Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 23: Enter, but ...

Volume 19 Chapter 23, but ...

"What? What else can you do afterwards?" Matsumoto said congratulating at me.

"I don't have a late move, but you also don't want to destroy the teleportation team behind me. It's a big deal. We will fight here for a day and a night. When our guild fleet comes, you still have to go back."

"It's pretty easy to talk about, but unfortunately you can only dream." Masamoto Matsumoto said floating in midair: "The guards of the Fulcrum City are almost killed by us, so you and the dragons want to block me and the angel group. That's dreaming. Besides, do you still have the ability to fight now? Yes, your magic pet can really fight, but without you to participate, they can hold me up at most, you think they can keep the teleportation team. Do not forget that there are hundreds of thousands of players and millions of bsp behind me; in fact, the number reported by Masamoto Matsumoto is significantly more than the actual situation. At the beginning of the battle, the number of people gathered by Japanese players did indeed Many, players can look like 20 million or so, the number is about six to seven times that of the players, that is to say, the number of people who participated in the siege when the war started was at least 100 million. But now, though It seems that there are Japanese people everywhere in the city, but in fact there is still a million full combat power. This number is not small at first glance, but if you think of the number of people who just started the war, this ratio It seems a little disparate. More than 100 million troops have been reduced to less than one million, and 99% of the battles have been downsized. If this ratio can definitely be recorded in history, everyone in the game does not care about life and death. Therefore, the fighting is generally fierce, and it is not that one of them is dead and usually will not end.

Looking at Matsumoto Masa who was talking loudly in the sky, I deliberately put on a rather angry look and said, "Okay, since you say so, then I won't argue with you, let's see the true chapter under our hands."

"Okay, then we will see the real chapter underneath." Masamoto Matsumoto said suddenly and shouted at me: "What are you waiting for?"

"Stars-Fragmentation." A white Jianguang suddenly flashed from my side without any warning and hit me, but a black figure suddenly appeared in front of me. Just listening to it, the white sword light smashed a Mars on the blade of the black figure, but the attack was blocked.

August smokes desperately pressing down on the blade, but the king below is holding up her long sword. Although the ground under his feet has been trampled and crushed, he hardly withstands August. Smoked blow.

"Damn" is probably exhausted. August smokes suddenly draws back the sword, but the king immediately caught up. The two crashed into a ball in the air. The two colors of black and white kept colliding in the air. The impact zone of the sword and the sword There were thunderous sounds and constant sparks, but the figures of the two were completely unclear. Both of these players are degree players, and the attack frequency is so fast that they cannot be captured with the naked eye. They can only see that they are fighting, but it is not clear how they are fighting.

The king was just led away, and a red beam of light from my other side suddenly burst out of the ground and soared to the sky. Following the beam of light, it suddenly fell down to me as if it were a sawed tree.

"Holy Shield-the absolute barrier."

when. Accompanied by a metal impact sound followed by a general current impact sound as if the high-voltage wire had leaked electricity. The red light beam collided with a shield-shaped energy shield in the air, followed by a fierce confrontation. The air current flickered with sparks and splashes, but the thunder and rain were small. Although it seemed that the impact was fierce, it was not. Hurt me in the slightest.

The two consecutive sneak attacks were blocked, but Matsumoto was not discouraged at all, but smiled and said, "Haha, the real killing trick is here."

As soon as Matsumoto finished speaking, the cherry rain **** standing next to him suddenly moved. I saw this girl suddenly throwing a weapon like a spear and a staff to the sky, followed by a thunderbolt falling from the air and directly killing that weapon, but the thunderbolt did not hurt the cherry rain **** who was holding the thing, Instead, the constant chaos on the staff seemed to be looking for a breakthrough.

After collecting the thunder and lightning, the sakura rain chick immediately threw the weapon in my hand like a javelin, and saw that the spear with the thunder light flew across the distance between us and flew to me like lightning. In front of it, however, it just flew in front of me.

