Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 167: Under cover

"President Ziri, where are your troops? When can you go into battle?" As soon as I returned to Isinger, I was blocked by a large group of presidents from guilds of all sizes in China. (Kaihang Novel ~ Net Watch Novel) It can be said that when our guild divided troops against the Russian protoss and the Japanese, the entire Russian invasion army was standing by them. It is no wonder that they would get angry in such a great pressure.

Seeing this group of presidents seemed very excited, I had no choice but to stop and find a relatively tall sculpture base and jumped up, and then pressed down with both hands to signal the guild bosses to be quiet. Seeing that I was going to speak, the chairpersons became quiet and waited for my answer. I thought for a moment before I said, "Don't worry about it. Our team is already on the way back, but after all, such a large army cannot be transferred back instantly, so you must give me some time."

"President Ziri, it's not that we want to embarrass you, but that we are about to hold on. You don't know, the situation is very dangerous now. The Russian invasion army is almost on the edge of the Yellow River. Here, We have never allowed intruders from any country to enter such a core area before. I'm afraid that our members who do not know the details will be seduced and instigated! "

What the chairman said was actually a fact. In military strategy, it is not necessarily a good thing to go all the way. Sometimes a proper strategic retreat is more important than an offense. For example, this time we used the space to change the strategic arrangement of the Seal of the Throne of God to cope with multi-line combat. If it was not a large-scale active retreat like ours, but we would fight hard with the Russians as soon as we came up. The Russians were initially kept out of the country. But after that? When our guild vacates its hands, we must face those Russian invaders alone. Not to mention that we have fought against them, but the form of war alone is definitely not optimistic. Although the Russian army has entered the hinterland of our country, due to our arrangements, the losses of those guilds responsible for containment are actually very small. Therefore, the Russians dare not have any exaggerated strategic actions. They can only be careful Forward, and the routes taken are all dedicated channels that were forcibly compressed by us. If we put people together as soon as we came up, then the now indisputable Russian invasion army would not be able to go so slowly, nor would they dare to destroy and exploit resources along the way, because they were afraid of our advantage after the division. The forces were broken one by one.

However, although there is nothing wrong with our arrangement, ordinary players may not understand these things. We can't explain our strategic decisions with each player individually. From the perspective of confidentiality, they should not know this at all; from the perspective of human resources, we don't have so much time to seal the throne to explain the details of each strategic intention to each person individually; from the perspective of individual differences, Those ordinary players are just ordinary people, and they may not understand the specific meaning of these big strategic plans at all. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for us to tell our players about our arrangements, and they will judge whether our commanding behavior is appropriate based on the actual changes at this stage. If we are in a strategic retreat phase, such as the current situation, and at this time another player thinks that this is caused by our incompetence, and then wants to overthrow us, then things can be a big deal. It is not that we are afraid of anyone coming out to oppose us, but that we are worried that such internal friction will affect our overall external strategy.

"President, you are very reasonable. I am just as anxious as you, but our troops are really in the process of moving. Moreover, even if I transfer the team back, I cannot throw them directly into the Russian position? You have to give me time to seal the throne of the Seal of God, don't you? "

"Of course we hope to have time to adjust the throne of the Seal of God, but we really can't stand it." Another chairman said anxiously: "Some of my people are already calling us incompetent, and then I ’m worried that they wo n’t listen to me alone, and I ca n’t tell them our plan, so ... ”

"Okay, I know everyone's difficulties." I exclaimed: "You look good? I will send some super elites to use the teleportation array to enter the Russian control area immediately to drag their offensive pace, you Come with me to the conference hall first, you can watch our guild meeting, so you can know our tactical arrangements. I promise to discuss the battle plan with the guild leaders in the shortest time, and then We will marshal the troops and send them to the front line as soon as possible after the decision is made. Is this okay? "

A chairman stood up and said, "President Ziri, you didn't understand what we meant. We are not asking you, but we are telling you the fact that we can't stand it. What you have to do is not to We explained, but sent troops to the front line as soon as possible. "The chairman turned around and said to the other guilds:" Everyone is not here to stop, this will only make President Zi Ri work faster. Slow, let's listen to President Ziri's arrangement and go to the meeting. "

"Okay." Everyone explained the task to the accompanying guild deputies, so that they had to suppress the Russians anyway to prevent them from breaking through the final line of defense. After the explanation, they rushed to the bank with me. Conference hall. Fortunately, Essinger's buildings are all built like the giant country, otherwise so many people can't stand it. After the guild presidents and I all entered the conference hall, the entire conference hall was almost full. Although Isinger's building is large enough, this conference hall was not originally designed for large conferences. Now here or Standing or sitting crowded at least five or six hundred people.

