Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 82: Cottage Demon Research Center

Volume 19 Chapter 82 The Cottage Demon Research Center

"Fuck, isn't it? This group of people are rotten?"

The mountain ng in front of me is not one of the two mountain ngs in the pictures I saw before, but it is also a warehouse, and it is also full of various broken parts from the mobile angel, and even You will find parts of the older mobile puppets that our bank will produce. However, although there are many parts here, compared to the warehouse seen in the picture, it can be said to be a mess. Not only do many parts have burned marks, but almost every part has become distorted and deformed. Now, I wouldn't even recognize these things if I didn't understand the structure of Mobile Angel itself.

After looking into this ng acupoint, I roughly determined the purpose here. If I'm not mistaken, this is probably used to pile up broken parts that have been sorted out and can't be repaired for reference only. None of the large parts stacked in this ng hole can barely be called complete. If this is not a garbage dump, it can only indicate that this is a broken parts storage yard.

Although these are only broken parts, they are always the stuff of the mobile angel. If you are willing to invest a lot of manpower research, you can still get something, so even if these things are no more than broken, I do n’t intend to leave it to the person in charge here. .

"Scott, take someone to pack all these things into Fenglong space."

"Understand." Scotson quickly turned around and called out the Kirin Warriors, and then greeted them to move things into the Fenglong space together. Although each of these parts is not large, the number is very large. Fortunately, this is not the first time that we have played clearance. Kirin warriors quickly pulled out a row of carts from the gate of the earth, and then assembled them together. Throw a full car into Fenglong Space. Fenglong space is different from general warehouses. Its interior is virtually gravity-free, and the items entering it can be freely erected by Fenglong, so you don't need to stack things neatly, just throw all those parts in. Fenglong Naturally, all of them can be easily classified.

Considering that this is on someone's site, the time of the Seal of the Seal of God cannot be delayed for a long time. In the end, I simply released the lucky ones and let Fenglong open her Fenglong space to the maximum. Follow the dragons and the bulldozer. Similarly, push all the parts to the entrance of Fenglong Space and lift them all in. As for the Qilin samurai, they are responsible for cleaning up the missing parts.

Several dragons acted as heavy machinery, and with the help of our large group of unicorn warriors, all the parts that could be seen on the ground were thrown into the space of the dragon dragon in only ten minutes, and the unicorn warriors and several dragons were finally recovered. Then, let Amenities use the illusion skills to create a pile of illusions that can maintain the three hours of the parts. After confirming that there were no omissions, I called back the ghost worm at the door and went to the next ng hole.

The structure of this second ng hole is similar to that of the first ng hole, and there is a pile of tattered pieces inside, but these are not parts of the mobile angel, nor are they any kind of puppets produced by our guild, but The wreckage of some puppets that are not known to be produced somewhere. The damage of these wrecks is not as severe as the mobile angel parts of our guild. Some of them remain in human shape, except that the ng mouth is worn with a large ng. After my analysis, this place is probably the place where the guys used to store the parts related to the puppets from other places, but depending on the appearance of these wrecks, it is estimated that their things are not normal. It will be so broken.

Although the content in the second ng is not a mobile angel part made by our guild, since it is necessary to crack the opponent's puppet research plan, it is not necessary to leave them anything. Fortunately, it took them more than ten minutes to completely empty the warehouse. Finally, Emmys covered the ng acupoint with an illusion, and then continued to the next ng acupoint.

In the next time, I ran for seven or eight ng acupoints in the throne of God Seal in one breath, but the current thing is the production material except for the broken ones, anyway, there is nothing of value, and I don't even see it personally.

After checking the upper row of ngs, I went to the next three big ngs in the lower row. This is the only three unchecked ng points left here. However, if you want to enter these three ngs, you can't go to sweep dang like the ng points above. I guess there must be someone in these three places. Even if there are no guards inside, there should be researchers.

For safety, I first listened at each gate for a while, but now there are people talking in the ng port on the left and in the middle, and the ng port on the right is quiet. Since there is no sound on the rightmost ng, it means that there are at least fewer people than those two ng, so I first put a ghost worm to explore the right ng mouth. After confirming that no one was inside, I opened a door and flashed in.

After entering this large ng on the far right, I found out that this is the place where the wreckage of the mobile angel was stored in the picture I saw before. There are pieces of mobile angel wrecks everywhere in the huge ng cave. And, unlike the ng holes above, which have been distorted and unrecognizable, most of the parts here remain basically intact, and they can even be restarted with a little repair. Of course, this repair involves fitting the core components. After all, all mobile angels in our guild are equipped with a multi-stage self-destruct system. The external parts may be damaged and not clean, but the internal core structure is definitely smashed. Unless the self-destruct system is not activated, you must find the complete That thing is simply dreaming.

I have n’t even put up the rags in the previous warehouse. It ’s even more impossible for me to keep the things in this warehouse, but considering that it is too close to the ng acupoint next to it, it ’s too loud for them to get out, so I I only summoned the Kirin Samurai to help move things, and I specifically made them try not to make a sound. Although fortunately these dragons are missing, the handling degree is greatly reduced, but because there are not many complete parts, they are quickly cleaned up. Of course, in order to prevent someone from coming in, there is a need to make a real illusion camouflage. of.

