Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 15: Ruin Guardian

Volume 19 Chapter 15 Ruin Guardian

"Everyone rushes and destroys the Transnational Array. The victory is ours."

Japanese players who crossed the wall watched the unobstructed buildings excitedly rushing towards the city ahead while yelling, but when the fastest group of people just rushed to the nearest building, they changed. Suddenly born.

The eyes of the evil ghost embossed on the exterior wall of a building near the city wall suddenly flashed red, followed by the outline of that evil spirit suddenly loosened, and then the stare of the Japanese player in front was surprised, the evil spirit actually came from the building The object jumped off the wall, leaving only a pit in the shape of a ghost.

After the evil spirit fell to the ground, he moved his body and his limbs and shook off a layer of stone powder. Then he looked left and right. After seeing the Japanese player in front of him, he suddenly yelled, and followed the whole city as if suddenly To live in general. The various reliefs and statues hanging under the eaves, standing on the corner of the roof, embedded in the walls and standing on the street, all came to life one by one. Their eyes flickered at first, and then they struggled and moved along with their bodies. After breaking the shackles of the walls, the monsters jumped from their original positions and quickly gathered towards the wall.

"Damn, what the **** is this?" A player was rushing forward, and suddenly the player who was running in front of him was brought to him by a monster who had long fangs and couldn't stop drooling. In the air, and before the player responded, the monster bit the man's head down and swallowed it directly.

Because the monster ate the player's head in the air, many people below saw the horror and the scene, but what surprised them even more was that the monster did not stop after swallowing the head, but He swallowed the man all the way as he ate a biscuit, and finally licked his paw in an unpredictable manner. Although the monster's body size is not small, it is not much smaller than a human, but this guy actually swallowed such a person, but its stomach was not seen at all.

After eating that player, the monster glanced down again, then suddenly swooped down again and ran straight towards a player.

Seeing the monster flying towards him, the player who was targeted by the monster immediately raised his weapon and wanted to fight, but what he didn't expect was that he had hit the body before he reacted. The monster's two hind paws stepped on his chest with the force of a dive, squeezing out a breath from his lungs, and he almost breathed out. However, just as he was overturned by the impact, the monster's forelimb pinched his head accurately, and then his body rose and flew off the ground with him. The player standing next to this person also wanted to help, but unfortunately the monster was too fast, and the person was taken away before he could respond to it.

Bringing up the monster of one person again without hesitation, opened his mouth and bit the head of that person, and then swallowed it completely like the previous one. However, as if he could never eat enough, the monster swallowed another person and immediately rushed to the next target.

If there is only such a monster in the sky, even if it moves fast, but how many people can he eat in the face of such a huge Japanese army? However, things are not as simple as they seem. The sky and this monster have at least thousands of monsters, and there are tens of thousands of creatures on the ground that look like the thing in the sky with wings removed, running around. Although some of these horrible creatures can fly, some do not, but their recipes are obviously the same, and these guys have a common feature that they are fast and accurate. The players who come in contact with them are rarely able to fight with them. Almost instantly, the person being followed will be dragged out of the crowd by these guys and taken to a distance. Then what is waiting for them is to bite their heads and swallow them whole. Off.

"Damn, where did these gorillas come from?" A player complained while standing on the roof of the house while holding a long bow while shooting at the flying monster in the sky.

"Orangutans? Where do these guys look like orangutans?" The player next to him said while mounting his crossbow. "You see those guys, although they have a body structure similar to orangutans, but they are much thinner than orangutans. And these guys are also hairless. And their heads, don't you think that thing looks more like a fish than a primate's head? "

"In fact, I think these things are more like gargoyles, in addition to their heads like fish." Another player said.

A mage who had just released the spell took a moment to plug a magic potion into his mouth, and then said, "Not gargoyles, these things are called gargoyles, and gargoyles are not a thing."

"Do you know this thing?" The former archer asked in surprise.

The mage nodded and said, "I know. I've seen this thing before in a mission map. They are the guardians of the ruins, devouring nearby creatures, but I don't know why there are so many fulcrum cities. Ordinarily these things should be induction They will attack when there is a living being, but why do they only attack us? "

"You don't even know that we don't even know it." The crossbowman raised his hand and aimed and fired an arrow, and immediately reloaded it. At the same time, he said, "Yes, what is the combat power of this thing? Is it better than a gargoyle? some?"