Many of the guild leaders present entered the chamber of our guild for the first time. Immediately after entering, many people were dumbfounded.

"Fuck, this is the conference hall?" A president stroked the saliva on the wall made entirely of black crystals and rubies, and almost all the people with similar expressions nearby were still there. After all, Isinger's original decoration style is indeed a little too luxurious, but this luxury is not the kind of shiny and high-profile luxury like a palace, but a black and dark red keynote, with lines and majesty. Luxury with a strong cold and glamour. Honestly, this decoration style is not everyone's favorite, because it is too cold. In such an environment, many people will unconsciously put their face up and become very serious. You may even feel that as long as you are joking here, you will have a feeling of being excluded by the surrounding environment, and some have a poor mental capacity. When people look at a certain building or sculpture for a long time, the Throne of Seals will even have a sense of breathless depression. If we have to find a comparative metaphor for this style, then I think it is like a huge haunted European palace group, cold and cruel in luxury. This is the central idea of ​​Isinger, The main reason most people don't like its architectural style.

Although the presidents in the city had already seen Isinger's architectural style long ago, this meeting room is the administrative center of our guild after all, and it is naturally incomparable with those open public facilities. At least we don't have to use blood diamonds and black crystals to stick to the wall elsewhere. We haven't got that much money.

I do n’t pay much attention to the sighs and surprises of the presidents. Although it ’s the first time to bring guests to your own site, you should introduce others to visit them, but we are really in a hurry now. I did n’t bother with that. Besides, this is a confidential area of ​​our guild. It would be nice to be able to bring them in. There is no need to talk to others.

After entering the hall, I walked directly to my throne seat and sat down, then reached out and pressed on the table in front of me, the door of the room closed automatically immediately, followed by a bang, and a steel gate suddenly came from the top of the door. Going up and down, the door was completely closed. I started talking when the chairmen were still studying why the door suddenly closed.

"Okay, start a meeting now," I said, looking up to my head and shouting, "God of War, project me a map of the war zone."

I only heard a snap and opened five small doors at the same time on the four corners of the room and on the roof in the center of the room. Then five diamond-shaped octagonal crystal pillars descended from those five holes, and each crystal pillar suddenly lighted up. The five scattering lines quickly hit the air in the middle of the room to form a three-dimensional earth. Following that earth, it quickly zoomed in and gathered on the Russian-controlled area in northern China. Next, this area was cut out separately and quickly turned into a horizontally expanded view. Finally, the horizontally expanded map appeared in the astonished cries of those who were watching the audience. The level difference appeared like a sand table to change the entire battle zone. The terrain was all simulated, and the control areas of all forces were marked with colors.

Although they were surprised by what was in front of them, all the presidents knew that it was our guild meeting now. They just listened, so they didn't interrupt, but although they didn't say it, they all thought about waiting in the future. Find opportunities to ask if this thing is sold.

"Boss, the current form doesn't look good?" Zhen Hong said, looking at the map in front of her.

I nodded slightly and said, "If the form is good, the presidents will not be so anxious. Now our main force is back, it depends on how we use it. But our strength and the Russian strength Do you have any statistics in comparison? "

Rose immediately said: "Have statistics. God of war, display the Russian military data." Suddenly, a lot of abstract military signs appeared on the three-dimensional map in the center of the conference hall. Each of the military signs had a line pointing to a section. Note: From this, you can clearly understand the specific positions and numbers of all Russian high-ranking units and large corps.

"This is ..." I suddenly noticed that the data shown on this graph is not the same as the data I have seen before, but that data is our data when dealing with the Russian Protoss, not the current one, and then I reacted Come over and look at the introduction picture in surprise and ask, "Did the Russians increase the throne of the Seal of God during this time?"

"It is indeed an increase in troops." Rose introduced: "During the period when we were entangled in Japan, the Throne of the Seal of Siam sent another formed mixed army from our country. After observation by our reconnaissance forces, this mixed army It is likely that some of the secret members were brought into our territory by the Legion. "

"Secret member? You mean a special creature?"

"It's not necessarily a combat creature, but it will definitely increase the combat effectiveness of the Russians or weaken our combat effectiveness, and according to the analysis of the Bank's think tank, this reinforcements legion is probably not used for combat."

"Then what are they doing?"

