Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 213: Ruins of the Warring States Period

It was supposed that such tasks completed by the squad would not attract my attention. The reason why I was so curious this time was because I had heard the content of that mage chatting with the strong man named Big Bear. Qihang Fiction ~ Fiction from the Internet [-

-] Free text update! Originally, before tracing their squad, I always thought that their actions were used as a countermeasure or cover for the main Russian army that was staying on the front battlefield, but after listening to their chat content, the original facts Our conjecture is just the opposite. These two teams were not only used to support the main army. On the contrary, the super invasion army, which gathered the main guilds in Russia, was actually covering them. How can I not be curious about such a strange startup?

Curious about the mission goals of these people, I landed lightly near the entrance of the cave. After confirming that the people in the burrow have been down for a distance, I turned over and jumped down.

Although the outside gate with complicated structures was inclined on the ground at an angle of thirty degrees, there was no inclined passage or step below it. Below this gate is a vertical downward passage, and the depth is amazing. The previous second echelon was all lowered down with ropes, and in order to fear that the first echelon people would wake up and find that they had entered the crypt, these guys didn't even leave the rope on, but on the After everyone descended, let a few flying players throw the rope together. Anyway, when they want to come out, they can let the flying players bring the rope up first, so they do n’t have to worry about getting out.

Compared with the Russians, I think it will be easier to go down. Stand directly at the entrance of the passage and take a step forward. Open your wings and slowly fall to the top of the cave.

After descending to the bottom of the well, I first observed whether the other party was staying here, but I did not find a guard when scanning it with anti-stealth, but found a lot of rotten wood around the bottom of the well. Judging from the remaining traces on these woods, the vertical deep well that we just jumped down originally had a **** channel like scaffolding to go up, but these wooden structures really couldn't stand the throne of time. The devastation is now a pile of rotten wood.

There is a single entrance at the bottom of this burrow, but unlike the above, this passageway here is not so large, but it is not as small as the door of an ordinary house. The height of this entrance is about ten meters, and the width is at least eight meters, and there is a wooden door that is almost dying out of the entrance, but now only a few small pieces less than a third are still hanging. The door frame was closed, but on the ground there were many fragments lying on it.

After going through that bad door, the situation inside is more complicated. Unlike the obvious artificial building outside, although the passageway inside is obviously renovated, its original natural style has not changed much. I estimate that the later passages were not excavated manually, but were later repaired by the builders on the basis of these natural passages. After removing some prominent parts that affect the traffic safety and filling the ground roughly, this is what I see now.

Along the path that is quite tall for human beings, we have been moving forward, and a cave larger than the bottom of the well appeared not far before, but the shape of this cave made me completely dumbfounded.

The cave in front of them is quite large, and the area is no less than an indoor football field. In the center of this cave is a large vertical hole that has almost covered the entire cave floor, leaving only a circle of passages along the cave wall. However, this channel is not flat, but high and low, and even the width is irregular. The widest point from the wall to the edge of the cave is almost four meters or more, and the narrowest part is still there. Areas where people cannot stand at all.

I wasn't surprised to find a hole here just now, anyway, I just jumped down without much trouble. The problem is that in addition to this downward hole, there is actually a hole directly above this cave. However, unlike the dark hole like the gate of **** below, the hole above the head is actually covered by a layer of light film emitting a light blue light. Through the light film, you can barely see that the back is also a channel, but just a few meters away Can't see clearly. However, there is a very bad situation now, that is, the light film above the head is desperately pumping up like a vacuum cleaner, and the debris that flies up and down from time to time from the underground cave can illustrate this channel. The airflow is very horrible. As long as it is touched by it, it will definitely draw people into the hole above.

But that's strange. Although it seemed that the two holes on the top and bottom were frantically convecting gas, the horizontal channel where I stood was not flowing at all. Originally, according to the principle of air pressure, since the passage on my side is connected to the external space, and the large hole on the top is inhaling insanely, my side should also be howling, but it is strange that there is no trace of wind here. .

Although I haven't figured out why there is no wind in the horizontal passage, I would like to know how the guys in the front passed through the wind tunnel. Just when I arrived at the entrance here, I saw the last person of the second echelon climb into the passage opposite me, but I was blocked here.

