Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 50: Dig a corner

I heard the princess said that she could use this psychic network to directly kill the creatures in the coverage area. I immediately asked her to demonstrate, but the princess reluctantly said, "No, using this ability requires two prerequisites. The first is me. Being within the coverage of the Mind Network, the second is that the target must be near me, at least I must be able to see him. Also, the power of this killing method depends on the number of Aurora Beasts connected to the Mind Network, if there are only three or five In that case, the power may not be as good as my direct attack, but with the increase in the number of access to the Aurora Beast, the power of this attack method can continue to increase. "

"Can it grow indefinitely?"

"That doesn't work. The upper limit of power is limited by the Aurora Beast's psychic transmission ability and my own control power, but at present the main bottleneck should be the Aurora Beast's transmission ability. If there is only one Aurora Beast as my connection with the mind network, Then the attack power will be limited by the conduction of this aurora beast. "

The princess explained to me all the way, and I finally understood her meaning. In fact, this kind of attack method of the princess is to hit the soul of the target by shocking the netg energy of the soul in the mind network. Because the energy source of this impact is the princess and all the aurora beasts connected to the network, the final impact strength of the mind can no longer be simply understood by the impact of the soul. According to my understanding, this way the impact of the mind is not It's more appropriate to call the soul into a storm than to call it a storm. Originally, the princess was a darling in the mind, and her own strength of the soul had already exceeded many ordinary creatures. However, the princess's psychic energy will be greatly improved after connecting the psychic network. The power of this kind of collective psychic energy of all creatures in the entire network can be imagined. A single creature must be unstoppable.

However, like the princess said. Although theoretically this network's attack method can be infinitely strengthened, in fact it still has restrictions. The first is that the princess must be able to control this energy. In this attack mode, all aurora beasts are energy providers, and the princess is equivalent to the se device. If the energy is so strong that the princess cannot control it, then it is naturally impossible to talk about. How to attack it. In addition, the transmission capacity of the nodes near the princess is also a problem. In this attack mode, we can understand the princess as a light bulb. The brightness of the light bulb depends on the voltage level, but the voltage that the wire itself can withstand is limited, no matter how large the voltage generated by the power supply on the other side is. The wire of the light bulb cannot withstand that voltage, so no matter how high the voltage is, it is useless. By the same token, if the energy of the entire mind network must be connected to the princess through a certain aurora beast, then the maximum power attack that the princess can release is nothing more than the transmission limit of this aurora beast plus the princess' own energy. But if the princess was crowded with aurora beasts, the situation would be completely different.

Anyway, the power of princess's skill is absolutely terrifying, and although the restriction exists, I think it should not be a big problem, because if there is an aurora beast on the battlefield, it should be concentrated in Together, it is unlikely to be scattered.

While the princess explained to me her new skills, the two aurora beasts copied from the side that had been seen in the mind network had successfully merged with the injured aurora beast. The number of Russians who are hunting down injured Aurora Beasts is far more than three, so even if two Aurora Beasts arrive, the scene is still playing more and less, and Aurora Beasts are in a very unfavorable situation. However, there are two aurora beasts that are not injured, and they have no clips on them, so relying on their high degree of movement can barely restrain the group of Russians.

"Haha, it's our luck today." A Russian saw the two aurora beasts that ran out suddenly, but instead of being afraid, he looked very excited.

