Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 44: Deep into national barriers

After signing the guide contract, Atour and Sott became my guides. The reason why I have to hire two guides at a time is mainly because I am afraid that if a guide is lost in the middle of the road, at least I can still operate normally, otherwise The guide was hung up halfway. Although I was not on the road alone, no matter whether I was exploring alone or walking back to find another guide, it was very troublesome, so I decided to hire two guides at a time to save Time is trouble.

"Excuse me, what is the name of the guest?" The two guides who took me after the contract were asked.

"Zi Ri." I answered.

"Purple Sun? A name with the President of the Frost Rose Alliance?" The hunter named Sutter asked with a little surprise.

To be honest I am even more surprised than he is now. Whether he knows me or not, I won't be surprised, but he knows that the name Ziri corresponds to the post of President Frost Rose Alliance, but he doesn't know me standing in front of him. If he hadn't heard of me at all, it ’s okay to talk about it, but since he knows that I'm the President of Frost Rose Alliance, why ca n’t he recognize me? I haven't used camouflage, can anyone still not recognize such a dazzling outfit?

"Since you know I'm the President of the Frost Rose Alliance, why can't I recognize me?"

"What? Are you the president of the Frost Rose League?" The player looked at me in surprise and looked at me for a long time, and then said with disbelief: "Don't tease the guests, but Ziri is us The idols in the minds of Chinese players, your equipment is really dazzling, but it ’s so different from Ziri ’s equipment. Even if I ’ve only watched a few videos of Ziri ’s combat, do n’t you think that equipment is wrong? "

"I x, where did you watch the video? Wouldn't you consider me the enemy against me?"

"I'm not a fool, can I still see which side is my own?" Soter said with a movement, "President Ziri summoned his dragon and pet to fight together in this video, this But how can I possibly make 1ng wrong? "

"Then what do you think of the Ziri in the video you watched?"

Thort stared at me and then shook his head, "If you want me to say it clearly, anyway, you are not the same as that in the video I saw." Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something and turned to that. The famous archer, mm, said, "Ador, you should have watched President Ziri's fighting video, right?"

I originally thought that it would be snowy for this injustice, but I didn't expect that the man named A Duo actually opened his mouth and said, "I don't know if I'm watching and you're watching a segment, but President Ziri in it is indeed with the guests. You are not the same. President Ziri ’s equipment is mainly black, red, and purple. The black, red, and purple are mainly tuned. Although there are many black sès on your armor, there are too many bright sès. The overall look is different. . And President Ziri has wings. How can you not be President Ziri without even wings? "

"Sort, Ador." The leading guide who signed the agreement with me suddenly said sharply, "Are you guys suspicious of the guests like this? Even if they are not President Ziri, you don't have to say something ugly Come on, Yan? Let ’s hurry and take people on the road. We are the guides to make money. Do n’t delay others ’time.

Damn, what the old guide said was fair enough, it sounded like he was defending me, but the problem was that he said clearly that he did not recognize my identity like those two.

"Hey, where do you guys watch the video? I'm really Ziri."

"Xing Xing Xing, guest you say yes." The old guide replied, but the more he said, the more urgent I was.

"What do I mean is it? I was it."

"Yes, you are Ziri. Okay, Ardor and Sauter, take the guests up the mountain."

"I ..." Before I finished speaking, I was ran up the mountain by the two guides, but came back again after a short walk.

When the old guide saw that we were suddenly back again, he came over suspiciously and asked, "Why are you back again?"

Seeing that the old guide had a sign of fire, Sother quickly explained. "I just made a mistake, and the guest has to cross the mountain."

The old guide who had a sign of fire immediately yelled at Sotte angrily: "This is the goal of the guest, are you right? You are the guide, and you do n’t ask the guest where to go, you will lead the way. You are What kind of guide do you do? Hurry up and make a mistake and be careful I will deduct your salary. "

"Let's go, let's go." Sutter was almost scolded by the old guide, and Adu waved at me at the opportunity to slip across the platform to the other side, obviously not wanting to be caught by the old guide. Looking at her fear, the old guide leading the team is probably a long-time leader, and all the guides working under his hands were terrified.

