Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 231: Breakthrough across the board

After the line was rushed by me, the players behind me in the bank immediately rushed into the Russian line. Read the novel [\ '\'] Free text update! (See the novel) Those shields near the line of defense that I rushed through saw the skylight opened here, immediately holding the shield and wanted to rush over to protect the gap, but unfortunately they All the efforts did not work because the shield formation relies heavily on the integrity of the formation. Once the integrity is destroyed, the shield formation loses its due role. Even if the surrounding shield players want to make up positions, the flow of people in the opposite direction It is not so easy to complete under the impact of. Moreover, although the shield player's defense power is high, the defense direction is one-way. Although heavy shields have high defense power in battle, they are not suitable for turning. When someone rushes into the array and hides from behind, it is difficult for the shield to complete the replacement.

"Damn, why did Ziri come back?" Seeing me suddenly appeared, the Russian player in charge of this section felt like a thunderstorm. But if I don't want to see me anymore, I must stop it now, otherwise I will drive straight in and the entire line of defense will be completely destroyed by me.

Although the idea is good, unfortunately it is difficult to implement. That player sent a lot of people who intercepted me, but unfortunately none of them were used. In fact, this can't blame him. There are indeed many masters of the Russians participating in the battle this time, but when I was hunting the demon with the gods of Heaven and I, those masters did not hide as far as ordinary players because of their good skills. Because of their daring skills, this group of people died the fastest. Because most of the real masters of the Russians were killed in that battle, although the lines of defense were temporarily arranged, the masters have not yet come to full resurrection. There are still many people who are not in place, plus such a wide range. The front line of defense, even if the masters are resurrected, they cannot all focus on this point. After all, our guild is not just a strong person, and the other areas ca n’t stop our masters from attacking them. Because of the above reasons, the player in charge of this area finally only transferred a dozen masters as preparations, and these people were only second-rate masters, and they were almost all face-to-face before me.

Watching me chop melon and chop vegetables usually killed the expert he invited, and the Russian player was also anxious. He glanced helplessly at the white badge in his hand, thinking about eventually making a decision with his teeth. I saw him push a gem on the badge inward, and a snap popped out of the front of the badge with two awl-like things. Looking at the sharp barb-cone, the player was nervous again, but in the end, he made up his mind to shoot the thing up to his forehead.

"Ah ..." Accompanied by a scream that didn't resemble a human voice, the player suddenly squatted on the ground, covering his forehead. The badge he had just held was already pressed on his forehead by this time, and the two barbed spikes popping out of the badge were all inserted into his forehead, and now, one Layers of white long hair are growing from the edge of the badge and gradually spread to the guy's entire head, and then move down further, eventually covering his body with a layer of thick white hair. In addition to the white hair, the guy's body is also changing. Prior to pressing the badge on his forehead, the guy was only 1.9m tall, and not only didn't look strong, but he felt a bit thin. However, as that layer of white hair gradually covered his body, the height of this guy also skyrocketed to more than two meters and close to three meters. At the same time, the guy's arms and legs were inflated with everything It swelled quickly, and soon changed from a thin man to a strong polar bear.

The changed player now looks completely like a polar bear walking upright. Not only is he tall and strong, his body is covered with white fur, and his head has become a bear's head. However, unlike the authentic polar bear, this guy not only wore an armor, but also had the previous badge inlaid on his forehead.

"Roar ..." The head of the section who finished the transformation suddenly yelled at me, then put the two front paws on the ground and ran towards me quickly.

Yeying and I saw this guy's transformation, not because he was so attractive, but because he produced a very strong white light when he turned, so I ca n’t help it Don't move him to the center of my sight.

"Be careful of that big bear." I waved the eternal hook sickle to the left and right to remind Ye Ying.

Ye Ying didn't pause for a moment because of my reminder. Instead, he answered my question directly with action. I saw him suddenly lowering his head, and then suddenly accelerated forward and rushed out, and at the same time saw his eyes flicker, a golden light flashed out at the root of the bright corner of his black hair and quickly followed the night The shadow's single horn hovered up, rushed to the tip of the horn like lightning and shot a golden lightning suddenly.

Although I have been using Night Shadow as a mount, many people have ignored his original race, but this cannot hide the fact that Night Shadow is a nightmare and a high-level monster. Even if the speed of the night shadow is excluded, only his attack ability, the nightmare is definitely a powerful species.