The Russian next to him also smiled when he heard what he said: "Yeah, yeah, today is really our lucky day. I didn't say when I met an aurora beast that escaped from the road, but here I am Hit two. According to the rules stated beforehand, the aurora beasts we caught will be used by the people in our guild. With these three aurora beasts as the magic pet, the guild's combat power can at least increase a lot. . "

"Hey, the third middle school is just the beginning. Our goal is to let everyone in the guild get an aurora beast pet." The person who spoke before said excitedly, "This aurora beast is not only very powerful, but also anti-stealth. The most important thing is that this guy is fast and can be used as a mount. As long as our ng Rui troops are all equipped with aurora mounts, the next time we invade Chinese territory, they will not be affected by their s jamming tactics. With the advantage of this aurora beast, do we still attack wherever we want to attack? "

The person next to him also echoed: "Yeah. With the advantage of the degree, in the future, we will only be disturbed by the Chinese. How can it be as big as the ng sharp team they had last time! This time their ng The Rui team will dare to come and stab us for 1un, and we will kill them with the Aurora Cavalry. "

The two Russians spoke well, and I listened very well. Don't forget that I can now share the senses of all aurora beasts in the network through the mind network. These Russians thought that the Aurora Beast did not understand human speech, so they did not avoid it. I did not expect that although the Aurora Beast did not understand, I could hear their voices through the ears of the Aurora Beast. In this way, their words were heard by the Aurora Beast, which is equivalent to me.

Now that I've figured out why the Russians caught the Aurora Beast, I can't let them do what they want. Like the two guys, the creature Aurora has a strong degree and a terrible anti-reconnaissance ability. If the Russians had Aurora Beasts in the last invasion, don't have many, as long as there are three or fifty, then our s disturbance plan will be completely lost. Once, there was an Aurora Beast warning that our team would not be able to reach it at all. Second, even if it was up, at the Aurora Beast's degree, most of this team would never run out. Therefore, the Aurora Beast is simply a guerrilla warrior. This powerful creature cannot get the Russians anyway.

Just when the two Aurora Beasts were fighting with the Russians, the eight Aurora Beasts I and I had rushed to less than two kilometers from the battlefield. However, it was not us who arrived on the battlefield in the end, but another wave of Aurora Beasts.

Because of the activation of the mind network, the aurora beasts now know the current situation. It can be seen from the shared aura of the aurora beast that the aurora beast is a very united species, otherwise they will never evolve a capability that only large groups can use. For example, tigers in the jungle have always been loners. Rarely, they can even fight when they meet each other. To them, it doesn't make any sense to have a mind.

The aurora beasts have a high degree of unity, so the mind and network have an imaginary effect on them. I did n’t know the situation before. Now that there are outsiders planning to catch their own kind, how can the aurora beasts sit still?

Just before we rushed to the battlefield, there were already a dozen aurora beasts, and we joined the battle group step by step. The gang of Russians were very happy to start seeing the Aurora Beasts that continued to appear. After all, according to their agreement, the guild who owned the Aurora Beasts will be equipped first, and if the bank is fully equipped, the extra Partial transfer to other guilds and commissions. Driven by such interests, in the eyes of those Russians, the Aurora Beast is no longer Warcraft but a pile of walking crystal coins. However, although the Russians wanted the Aurora Beast, they did not become stupid. At first, they were glad to see the Aurora Beast 6 continue to increase because they knew that they could seize these Aurora Beasts, but when the number of Aurora Beasts gradually passed the upper limit of the number they could deal with, these people began to worry.

There are only a total of 17 Russians pursuing the injured Aurora Beast. To deal with the uninjured Aurora Beast, it takes about two ng sharp players like them to barely hold one head. If you want to arrest, you need at least three to Four talents. If two people hold one head, and three people are left alone to arrest such a distribution plan, then these seventeen people can deal with eight aurora beasts at the same time. It was of course no problem to chase an injured Aurora beast at first, and then two of them ran out. After 6 continued to emerge after three or four, although a little busy 1un, but still controlled the situation. However, the smiles on these people's faces disappeared when the eighth aurora came out.

Although the seventeen people can control eight aurora beasts in the best condition, that is the best condition after all. Of course, one of the eight aurora beasts was badly injured, so only a little more than seven were counted. However, even seven are enough for these people to worry about. If it is a coincidence that two aurora beasts ran halfway, three or four came later can be understood as a probability event, but the appearance of the third wave of aurora beasts is obviously abnormal. After encountering so many aurora beasts one after another, these Russians are now thinking about a question-"Shall we run into the aurora beast?"

