Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 148: Super attack

"Fuck, that guy is going crazy, stop him!"

I was shouting in a timely manner, but I did not expect that the monster was a bit too sturdy. Immediately after I shouted, Mira opened her mouth and a ray of destruction directly hit the monster, and the flame swallowed him up instantly. However, before the flames from the destruction rays disappeared, I saw two white beams of light suddenly burst out of the flame, and instantly passed through a distance of several hundred meters to hit Mira who was still flying in the sky. With a scream from Mira, we saw that she was directly bombarded from the air by a burst of flames. Fortunately, she was nearby and flew up to catch her.

Although Mira was lucky to catch it, the two rays below couldn't help but notice us. As the rays went out, the flames caused by Mila below also went out, but what we didn't expect was that the monster inside was not only killed by Mila, it seemed to have grown up a circle. Moreover, this guy even opened two huge meat wings one to the other.

I'm pretty sure that the monster didn't have such a flesh wing before, which means that this thing has either been hidden by it before, or has just grown out. However, I prefer the latter possibility. Although it is strange to have a pair of wings temporarily, it is better to explain than to hide a pair of wings. After all, the guy had only a pair of elytra on his back before, but now he suddenly became a meat wing. It really doesn't make sense how this changes or hides. On the contrary, if it grows temporarily, this is not surprising, after all, there are not too few creatures in the game that can perform rapid limb recovery.

Although the thing now has a pair of meat wings like dragons, but more than that pair, we care more about the two things like satellite antennas protruding from the roots of the two wings on its back. But we have n’t waited until we can see what the **** is that thing, it just fell down like an open scallop shell, leaving us only two less obvious *, the other ca n’t see anything special. .

"That should be a ray launcher," Victoria floated beside me.

Ling nodded and said, "I feel a strong energy wave."

I was about to say something, but fortunately, suddenly flew up and asked anxiously: "Master, Mira is about to die!"

"What?" I honestly was shocked to hear the news. Although Mila's anger attribute has been reduced before, her defense and health are reduced. However, as a gem dragon, Milla's defense itself is already against the sky, even if it drops by two-thirds. Don't you be stumped?

Ling was surprised when he heard the news. "What's going on? Is that guy's attack power so high?"

"Don't worry about this. It is important to help her with treatment." I said Xiaochun while letting out. "Hurry up and help Mira."

Xiaochun didn't waste time on the throne of the Seal of God. He threw a medium-sized treatment directly to stabilize the injury, and then began to prepare for large-scale treatment. But just before they started preparing, the monster below moved again. As soon as I saw this situation, I quickly released the plague and let him take Xiaochun and Mira to fly farther to heal, and then I waved again, and there was a large summon of creatures in the air around me.

This guy is too strong right now, he must have the strongest strength to win. So this time I released all the appropriate creatures that can be summoned, and then pointed at the monster below: "Let's go together and kill me."

"Everything flickers away." Lingling directly lifted the holy sword, and then saw a sudden flash of silver light on her sword, and an enlarged version of the holy sword composed of light was instantly added to the outside of the sword. "Holy Sword-Split Light Slash." As the skill was activated, Lingling seemed to be struggling to hold the huge holy sword of light and slashed at the monster below. The people around me only felt that the light around them seemed to surpass the sun, and the surrounding area became white, but the light soon disappeared and replaced with a horrible and harsh sharp friction sound.

Everyone was shocked when they looked at it. It turned out that Lingling's horrible blow was actually held up by the monster with the two front swords and feet. This doesn't count, just as we all noticed that Lingling's attack failed, the two round covers on the monster's back suddenly bounced up again.