In fact, there are four passages in this cave. In addition to this one, there are two inhaling passages above the head and a large hole like a **** entrance on the ground. In addition, in addition to these three passages, there is a passage opposite the entire cave corresponding to the passage I came over. The second echelon of the Russians who walked in front entered the opposite passageway, but in the past, they had to pass through the two convection areas that are the same as the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner. Although the two holes in the middle can be bypassed along the cave wall, since the hole above the head can **** up even the stones in the cave below, it can be seen how much the wind speed is. Such a strong air flow, let alone go around the ground hole, even if it is closer, it will be pulled over. If I didn't know what caused the airflow in this passage where I was standing, I guess I would be drawn all the way into the hole above my head like a cockroach sucked into the vacuum cleaner when I entered the underground hole.

Standing here and researching for a long time, I didn't figure out how the other party passed, but I also knew I couldn't stand so old, so I decided to take a risk. Anyway, even if it is sucked into the hole above, it will not necessarily die. It is useless to think of more if you don't try it.

After making up my mind, I walked carefully into the cave. Before, I actually stood at the entrance of this side all the way and didn't walk over. However, just after I took two steps, a sudden violent air flow instantly blows me off the ground. My eyes turned quickly, and I shot the dragon's tendon into the rock wall, and then pulled back to the ground with the help of the winch of the cable retractor.

Now I finally know why there was no wind in the horizontal passage just now. I did it for a long time because there was an invisible barrier at the entrance of the passage to block the wind. I just stood because I did n’t see the barrier. At the boundary of the barrier, so after taking two steps forward, he entered the storm zone, and was blown off the ground as a result.

I crossed the barrier and found out that not only was the gale blowing in the cave, but also the noise was as loud as standing next to the space shuttle taking off, and the terrible air current in the duct next to the rock rubbed against the rock wall. The whistling sound is almost comparable to the magic sound.

Although the environment is extremely harsh, I still have to pass. Fortunately, Long Jin Suo has confirmed its ability to fix me on the ground. Using the dragon's tendon as a safety rope, I turned Eternity into a two-handed dagger again, and then climbed across the cave wall against the wall with the hands and feet and went to the opposite opening.

Just like the passage I came in, there was also an invisible barrier at the opening. The violent air flow and the deafening noise disappeared without a trace after crossing the barrier.

The duct on the side of the duct has two significant characteristics compared with the previous duct. The first is that the passage on this side is even more primitive than that on the other side. Not only are there a lot of sharp rocks hanging from the walls and the top of the cave, but the ground is also not high or low. If we say that the channel over there has been done with some simple treatment, the one over here is simply a naturally formed crack.

Because I had delayed too much time in the duct before the throne of the Seal of God, so I didn't dare to sway slowly this part of the road. I was afraid that the road ahead would not be easy to chase, so I started the werewolf form and started jumping between the rocks go ahead. The body structure of the werewolf shape is more suitable for running and jumping, and the arms will become longer. In this complicated terrain, you can also use hands and feet to climb from time to time, which is much faster than walking with your feet.

Because of the speed, I ran forward not too far and caught up with the guys in front. The obstacle effect of the terrain is the same for everyone. I can't run fast, they can't get up fast. Moreover, their situation is obviously worse than me. After all, I ’m alone, and I ’m also a very good person who is good at melee. In addition to the fighters in their team, there are groups of mages and auxiliary professionals. The attributes of these people have been added to the mana. The speed of law and soldiers is naturally not faster. Moreover, even the fighters in their team can not compare with me in terms of athletic ability.

Now that I have caught up with these guys, I simply slowed down and followed them carefully, but I didn't cancel the werewolf form because it was easier to move.

This complex terrain extends for about three or four kilometers forward, and then begins to show a significant slope, and as the team advances, the **** becomes more and more large, and finally becomes more than seventy The **** of degree is not so much a slope. In fact, I think it is more suitable to call it a cliff, but there are more steps on this cliff. With a little attention, you can go down the protruding rocks.

