Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 20: 1st husband

Chapter 19 Chapter 20

"As long as you kill that thing, victory is ours, everyone will do it."

Excited Japanese players screamed while rushing forward to the transnational transport front. As a bridge connecting NUS 6 and Japan's mainland, as long as this transnational transport front disappears, we need to rely on battleships to increase troops to Japan. Go transport. Although the battleships of our guild are fast, after all, this is a strategic transportation between the two countries. The consumption of battle is definitely more than the transportation capacity of the battleship. Besides, the battleship is worse than the teleportation array. It is not only the throne of time. The teleportation array also needs to be far away from the battleship. After all, a single battleship costs the same regardless of the number of people it transports. The battlefield can flexibly adjust the number of transport personnel and materials, which is incomparable to warships.

Because of seeing hope, all the remaining Japanese players rushed to the cross-country teleportation team like crazy, in their eyes, as long as they reach that platform, they will win, and according to the rewards given by Matsumoto before the war, Whoever can start destroying the teleportation team first, he will get a magic egg with a level of not less than 900. As the "Zero" unit with the highest value of the magic pet egg, this reward is absolutely powerful, and it is no wonder that Japanese players will be so crazy. However, just when their fastest man was about to rush to the edge of the transnational teleportation team, an accident happened.

Just when the fastest Japanese player who was running was about to step on the teleport base, all the magic poles standing up around the teleport array suddenly lit up, and a circle of white light began to shine on the base of the teleport array. stand up.

"Not good, the teleportation array is activated, and the magic column will be destroyed soon." Those who responded quickly yelled, but unfortunately the teleportation array reacted faster than them. At the same time these talents just shouted, the sudden light in the teleportation array suddenly extinguished, but the original teleportation array had more individuals.

In the face of many Japanese players who have already rushed to the edge of the teleportation array, one or two people in the teleportation array are insignificant at all, but when they see this person, all Japanese players are all a collective brake, many people even I stumbled because I ran too fast before I could control it.

"Purple ... Purple ..." When the panic shouted from the mouth of a scared Japanese player who did n’t know what to do, other Japanese players around him felt as if they had just been iced. The water poured from the head to the feet, which was called a cool heart.

"You ... how are you?" Seeing me appearing on the teleportation circle, the surrounding Japanese players forgot to breathe nervously, but some of the more daring people asked such questions.

Looking at the panicked Japanese players, I sneered: "Are you being beaten stupid? Thank you, you have also set up so many stations to study my attributes. Do n’t you know that my magic pet has a phoenix? ? "

"Phoenix?" The Japanese player first stunned, and then suddenly came over. According to introductions on some forums, once a creature like Phoenix becomes a magic pet, his master can get an incomplete resurrection ability. Generally, the Phoenix can be reborn by fire, and as their masters, they can also get a chance to survive in a half-blood state after death. If we consider that there are angels who are good at healing like my pure creature called Xiaochun, as long as I rest a little after death, I can quickly return to full blood. What to say ...

"Did you just resurrect at the moment of death?" The surrounding Japanese players asked in surprise.

"Hum, I wouldn't even die because of some accident. But now I'm back. Do you obediently return or let us send you all back to the living temple?" I said I walked slowly towards the Japanese players, and as I moved forward, the flames of **** gradually burned on me. Two and a half months detached from my back, and then divided into six into six half-moon knives that flew up and down around me like satellites. At the same time, the dark aura guides under my feet were all lit, with the magic on the aura one by one Bright, the same aura on six sides has been completed to block my up, down, left, right, front and back six faces. Above these rotating magic auras, the red arcs are like alive electric snakes swimming around, and the Japanese players watching them are all beating.

As I gradually moved forward, the surrounding Japanese players began to gradually retreat. Until I reached the edge of the teleportation array, those Japanese players also retreated 50 meters away from the teleportation array. However, after taking a few more steps, I stopped and did not move on, but eternity is still changing. The eternity that melts into a liquid state first divides a part to cover all the blade surface of my armor that extends out of the armor, and then most of it flew out of my body to form six high-rotating swords around me. The wheel hovered in front of me. The last remaining eternity flowed along my hands to the blade that had popped up and formed the blade of the blade.

After completing all these changes, I suddenly winged and raised my hand forward. "Now, tell me. Do you guys roll away or do you want to die here?"

Frightened by my momentum, with my questioning ~ ~ all the Japanese present could not help but take a step back. Players are okay, but they are a little scared, but they have begun to tremble in the legs and stomach and have a tendency to paralyze the ground.

After the scene was silent for a few seconds, a Japanese player suddenly stepped forward with a chest, and shouted, "Afraid of what he does? Even if he is strong, he is just a person, and his magic pet is not with us. Can many people still not deal with him? Besides, our goal is the teleportation team. As long as the teleportation team is destroyed, victory is ours. Everyone goes together, and it is victory ... "

The man's words did not finish, because his brain was suddenly adding a quivering tail, and then everyone saw the guy fell straight backward.

"Who's next?" I asked coldly.

Everyone looked at the fallen Japanese player again, and then several others stepped forward and shouted: "The one who said just now, everyone rushes together, he can't kill him. As long as the teleportation is destroyed ..." The second shouting man also fell down, but the others still finished speaking. "Breaking the teleportation team, we are the winners, everyone rushes."

Encouraged by these people, the Japanese players finally regained confidence and started screaming at me.

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