After sweeping out the warehouse, I started to wander around the remaining two mountain ng. Although there are people on both sides, I studied for a long time and chose the leftmost ng. The ng acupoints on the sides are chosen because the managers here seem to like to concentrate the important things in the middle. From the surrounding ng things, you can see that the closer to the center, the more important the thing. Of these last two ngs, the middle ng is probably where they do the experiment, and the other ng point should be the ng point shown in the other of the two pictures I saw before.

After choosing the target, my heart was close to the door of the ng acupoint on the far left. Because I can hear the voice inside, I did not dare to open the door directly like the ng acupoints before. Although I am invisible, if the door somehow opens a seam and closes itself, the fool knows that someone must have entered invisibly. This ng cave is not like it might be blown open by the wind. Besides, the ng door is very heavy. Even on the ground, unless the typhoon is blowing, the door should not open by itself. So it is obviously impossible to open the door.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to investigate the surrounding environment first, and although I could hear the voice inside, if the person talking was facing away from the door, then I just pushed in the door without any trouble. Of course, this guess may be very low, but it is always right to look at it first.

The heart of the heart is eternal, and then it is transformed into the shape of a drill, followed by a core of ng at the corner of the door near the wall. Because this ng is at the corner of the door, unless someone is looking down at the door and looking at it, it is impossible to have an ng here.

After drilling ng and collecting eternity, I released a ghost worm, and then let it crawl slowly into the door along the ng under the door. By sharing the senses of the ghost worm, I quickly saw what was going on inside the door.

There is no obstruction behind the Shanng gate. What appears in the sight of Ghost Worm is a warehouse that is no different from those before. The only difference is that the contents of the warehouse here are no longer broken, but rows and rows. All kinds of golems and puppets. Of course, the Golems and Dolls here are not products of our guild, but are completely imitations. Many of them even have the internal transmission structure, not even the shell.

After confirming that this mountain ng is the mountain ng I saw in the picture before, I let the ghost worms start to observe the environment here. As a result, three people were quickly placing a puppet on a shelf. Because these three guys have different outfits, I can tell at a glance that all three are bsp; since there is only one in the room, it is much easier to handle. While the eyes of the three were not at the door, I quietly opened the door and drilled a slit, and then released the princess on the throne of the Seal of God the first time after entering.

"Excuse me, can you do me a favor?" As soon as the princess appeared, the three turned around because of the sound of closing my door. As a result, she saw the princess's eyes shining dreamily, and all three of them entered instantly After the idiot state, then nodded my head together.

Anyway, the princess is also a descendant of the same **** as Yeyue, dealing with a few free bsp; after successfully controlling the three post princesses, he waved to them: "Come here."

The three under control walked over without any sense of resistance, and then stood foolishly in front of the princess. The princess glanced at me, consciously asking if I could. I nodded and let out the Kirin Samurai to continue the clearance. Although these things are things that the people here have researched on their own, as long as I take all of them away, they will have to start from scratch even if they want to study again in the future. Even after they attacked me, they might give up the research plan because my attack was too thorough. In that case, they would be completely resolved.

Under the control of the princess, the three freedoms not only did not act as an alarm, but were directed to help us move the puppets together. After all the puppets were cleaned up, Emmys copied a bunch of real illusions as usual. Then the princess let the three pretend to be lazy here, and as a matter of course I put away the magic pets and started to enter the last ng hole.

Because the other ng acupoints have not visited their researchers after finishing shopping, it goes without saying that this last ng acupoint must be the research room. Even if the voice of the inside is not from the researcher, it must be a guild brain or the like. The person who checked the progress of the research. However, this is not a problem for me. Because the previous ng acupoints have been cleaned up, even if I was found in this last ng acupoint, it is a big deal to throw the liquefied magic crystal storage tank on my body and it is done. It is estimated that a whole tank of liquefied magic crystals has exploded. There is nothing left except for the broken stones, and the crypts will collapse if they don't work well. At that time, even if they want to dig out the research results inside, it will not be possible. Of course, that is the last resort, and I hope to sneak in as much as possible if possible. At least you must first understand the research progress of the other party so that you can decide what level of response measures to take.

Although there must be a lot of people in this ng acupoint at last ~ ~, but I don't think anyone would always stare at the corner of the gate, so I still put a ghost worm in the old way to explore the road. However, the ghost worm had just entered the ng cave, and I immediately felt that it was caught by a metal object.

Immediately after feeling that the ghost worm was caught, I immediately jumped over the door and hung it upside down on the rock wall. As soon as someone rushed out of the door, I immediately threw the entire tank of liquefied magic crystals into the throne of God Seal. . Anyway, it is impossible for the target to get information anymore, it is better to destroy it directly.

However, after I hung on the wall for a few minutes, the door was still closed. The voice of the people in the ng acupoint remained the same, and no one felt alarmed at all. I suspected the ghost worm again, but it wasn't dead yet. After turning on the senses instantly, I realized that the ghost worm was thrown into a box full of garbage, and the box seemed to be shaking.

"What's the matter?" I suspected that the ghost worm crawled slowly to the gap above the box, and then opened the lid of the heart. As a result, the worm was actually on a metal platform. I let the bug back a bit and observed it. I found out that this metal platform is actually the back of the Taiwanese doll, and this doll is sweeping the floor. "I rely, these people are too talented, right? Collected a bunch of mobile machines such as mobile angels, and actually only researched a housekeeping type puppet?"

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