For me, this kind of rock wall is very easy to walk, but the front team has nearly 200 people after all, and among them there are also mage occupations that are not good at physical fitness. As a result, the **** only increased to more than 70 degrees. I heard it after less than five minutes of walking, and then saw a person rolling down the rock. It doesn't matter if he rolls out, the people below him are unlucky. The **** said it was steep, but after all it was only 70 degrees, and it would not fall to the bottom as soon as it was off the cliff. Here, the stumbled person will roll down the cliff, and then because of the instinct of survival, these rolled down people will try to grasp everything he can touch, compared with those protruding rocks, the most No doubt he is his companions. The result is that one person immediately pulls down a large row of people, and then pulls one by one. This time, he took more than ten people in one breath.

"Everyone should be careful with me." The men watching the fall disappeared into the darkness, and a bearded guy in the line shouted angrily.

In fact, getting angry like him makes no sense at all. This cave is located underground and there is no light source at all. The people present rely on the mage's lighting and torches to provide light. Those who will have large lighting in the team are obviously all martyred in the previous monster attack. The remaining mage will only have a personal version of lighting, and this lighting will not only keep the time of the seal of the throne short, but also only light up the side A small area. In order to find a way on this mountain wall, the crowd could not be crowded to borrow light, so those who could not look at the road by means of lighting had to use torches. The **** of the mountain wall was originally large. In addition, it was located deep in the ground. The rocks were very humid. The surface was either sharp, unable to hold or slippery, and some rocks looked flat, but they would break when they stood up. . It ’s not enough to use such complicated terrain with both hands and feet. This group of people still have to hold a torch. An accident has only occurred so far. It is already considered as a high-quality group of people. If the average player climbs this path, it is estimated that they cannot get five One hundred meters would lose half of the people.

Of course, it's better for me to have more people who have died, as long as they don't die, just leave one or two to show me the way. As for myself, I probably want to fall down this way. After all, I use absolute dark vision, I do n’t need an empty hand to grab the torch, and my werewolf shape has sharp claws on my hands and feet. On this rocky cliff, I basically follow the road, as long as I do n’t show up. I will never fall off a block mountain. Besides, even if it falls, it's okay. Anyway, we still have wings. The caves here are very wide, and even if they are lucky, they can barely fly, let alone I'm not that lucky.

After driving down this 70-degree **** section for two or three kilometers, the guy in the team who had been careful before finally issued a rest order. It's not that he is sympathetic to his subordinates.

Just now, the player fell again. However, unlike the previous miss, this time not because the player has stumbled, but because he was suddenly forced to go offline by the system. The player was forced to kick out, but his body in the game did not disappear. The uncontrolled body completely lost control as if it suddenly fainted and rolled down the mountain. Fortunately, the position of this person is relatively close Before, I didn't hit the people below.

According to the information previously heard from the mage and the big bear, this second echelon should be the first echelon, which means that they should be on par with the first echelon on the throne of online seal. But the first echelon was just in a hurry, and they had a rather fierce battle in the middle because of the monsters Cook had led past. You must know that the accumulation of fatigue in combat is much faster than usual. Now even the first echelon with a smaller amount of relative movement has rested, and it is not surprising that some of the teams in their team who have fought have been forced to go offline.

Although it was stopped and trimmed, it was not easy to take a break on this sloping slope. This group of players is indeed very good, but no matter how good they are, they can't become bats. Wanting to hang on a nearly vertical rock wall while sleeping is not something that humans can do, at least ordinary people can't.

However, although you cannot sleep on the cliff on your own, one's specialty is that you have the brain to know how to use tools. With the help of several specialized personnel in the team, they soon hit many nails on the rocks, and then hung all the sleeping bags on the nails. Although it is uncomfortable to sleep like this, the conditions are the same now, and there is nothing you can do about it.

The guy who took the lead explained the alternate vigilance task and began to pay close attention to the rest of the Seal of God. I saw that they stopped and could not wait for them to wake up, so I decided to go over them to see the situation below. I didn't want to surpass them because I wanted them to step on mines in front of me, but now I really don't want to wait for them to sleep, so I have to go one step ahead.