When a Russian player asked this question, the leading player immediately cursed: "Idiot, the aurora beast is a light creature, here is the cursed forest, a standard dark area. How can light creatures build in dark areas? Nest? These should all be Aurora beasts that are attracted by the fragrant fruit. "

Another player asked while resisting the attack of the aurora beast in front of him: "But this is too much, isn't it? Now this is the upper limit we can fight, what if we run into several more? "

This player has a nickname of Raven's mouth after today, because just before he finished speaking for less than two seconds, when their captain hadn't come to answer him, the jungle suddenly burst out. Eight aurora beasts.

"Fuck, this is dead!" The gang of Russians were dumbfounded as soon as they saw the eight aurora beasts running out. If seventeen people want to capture aurora beasts, they can't have more than eight aurora beasts. Now counting the injured one, there are already 16 aurora beasts on the scene. What are the results of 17 people dealing with 16 Aurora Beasts? Don't even think about the answer.


At the moment when the pair yelled and ran fast, there was a sudden shaking in the jungle. The three aurora beasts suddenly jumped out from behind them, and then they jumped out of the jungle on their left and right. More than a dozen aurora beasts. The number of Aurora beasts at the scene broke through the 30 mark in an instant. Not to mention the seventeen people fled, even if they were united to resist, it would definitely not last for thirty seconds.

When the group of Aurora Beasts around me and I arrived at the scene, the group of Russians had been torn into ru groups, and the injured Aurora Beast had also been cured by his companions with a healing aura. hurt. With our joining, the number of aurora beasts in this area reached thirty-nine at a glance. Let alone a large group of aurora beasts encounter traps, even if they hit the army, they will have a battle.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked the aurora beasts in my heart.

The aurora beasts first circulated with each other for a while, and soon reached the will that had always returned a fight to the end. Obviously, the aurora's intelligence is not beast-type intelligence, because the beasts usually do not have the ability to associate. The Aurora Beast can realize that if it is simply leaving now, then those who come to arrest them will definitely come to disturb them again. Although they successfully rescued their companions this time, what to do next time? They cannot guarantee that they will not lose their companions every time, and it is not a long-term strategy to continue fighting, so they unanimously decided to take the opportunity to defeat the enemy completely in one breath, so that the other party can no longer afford to watch.

Now that the Aurora Beasts have decided to beat the Russian players hard, I will just continue to follow them to cause trouble for the Russians. Although the detection ability of Aurora is very strong, it is relatively strong when conducting detailed reconnaissance within a certain range. If it is a large-scale reconnaissance, my ghost worm is actually faster.

After releasing the large group of ghost worms, I told the group of Aurora Beasts to let them find as many companions as possible to help. As a result, these Aurora Beasts called in the heart, and immediately there were hundreds of Aurora Beasts towards us. The area came together. From the perspective of the mind network, there are probably only so many aurora beasts in the vicinity, because with the approach of the aurora beasts, we have no new signals on the network.

When all the nearby Aurora Beasts gathered near us, I counted the number of Aurora Beasts in the mind network. As a result, there are actually more than 580 Aurora Beasts in this group, and according to their meaning, All that appear here are adult aurora beasts, and there are many aurora beasts in their dens. In other words, the number of aurora beasts in the vicinity is at least one thousand.

Imagine that there are more than a thousand species of aurora beasts in this area, and these guys still exist above a thousand levels. Such a high-density high-level monster can imagine that this national barrier means to ordinary players. what. There are more monsters who can be SS in other places. There are actually more than miscellaneous soldiers here. Most people enter here simply to die.

When the aurora beasts all gathered together, my scouts finally revealed the information we needed, and at this time, two giants that were larger than other aurora beasts were just out of the aurora herd. Aurora Beast.

