eternal nine-tailed whip, and it was in the form of a complex barb hanging on each whip whisker.

Eternally changing di

The whip is different from a regular dustpan. ↑ "Dou ~ ...

Although there is only one handle, it is not a whip body in front, but nine. Moreover, each of these nine whip whiskers can be extended and shortened at will, like the eternal whip sword. In addition, each whip is covered with sharp barbs. Once the watch is waved, its attack range and lethality are both Will be extremely scary. Of course, this so-called horror actually refers to psychological fear. This is like the wire group and bullets on the battlefield. Although the barbed wire is not fatal, as soon as you see it, you will feel that it will hurt if you pierce it, and you will naturally be scared. Although bullets can be life-threatening, most people don't directly think they will be hit, so Tieganggang is relatively more stressful. The same is true for this nine-tailed whip. Although the thorny and wrestling body looks very painful, but in terms of lethality, it may not be comparable to ordinary swords. After all, the sword cuts are all cut wounds, and a knife is a knife. Although this thing is a dozen large pieces, it is all skin trauma. It seems that the flesh is vague and painful and it is going to die. Only a dozen times is possible. If you use a knife to cut directly, "A dozen people are chopped. So this thing is just looking scary. Its real power is not as scary as its appearance.

Although my nine-tailed whip is not as fast as a direct enamel sword, it is very stressful after all. As soon as I waved the bang, the ghost hands Nobunaga's heartbeat began to increase obviously. Unconsciously, there was a layer of white hair on top of my head, for fear of being my target. However, members of the Sakura group standing behind are much more relieved than the three ghost-hand Nobunaga and Honglian Phoenix standing in front. Although my eternity is scalable, I really want to fight them should be enough, but after all, I'm unlikely to stay close to it?

With a whistling sound, I whipped my whip. The difference between the nine whip and a whip is that the wind sound and momentum are completely different. The nine phoenix-like whips are violently thrown up, and after I turned Sangu above my head, I slammed forward. Waved out.

Kenjiro Koto was just worried that I would have another operation on him this time, because I have always faced him, and theoretically speaking, he is most likely to attack him. But he was startled when he really saw the whip fluttering at him. Nobunaga's hand quickly glanced at the situation and let everyone turn, but this time he did not dare to shout. He just screamed for another injury and shouted "Turn", which caused his eyes and ears to bleed. With the nostrils and the blood in his mouth that had been shaken by Zhenhong before, he was really bleeding. One more time, I guess he won't do it before I get Kojiro Koto. But it's pretty good. Their previous emergency training didn't help a bit, and with one successful experience, everyone turned faster this time. Unfortunately, though they turned well, my nine-tailed whip covers a larger area. And unlike the previous situation, the nine-tailed whip can move horizontally in the enchantment unobstructed.

Looking at the whip that is about to be drawn, Kenjiro Koto, who has just turned an angle, dare not move at all, because his movement too fast will confuse the entire formation. In order to ensure that the formation is not disordered, he must keep this Degree, so he can only bite his head and see the whip pulled down.

I only heard a snap, and the nine lashes were drawn to Koujiro's body by the way, followed by a violent pull, and I only heard a whistle, what happened to Koujiro's body? The film was torn off a large piece, and his entire left half of his shoulders and lower garments were all torn off, exposing the skin inside.

No one like me and Nobunaga, they didn't expect that this would be the result of a whip. I was surprised that the whip could move smoothly within the enchantment, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga was surprised that the whip could tear the armor off the curtain. But both of us were surprised for a brief moment, because we all thought of the answers to these situations. The reason why the nine-tailed whip can move in the enchantment and the previous hook sickle is stuck, I guess it may be related to the eternal attribute. Under normal circumstances, nothing should penetrate the enchantment, and it is impossible to wave in it. Yong Heng can ignore this rule because it has a broken magic attribute and can do nothing at all. boundary. However, this attribute is obviously only attached to the eternal weapon part, that is, its attack point. For example, when eternity becomes a knife, its blade can break the magic, but the back of the knife cannot. When Eternity becomes a catching spear, its tip can break the magic, and the rear grip cannot. Now eternally becomes Xiaozi, the attack part is the whole whip except the grip, so it can swing in the enchantment at will without being affected. As far as the whip can tear off the armor, this is actually very well understood. The nine-tailed whip that has become eternal is now full of barbs, and the structure is similar to the devil stick we use in reality, and it can easily stick o39; live a lot of things. Coupled with Yong, coupled with its own weapon destruction attributes and its sharpness, those barbs stabbed into the opponent's armor as soon as they drew the opponent's body. I pulled this again at this time, and it was not torn What's next? It's just that there is armor blocking it now, and the armor and clothes are torn off, and the next whip up will probably mean what it is.