A huge dragon head appeared in front of me and bit the weapon. The current on the gun immediately burst out and chased up and down the dragon's body, but it turned out to be useless. After the thunder and lightning disappeared, the jewel Dragon Milla, who shone brightly throughout the body, gradually contracted and changed back to human form, and the staff was handed over to her.

"The weapon is good, but the power is less." Mila came with such a comment.


As soon as Yingyu made a refutation, she was pre-empted by Mira: "What are you? No, you just can't do it, do you want to quibble? I don't want to make peace with this broken thing." Mila said suddenly lifted here He threw the weapon back again, and shouted, "Return to you."

The spear staff almost arrived with the sound. Even if the Sakura Rain chick saw the opponent's shot, it failed to flash away, but a long sword hit the staff first, and then both of them flew out in different directions. Finally, the staff and the long sword were summoned by Masamoto Matsumoto and Chrysanthemum Rain respectively and fell back into the hands of both.

"Oh my god, too many magic pets are sometimes very troublesome. You can make a noise in the order of appearances. Are you troublesome? Masamoto Matsumoto, please keep up with me for a while. I promised these magic pets. , They only have three minutes to seal the throne of God, and you can't kill them, you have to replace them, so you have to hold on for a while, so that each of them can play once. "I deliberately said the irony, the sky Masamoto Matsumoto knew that we were acting so far, but the Japanese players below were even more angry than Matsumoto Masa. Although I said this on the surface to Matsumoto Masa, but it is equivalent to insulting the entire Japanese players, Matsumoto Masa and I are a group of nature do not care, the following Japanese players are different.

"Bastard, what's arrogant? Let's go together, do we still have to face the game today without destroying this transnational teleportation team? For the revival of the Great Japanese Empire, for our glory, everyone will fight with me."

The Japanese players who were encouraged again by "Charge" today don't know that it is the nth charge, they have been constantly switching between charge and being stopped in the past few hours, although now they have courage, But it's obviously different from the previous performance. Many people even hesitated for a while before some people even started to charge, which fully shows that the Japanese's courage is almost exhausted.

Seeing the Japanese response, I winked at Matsumoto Masa, and Matsumoto Masa immediately glanced at the Japanese players below me, and then reacted.

The ancient Chinese art of war has such a sentence: one gossip, then goes down, and three runs out. What this means is that it is best to raise the morale of soldiers at one time when fighting, and let them fight. If the morale drops for other reasons after the first instigation, then the morale will decline when it is instigated again. It won't be as high as it was the first time. If the morale of the second agitation drops again, the morale of the third agitation will exhaust the morale of the soldiers, and it will be useless to agitate afterwards.

The number of this sentence is actually a bit general, as the ancient times said "ten" does not refer to ten thousand, but the number of generations is large, and sometimes it can be understood as infinity. The "one, three, and three" of this sentence cannot be simply understood as one, two, and three, but can only be regarded as a process of increasing numbers, and cannot be applied to a specific value.

Today the performance of Japanese players fully expressed the essence of this sentence. At the beginning of the war, the Japanese players were simply morale-like, and although they were stopped by us continuously, they were revived again and again under the continuous encouragement. This stage is actually a stage of dynamism, and morale will burst out with a little stimulus. Later, under the last city wall, the guild really started to seriously resist, and the Japanese players entered the stage of "declining again." Although their morale can still be improved in this process, they always feel explosive. Inadequate, morale decline will occur as soon as it encounters a strong crack. In the end, just after Ling and Xiaochun used the decomposition storm, the morale of Japanese players has completely entered the "three exhausted" stage. Now these players are hesitant to move forward. The morale is about to run out, and according to the plan determined before the war, this is also the signal of the end of the battle.

Our plan is to give Japanese players a win-win process, and not to defeat Japanese players completely, so we ca n’t really lose their morale. Once they gave up altogether, the subsequent drama could not be performed. Now that Japanese players have begun to collapse in confidence, they can no longer be stimulated.