The big stupid bear in front of him ran and suddenly saw a flash of golden light in front of him. A flash of lightning directly blasted him and stopped suddenly. After waiting for his response, he saw the sudden enlargement of the night shadow and hit him. On his body, that sharp horn was almost as easy as breaking through a layer of paper and breaking through his fur into his body.

"Roar ..." The polar bear, who was suddenly attacked, suddenly burst into anger. He managed to penetrate the shoulder socket with a single horn, but he still clenched Ye Ying's neck with both palms, and then his hind legs were desperately against the ground. Although he was in control, he was still forced to slide out of the ground more than ten meters away from the ground, but after all, he blocked the night shadow. This power alone is considered good.

After Ye Ying was forced to stop, he was also quite angry. He saw his eyes shine again and followed by a bright horn, and the polar bear flashed electric light all over his body. He screamed in pain. However, the scream only lasted for a short time, and the fellow of the Seal of the Throne of Seals stopped screaming. He suddenly yelled loudly, followed by opening his mouth to bite Yeying's neck. You know that Ye Ying's horns are still stuck in his muscles, and there is nowhere to hide.

But unfortunately, this guy seems to have forgotten that Night Shadow is not a simple Warcraft, but he has a master on his back.

Just when the guy opened his mouth to bite, the middle section of the eternal hook sickle in my hand suddenly flashed red, and the hook over three meters long suddenly broke into two sections. The second half of the original handle was held by my left hand and tucked directly above Ye Ying's neck, and got stuck in that guy's mouth. And just as he felt his teeth hit something and prepare to bite it down, the half-hook sickle in my right hand had turned into a heavy machete and my strength smashed down the guy's neck.

Slightly ... 噗 ... First, the guy's teeth bit into eternity and shattered instantly, followed by my giant machete and chopped down the guy's head. As the huge bear's head broke away from the body, the polar bear's body in front quickly dried up at the speed visible to the naked eye and turned back into an adult's body being picked up by the night shadow over the horns, so that the falling head still remained Keeping the shape of a polar bear, he rolled away on the ground.

Although I ’m a little curious about the badge used by that guy, but looking at this guy ’s combat effectiveness, I do n’t think that thing is very powerful, so instead of delaying the time for the Seal of the Throne, I directly urge Night Shadow to strike forward .

Ye Ying's beautiful head shook the corpse hanging on the horns and flew out, and then hissing and hissing, and his nose spit fire rushed forward, and those who dared to stop us along the way were not caught. The night shadow directly hit me and was shot by me.

In this way, he rushed from the front of the Russians to the middle, and then looked at our personnel who had not completely broken through behind. After thinking for a moment, I let Ye Ying turn around and rush back.

My task now is to undermine the direction of the Russians so that our people can successfully penetrate their direction. Killing the enemy is not my main task, so even if I continue to charge backwards, it doesn't make much sense, so I kill again.

Originally, I rushed at these guys from the front and could not stop me in the slightest, but now I rushed from the back, these people are even less opponents. And in order to disturb the formation as much as possible, I rushed back and exchanged a few large magic pets to call out. Of course, I didn't just throw them out and leave them alone, but quickly let them out to make a big move, and then immediately retracted, and after another period of time, changed another one to continue the big move.

Originally my return ~ ~ The popularity of the Russians present was already low. I just penetrated a big hole on the front line, and the defense line was even more crumbling. Now I'm ramming like Sa Huan in their position, and no matter how strong the defense line can't hold me up. With some lower levels starting to escape because of my attributes, more and players started to withdraw from the pressure one by one, and those who did not move could not withstand the impact of our personnel. Already. The crash happened almost instantaneously. One person could run away with ten people, ten people could run with one hundred people, and now I was scared away by at least a few thousand people. The whole camp was run by their own. People are chaotic, and trying to block the people behind us is just crazy.

In fact, it is a mistake for Russians to hire so many juniors. If they understand my attributes, they should only hire seniors, because I have the right deterrent attributes, so it is easy for the lower ones to escape in front of me. There are deserters on the battlefield, and everyone knows that it is definitely not a good thing, so when a guild is against me, you should either not use it or use only the high-level ones, and bring low-level ones just to trouble yourself.

However, although it is ranked first in the combat power list, there are many forums for studying my attributes, but after all, the deterrent attribute is not directly reflected in combat effectiveness, so not many people know that I have this attribute, so that this time the Russians The army still carried a large number of low-level troops, and these people were the wormholes on the embankment. As long as the wormholes were rushed away, the **** was finished.

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