"It's not there yet, but it's not quite right after that." The mage said with some concern: "The gargoyles will lose their strength constantly because of their sleep, so their strength is not fixed. When they first contacted, the strength of these guys It depends on how much power they have stored before and how long they have slept on the throne. However, these guys can continue to grow and strengthen themselves by devouring enemy corpses, so in the end I ca n’t show how much they can develop. Too sure. But one thing I can say for sure is that if we do n’t kill as many as possible now, we will be completely finished when they have evolved. "

"But what's going on with these guys so quickly ..." Before asking, the interrogator saw a monster without wings suddenly jumping up in the alley next to him, and then when everyone hurriedly turned his attack direction, the monster then Biting the man's head with extreme abnormality, he jumped to the top of a building far from here. Because of the distance and angle, the people present could not attack it although they could see it.

The monster saw that everyone was no longer attacking and stood upright on its hind legs, then it embraced the man's shoulders with two front paws, and swallowed down the other person's head with a bite. After eating his head, the monster sent the person's body three or two times into his mouth, and when everyone thought it was about to attack the next target, the monster suddenly seemed to be in pain. On the roof, and then desperately clasped his head with his arms. When everyone was guessing what it was doing, they saw that there were two small meat packs bulging behind the monster, and then the two meat packs began to grow up and become thinner, and finally turned into a pair and fly in the sky. Behind those monsters are exactly the same wings.

"Oh my god, the monsters on the ground and the sky are basically the same breed, or they look so long."

The evolution of this first monster seemed to be a start signal. As it evolved, the monsters behind it began to gradually evolve. They have grown wings and began to fly into the sky.

With flying advantages, the hunting action of the monsters has become even more crazy and unbridled. Except for a few advanced players who can barely block these guys, most of them have almost no fight against these things, and their horrible degree And strong reaction nerves are the main factors that make these guys tangled.

Looking at the monsters flying in the sky, Japanese players now have no hope of destroying them. What they want is to rush to the transnational transport array as soon as possible to destroy them. After all, although there are many monsters, they are not enough to destroy everyone. Eat, as long as the casualties are not taken into account, Japanese players can completely avoid entanglement with these guys.

Under this kind of thinking, Japanese players began to rush towards the multinational teleportation team more madly, and on their way, the monsters that have all evolved into flying units are constantly diving and catching as if they were participating in a buffet party. Start a Japanese player or take it high up and swallow it. During this period, the number of Japanese players being eaten has been increasing, but very few monsters have been eaten. It's not that these guys are completely invincible, the key is that they are too fast. If you choose a target, you will now fight, but you will immediately escape and then change to another target. Those ordinary players can't deal with these monsters at all, and the masters are caught in the crowd and can't chase them. Occasionally, a monster treats them as a target, and it is hard to guarantee a one-shot kill. Immortal, these guys will heal quickly after they continue to swallow a few people, it is useless at all.

Just when Japanese players thought that they could rush to the transnational teleportation side as soon as possible in this way, the sky suddenly heard a painful roar, and then saw a monster holding his head and struggling in the sky. Seeing the appearance of that monster, and then thinking of the monster that evolved into an empty unit before, the following Japanese player instantly understood that this thing is about to evolve again. However, they did not expect that these things actually have a metamorphic evolutionary way.

Everyone saw that the screaming monster holding his head suddenly swelled like an inflatable one after struggling for a few seconds, and then after swelling into a large ball, the guy exploded in the air. However, instead of exploding into pieces, a new monster with a silver-white metallic luster flashed from its surface. In addition to the skin color of the new monsters, the new monsters are smaller in size, and their heads no longer look like fish heads, but they look a bit like cheetahs' heads. However, although the shape of his head has changed, this guy's good teeth are not uncommon, but even more.

There was nothing new about the new monster. The key is that when the monster exploded, in addition to the new monster, it sprayed out a lot of red thick liquid. These exploded pieces of meat and blood clots fell directly into the crowd below, and then many unfortunate people were hit by those disgusting things. However, just when everyone was disgusted and wanted to wipe off their bodies, all those who were touched suddenly screamed with their heads in their arms, and then didn't wait for the people nearby to figure out the situation. These people suddenly seemed to degenerate into monkeys. Generally, the limbs are used and they are thrown at the person around them, and they hold and bite.

Because of the sudden incident, the bitten person did not expect that the companions around him would suddenly become mad, so many people suffered from it, and those who bitten quickly drained the blood of the bite, and then the body began to swell. , And quickly ripped off his armor and equipment, and finally turned into the kind of monster without wings that ran on the ground before.