Although both of us thought of the answer, the results were completely different. I became even more proud of knowing the characteristics of eternity, because I can safely use eternity to attack. But the ghost-handed Nobunaga were even more scared, because once I tore off their armor, it was tantamount to draw them directly with a barbed whip, which was not the same as smashing mashed potatoes. All the meat is pulled into pieces and torn off? Don't say that it was really Qin Qin, think about it, it made the ghost-handed Nobunaga feel cold sweat. However, unlike the three fears of Nobunaga's Nobunaga, the members of the Hana group who stood behind them took a long breath, because what they were thinking was: "Fortunately, I am not strong and I did not stand in front. Go, otherwise it ’s me!

This effect was caused by the first whip coming down. I immediately waved my whip and greeted Kyuji Kouji once again, scared, he quickly turned with everyone to prepare to dodge, but just like last time. The coverage of the nine-tailed whip is really Mrs., and their turn is obviously not fast enough, so he was unlucky and hit another whip. However, in addition to pulling off a large piece of armor this time, his shoulder was also scratched. The entire left shoulder was swept directly by the whip tip. Immediately, blood and water splashed and flesh flew horizontally. The painful little Hato Kenjiro did not control a scream. Shouted. However, the boy was a bit stubborn. Although he called it miserably, he insisted that he didn't shift the position.

"Well, didn't you want to seal your bones?" I smiled and shook my whip, then said.

"Well, let's continue? & T;

Hearing my words, Kenjiro Koto's face was white for a while, but he was afraid to stand up. In the roar of wind, the faction descended again,

And this time I went the other way. He snapped Kotoro's firefighting jade's armor on the right side with a snap. Then I started to work left and right, and Kenjiro did not hide at all. Anyway, he would be drawn. It would be better to stand honestly, at least so that he would not risk breaking the enchantment.

Speaking of Kojiro Kojiro, their enchantment will take effect immediately at the beginning of the mantra, but Yihe's advantage corresponds to the disadvantage of its length of time. If the general enchantment was released by so many people together, it should have been completed long ago. But Kojiro Jiro was standing there and I woke up with dozens of whip whip, and they still could complete the ten, enchantment. Although Kojiro Koizumi has not fallen at this time, everyone can see that he is not far from death. Originally, his tight-fitting armor had only a few fragments on his legs and neck, and the rest of the place was almost cleared by me. If the **** that came with the system were indestructible, it would be presumed that he would not even be able to cover up the shame. But in my opinion, it ’s the same thing. "Anyway, he has no human form anymore, not only his skin is almost torn by the barbs on the whip, but in many places the whole piece of meat is gone. Ellipse, I started to admire this kid enough. If the average person would collapse.

However, although he admired his endurance, he was an enemy, and he had to fight. Besides, I was not the kind-hearted master. On the contrary, in the eyes of the first person, I actually belong to a very violent and cruel character.

"Hey, worthy of being a ninja o39 ;! Sure enough it can be more tolerable than a broken one. Well, you can continue to bear it like this. Doubt me to tear all the meat off your body and make you a living skull How do you say a curse? ”I said, and raised my whip and planned to draw it again.“ But just when Yang Gang was crossing his hands, there was a sudden change in Kenjiro ’s side.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga suddenly changed his gesture and pointed towards the sky: "The light of God shines-forbidden air.

After the ghost hand doubled the bird, Honglian Phoenix followed with a raised hand: "God-Guang Puzhao breaks down the magic one by one.

At last Xiaoge Jianjilang said, "The light of God shines on the soul.

Just after Kenjiro Koto finished this last sentence, the three of them took eighteen members of the cherry blossom $ R in the back of the box, each of them shot a light ball, and then gathered together at the top of the enchantment. Formed a white Guangxu. Immediately after the formation of the light ball, a flash of light, a golden light diffused along the original invisible enchantment, making the original obscure barrier suddenly become a light golden translucent barrier, although It still does not affect observation, but can be seen.

Almost immediately after the barrier change was completed, Kojiro Kotaka couldn't stand anymore. The whole person suddenly fell and fell to the ground, but the next second, a magical puppet suddenly appeared beside him. A brand new intact little Doji Tujiro appeared in the magic circle again.

"Is it a substitute? & Hato Kenjiro wonders


Rose shook the joint. "No. That's the resurrection circle. Kenjiro Koto should be born again. He was killed once by Shiri.

"Rebirth?" Kristina said immediately when she heard it. "That doesn't mean that the people in this thing will die and be resurrected? If the president can't beat them, wouldn't they be killed back to zero? ? "

"No, at most he will be forced to teleport back to new players." Zhenhong said.