After Ardo and I went to the right intersection there, Soth finally escaped the scolding of the old guide and ran over, seeing his scorn, I almost couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, guests, let's hurry up and get caught by the captain and he must pick up our skin." As soon as Sott saw us, he yelled to let us go.

I smirked and followed the guy into the mountain road into the mountain.

The mountain road we are taking now should be able to pass to the back of the mountain according to Sauter and Ador. As for how to go later, it is not Sauter they can understand.

"Aren't you guides? Why don't you know how to go behind?" When they learned that the road behind the mountain was unclear, I looked at Thort and Ador in amazement and asked.

A Duo explained: "We are indeed a guide, but we have never taken it before as a guest you run so far. Listen to the seniors in our guide team who said that someone had actually been behind the mountain before, but they are here I have been a guide for more than a year, and in total, I have encountered three people going to Houshan. "

"Isn't there a lot of traffic on your side? Why did it take so long for three people to go to the mountain after the Seal of Throne? And did your captain say that the two of you are the best guides under him? Why do you have seniors? ?"

Still Ato explained: "It's like this. Regarding our strength, the captain didn't lie to you. Our two ranks are the highest in team strength and the combat effectiveness is the strongest, but we have more than four as guides. The throne of the seal of the moon time, in terms of the profession of guide alone, we belong to the kind of people who are not old, with predecessors in front, and younger generations behind. "

I nodded and said, "So it is."

A Duo continued: "The traffic that you said is actually correct. The passenger flow here is really high, but very few people really go to the back of the mountain. Behind this Wanya Mountain is the national barrier, you did not enter It may not be known to cross the national barrier area. In this game, there are generally step monsters on the national border line between countries. In one sentence, that is: ss is like a dog, and the beasts are walking around. You say this kind of place How many people have nothing to play with? Let ’s talk about it. The area of ​​Wanyashan is hundreds of miles, and the area is amazing. Generally, tourists will stay for at least a week when they come here. , Not many can go to Hou Shan, let alone go through. "

Sauter also said, "Yeah. Honestly, the three days you have set for the Seal of the Seal of God, I doubt whether I can run to the back mountain. In my opinion, three days is not enough."

"Isn't it more than two hundred miles off the mountain for three days?" I asked, not convinced.

When seeing me, I didn't believe it and immediately said, "Yes, it's more than two hundred miles of mountain road, but let alone three days. Five days can pass even if we run fast. This mountain road is different from flat land. If it is on a prairie, You have a better mount, let alone three days, and it's less than two hundred miles away. But here is Wanyashan, we are not exactly walking, we will definitely encounter some Warcraft on the way Anything, if it ’s low-level, it ’s better to say that when we encounter some 900- or 1,000-level monsters, we have to take a detour. This process will undoubtedly delay time. The Seal of the Throne of God, and some terrain obstacles like cliffs. In the past, it took a lot of effort. If you calculate two hundred miles according to the degree on the flat ground, it does not take that long to seal the throne, but in the mountains, three days of the seal of throne is definitely not enough. "

After listening to Sauter's words, I no longer argued with him, but nodded to understand. It is not that I agree with him, but that I have figured out why. According to him, it would take more than three days to bring ordinary players through the mountain, even the five days he said are conservative estimates. The biggest reason for this is what they call Warcraft.

To me, unless there is a regional guard or a regional total ss-level presence, ordinary monsters do not pose a threat at all. But the problem is that it is my standard. For the average player, because the monster generally has the advantage of adapting the terrain to the area where it appears, many players will lose even if the level is equal. For example, a 900-level player meets a 900-level ice giant. Needless to say, you must not meet the ice giant in the desert, and the place where you can meet the ice giant must be the place where the chin can be frozen. In this extreme cold region, even two 900-level players may not have done a 900-level ice giant, so it is generally troublesome to encounter local wild monsters in the wild.

These guides usually take ordinary players to take action. If you encounter low-level monsters, everyone can solve them together. It won't take much time to seal the throne. But it would be miserable if you run into high-end goods. If you can't be seen by the other party, it will be lucky if it takes a few times longer for the Seal of the Seal of God to make a big circle in the past. In case of being chased by the mountain, it will be completely done. Therefore, in such a place, the time required for the Seal of the Seal of God on the road cannot be simply divided by the distance, and the time of the Seal of the Seal of God is definitely not allowed.