"Well, don't be complacent, do you really think we don't know the weaknesses of your magic pets?" Matsumoto Masa said after seeing my wink.

The following Japanese players have entered the charge stage. Although they are still running on their legs, their movements start to slow down involuntarily. They all want to see what Matsumoto's so-called weakness is. In the early days of the battle, Japanese players would not have responded at all, but now ... Japanese players who have run out of morale really don't have much courage to continue to charge blindly.

Matsumoto Masa nodded to the cherry rain **** immediately after speaking, and the cherry rain **** immediately understood what he meant. The following Japanese players saw the Sakura Yushin begin to chant there, but because the spell does not need to be heard by the enemy, it can take effect, so Sakura Yushin did not add magic to himself like the previous Matsumoto Masa . Those Japanese players saw Sakura Yushin chanting there, but did not know what magic she was preparing. But look at their previous use of spells can almost be completed with a wave of hands, this spell that needs to concentrate on the spell must be powerful.

With the sakura rain god's curse, her body began to gradually light up a white aperture, followed by that aperture began to become more and more bright, and soon reached the level that can not be seen directly. Although it is still at night at this time, due to the light of the cherry rain god, the whole fulcrum city seems to have entered the day, and the ground illuminated by strong light even makes people feel that it is mid-summer afternoon.

It seems that the power of this spell is also great on my side, and with my command, several magic pets immediately stepped forward to destroy the spell, but Matsumoto Masako first stepped in front of the Sakura Rain God, leaving us How he bombarded here was just one step away. However, just when you were on the side of us, I was so thrilled that Matsumoto Makoto suddenly flashed to the side and exposed the Sakura Yumi.

The Japanese players who were watching suddenly saw that Matsumoto Masa turned away and exposed the Sakura Rain goddess. They were anxious that Matsumoto Masa could not stop them. They planned to sacrifice Sakura Rain God. At the moment of flashing out, the Sakura Rain God suddenly turned into a white light ball and rushed straight towards the crowd on our side, and then there was a loud noise, and the world quieted down instantly.

"You ..." Ling covered her **** chest and took two steps back before falling down with the help of Xiaochun.

Opposite Ling, the God of Sakura Yu is also full of blood: "Don't think that others don't know. Since you have loyalty, you have become the only weakness of Ziri. Killing you is equivalent to killing Ziri. Speaking of here, God of Sakura Rain turned again and said: "However, you are too strong, and as a legal profession and commander, you never get involved easily, so I came up with this trick and you It ’s all together. Hey, ca n’t you get up right now? ”Speaking of which, Sakura Yuri, who was already sitting on the ground, turned back to the Japanese players behind him and said,“ Please leave the rest to the kings. ”

After the last sentence, Sakura Yumi fell down, and the Japanese players in the back shook in shock and moved for a moment and didn't know what to do. What they moved was that the Sakura Yujin chicks actually used suicide skills to remove the biggest obstacle in front of everyone. You must know that suicide skills are different from general skills. If the enemy is killed, even if the final resurrection fails, it is only to lose two levels, but suicide skills are often downgrades in units of ten, and as the power of the skills increases, the proportion of this downgrade will increase. So even if the game can be resurrected, most people will not dare to try suicide skills easily.

As for the shock of the Japanese players, this is of course because of the amazing news from the cherry rain god. Ling was actually my weakness. The news was like dropping a heavy pound bomb in the hearts of Japanese players, and everyone in the earthquake forgot to react for a moment.

For a long time in the hearts of Japanese players, I am invincible. Although Japanese players have always dreamed that they can defeat me, repeated defeats have repeatedly defeated their self-confidence. However, today they suddenly heard a secret, a secret about my weaknesses, and such amazing news naturally made everyone react for a moment.

Although Japanese players were surprised by my weakness, I didn't care about it. Although this weakness does exist, it is practically impossible to exploit it. Second come ... This weakness is actually exaggerated.