Although the aurora beasts I have seen since I met the first aurora beast have different body shapes, overall these guys are roughly the same size. However, the two aurora beasts in front of them are obviously big and outrageous. In fact, the two Aurora beasts themselves are not the same size. The shoulder height of the two oversized Aurora beasts is about two meters and six feet. Standing there feels like a bus parked in front of you, while the other one is even more outrageous. It has already been driven by four legs. Go up the height of the front one, and then count the height of the body. The extra-large guy behind is at least three and a half meters tall. If it weren't for this guy, I would have thought he was another creature.

"Hello outsider." After I looked at the two big guys in front of me, the one that was a little bit even said a word.

I know that the Aurora Beast can think and flow, but it can speak human. This is the first time I heard it. Although I can't say much, it surprised me at least.

Probably knowing that he was talking strangely, the aurora beast explained again, "I am the queen of the herd, and next to this is the leader of the herd, my husband. Thank you for everything you have done for us before, if It's not your time to help and give us early warning. Maybe many of us have already been killed. "

"Helping you is just by the way, and I'm not here to help you. In fact, I am hostile to the people who want to catch you, so in my opinion, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so helping you can be regarded as helping me. . "

After listening to me, the Queen of the Aurora Beasts said, "We have been helped anyway, so we have to write down this kindness, and you don't have to guess. In addition, I want to ask you something."

"Please speak."

"You say you and them are enemies, so you should know about them?"

I nodded and said, "I will definitely understand some, after all, this is not our first time. But I do n’t know what you want to know. Even if I send someone to investigate the situation of the enemy, I ca n’t say that I know everything. ?"

The other party immediately said: "It's not too complicated, I just want to figure out why the other party has our idea?"

"Oh, I happen to know this." I explained to the queen what I heard from the Russians and my own analysis, and the other side nodded continuously as I spoke.

"That's the case!" The queen said after a little thought and turned to the big guy around him, "King, I think we should consider relocating after this battle. The purpose of the other party is to arrest us as a magic pet, like that Even if we chase them away this time, they will come again later. If we want them to give up completely, unless we expel them again and again, and they cannot be taken away by any of us in the process. Once they are taken away When our members have tasted the sweetness, those guys will flock like the rotten ghouls of the dead body. If we say to fight them back, I do n’t think there is any difficulty, but we must ensure that none of our members have been arrested. Go, this is unlikely. So if this is not possible, we might as well relocate before, so as to avoid the casualties of our companions. "

Before the Aurora Beastmaster spoke, I said first: "Well ... can you ask where you are planning to move?"

The Queen of the Aurora Beasts heard me for a moment, then said: "Maybe move to the west mountain. But there is the territory of the Steelfang Beast, we may need to rob the territory with them, but It's better than being wary of those people here. "

"You guys just moved a little westward, and the distance hasn't changed much. Don't you think those guys will find it soon?"

"But there is no suitable place for us to live in the east, nor in the north and south areas. The west territory can only be dealt with by the steel tooth beast. The owner of the territory farther away is too strong. Although it can be defeated, the loss is too great. Not worth it! "

"Have you ever thought about moving to the city to live?" The horns on my head finally began to make headway.

"What? Move to the city? But there ..." The aurora's intelligence is indeed quite amazing, especially this queen, who is even smarter than many humans. I just said they wanted to move to the city, and she guessed what I meant. "No, although we appreciate your help, but we will never agree to ask you to be your magic pet. We are an autonomous species and do not want to become the magic pet of the imprisoned soul."

"Imprisonment? Isn't that exaggerated, right?" After being arrested, the pet will forcibly separate a part of the soul into the master's soul, which is why the master's death will also die. In addition, the level of the magic pet cannot exceed the master, this is also limited by the soul, and the master can get experience value when fighting with the magic pet, which also comes from the role of soul connection. However, although from an objective point of view, becoming a magic pet will indeed be part of the soul, but when it comes to imprisonment, it is really too serious. Of course, I mean don't meet a perverted animal trainer. After all, most animal trainers have to increase their loyalty, so being good to the magic pet is the basic condition. Abusing your own magic pet is a matter of abnormal abnormal brain.