However, although I know that the so-called monsters do not pose a threat to me, I have no intention to justify the two. For the sake of my identity, we talked about it for a long time. I did n’t make it clear. I will explain to them that I ’m not afraid of those monsters. They certainly do n’t believe it. It ’s better to spend that time on the Throne of the Seal of the Seal of God. Take the shot to kill the monster directly. Facts speak louder than words, and let them see that my strength is much simpler than I told them myself.

"Okay, let's go quickly. When you meet a monster, you two remind me."

"That is of course." Aduo said very seriously: "It is our main duty to warn our guests to warn you in advance and warn the guests. We are professional in this regard, and you can be assured."

Aduo did not say much, they are really professional in this aspect of the current monster. After we left that platform, we met a passing World of Warcraft less than half an hour later. Ato and Sote pulled me behind the rock by the road, and Ato said to me, "There is a rock sheep in front of you, a 650-level monster. Do you want to kill it? Wait for it to pass? "

"Why wait for it to pass?" I asked in amazement.

Sauter explained: "This is because the strength of each guest is different. Some guests are purely to play, or their fighting ability is not enough. It takes time to deal with this thing, and some people feel trouble, so they do n’t want to attack it. .Because the rock sheep is an active attack type, so those who do not want to attack the rock sheep will wait for it to pass. This saves trouble. Of course, for us, the strength of the rock sheep is very general, if you want to kill it No problem, if we two help, it will only take tens of seconds. Of course, because you signed an agreement without fighting, you will be charged extra for our shot. "

They are talking here, the rock sheep over there has been dangling out of a forest, I did not listen to the two guides, flashed out from behind the rock and shake hands, the head of the opposite rock sheep instantly separated from the body Home.

A Duo and Sauter did not expect that I would come out suddenly. When the two of them reacted and came out, the rock sheep ’s head disappeared, and its body was still standing there. Take a squirt out.

Originally, I thought that these two guides who were a bit natural would see me killing the rock sheep in an instant, and they would have a more intuitive understanding of my strength. Who knows I still underestimate their natural stay.

"Quickly hide."

As I was proudly prepared to meet the surprise inquiries of Atuo and Sote, it was an exclamation, and at the same time, the Sote guy threw me to the ground and dragged him back to the rock. .

"What the **** is going on?" I was still mushy, dragged behind the rocks. Don't you kill a monster with more than 600 levels? As for such a big response? Besides, I kill a monster, how can they still look like their enemies? Could it be that……?

Sure enough, Sault pressed me behind the rocks while probing his brain to observe the surrounding environment, and at the same time he said nervously, "Have a good look. The instant sheep can be killed and the other party can't even react before it's too late. Monsters over a thousand levels. Damn, it's so close to the entrance here, how come monsters over a thousand levels came out? Shouldn't that kind of thing go deep into the mountains? "

"That ..." I stunned Sutter, and then waited for him to turn around before saying, "Did you make a mistake?"

"Mistaken?" Thort said to himself in a thoughtful way. "That rock sheep's head is gone, and his body is still standing. The monster attacking it must have reached the speed of the rock sheep. See where it is, otherwise this effect will not appear. This is really wrong. It is not a thousand-level strange, but it should be an ss above the level of one hundred and twenty. No, we must all die here , After I stay and break, you go first. "

"Okay, I'm defeated by the two of you." Seeing that Aduo really wanted to come over as Sote said and pull me out, I quickly stood up and said, "That rock sheep was not killed by a monster."

"Not a monster kill? What could that be? Other players?"

"It's a player, but not another player. I killed the sheep." The two naturally have no association ability at all. They can't understand the facts from your language without telling the facts directly. Reasoning information.

"Did you kill?" Thort watched me sting for a while before bursting into laughter. "Hahahaha, don't be kidding. You went out a second earlier than us just a second ago. Where did the time for the Seal of the Gods?