According to Sakura Yushin, as long as you kill Ling, I will be killed together, which is actually an exaggeration. The truth is that if Ling is killed, I will not die, but will only enter a state of weakness. There is no additional effect beyond this. However, in order to show that the huge sacrifice made by Sakura Yushin got the due return, to make this sacrifice a little more sensational, we deliberately exaggerated the extent of this damage. Anyway, no one except me knows the truth and is not afraid of being broken down. As for saying that someone wants to use this method to kill me ...? is it possible? As a legal profession, Ling rarely rushed into battle, and the status of her former goddess also made her have a magic range. If you want to kill Ling with the ability of a long-range cannon at a long distance, that is definitely a death-seeking behavior. Besides, I do n’t have only a few magic pets like the average animal trainer. You must know that my magic pets always appear in groups. Even if the opponent can fight against Ling at a long distance, he must survive. The besieging of my other magic pets will go on.

Because of the above reasons, I actually don't care about the exposure of this weakness at all. In other words, this is actually not a weakness. Although it sounds like that, as long as anyone intends to make it a reality, he will realize that it is simply impossible.

"Okay, I confessed today." I pretended to be extremely regretful and fell to the ground with Ling and was gradually sucked into the chaotic space by a circle of black ripples. Then after our two disappeared, my magic pet And the summoned creatures suddenly opened up one black hole after another to pull them all in, and eventually all my summoned creatures disappeared above the square, leaving no trace at all.

Watching us all disappear, Japanese players all startled and dropped their chins. To be honest, they had the few chances of seeing me get rid of them, this time was the most shocking, and this was the only time they saw me disappearing in front of them with so many summoned creatures.

When those Japanese players were shocked by the disappearance of me and my summoned creatures and didn't know how to react, Matsumoto's steady and slightly frozen voice suddenly appeared above everyone's heads. "The samurai of the Great Japanese Empire, Miss Sakura Yushin Hina has used our own jade pieces to help us remove the biggest obstacles on the way forward. Now is not the time for us to stay. Let us take a good grasp of Miss Sakura Yushin Hina's use of her jade pieces. In exchange for a precious opportunity. Now I declare that all are charged. "

"Long live……"

When the Japanese players shouted like a tsunami, a large group of Japanese players rushed forward to the transnational teleportation front, but when the fastest person who was running was about to touch the edge of the teleportation front, there was a sudden The strong wind that emerged blasted out the person who was running ahead. The blown Japanese player had not figured out what happened, and saw a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and hit the square in front of the transnational teleportation array. The huge impact force even put some of them on the ground. The people above were all knocked to the ground.

"Damn, it's the dragons who got rid of the entanglement of those bats." I don't know who called out, followed by the overwhelming dragons dived down from the sky. The dragons were first cleaned and advanced by Longyan, and they will catch them when they finish One or two unlucky eggs were brought up high and then dropped and killed a few people. One dive of the entire dragon group can kill a large number of people. After the last dragon of the dragon group completes the dive, the first giant to participate in the dive before. The dragon has completed a large loop in the sky and entered the subduction state again. This roller-type propulsion method is a combat team type that our guild has specially researched for the dragon group's cluster attack. Although this team type is slightly inflexible when dealing with high-level individuals, it can deal with large groups of low-level personnel. Shows extraordinary lethality.

"Haha, don't think that you can pass by killing Ziri's kid. Without senior fighters, I see how you fight with our dragons." Hong Yan stopped at the square in front of the teleportation team and laughed loudly at the Japanese player on the opposite side. Although the other party was very angry, there was nothing he could do about him. Although Hong Yan's words are a bit arrogant, others have arrogant capital. Unless the level is over one thousand and has unusual extra attributes or special equipment, most people are vulnerable to the dragon. Although many people would laugh at the dragons as saying that they look like winged four-legged snakes, the dragons have a nearly perfect body from a biological and structural perspective. Of course, this perfection does not mean how artistic they look, but that their bodies are highly perfect in terms of practicality. And this perfection determines that even if the attributes are exactly the same, the dragon tribe can usually become the final winner.