Just now, because the monster's firing process has been hidden in the flames, we did not see exactly what the lid was, but this time we saw it clearly. The shape of that thing is a bit like a satellite receiving antenna, but it is not thin, but it feels quite thick. The exterior of that thing is a whole hard shell. When it is laid down, this hard shell will completely protect it and make it highly resistant to damage. But when it stands up, it will reveal the soft part that was originally covered. But I'm not sure if this part is soft or not, because it looks like a crystal structure. The main body is disc-shaped, but the surface is not smooth, but it is composed of many concentric circles. These concentric rings are all made of a light pink transparent crystal, and there are exactly eight golden yellow highlights on each layer of rings, and because the positions of the bright points on each ring are the same, it looks like As if there were eight strips of light leading to the center of the circle. However, the center of this huge disc is not the same pink crystal as the outside, but a rather dazzling blood red crystal, but at this time the crystal and the golden light spots are gradually lighting up, and there are Increasingly brighter, there are countless white or golden light particles in the nearby air converging towards the red crystal in the center at a rapid speed. This process looks like

"Not good, Lingling is going away, it's about to launch!"

Probably I shouted too late. In short, Lingling didn't respond in time. However, not everyone at the scene did not respond, at least Jingjing reacted. Just at the moment when the red crystal in the center of the two transmitters on the monster's back had clearly started to radiate the beam, Jingjing suddenly inserted between Lingling and the monster, and then put her Aegis in front of her and joined herself with Lingling. Behind him.

At the moment Jingjing was in place, the two emitters on the monster's back finally fired two huge white beams of almost the same diameter as the two emitters. Compared to the previous time when Bom went down, the two The beam seems to be a bit thicker. It is estimated that Mira's attack just now was not completely useless, at least she successfully affected the monster's launch power.

Unlike Mira, this time Jingjing directly withstood the full version of the monster's ray cannon at close range, and it looks like the monster has exerted a lot of energy this time. I saw those two beams slamming into Jingjing's shield, and then spattered out as if they had hit a high-pressure water column of rocks, and a dazzling fissure flash broke out at the same time.

We didn't expect Jingjing to go up at the last minute, but this did not hinder our reaction speed. The moment the beam hit Jingjing's shield, I moved.

"His grandfather, dare to touch Lao Tzu's pet, I cut your ray cannon." As I said, I transformed the eternity in my hand into a special spear, and instantly transformed myself into a werewolf and injected all magic With my right arm, I used my greatest strength to throw eternity towards the launcher on that monster's back.

My power was terrifying at first, and now it is almost fully exerted, that power is even more scary. Besides, eternity actually can fly by itself, the reason why I throw it out is just to give it a starting speed. With the joint efforts of Eternity and me, the eternally changed spear shot at the monster almost instantaneously, and then the eternity rotating at high speed because of the special structure penetrated into one of the beams like a missile. Next, I saw a large piece of green muscle and carapace fragments suddenly burst behind the launcher corresponding to that beam of light, while Eternal broke through the pile of fragments directly, and then pierced the monster's back and inserted three into it. One-half stopped completely.

Probably because the speed was so fast that it didn't begin to feel pain and scream until eternity was completely stuck on the monster's back, but its launcher responded very quickly, at the moment it was penetrated Stopped ray output.

Although my attack failed to destroy the monster's other launcher, it could no longer guarantee the accuracy of the other launcher when hurt and hurt. The ray hitting Jingjing's shield immediately changed direction and shot into the air. The other people on our side hurriedly flew to the sides to avoid the ray ~ ~ Although Jingjing's strength and strength Survived the ray attack, but the price was not small. After the ray stopped, Jingjing's entire person and shield were steaming, feeling as if they were about to be cooked, and Jingjing turned back to Lingling with a smile and then suddenly passed out. Fortunately, Lingling was right next to her, and hugged her to fly away from the monster, or else she would make the guy cheap. However, even if Lingling does not rescue Jingjing, it is estimated that it will not be available for a short while.

I think it's because of my mouthful that it caused the current situation. Fortunately, as if in a hurry to atonement, after the monster's rays stopped, it first swooped on the monster, and then no matter how strange the taste was, opening the mouth was a mouthful Biting on the monster's neck and desperately biting.

The monster quickly turned around and came back to prepare a bite under the pain, but the black flame that was rushed up again before it bite entangled its head, so that it couldn't escape his mouth if he wanted to bite.

Seeing that the monster was under control again, our side was no longer polite, and the demons rushed up, vowing to tear the guy alive. But what we didn't expect is that this guy can even explode again after this.

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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