After Sauter finished saying this, I picked Eternal directly and transformed it into a whip-sword form in the eyes of Sauter and Ador's surprise, and then said, "Come on." Before I said the last one When writing, the wrist suddenly trembled, and then immediately returned to the previous shape. People with poor eyes could not even see that I had moved.

After waiting a few seconds, Thort reacted and asked in amazement, "What do you want us to see? Nothing is born?"

I didn't speak, but reached out and gently touched the rock next to the size of a van, just listening to the sound of the rock instantly shattered into a stone chestnut, and each piece of stone was no more than one Large glass marbles.

Seeing Sautter's expression changed from indifferent to surprised to shocked, and finally changed to nervousness, I quickly rushed to the front: "Don't shout that there are monsters, if you don't believe it, you just point at a target and tell me to cut Cut into strips, or if you want powder. "

This time, without waiting for Sutter to speak, A Duo directly pointed to the rocky road behind the rock sheep that had fallen: "Just that stone, if you stand here and can attack that stone, I believe you have The strength to kill the rock sheep at this distance. "

Ardor seemed smarter than Sosot. She didn't believe that the main thing I killed the Rock Sheep was distance. That rock sheep is more than ten meters away from where we are, and I only have a sword in my hand. Although it is not impossible to attack a target more than ten meters away with a sword, it requires se sword gas or something, and that kind of thing is generally very powerful. Even if the rock sheep is killed, it will remain on the mountain or rock behind it. There are obvious traces, and there will be effects such as explosions, which can not be as silent as before.

After listening to Atuo's request, I pushed the still-sold Sote to the side, and then raised my hand to wave the Eternal Sword. The Eternal Sword is now in the form of a whip, and I immediately broke it down and stretched, sweeping in between The distant rocks were retracted again in an instant. The fast ones were still unclear, but the rocks protruding from the side of the mountain on the opposite side suddenly cracked, and one of the semi-suspended rocks fell off the main body. It rolled down to the road, and the rock body on the mountain wall left a smooth mirror-like section.

"Smmm ..." Ador and Thort simultaneously heard a snoring-like gasp, apparently they had never seen such a fast and powerful attack before. The most important thing is that my attack distance is too scary. Obviously it is a soldier-like equipment, it can attack targets more than ten meters away, and it has such great power, which is really scary.

"Do you believe it now?"

The two nodded desperately together, and A Duo quickly turned over and stretched out his fingers and pointed at me and asked, "Then you said you were ..."

"Zi Ri. I didn't lie to you. I'm really President of the Frost Rose Alliance. Although I don't know where you guys watch the video, I'm me."

A Duo nodded: "Yes, your weapon is exactly the same as seen in the video, except your equipment ...?"

I suddenly thought of a question, and then tentatively xìng asked, "Do you see the video that has the time to seal the throne? Did you say when it was?"

Aduo and Sothun fell into meditation, and finally reported an accurate time to the throne of the Seal of God, and I only knew a little bit to understand what was going on. The video they saw was actually a battle record I had together very early. At that time, the equipment on my body was not a dragon set, but a dragon set. The Shenlong suit I am wearing now was upgraded from the nationalization of the magic dragon suit when the national weapon was upgraded. The original dragon set before the transformation was evil equipment, and it is natural to have a deeper look. Although the dragon set is based on the magic dragon set, it has been transformed after all, and the appearance and appearance will change slightly. The two have not seen my recent battle video for a long time, so they will admit it.

After clearing my identity, Atuo and Sothet's performance is obviously different. One is that the enthusiasm has increased greatly, and the other is that our way of progress has been completely changed. The reason why we were very slow before was because Ardor and Sutter were wary of Warcraft nearby, so they did n’t dare to go too fast. After knowing my identity, the guts of them both went straight up. If you do n’t see any monsters or monsters, it ’s right to rush forward. Anyway, if there are monsters, they will be resolved by the throne of the first time.

Because we do n’t need to take care of the monsters that are blocking the road, our mobility can be said to be fast. Later, in order to add me, I even summoned the steel claws to lend to Aduo and Sauter, and I rode on the night shadow. .