"Escort that secret creature."

I frowned immediately when I heard Rose's answer. "What creature is so strong that it needs an army to escort?"

"We don't know about this," Rose explained, "that or the creatures have been loaded on a very large transport vehicle, and the Frozen Banshee has been escorting the vehicle in person. We mostly She sent back senior players who attempted to forcibly break in. "

I thought about it: "Since it's not clear what is installed, let's not worry about it first. Get our deployment plan out first. After the team is in place, I will go and see what is in the car "The Frozen Banshee can block our detectives. She can't even block me, right?"

"Of course." Su Mei interfaced: "Brother Zi Ri, you are the strongest spear in our guild. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are sturdy, so you not only have to see what is in the car, but also There is a more important task. "


"God of War." Su Mei shouted, looking at the map ahead.

"Understand." The military quickly enlarged the map again, then marked a few red dots on it and listed some pictures and text materials for each red dot. "President, what you see now are the five elite combat teams of the Russians. Although there are not many of them, their overall combat power is exceptionally sturdy and they cannot cooperate with each other. The high-end force of our guild has been taken away, so we simply cannot mobilize our forces to deal with these five elite combat teams, and many of our previous lines of defense were breached by them. "

"I see. After watching the contents of the car, I'll go and lay down the five combat teams one by one?"

"You don't have to take full responsibility." Su Mei said, "Sister True Red and Sister Gold Coin are responsible for leading the guild to participate in the battle, so they can't help, but Sister Chris Dina should be able to take charge of the two groups. The ministry should also be able to handle one group with the protoss angels. Brother Ziri, you only need to deal with two groups. "

"No, I'm in charge of three groups. Hongyue will not participate in the war."

"Why?" Hongyue finally managed to find a chance to fight, but I dismissed her as soon as I didn't expect. She was quite depressed.

I looked at Hongyue and said, "You are the vice president. You have to be there when I'm away. If the leader of such a large guild runs out, who gets the idea in case of an emergency? Besides, even if there is no emergency, the Commanding a war is also very busy. How can we all go? "

"That's okay!" Hongyue listened to me and didn't insist anymore.

"So the assault mission is clear, what about the battle schedule?"

Su Mei said: "In fact, we have already planned the battle plan."

"What kind of arrangement?"

"It's not surprising to say it, it's a very simple strategy-half-attack."

"You want Russians to cross the Yellow River?" I asked Su Mei in surprise.

"Yes," Sumei replied, "Although our elites are back, the number of Russians is really a little bit, so I think the plan made before is no longer suitable for the current situation. If we and the Russians Start the decisive battle immediately, although we can also win, but our losses will be very large. Moreover, we also have a plan to counterattack Russia to obtain their land. If this stage of the first run out of power, follow-up tasks What to do? "

"That's what it is. So what are your specific opinions from think tanks?"

"The plan is like this ..."

Somei's plan is actually not too complicated, mainly two points. The first is to mix the elite troops of our guild into the combat teams of other Chinese guilds, and then divide this enhanced blocking force into two halves, blocking the left and right wings of the Russians, forcing them to choose only to advance or Back. Of course, the Russians have worked hard into the hinterland of our country, and of course it is impossible to run back inexplicably without fishing ~ ~ so they will certainly move forward, and there is only a Yellow River in front of them.

Of course, to let the Russians cross the Yellow River, it is impossible to rely solely on the resistance of the left and right wings, because then the trap will be too obvious. Therefore, while the left and right wings are blocking, we must also select the super elite with the strongest combat effectiveness in the guild to block the front of the Russians. The reason why the strongest personnel need to be sent here is because this front battlefield requires precise control. On the one hand, it is necessary to make the Russians feel the pressure and make them think that their fronts are as stubbornly blocked as their wings, so that they will not see that we are tempting them to move forward. In addition, although we must block the front of the Russians, we must move them forward, so this blocking force must be controlled. The smashing fight is too hard to really kill the Russians. It is too weak and it is easy for them to perceive that this is a trap. Therefore, the positive can only be afforded by the strongest combatants. After all, these individuals The combat strength is relatively strong, whether it is offensive or backward, the rhythm switching will be much faster than the average player, so that we can control the rhythm of the battlefield.

After listening to Su Mei's report, I immediately said, "The plan is good, so follow this plan, right? We have a tight seal on the throne of time. We must not delay."

"By the way, there is another thing you need to take responsibility for, Zi Ri." Su Mei said suddenly.

"what's up?"

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