Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 68: It's them again

Chapter 19 Chapter 68

After confirming the battle situation between the two sides, I canceled the camouflage technique, and then went straight out of the crowd to enter the battlefield.

Because the two sides fought fiercely, the group who besieged the Aurora Beast and the Unicorn Warrior did not notice my appearance at first, and I went straight to the guy on the outer edge of their team who was directing others to rush up behind.

"Seven teams ... Hurry up, eight teams are ready ... Don't run backwards, you **** didn't eat!" The player cursed and urged everyone to rush up while throwing out gain-type auxiliary magic, Obviously, this guy is not only a commander, but also a part-time assistant mage.

After walking behind the guy, I stretched out my hands and pinched the necks of the two people standing behind him from the back. Then, with a strong thumb, I just heard two clicks and the two unlucky eggs just softened. As soon as I let go, the two guys plopped and fell to the ground.

Hearing the sound of a fall on the back, the mage turned around immediately, but before he could see the situation, a hand in heavy metal gloves had reached in front of him and pinched his forehead. "Woo ..." The scream of that guy was blocked in my palm by my palm, followed by a hard finger and a click, the guy's head burst like a rotten watermelon.

Shaking his hand to shake off the brain on his fingers, across the guy's body, I pinched the throats of the two soldiers who had just turned around. These two guys were guards standing in front of the mage, but unfortunately I came from behind. Probably too focused on the battle in front, they turned a little slower when they heard the sound of the guards falling to the ground, and when they turned completely, they saw the burst of the mage's head.

Seeing the mage's head pinched in front of himself, this thorny picture made the two fighters slightly slower for half a second, plus they themselves turned a little slower, so when they realized that they were going to draw a sword, my The hands have been pinched to the necks of both of them.

"Who asked you to come?" This time I didn't pinch the necks of the two, but I lifted the two directly with my arms.

The two of them were held in the air by holding my neck and holding my hands desperately to pull my fingers apart, but no matter how hard they tried, my hands were like the iron tongs that were welded to death. The strength that players usually show in "Zero" is actually the power of the genus xìng multiplied by the level, and then divided by a special ratio, plus equipment and occupations that have auxiliary or dragging effects on the power, and finally After numerical conversion, the final value is the real performance of power.

My own base strength point is more than double that of the average warrior player, and also the same level, my added value will be more than double that of others, and my level is one higher than the average player. The big cut, plus my equipment and professional bonuses, just because these two guys want to pull my hand away, that's basically the same strength as the cat and the tiger. Only when dreaming can they succeed.

Seeing that they didn't answer my question but struggled blindly, I added some strength and shook my hands, and then asked again, "I ask again, who the **** did you come to?"

The two people did not have any meaning to answer when they heard my second question. On the contrary, it was because when I just shaked the two that they realized that their double tutu was still free, so they both agreed. tuǐ snorted over to me.

How could this miscellaneous soldier succeed with my strength? As soon as the two of them lifted tuǐ, I grabbed their necks and slammed their heads together. After hearing only the sound of 两, they immediately gave up 踹 my movements and put my hands in my hands. His head was struggling there.

Although the two seemed to be struggling, I didn't use much effort. If I try my best to deal with such people, their heads should burst like watermelons.

"Do you want to try again?" I asked them again before bringing them back up.

The two had not yet come to answer, and there were two sounds of wind breaking in front of me. I moved the two of them directly to the middle, only listening to the two beeps, and the two soldiers were immobile. Two **** arrows pierced through their throats, and the tip was still dripping blood.

After throwing away the two dead bodies, I raised my eyes and glanced at the battlefield in front of me. As soon as the two shè arrows made contact with my eyes, they shook all over. These two guys just realized that the commander suddenly had no sound, so they looked back, but now I'm carrying the two soldiers there. At that time, because of the angle problem, they did not see who they were. They only knew that someone attacked them, so they did not hesitate to release two arrows. When the two soldiers were thrown away by me, the two archers It immediately appeared that it was me who had just shèd.

Although these guys dare to attack our guilds are already brave, but dare to attack our guilds does not mean that they dare to challenge me directly. After all, our guilds are large guilds and cannot be everything, as long as they are clean It is still possible to run away. But attacking me is different. So far none of the people I've followed have a good ending.

After seeing the two silly archers, I simply lifted my hands, and two dragon tendon cables flew out at the same time. The cable head suddenly opened in the air and turned into two clips. The cable head hit both of them at the same time, and then the cable head snapped and bit the two of them in a bang. When the cable head was fixed, the retractor behind the two dragon tendons immediately started, and the two archers were pulled from the ground before they even escaped. I lifted my hands easily along the pulling force of the cable, and then the throats of the two directly hit my open hands.