At first, when Night Shadow was summoned, Aduo and Sutter wanted to say that the mountains could not ride on horses, but when they were now flying, they would not say anything. As for steel claws, this guy's claws are really suitable for mountain climbing. Although there are no suction cups on its claws, but once its center of gravity is low, on the other hand, this guy's claws can be inserted into the rock to fix himself, and thirdly, the twelve strong tentacles on the back of the steel claws can be completely c Use it as a fixture into nearby rocks or mountains. Not to mention just the steep **** of the mountain, even if it is a vertical cliff, the steel claw can climb directly.

With the mount, the degree is obviously different. The three of us are rushing all the way, and the monsters below the level of 1500 are not too lazy to watch, and all of them are shot and killed. As for the more advanced monsters, I am now a Just didn't run into it.

To be honest, crossing the national border is actually safer to fly from the air, of course, this is that you have flying mounts that can fly to high altitudes. The national boundary is generally three-dimensional, not only on the ground, but also in the low-altitude area and the underground. There are interception layers. There are many high-level creatures distributed in the cross section of this boundary, so simply thinking that they can drill or fly can pass. Borderlines, that's pure dreaming. However, my mission this time is to investigate what bad things the Russians intend to do. It is not to simply cross national borders, so you cannot fly from the sky, or you do n’t need to have such trouble at all.

Originally, according to the plans of Sauter and Ador, it took at least five days to cross Wanya Mountain, but because of the degree of mount and my fighting power, when the Seal of the Seal of God was shortened to three at this time, it was because I did not know it before When I was my identity, they were delayed for a long time. But that's the end of the easy journey.

"President Ziri, we will be happy from here. Although you are really strong, but here is not a general leveling area but a national barrier, so ..."

"I understand this. I also crossed the national barrier before, and the dangers in it are still clear to me."

Now Wan Yashan behind us and this unknown mountain in front of us are so tightly attached, but it is more appropriate to describe it in one sentence-take a step back to heaven and further hell.

Although the two mountains are close together, the Wanya Mountain behind us belongs to the tourist leveling area, and the unknown mountain in front of us belongs to the national barrier.

As the name suggests, the tourist leveling area is a place for players to travel or level, and the monsters here are for players to watch and hunt. Although the monsters in the leveling area can also kill the players, as long as the players do not recklessly, it is rare for them to be killed by monsters. But a national barrier just across the mountain is another matter.

Unlike the sightseeing and leveling area for players to enjoy, the purpose of the national barrier is not for players to play. It exists to block the free passage of players between the two countries. It belongs to the right of systematic interference. If we use the analogy of reality, the tourist leveling zone is equivalent to a dangerous playground with casualties, and the national barrier is a military restricted area. No matter how fierce the playground is, it is the playground. If there are more than 10,000 people, one can die, but the national barrier is more than 10,000 people. Therefore, the two are not a concept at all. Don't look at them very close to each other, and even the terrain is similar. If anyone thinks that they are the same, then they are just looking for death.

"Well, it's time for you to play a role." I said to Ardor and Sutter, "Take out your skills and let us take a little less detour."

Aduo said with some uncertainty: "That ... We haven't actually been here, but only the creatures in the national barrier are dangerous. The geographical environment should still follow the terrain gradient rules, so we can only help you prevent some It ’s up to you to do the rest. ”

I nodded and said, "That's natural. The monsters in the national barrier are starting at level 1,000. Your strength is definitely not able to fight here. But you can rest assured that there is no problem with me. You just need to find my way. Just fine. "

"That's okay, just where are you going?"

I thought about it: "The goal now is to cross the border, but if there is something weird, please tell me. I am not sure what my ultimate goal is for the time being."

Since you are looking for clues, naturally you cannot determine the goal, but with the ability of the two guides, if there is an abnormality, they should be easier than me. After all, they know more about the terrain environment than I do.

Because of the danger of the national barrier, it is obviously impossible to ride the mount forward. Moreover, we are not searching for anomalies now, so we do n’t need to ride the mount. Withdrawing the steel claws and night shadows from the reluctant eyes of Aduo and Sauter, I summoned the dart and Bai 1ng directly. Originally exploring in the mountains, summoning the rose vine and the trailblazer would be helpful, but considering that this is a national barrier area, and there are high-level monsters underground, I didn't summon the trailblazer and the rosevine in order to make things easier. For the same reason, air units cannot appear, because the national barrier is to block all passing targets. I do n’t summon flying units. Generally, no flying unit will trouble me, but as soon as I release a flying unit, there will be immediately A group of flying monsters rushed over. I'm here to explore the road, not to fight, so it's better to keep a low profile.