The Empress of the Aurora seems to be very disgusted with the situation where the soul is separated, so immediately after I said, "You don't need to say this again, we will not join."

"Don't go even if you don't need to pay soul restraints?"

"How could there be a contract that does not require soul restraint?"

"Did I say I want to sign a contract?" I said with a look of anxiety. "I'm a president, and I have a large guild. You may not know that if the wild creatures agree, the large guild will be These creatures can be solicited to become their own vassals. This vassal race can move freely in the city to which the guild belongs, and the bank will have the obligation to provide the vassal with all the necessary conditions for survival. Of course, the race to become a vassal must also There is a price to pay. The price is that the vassal race must arrange a kin as its comrade for each official member of the guild, and the vassal is obliged to help the city guard when the guild city is attacked. This vassal race is in us It ’s called the Guild Guardian, and it ’s a highly liberal way of cooperating. How about it? Can you accept it? ”

"No," the queen vetoed. "First, we have too few races to guarantee a companion for each of your regular members. Second, we are not used to living in cities. Occasionally staying for a few days It ’s fun, but we ca n’t stand living in the city all the time. Third, and the most important point. If we send companions to become comrades in your membership, is n’t it the same as your control? ”

I also said in the words of Emperor Nv: "First, the first benefit of the Guild Guardian is that after becoming a Guild Guardian, the number of this race will soar under the blessing of divine power. Within three days, the population will definitely be able to We guarantee the need for a comrade for each of our members, and there are many more. Second, our Frost Rose Alliance is different from the general guild. Our guild will have a special building called Warcraft Nest xue. Independent space. This space can be adjusted to the most suitable environment according to the needs of the living creatures. Except there will be an entrance to connect our city, this space will be completely independent. Except for the creatures you allow, all dangerous creatures will enter. No. You can usually live in this space where you can expand the area at will according to the number of your races. As for the city, come out if you want to, and go back to live if you do n’t want to. As for the third point, I have already said that it is to become Comrades instead of magic pets. The Aurora Beasts sent to our members just need to fight with our members. You can listen to other things. Listen, but the two sides do not sign any agreement, the members of your body is completely free, in addition to not be out of line outside, even you can always replace comrades. "

"It sounds good? What do you think?" The aurora queen looked at her husband and asked.

He kept silent in that cool Aurora Beastmaster finally spoke, but this guy almost didn't let me faint, not because his voice was loud, but because this guy's tone just came out of the mountain, And his wife are totally two extremes ~ ~ what ... I don't know. You know I'm stupid. I don't think about these things. You can fight me without any problems. If you think about it, I will ...! "

"That's it!"

Seeing that the other party was still hesitant, I simply summoned all the guardian beasts on my body to let them show up. There is such a group of creatures who have become guardian beasts appearing, and the Queen of the Aurora Beast soon asked all the details she wanted to know.

Actually I didn't lie to them. Unlike the magic pet, the guild guardian is actually a vassal relationship. There are no strong restrictions at all. Unlike the magic pet, after being hatched by the owner, it will be forced to rewrite the soul, even if it was a dead enemy. Immediately after becoming a magic pet, Will lose hostility to the owner. Of course, the initial loyalty of the magic pet will not be too high, but the situation where it is completely opposed to the owner will never occur.

After asking all the details, the Queen of the Aurora Beast finally nodded and said, "Okay. I agree to join your guild and become a guardian beast."

Almost as soon as the Queen of the Aurora Beast nodded, I got the message that the Guild Guardian was added, but if I wanted to have the Aurora Guardian, I had to wait for me to bring them back to Isinger. The Guardian Beast did not join immediately Can be automatically assigned to each player.

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