"Is there a difference?

Rose interrupted them: o39; "In short, Mei is smashing, because this barrier should be destructible. As long as 47 wears it, all their plans will be ruined.


In the description of the rose, when it was really red, they immediately began to continuously attack the barrier, but each time their attack hit the barrier, the light ball above them combined to brush the next golden light wave. After the light was swept, regardless of the previous Whether it cracks or something, it will automatically recover.

"Fuck, that thing will repair itself. How can Rong fight?" Zhenhong looked at a crack she had just made and suddenly disappeared, and asked immediately. But when she turned her head, she saw that Rose was looking up at the oblique light ball with a smile on her face. "When are you laughing?

"I laugh because I know that this thing is not invincible." Rose said, pointing to the light sphere, and explained, "I just watched carefully when you attacked the enchantment ÷ for a while" Results ... Now every time you destroy Enchantment, that light sphere will repair the enchantment with energy ripples.

"Crap, we know that too!".

"But what you didn't notice is that if you don't fix the damage once, the light ball will become smaller → ...

Point, and the more severe the damage, the faster it gets smaller.

"You mean that thing is actually a battery? Just dry it up?" 茗 -Red asked


"Yes." Rose said excitedly, "Look now if your damage output can be in.

Zi Ri drank that thing before losing.

"You can rest assured, say that I will smash it all." Zhenhong said and began to pinpoint.

Prepared her large skills, and Chris urged them to simply release their skills.

When people outside smashed the enchantment, there was a change inside the enchantment. First, the layer of enchantment between me and Nobunaga's hand disappeared. Now my range of activities has expanded a lot, and I can directly attack everyone here. However, while gaining benefits, there are definitely disadvantages, that is, the group of people now no longer need to maintain the enchantment. After that light sphere appeared, the enchantment entered a state of self-operation. Now the ghost hands are longer. Not only do they not have to maintain the formation chanting, they can also move at will, so I have to face 21 enemies at the same time. Of course. I'm not afraid even if they have forty-one. Didn't I win against the enemy in the top 100 of the world's combat power quite early? What if these guys are specifically restraining me? At most, two or three of them can be among the top 100, and it is good that their tank can be ranked in the top 10,000. I don't care at all about that strength.

Just when I was ready to pick 21, "there was a sudden change in the field. I saw the eighteen members of the cherry blossom group suddenly formed a trio of six teams, and then they all took a strange pose. This pose is actually a formation of three people. One person in the middle is half-knelt on the ground, and his hands are in front of him.

The other two people in the rain squatted behind him and placed a hand on the shoulder of the middle one, looking like they were transmitting the internal power in a martial arts movie.

When I was wondering what they were doing, all of a sudden the guy in the middle of each of the six squads slammed and hit a ball of light from the center of his palms. When I saw the light ball, I thought they were going to hit me. Who knew that the light ball didn't fly over me? But they flew towards the ghost-handed Nobunaga three of them, and there were exactly two of them, not many. Not a lot.

"Hello? What the **** are you guys doing to pretend to be a ghost?" I looked at the ghost-handed Nobunaga.

Three of them asked.

Originally, I just wanted to disturb them, and I did n’t expect anyone to answer me, who knew the red lotus bait. Huang actually said, "Huh, this is our special salty world. You can borrow a natural force at random, and you will know incredible.

"Ah? & T;

I was stunned by God, and suddenly I heard a prompt sound above my head, and looked at the ghost hands. Nobunaga and their three umbrellas also looked up, apparently they heard it. Most of the system's prompt sounds are only for those who are related to the prompt, except for the scope broadcast. That is to say, as long as it has nothing to do with the prompt, even if someone is standing next to you, he will not hear the prompt. It only shows that this prompt is either broadcast or related to them.

Sure enough, the voice spoke in the next second. "Player has doubled hands, player Red Lotus Phoenix, player Koto Kojiro. Please note that three of them will be given a temporary notice. Since your enemy Zi Ri carries a special mission, it will be difficult to claim his victory in this battle. Has been promoted. This system temporarily changed the ability of three people to randomly obtain a natural force into three prescribed rules. Please pay attention to the changes in the usage method.

"I depend, don't bring such fun!" I said that the system said that the difficulty of the task has not increased since I played with Koto Kojiro for a long time. I never expected to be here waiting for me! Actually, I just started Intentionally playing with Kotori Jijiro for a long time is to wait for the system to improve the strength of Kotori Kojiro, making it more difficult for me to end that task. After all, if there is only one person, Kenjiro Koto, even if the system helps him, it should not be too outrageous, but now there are three guys who have strengthened themselves to deal with me, and there are eighteen helpers outside, which is not great. It's up!