Without them in front, I would be much faster alone. Like this downward passage, I do n’t need to climb down slowly at all, just open my wings and jump down, and glide down the inclination of the crypt, and even the wings landed on the ground without fanning .

I didn't see the bottom of the hole before, and when I landed, I found that the **** was really long enough. The second echelon of the Russian above has actually come down to one-third of the slope, and it is twice as long below. At their speed, don't count on the hours at all. Of course, I can glide and land much faster, and it didn't take me five minutes from top to bottom.

The bottom and the top of the **** are basically the same in terms of topographical structure, and there are all kinds of strange rocks and various long strange stalagmite pillars. Since there is no one here, I don't even have to hide my body. I spread my wings and started to fly forward along the passage. Although there are many obstacles in the passage, they are all for the people on the ground. Flying in the air is not that much trouble.

After flying along the passage for seven or eight kilometers, this super-long passage finally came to an end. But what depresses me is that the last thing I want to see has actually appeared, and when it appears, it is a big block.

That wide passage connects here to a huge crypt, which is easily more than three times larger than the crypt with the duct before. But in this huge crypt are dozens of channels scattered in different directions. Those passages are large and small, some are so small that they can barely climb into one person, and some are so lucky that Mira and Mira can walk by holding hands in the form of the body.

"Fuck, there were no forks on such a long road before. I just encountered so many forks just past those guys. What am I doing in the pit?" I couldn't help complaining when I saw so many forks. But complaining and complaining, the road still has to go.

In order to determine which is the correct fork, I plan to go around this cave first to see if there are any clues or the like. After all, this is a natural cave, and since someone is hiding something here, there must be someone walking through this place, and as long as someone walks through, it will leave some clues. The key is to see if these clues are obvious enough to be discovered.

I carefully searched inch by inch in the cave, and suddenly I noticed that a rock on the wall was a little different. Compared with the surrounding blade-like rocks, this rock is obviously very rounded, like a cobblestone. I was going to walk over and take a closer look, and suddenly I heard a click from my feet. I quickly stepped back and looked down to find a broken human skull on the ground.

"Is the undead?" There was a slight smile on my face when I saw the skull. Quickly took a handful of crystal powder from the body, and then slammed into the sky, and then said: "The dead who sleep here, obey my call. Reignite the fire of the soul, leave the cold earth, shake you The dirt on your body, return to this warm world. "

With the end of my last spell, the crystal powder in the sky suddenly glowed a blue light, and it was only a few seconds later that the surroundings fell into darkness again. However, just a few seconds after the surroundings became completely dark again, a crackling sound of rock rolling suddenly came from the crypt where the needle could be heard quietly. The surrounding ground seemed to suddenly wake up. There were sounds of rolling stones everywhere, and some large rocks were shaking and trying to move.

Suddenly, I heard a boom, just less than half a meter away from me, a rock the size of a TV set suddenly flew up, and a gray bone hand suddenly appeared where the rock originally stood. . After the bone hand extended out of the ground, it slowly turned left and right, and then saw a large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the ground around the arm, and then the whole ground was lifted upwards, and a whole body with a tattered skull suddenly blasted from the ground. Sit up.

As the skull sat up from the ground, a large number of skulls emerged from behind the surrounding rocks, under the stones, and even on the walls. The cave that was originally empty became an ocean of skeletons in an instant. I was only going to wake up one or two skeletons to ask the next way, but I didn't expect that this one actually got up to thousands of skeletons. This number is too exaggerated.

When the skeletons climbed out of the ground, they immediately raised their skulls and observed the surrounding environment with the soul fire of the beating in their eyes, until they found my existence, and then all the skeletons' attention was fully focused. To me. However, just as the blue soul fire in their heads began to turn red, and when they were about to enter the violent mode, a sudden boom in me ignited the blazing **** fire, and the flame in me ignited In the moment, the fire of all the skulls' souls changed from red to blue almost instantly, and finally all became white.