"Master Matsumoto, what are we going to do now?" Looking at the dragons who are constantly diving, pulling up, turning, and then diving, Japanese players below Matsumoto Masako shouted in hope that Matsumoto Masaoka can help them think of a way. From the beginning of the war to now, Matsumoto Masaka and his ghost dragon will always behave like a prophet, and constantly come up with the method they have arranged for solving everyone's problems when they encounter difficulties. This repeated verification The fact that these Japanese players have survived has formed a subconscious belief that as long as there are difficulties Masamoto Matsumoto will be able to solve them.

Sure enough, Masamoto Matsumoto did not let them down this time. Just when those Japanese players suffered heavy casualties, Matsumoto Masawa suddenly waved forward, and the crowd of Japanese players suddenly flew up a few cards. Several dragons in the dive stage had just been sprayed with Long Yan, and were suddenly put in by the big hood, which caught them and caught their wings and hanged their wings completely. The powerless dragon hit the ground with a horrible amount of tons of body and did not know how many Japanese players and people were killed along the way. However, compared with unilateral slaughter, even if a few people are killed, as long as they can get rid of those abominable dragons, Japanese players are extremely willing.

However, although they fell to the ground, the dragons are not lizards. Although some people think that they look similar, these big guys who are nearly 100 meters in length are not strong and are not composed of muscles, as if their bodies are Steel cast iron cast in general. Although the several dragons that fell to the ground did not hit lightly, this impact was nothing to say to the dragon. As soon as the dragons that fell to the ground stopped, they began to struggle violently. Thanks to their terrifying muscles, the ropes twisted with multi-layer metal wires could not completely trap these bodies for nearly 100 meters. Big guy. As they struggled, a torn-up voice continued to be heard on the giant, and the rope broke in the astonished eyes of those Japanese players, and the strongest one of the dragons who first fell to the ground soon succeeded. Stand up from the shackles of the rope.

"Well ..." The angry sound of dragon yin shook back the players nearby, followed by that dragon's mouth, and a mouthful of dragons burned a group of people around them into coke.

After clearing an open space, the dragon did not immediately lift off, but suddenly opened his mouth and read a string of clearly rhythmic but completely incomprehensible words.

"Damn, it's Dragon Magic, everyone flashes"

The sound of the reminder was obviously one step behind. The sound of that dragon suddenly ended, followed by a white shock wave in front of his head, flying all the way several kilometers away, and everyone along the way was shocked by the shock wave. Fragmented, it was impossible to find any part that could prove their original owner.

With the end of the dragon soaring, there were two more cracks next to it, followed by the roar, and the two dragons got up again, but before they came and roared like the first dragon, they were given two more. Packed in, and while they were struggling on the ground, the dragon in the sky was constantly being pulled down by the attack.

Due to the continuous loss of dragons participating in the big tumbling cycle ~ ~ the whole formation soon became like rags everywhere, and many Japanese players just took advantage of those gaps The dragon raid rushed towards the teleportation formation. Although these people are still unable to cross the line of red inflammation that has been squatting in front of the teleportation array, the situation is changing a little bit. As more and more dragons were pulled down to the ground, the loopholes became more and more, and Hong Yan, which originally existed as a goalkeeper, began to be a little busy.

After a ten-minute tug-of-war, a lucky Japanese player finally took advantage of Hong Yan's attack on several other Japanese players and crossed the final line of defense of Hong Yan and stepped onto the ground of a transnational transport array. With immense excitement and excitement, this player resisted the plan of cheering, keeping his mission in mind, yanked his epee and slashed at a pillar standing on the periphery of the teleportation array. Passed.


when. With a clear sound of collision, the player was bombarded directly by a shock force seven or eight meters away, and after he got up, he found that his sword had only a section of the hilt. The front part I don't even know where to fly.

"Why? Why is this happening?" The Japanese player screamed at the sound of the intact column and the sound of the broken sword.

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