I was feeling depressed. I didn't expect something more depressing to come. The system actually went on to say: "In order to further increase the difficulty, the system will modify the properties of the enchantment, increase the internal reflection surface and strengthen the enchantment energy. In addition, the long-range attack skills within the enchantment will force automatic identification of friends and foes.

"Rely? This is to play me?" It wouldn't matter to add a reflective surface, wouldn't it be a bounce magic? Anyway, I'm alone, if the magic shot out is really going around, it must be the side with the most people. But now the system actually says mandatory enemy identification, that is to say that the opponent's long-range skills will only calculate damage when hit on me, and hit on the opponent will be invalid, is this unknown to bully? With so many of them, and magic rebound, it is equivalent to at least forty-two people throwing magic in an area. How dense should that be? I will be hit even if I am flexible!

Just as I calculated the result of this change, the enchantment above my head changed again. I saw that the photosphere suddenly doubled almost, meaning that its energy became stronger. Coupled with the reflection barrier inside, our internal attack will not consume the energy of the enchantment. If we want to break it, we can only rely on the attack of the true red outside. In this way, the time for the entire enchantment to break will be at least twice as long. It is estimated that if I ca n’t fight these guys, then even if I wo n’t be killed back to Xinshou Village, it ’s not a problem to drop a hundred or two hundred .

However, this is not the end, the system Ju Yi followed and said again

"Finally, increase the base combat power of everyone in the enchantment, and force the launch of the God-level dry bucket.

auxiliary system. The duration of the Seal of the Holy Seal is twenty-four hours.

"My sun!

The fighting aid system may not be known to ordinary people, but I do know it. This thing is not originally a system function, but a mechanical skeletal system produced for Long Yuan and a type of action simulation system opened by the power armor system. Its main function is to make these humanoid mechanical systems have action prediction and Auxiliary fighting ability, so that even an ordinary person wearing such power armor will become a master of force, and the masters will feel that these armors are more handy to use. However, everyone knows that developing such a fighting system itself is quite troublesome, and to improve its function, it is necessary to continuously research and collect behavior data of ordinary people. Of course, the most important thing is the data when fighting. And it just happens to be a game full of fighting atmosphere, where a lot of people are engaged in various fighting every day. Of course, most of the people here are just ordinary people, but after all, there are billions of players, of which there are definitely some fighting skills like me. Pay attention to collecting the materials of these people, and naturally you can b1 upgrade this auxiliary system. ability. Of course, in addition to collecting data, experiments are also important. So later this auxiliary system was added to the game and was made into a kind of auxiliary props. "As long as the player finds his country's Wushu Temple in the wild, then he can go in to complete the task and change Liu's scroll. This scroll is in use. After that, players can get the help of the fighting assistance system, and instantly turn an ordinary person into a fighting master. Of course, "After all, it is a game, you can't let this system break the balance, so this kind of scroll is also graded. The more difficult the task you have completed before, the more difficult it is The higher the level of combat that is obtained when the scroll is opened, and the faster the previous mission is completed, the longer the scroll ’s effective time is the Throne of Seal of God. In this way, the reward and effort offset will not break the system balance.

Although this fighting system is not widely used because of the scarcity of the Wushen Temple ~ ~, after all, it is a system that has existed for a long time, so many people know its existence, but it does not hurt me to understand it. O39 The origin of; However, this system does have a strong auxiliary effect anyway. At least most people use things to transport things, and can greatly increase the combat effectiveness without changing any attributes. The very unfortunate thing is that this time the system not only gave him a ghost hand Nobunaga. (Mobile phone computer to read the picture version, please pay attention to xs) Three and the 18 members of the cherry blossom group opened the fighting assistance system, but it was also directly Opened them with the most advanced fighting system. That thing is designed according to the level of elite special forces fighting instructors. Generally, those sports fighting that you see on TV and other fighting like this one: it is a pure performance match, really let the two fight, guaranteed within ten seconds It can produce results, and it must be those sports stars who have been brought down. If they are not good, they may never get up again in this life.

"Ha ha ha ha ... Zi Ri, you are really lucky today. If we don't kill you and go back to the novice tree, then-I'm sorry for these rewards!" Nobunaga's unusually proud. In fact, he can be proud. Inexplicably, I have been so proud of getting so many benefits. But relative to their pride, I was extremely helpless. I thought that as long as I faced 21 masters with relatively strong strengths, this is all right. Twenty-one game masters have become twenty-one magical special forces combat instructors. Isn't this killing me?

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