The skull's soul fire is their soul. An experienced liar can blush and pant to tell others a lie that he must believe to be true, but no matter how powerful a liar can't disguise his soul, because the soul represents thought, unless you do n’t It is simply impossible to think otherwise, it is impossible for the soul to show a false reaction. Of course, the soul of a general creature is invisible, so it doesn't matter if you can't disguise it, but the skeleton is different. Because there is not enough biological tissue on the body, and there are several large holes in the protective skull, the skull's soul fire is actually half exposed. This determines that their soul reactions can be seen intuitively by others.

When a soul is in silence or confusion, its soul will emit blue or purple light, and for the undead, this state will be their main state. Red indicates missing dots, and the same is true for undead. When the skeletons saw something they were interested in, such as beings, living beings. When they see these creatures, they will be very excited, and then their soul will change from blue to red, and the degree of excitement will determine the brightness of red. However, now the real soul fire of the undead is neither red nor blue, but white.

To be honest, it is very difficult for ordinary people to have a chance to see the white soul fire. Of course, if you see free souls that have escaped from the skull or other undead bodies, they are usually white in color. However, the soul fire that is still in the body of the undead is rarely white, because white represents only one situation to the undead-the connection state.

The so-called connection state is a completely open and undefended state, which represents a completely opened soul. At this time, if the soul is hit, it will bear more than a hundred times the damage, and other souls at this time can read their memory or order it when they touch the opened soul. Of course, if you don't feel sick, it's okay to devour those souls. Anyway, the soul in the open state is like a beautiful woman who has been washed in vain and has dedicated everything to you. The next step is your absolute * time seal of the throne. What you want to do is a matter of your thoughts.

Of course, because the connected soul is so fragile and unguarded, it is rare for undead creatures to do so. This is the same as if you suddenly told a person that you would float to him and would be willing to do tasks for him, including giving up his life. This kind of behavior cannot be said to be impossible, but it will definitely require quite harsh conditions for it to happen. After all, no one will be stupid. Suddenly I want to give everything to someone. This is very abnormal behavior.

Although the undead is not as flexible as the head of the soul, others have basic judgment, and the undead will never do it easily by opening his own soul to other souls. So why are these skeletons present to open my soul and connect to me? The answer is-I am the devil.

Alas ... it seems to be the case.

As everyone knows, because my evil attributes cannot be decreased, I have been rising since a long time ago, and some accidents later, my evil value has now become a digital existence. But uh ... Although the evil value is easy to scare the ordinary, for the creatures such as the undead and the demon, the evil value should actually be regarded as an affinity, which means that the higher your evil value, the undead and the demon The more we like you, and my current evil value ... basically can already be regarded as a mass idol in the undead world.

The above is the reason why the skulls suddenly turned red after they found me, and then turned white instantly. Their soul suddenly turned red because they found that I was a creature, so their instincts drove them to attack me, but then they suddenly found out that my number was evil, and then the guys fell down on me instantly. Under the coercion of evil. Having said that, although we don't have any semblance of Wang Baqi, can we still be scared by the demon body at critical moments.

"Hello, the dead who awakened from their dormancy." I found a larger stone and stood on top of it, and said to the thousands of skulls below.

Immediately after I finished speaking, all the skeletons knelt down to the ground collectively and gave me a big gift of gratitude and sent a thankful soul wave, but their movements saw me frown.

Generally speaking, the undead will retain some of the habits of life. Although the memory of life will be chaotic, things like habits are not so easy to forget. For example, it is difficult to forget the etiquette of the superior. If a modern person turns into a skeleton, then I said hello to them, and even if they do n’t remember who they are, they will definitely want to shake hands with me. But in front of these skeletons, a collective gift of five bodies was thrown into the ground. The problem is that this etiquette does not seem to be used in modern times, even in feudal times. Even if the ordinary people saw the emperor, it was nothing more than kneeling on their knees and facing the ground. Few such superb gifts that even had their chests stuck to the ground.

"Attention now, I wake you up to ask you to do me a favor and answer some questions." After I finished speaking, the skeletons immediately came to approve or promise to know what they meant. I waited until they finished expressing and then said, "Now the first question, do you guys know if you died here at the same time?"

Due to the chaotic memories of life, even if the undead here died together, there are definitely not many of them who can remember this moment. Sure enough, only two undead replied in the end: "I know. We were poisoned and poisoned here at the same time."