"Since my captives have been killed by you, then you can replace them." I said, lifting them up sharply and asking again: "Who on earth did you ask?"

I was interrogating two archers, and some of those attackers had already responded. A few soldiers rushed over to help, but before they rushed to me, they felt a black head, and then saw a huge wing fan came over, followed by the group of people and flew up in the air Tumbled back to where they were before.

boom. Fortunately, my huge body suddenly smashed in front of me, and then a deafening dragon yín appeared towards the crowd trying to approach, scaring those who wanted to rush up again.

I lifted the archer with two eyes that were almost tilted to the ears and shook it twice, and then shouted, "Don't watch, if I don't want to, no one can help you. It's too ugly to want to die Let me be honest, or I will make you regret for life. "

"Say ... I said!" An archer couldn't help but shouted, "We just followed the boss and didn't know who was planning the attack. I only knew that someone had actively contacted our guilds. , And then ask us to rob the Frost Rose League caravan together. I do n’t know the rest. You can ask our boss. The boss talked to them about the details. We really do n’t know! ”

I still believe this guy's words, not because I know how honest he is, but because his words are more reasonable. Generally speaking, if I am the planner of this operation, I definitely won't get this kind of thing personally known, so his words are still more credible. Of course, although I know what he said should be facts, it is not too much to squeeze some surplus value.

"How many guilds will participate in this operation?"

"I don't know. I only know that many people came, I don't know how many."

"Last question, where is your president?"

"Are you crazy?" The archer who had answered did not say anything before the archer next to him screamed.

As soon as I drew my finger, the talkative guy's head turned silent immediately. "Well, you can say now."

"There." Bow and arrow pointed to a guy wearing a warrior plate armor: "The paladin with silver armor is our president."

"Good." I threw the archer to the ground, and then said, "You can roll."

The archer heard my words and quickly turned around and fled to escape the battlefield, while I was directly toward them and they would walk over.

After the lucky appearance, it can be said that people on the entire battlefield have noticed that I have arrived, so now the offensive side is confused. Most of the players here this time are just ordinary players. They used to have the abacus to attack the transport team to grab supplies. As a result, they have n’t grabbed anything yet. Confused. This situation has caused many people to retreat, and now my appearance is the last straw that straddled the camel. Anyway, I can't grab anything, and I have to offend Frost Rose League and my class for this, which is more than a loss in business. This will not run yet, will you stay and wait for me to settle accounts with them?

Since most people were busy escaping, even when I saw that I was walking to the chairman, there was no one around to reach out and help. Of course, they also know that even help is useless.

The chairman watched me step by step towards him was also scared to death. First, he pulled out the sword and made a pose that he wanted to fight with me, but before I took two steps, he suddenly turned As soon as the sword was closed, he turned to summon a war horse and quickly climbed up to urge the horse to run quickly.

After I saw him on the horse, I stopped and then looked back fortunately. Fortunately, he opened his wings and flew up, and just flew the wings twice to the top of the guy's head, followed by a hand that took the guy and the horse with him, and then wiped the ground in the air to do A roundabout flew back again. When lucky passed over the top of my head again, the paw lightened slightly, and the guy threw it at me, but his horse was taken away by luck.

After the guy was dropped from the air, he rolled forward a few more times because of his habit, and finally stopped right in front of me. I lifted a foot on his shoulder and kicked him over to make him lie on his back facing the sky, and then stepped on his ng mouth, and he was awake from vertigo immediately.

"It's not easy for people to be stupid like you. You said that you were tricked into participating in an attack on our guild. You just saw my magic pet dragon squatting behind you. I want to run. Do you think I will let you go, or do you think your horse will run faster than my dragon? "

The guy was obviously frightened. He listened to me and kept looking at me straight. He shook his head desperately after I said it. I did n’t know if it meant that he did n’t think his horse was lucky or something else. .

"Okay, don't shake your head. Now it's business. I heard you were invited to attack the transport team of our guild this time, right?"

The guy nodded quickly and said yes.

I continued: "As president, whoever contacts you, do you always know who they are? Tell me their identity, where they come from, and everything you know about them."

"What ... President Ziri, in fact, they did it for us, we really mean it ..."

That guy was only halfway there and I stepped back. "Don't tell me anything, you can answer what I ask, and dare to talk nonsense, I'll step on you." When he said I stepped on him, the guy actually nodded desperately, as if he wished I could Fuck him, but I reacted faster than him and immediately followed. "Then end your guild."