As soon as darts appeared, they immediately attracted Ato's attention. After all, the image of darts is really so attractive to girls. Generally, eight of the ten girls have no resistance to this m furry thing with a pair of invincible stars and eyes, and the big tail of the dart is really fluffy and disgusting, even if the boy sees it, he can't bear it I want to go to ru one ru.

When he saw Aduo holding himself, the dart gave me a glance. After I showed nothing, he immediately flashed on my shoulder, letting Aduo towards the squatting branch between him. air.

"Huh?" Adu, who hadn't caught it, was slightly surprised, but immediately after the dart that now appeared on my shoulder, he came over and hugged it, but I stopped by reaching out my hand.

"Darts are combat reconnaissance pets, not pets, so he doesn't like strangers to hold him."

"Oh." Ador disappointed and gave up the intention of holding the dart, but her eyes never left her body.

Seeing her being so obsessed, I had to let the darts go for a while, otherwise Adu could not work. "Darts. Check to see if there are any dangerous creatures nearby." The darts nodded when they heard me, and then they disappeared as soon as the white light flashed.

"Does it transmit magic?" Atuo saw the dart disappear in an instant and immediately asked me in surprise.

I shook my head and said, "The special ability of darts is light movement, because the degree is already synchronized with the light, so when he moves, the light can't perform normal anti-se on him, and you will not see him. In fact, even if you You can see the reflective light on his body, and your eyesight cannot keep up with his dynamic vision. In the end, his movements will be completely invisible. "

"Light moving?" Sutter was startled when he heard the word. "Isn't that invincible? If he keeps running, who can catch it?"

I nodded and said, "Except for the enchantment skills that can move instantly, as long as the darts don't want to face it, no one can take him. After all, it's too fast, even if he doesn't run away, others want It is not possible to attack him. However, the darts have very low attack power, so although the speed is fast, the overall combat power is not high. "

"With this degree, it is enough even if there is no attack power at all." Sauter finished and said, "Yes, I heard that President Zi Ri has a lot of magic pets. Why did you summon two?"

"The key to the strength of the beast trainer is whether you can choose the appropriate magic pet to fight according to the environment, rather than throwing out all the magic pets in any scene. The tactics of the sea of ​​soldiers are only suitable for the undead mage, The animal trainer profession does not win by quantity. "

"Oh, I'm taught."

In the next time, in the Throne of the Seal of God, with the help of Aduo and Sauter, we shuttled all the way through the mountains and forests. Some of the dangers caused by the special terrain on the ground were discovered by Aduo and Sauter and disposed of in advance. In Warcraft, due to the dart class scout's credit, we have bypassed all the creatures that have passed the 2,000 level in advance. Although I can handle any monster below the level of 2,500 by myself, but this is a national barrier area after all, I do n’t want to hit half of them to attract a group of monsters, and fight with the monster group here, unless you bring 20,000 or 30,000 seniors Player, otherwise don't think about it.

"It's weird ~ ~ I'm walking well with Adu, but Sutter suddenly mumbles at a wild fruit on the ground.

"Zero" game has food settings, including players, basically all the creatures in the game need to eat. Among them, in order to provide convenience to players who can gather, there are often some edible fruits in the wild, and most of these fruits are also eaten by bizarre monsters. Because these fruits do not have any special genus xìng except that they can fill the stomach, they are widely distributed, so these things usually do not attract people's attention, but Sauter is obviously interested in the fruit in front of him.

"Sooth, what's going on?" I asked behind Sott.

Thort looked back at me with some hesitation and then said, "Don't you let us tell you anything suspicious?"

"Yes, I said so. Do you think this fruit is suspicious?"

Suo nodded and said, "It's really suspicious."

I took the fruit that had been trampled and looked at it suspiciously, and then said, "What's so suspicious? Isn't it just a fruit that has been trampled?"

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