Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 54: fate

"It is now." With my order, the aurora beasts that appeared near the group of Russians suddenly swarmed together. Dozens of beams covered this group of people into the fire range in no time. Suddenly all the oil on these people was suddenly ignited, and the raging flames instantly covered the group of Russians in the flame.

"Ah ... damn, we were attacked." At the moment the flames ignited, those Russian players knew that they must have been attacked. Although the flames were not fatal to the health of their senior players, they spread all over their bodies. The crazy burning of the oil on them produced a lot of flames and smoke. These things made them unable to open their eyes to observe the surroundings. This was the most terrible thing.

After seeing the gang of Russians all on fire, more aurora beasts rushed out in the surrounding jungle. These aurora beasts did not use low-power general attack skills, they directly used concentrated energy to attack, and they were aimed by several aurora beasts. One person can completely kill a player at once.

"Everyone lay down immediately." The broken leg mm called out immediately after someone was killed in the team, but although most of the remaining Russian players followed them to the ground, the beam of 1uan flying around hit many people. And after these people lay down, the Aurora Beasts simply changed their tactics and rushed into the forest to launch a physical attack.

Although the beam attacks of Aurora Beasts can be attacked from a long range, in terms of power, their close combat is more deterrent. When the Aurora Beasts rushed into the forest, the casualties of the Russians began to accelerate significantly.

The group of Russians that were attacked were just the icy nv demon who called to deal with my group of snow monster homes and those Russian masters who had been * offered in the attack before. This group of people only added more than 300. people. After being blocked by the flames, dozens of aurora beasts have lost almost a hundred people in one bombardment. Although the remaining two hundred people escaped the previous beam attack by lying down, the aurora beasts It didn't last long under the bite of the close-up, but after all, all the people present were senior personnel, and the response was much better than the average player. After losing more than a hundred people, the remaining dozens of people finally successfully extinguished the flames on their bodies in various ways.

"Come closer." After the flame was extinguished, the broken leg mm immediately shouted and commanded the remaining personnel to come together to form a defensive formation.

The Aurora Beast is too fast. If these people are fighting each other, even if they have extinguished the flames on their bodies, they will definitely not stop those Aurora Beasts. After all, Aurora Beasts are no longer a low-level Warcraft that ordinary players can deal with. .

Seeing those Russians gathered together, the remaining Aurora Beasts dispersed decisively to re-enter the more distant forest area, and then continued to use their power beam to mix part of the concentrated energy attack from a distance. Long-range bombing. Russian players are now afraid of being separated by the Aurora Beast, but gathering together means that they cannot evade the beam attack and can only block. If the aurora beasts only use ordinary power beams, the hard stops will be hard blocked, but the key problem is that those beams are also mixed with concentrated energy attacks. Although the two types of beams are different in thickness, the degree of the beams is too fast after all. Those Russian players have no idea in the lightning-like fraction of a few seconds which are concentrated attacks and which are powerful attacks. The result is Someone is constantly being blown to the ground, and as long as someone falls, his location will immediately become the concentrated attack target of the remaining Aurora Beasts. Not only the fallen people, but everyone near the gap may be affected by a People fall and are * off.

"It's good, just fight like this, I'll see how long they can persist." While the Russian players were struggling, I was sitting leisurely on a boulder in the distance and directing these groups of aurora through the mind network Beast attack.

If it was before, although the Aurora Beast is also very good at using various tactics to deal with more difficult to deal with, or a large number of enemies, but the tactics that Aurora Beast can use are nothing more than some extremely simple tactics, which are driven by instinct. Survival strategy. However, with my command, this instinctual tactical strategy became a smooth tactic. If I weren't here to command today, these Aurora Beasts would never spend time with the Russians on the throne of the Seal of God. Instead, they would embrace each other after they entered the trap. That is the tactic that Aurora Beasts like.

Now that the Aurora Beast is not close at all, those besieged Russian players are also anxious. They don't have many long-range attackers here, and the only archer can't suppress the attacks of dozens of Aurora beasts at all, so if the Aurora beasts are not close, they can only be slowly consumed. Not to mention that leaked ng due to concentrated energy attacks can easily cause netg casualties. Even if aurora beasts are not suitable for concentrated energy attacks, ordinary beam attacks are enough to kill. Do n’t forget that the attack in “Zero” will be forced to withdraw blood even if it is not broken. Although the ordinary beam of the Aurora Beast is not powerful, it is enough to break the defense. Moreover, the ordinary beam ’s shè degree can quickly follow the mechanism. Like a cannon, even if they can block the attack with a shield, this attack can quickly polish their blood.

"No, this won't work, it will all be destroyed," said mm of a nv demon's house surrounded by him.

The broken leg mm also frowned: "They didn't lean on to just slowly consume us to death like this, but they dispersed the team and they rushed up and we still had to die."

"Anyway, it ’s dead inside and out. Why do n’t we spread out and break out?" A male xìng player said, "This way we will slowly consume our enemies ~ ~ At least we can fight with the enemy. Besides, we still have a quantitative advantage at present, and if there are completely scattered shots, there are still some people who can run out. "

"No." A nearby mm immediately objected: "Did you forget the previous trap? There must be more than a few nearby. If we run separately, we will definitely step on the trap. Will it not die faster?"

"Even if someone steps on the trap, it is an individual person. It is better for everyone to die than to sacrifice a few people. Besides, the trap is only buried in the road and the jungle near the road. Yes, although it may be possible to get off the road in the dense forest, it is better than being left off? "

"Don't make a noise." Suddenly, the broken leg mm said to the next mm: "Put down the thing, we use that."

"But ..." mm next to him wanted to argue.

"No, but we are dead, nothing," mm snapped.

"All right," mm finally reluctantly compromised.

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