Seeing that exploding blood clot actually had the effect of infection and reproduction, the Japanese players below were startled, but it seemed to be in a critical state. Just after the first monster infected by the monster appeared, the monsters in the sky began to One after another entered the evolutionary period, and then saw a drop of blood rain, a large number of new monsters appeared in the crowd.

"No. In this way, we can't reach the teleportation side and there will be no one. We must kill those monsters." Some smarter people finally realized that they are not afraid of death and cannot let monsters do whatever they want. If they only have relatively high lethality, then nothing will happen. Anyway, the number of Japanese troops is enough, even if they do not resist letting them kill for a while, but now these guys can reproduce, it is different. Regardless of whether they were in the past because of their small number, the harm was not great, now these guys start to breed in large numbers, so that they will soon be covered with these monsters everywhere. Although the damage of a single monster is not high, if tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of monsters appear here, then it will be a big deal.

The Japanese players who decided to kill those monsters took out their weapons and started to jump on the roof to find nearby monsters to prepare for sniping, but the monsters were also waiting for them to appear. As those people jumped onto the roof, more people began to realize that they should deal with monsters first, so they jumped into nearby buildings to prepare for the monster attack, but the monsters were not afraid of their counterattack, so they rushed directly to people. Up the crowd.

Seeing a monster rushing towards him, the archer standing on the roof immediately put up a long bow to release the arrow, and at the same time a soldier took the initiative to stand in front of him to provide cover for him. Watching the monster gradually enlarge in his pupil, the arrowman aimed at the monster's brain door and suddenly let go. The arrows flew out like a rainbow, and instantly killed the monster's forehead.

Ding. The scene that was expected to penetrate the monster's skull did not appear. Instead, a metal impact was heard, and the long arrow on the forehead of the monster was cut in two.

Seeing that he could not shoot through the monster's head, the archer immediately realized that it was not good, but what reassured him was that there were soldiers around him to protect him. However, his thoughts just came out, and he saw that the monster had rushed in front of them, then patted the warrior's sword with one claw, pinched the soldier's throat with his hind paw, and then grasped the wings of his head with his front paw The fan rose again.

Although the monster before the evolution is larger than it is now, it can only catch one person at a time, but now this monster took two people in the sky together in turn, and saw its ability to break the arrow. This guy ’s The skin is clearly already metallized.

After the archer and warrior were taken high up, the monster sent the archer directly in front of him, and then bit off his head and swallowed it, but instead of eating the archer's body, he directly took the body. Throw it down. After solving one, the monster handed the warrior pinched on the hind paw to the front paw and brought it to the front, and then bit his head as if against the archer and threw the body down.

While the monster was eating, such attacks continued. Japanese players are surprised that the current monsters start eating only their heads instead of everything. In contrast to swallowing the entire body completely, the worst part of this way of eating only the head is that the monsters eat faster. Although the monsters basically don't chew food, they just bite a large body and swallow it whole. After all, a body has to bite many mouths. The whole process takes at least 30 seconds to complete. But now, monsters just send people to their mouths to bite off their heads and throw the corpses, which shortens the entire meal process from more than thirty seconds to three seconds, which means that before every monster caught a person It takes nearly forty seconds to start the next attack. Now this monster not only catches two people at once, but also can start the next attack in six seconds. This efficiency is definitely a lot higher than before.

"What to do? What to do? That thing is getting worse and worse," a player yelled nervously as he watched the sky keep rising monsters and a corpse brought up and thrown down.

"How do I know what to do?" The player next to him reluctantly said, "These guys are getting faster and faster ~ ~ and they are constantly evolving. Now the masters can still stop them, and maybe even some of them later The masters are not their opponents. "

"Then we just wait to be killed by them?"

"I ... wait, what's that?"

Just when the Japanese players were helpless and didn't know what to do, a sudden light bomb suddenly jumped over the crowd and directly killed a monster who was about to dive and catch people, followed by a loud noise. The monster was instantly surrounded by a blaze of flames. After the flames spread, everyone saw only a pile of burnt scorched fragments falling down.

"Long live, long live Miss Angel." After finally seeing the source of the light bomb, those Japanese players couldn't help but yelled excitedly, because they had no idea what the sakura rain goddess was with the Kristina now. It even flew into the city.

Ignoring the cheers of the Japanese players below, Sakura Rain God flew in the air without stopping, while the monsters on the opposite side fell down like fighters stared at by tracking missiles. Although some monsters have tried to impact the cherry rain god, but the result is to die faster.

"Sure enough, the high-end stuff must be solved by high-end staff."

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