Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 63: Humiliate without a fight

Volume 19 Chapter 63

"Don't you understand yet?" The priest mm explained angrily: "That's a naval port, all of them are warships, and everyone on the ship knows each other, how can you get mixed up?"

"Maybe we can pretend to be n?"

"N? Thank you for coming up." Rev. mm wished to slap this guy with a slap and said, "Is n so well camouflaged? The n on the warship are all combatants, not the freedom n in those cities. Yes. If you want to mix in, you must first get a set of their equipment. Besides, the players can know each other, don't you know each other? If you go to the middle in this way, it will be immediately within three seconds. Will be recognized. "

"Then we're dead?"

"Yeah, you guys are dead."

The sudden sound surprised all four people, but the four were obviously veterans who often mingled in the monster area. Although frightened, the response was not slow at all. As soon as my voice appeared above their heads, four people immediately jumped out from behind the box. The two soldiers quickly stood in a row holding a shield and holding a sword to protect the two behind them. The archer mm was an instant u arrow to open the bow. In the middle of the two, the arrow extended from the shoulders of the two soldiers. As for the priest mm, she was actually the fastest responding of the four. Not only did the Seal of Throne seal the two of them with two layers of protection at the first time after turning over and avoiding, but also threw one at the same time. Large-scale "psychological deterrence" suppressed possible attacks.

"The response is good, but you seem to be wrong." I raised my hand slightly, and suddenly a large group of city defense forces surrounded them on the roof and on the ground.

"Are you Ziri?" The archer mm of the four was the first person to see me because she pulled the bow and arrow to aim at the first time.

"Knowing me is you still holding an arrow?"

"I ...!" Archer mm just wanted to explain but now she has nothing to say, but her arrow hangs down first, and the bow that was pulled apart is also relaxed, but she did not remove the arrow, She can still shoot the arrow in a second if needed.

Although archer mm just put the arrow down, the warrior who was not badly equipped next to him asked nervously: "Why don't you aim?"

"But it's Purple Sun!"

"What happened to Ziri?"

"I'll tell you what happened."

My voice didn't come from the top of the boxes, but appeared instantly in front of the soldier. Suddenly heard a voice close at hand, the soldier was startled, and immediately a sword was swung down, but this close shot was empty, and the voice appeared again behind him.

"Do you understand? The gap between you and me is that even if you attack, you can't touch me at all, so your companion is very wise, at least she can make me a little more polite to you by dropping the arrow."

"Ah ..." The fighter obviously didn't believe me, because after I finished speaking, he suddenly swiped a sword, but the sword still emptied without a doubt.

"I said it, you can't hit it."

As soon as my words were finished, the priest next to him suddenly reached out and threw out a halo from above my head, and then when the halo passed, I had nothing. In fact, this trick will not be useful to all normal people, because it was just a skill to detect illusions, not an attacking skill, so it will not be useful unless it is an illusion.

Just now Rev. mm saw that my figure kept flashing around the soldier, so she regarded me as a phantom, so she experimented with detection-type divine magic, but the result was no response.

After the test, the priest mm shouted directly to the soldier: "Don't do it, his degree is not yours at all."

"You can't compare with more than degrees." After I spoke, I suddenly appeared around them. The priest, mm, was surprised at first, and then reacted and swiped through each of them quickly. Surgery, the results did not respond to one.

"How is that possible?" Rev. mm was surprised and had no idea what to say after the detection. I have only one person, which is for sure, but so many me appear around them at the same time, which means that at most one of them is true, not even one. However, her detection results not only did not show which one is true, but she could not detect any one. According to her skills feedback information, these should all be true, but the fact is that I have only one person, so her skills feedback information must be incorrect.

"Are you surprised?" My voice suddenly appeared at the top of the stack of boxes where I was sitting when I first appeared, and the eyes of the four people all came together instantly. "I said, you can't even meet me at all. No, maybe it should be said that you can't find me at all. That pastor's detection spell may work for general illusions, but for my illusion It ’s useless. Even now, can you be sure that I ’m really the one who speaks? ”

With a crisp sound, a sword fell to the ground. The young soldier looked at his companion in surprise. "Why did you throw the sword?"

"Give up. We have no chance of winning." The fighter persuaded his companion ~ ~ Archer mm also threw his bow to the ground, and then turned to the fighter and said, "Don't let xìng go ,It's useless."

The soldier looked left and right, and finally had to put down his weapon, muttering in his mouth, "It was you who said you were robbed, and it was you who were about to surrender. It seemed that I was wrong."

"Okay, okay, we know we're hurting you." Rev. mm patted the soldier's shoulder and said, "Return the thing, and it's a big deal. The Frost Rose Alliance should not kill it all."

"A very wise decision." The image surrounding them suddenly disappeared, and the one sitting on the top of the box disappeared together, and my figure gradually emerged less than two meters away from the four. Come out, there is still a wolf-shaped Warcraft shaped like a rhinoceros beside me.

This figure is my true body, and the nature around me is the Queen of the Aurora Beasts. In fact, we have been here for a long time, but we just didn't show up. The Aurora Queen's optical stealth ability is very good. At such a close distance, these four people have not appeared for a long time.

"What are you going to do with us?

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