"Good. Next question. Which country are you from?"

In fact, I want to know what age they are, but it's stupid to ask this question directly. As a modern man, of course you can clearly distinguish between the Warring States Period, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty, but if the other person is a person of that dynasty, can he set a dynasty for himself? As if in case you were resurrected one day and found yourself in a space battleship, the people inside said that they were the army of the Great Universe Federation, and asked which dynasty did you belong to, how would you answer? Call yourself modern? Compared with others, you are a primitive person, and it is certainly wrong to say that you are a modern person. Of course you can also say that you are from the Republic era, but what if the people ask you which Republic you are? Then someone will give you an explanation, then you know that human beings have entered the cosmic era for hundreds of thousands of years. There have been hundreds of changes in the country around the world. Can you know how many republics you are? Even if you say that you are the first republic, you may not be able to express your meaning correctly according to the year of the representative, because the historical data of others may not be the same as what we know. The first generation of you may not Think of it as the first generation.

So, ask an ancient person what dynasty you are from. If you ask this question, it ’s not like asking. It ’s better to ask him directly which country, at least you can find out which dynasty he is based on historical data.

Sure enough, a skeleton answered quickly below: "We are Qin people."

You see, isn't the problem clear? Now that the Qin Kingdom is out, the general historical period is also clear. Anyway, I'm not here to do archeology, as long as I know the historical age.

"Next question. Why are you here poisoned to death?"


Using this question and answer method to communicate is very fast, because my questions are very targeted, and the other party ’s answers are very concise. From these Q & As I roughly figured out what's going on here.

These skeletons were actually the husbands of the Qin Kingdom. They accepted the king's call to build the Seven Male Tombs. As for this burrow, it was completely formed naturally. They just dug the vertical well we passed when we first entered and built a gate. However, in the deepest cave behind this, there is a Nanaozuka. However, although they built the Nanaozuka, the monarch at that time would not tell them the specific purpose of these men. All they knew was the structure and approximate location of the seven male graves. Why did the specific monarch build this thing? They knew nothing. However, they guessed why they were killed. Of course, no call is a means of killing people and preventing them from leaking out. Anyway, there were more such things in that era, such as the construction of mausoleums. Generally, all the construction workers were killed and buried. Once they were used by people and cattle, they could ensure that the location of the tombs was not leaked out.

Although I did n’t ask what was stored in the Seven Male Takarazukas, it does n’t matter if you know it or not. I ’ll know it when I get there anyway, and what I want to know is how to get there and where What, these issues have now been resolved.

In the end, I picked two skeletons from the skeletons that remembered the details of the Nanaozuka to show me the way, and then dispelled the other skeletons to return to the sleeping state again.

Because the skeleton does not have muscles and internal organs, the two skeletons are not weighted together. I easily held the two skeletons in one hand and flew in the direction they pointed.

I wouldn't have found the right path if I didn't have these two skeletons pointing the way. Although there are no less than 80 passages in this **** place, the two skeletons answered in unison when I asked which one was the right one: "All are fake."

"What? All fake?"

"Yeah, it's all fake. The real way is not here." The two skeletons kindly explained that they couldn't react to me: "This side is used to confuse the grave robbers. Those passages are all It's fake. All have institutions. People who walk in are absolutely dead. And even if a **** who can crack all the institutions comes, it is useless, because the real Nanaozuka is not there. "

"Where is the real Nanaozuka?"

"Did the adult see the vertical shaft when he came in?" One of the skeletons asked.

I nodded. "Of course. Isn't that the one under the gate?"

"Yes, that's the one," the other skeleton replied, "the real seven male graves are below."

"What? Aren't I all running away for such a long passage?"

One of the skeletons corrected: "In fact, it is not a vain run, because if the adult does not find us, it is useless to know where the seven male graves are."


"Because Qixiongzuo is under the shaft, the key to unlock Qixiongzuo is in the duct in front."

"You mean the duct with a light film on it?"