The guy just nodded and shook his head desperately when he heard these second half words. I was let away once when I died. Of course, it was nothing. For him, the punishment was light, so he nodded desperately, but it was a serious matter to end their guild, so he shook his head desperately.

"Dare not dare!" The guy desperately wanted to express his willingness to be obedient.

I kicked him and said, "Don't dare answer the question obediently and tell me everything you know."

"Okay." The guy said quickly: "In fact, this time, the Sun Alliance actively contacted us and asked us to attack the transport team of your guild, but I do n’t know why the transport team did not meet but encountered this ... "

"Wait a minute." I interrupted the guy's narrative and asked, "What did you just say? The people who called you are the Sun Alliance?"

"Yes, that's them. Any questions?"

I shook my head and said, "Continue to say yours."

"Oh." The guy promised and started talking about what he knew.

In fact, this guy doesn't know much. At first, he was sent to find him by the Dark Alliance, so his understanding of the Dark Alliance was not very detailed, even worse than the priest mm of the Blood Knights before. Much more. However, here he is, there is a message that the original priest mm did not know, that is, there will be a major operation in the dark alliance in the near future, and it is aimed at our guild.

"Do you know what action?"

"I don't know." The guy shook his head like a 1ang drum. "I really don't know. They just said that there will be an action with greater benefit after this operation. When that time, let us participate together. They will not say what they are. They just say that if we perform well after this mission, the next They will call us next time. "

"Are you sure this is not a short check they used for your extra effort?"

"This one……"

Seeing his hesitation, I simply interrupted him: "Okay, you don't need to say it, you can roll now." Kicked the guy away, and I turned and walked directly towards them Passed.

I just asked that question casually. It seems that his IQ is not clear whether he is really beating him or not, but this is not important anyway, because whether it is true or not, this action is doomed to fail. Our guild's crackdown on the Dark Alliance will soon begin. They simply cannot have the opportunity to organize personnel to attack us again, so this operation cannot be born whether it is true or not.

After letting go of the president and going to their side, I asked directly: "How are the casualties on your side?"

Scarlett immediately reported: "The ringing knight is all right. The unicorn warrior killed more than a hundred people, which is not too serious. Seven aurora beasts died and 86 were injured."

I nodded and said, "Your response is so good in the face of so many enemies." After speaking with Scot, I turned to the Aurora King again and said, "I'm really sorry for you this time, so that you will be burdened by us!"

The King of Aurora Beasts kindly said, "Nothing. Now that you have decided to take refuge, your enemies are our enemies. Sooner or later, you are going to fight. This time, even if you meet the enemy in advance."

To be honest, I didn't expect this guy's answer to be so rounded. Before I looked at him, it seemed that his head was not very bright. It turned out that he just didn't like to talk, and it wasn't really intelligent.

"You can think like this, but these people are actually not our enemies. At best, they are just nasty bugs. I will find someone to shoot them back. We will have to face the real enemy in the future."

"It turns out that these are not real enemies! No wonder the combat effectiveness is so weak. If there were not too many of them, we would have killed them all."

I chatted with the Emperor Aurora Emperor a few more times ~ ~ and then let Jun help heal the injured person, followed by the death guard to **** the Aurora beast with the unicorn warrior. In order to be afraid in the event of a repeat incident, this time I also left luck and plague to guard the team. With them, even if others want to attack them, they must first weigh their own weight, and having two dragons can also avoid regenerating this confession. If luck and plague had been in the team before, those people just now would not have considered them a transport team.

After dealing with the Aurora, I returned to Isinger. This dark league has troubled us three times and five times. It seems that it is not possible to deal with it as soon as possible. Our guilds have been in a state of foreign war recently, so we have neglected the control of domestic guilds. If we do n’t take advantage of this opportunity to rectify them, in case the next time we are in the foreign war, these guilds will beat us 1uan, That would be troublesome.

The storm was going crazy. My baby pulled the **** and eight bubbles a day. My mother did n’t let it be wet. I had to use a cloth. I had to wash it when I was dirty. Now I feel my hands are sour. I ca n’t wash it off! God ... It's not easy to be a dad!

In addition, because the baby sleeps unstable every day, and sometimes toss with me all the time without sleeping, so I do n’t have much time to sit in front of the computer. Therefore, the recent update may occasionally be unstable, but it should not be broken. It ’s just a matter of quantity. beg to be excused!

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