"No, that layer of light film is an array of divisions set by alchemists. Anything that has a soul passing through it will be forcibly broken into two parts, a spirit body and an entity. The entity will be broken down into dust and soul by a decomposition matrix Will be scattered into countless soul fragments to strengthen the magic circle. The real key is at the bottom of the wind tunnel under the light film. "

"Well, I see. It seems we have to hurry up and seal the throne of time."

After running for a long time, I ran in the wrong direction. Now I had to take the two skeletons and fly back, but fortunately, I had wings, and I quickly reached the position of the duct. Bring the two skeletons one by one into the passage when they came in, and then I asked, "The key is below?"

Two skulls with one head. Then one of them said, "Adults should pay attention, don't be blown into the light film above, otherwise the gods will be difficult to rescue."

"I naturally know this, but the wind below is so strong. How can I go down?"

"We don't know about this," a skeleton replied, "We are only responsible for digging the burrow. We don't know exactly how to go down. But the wind in there is actually the key."

"The key is the wind?"

"Yes." One of the skeletons said, "The key is a green wind bead. I saw the protector throw the wind bead into the hole with my own eyes, and then the opening of the hole began to blow wild wind, but it scared me. . "

I nodded and said, "Then you wait here first, and I find a way to get that thing up."

To say that I think of a way is actually just not to let these two skeletons help me think, it does not mean that I want to think alone, anyway, we have a bunch of magic pets. The three tanners still have one Zhuge Liang, and there are more than thirty of my magic pets. At least a dozen Zhuge Liang are on the top. Is it trivial to think of a solution?

In the end, after my research and the magic pets' research, we really found a solution. This method is actually simple. After asking about the size of the wind bead, we finally decided that the flying bird should get the wind bead. The reason to let Asuka go is mainly to take into account that Asuka's aerodynamic shape resistance is small. When he kept face down, the wind resistance was only about one tenth of that of other magic pets of the same volume. Although this still could not guarantee that he would not be blown away, it was at least much smaller than the wind we received.

After the candidates were identified, the next step was for King Kong. King Kong itself is a mechanical life form, with tremendous power, and because he has become my control spirit, he has acquired the ability to change the size of his body at will. In the end, we made King Kong the right size, then grabbed the bird and swept it down, and finally the dragon girl applied twenty times gravity.

Suddenly 20 times heavier King Kong doesn't need to worry about being blown away as long as he doesn't enter the wind tunnel, and his powerful power also guarantees that he can still hold the bird forward under this extreme gravity.

After finally bringing the bird to the edge of the wind tunnel, King Kong began to carefully insert the bird into the high-speed blasting duct, and at this time, the bird immediately started its own jetting device and desperately flew down, which further increased His downward force kept him from being blown away.

After the birds kept balance in the wind tunnel, King Kong gradually tried to release the birds, and then the birds opened the jets and moved to the center of the wind tunnel. However, even if 20 times gravity is added, and the device is actively driven to fly downwards, coupled with the low-resistance modeling of flying birds ~ ~ Flying birds finally just barely hovered in the duct That's it. If you want to go down *, that's not easy.

However, not going down now does not mean never going down. After the bird stabilized her body, Ling, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately released a blessing of magic energy to the little dragon girl. The little dragon girl's magic output instantly increased by one-third, and then the gravity of the bird's gravity changed from twenty times the gravity It has more than 26 times. After the body suddenly became heavy, the wind finally failed to tow the take-off bird. After the output of the bird booster, he immediately began to sink into the wind tunnel.

Probably I did not expect someone to be able to rush under the wind tunnel, the hole was not dug deep. The bird quickly touched the wind bead, and then he touched the wind bead gently with the stinger in front of him. It seemed as if someone had been shut down suddenly. The winddrop immediately stopped jetting at the moment it was touched, but the flying bird was hit by it. Because there was no wind support, the bird that had been added with 26 times gravity and his own device was immediately rushed down and rushed out. What's worse is that at this moment Fengzhu is on the tip of the stinger in front of him. As a result, only a snap of the wind bead was inserted into the pair, and then the flying bird hit the bottom of the hole and breathed away. * The ground was more than two meters deep and got stuck.

"Oops, this is a lot of trouble!"

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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