Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 92: Guy with a story

Volume 19 Chapter 92 The Guy with a Story

After absorbing enough metal, the guy's ammunition was completely sufficient. At the same time, because of the increase in caliber and the lengthening of the gun barrel, the power of that gun must have increased significantly.

The demon puppet who was ready for everything immediately trembled the gun barrel, a loud boom, and a cannonball instantly passed through the energy barrier and enlarged the big ng previously hit on the crystal wall behind it. Then, The artillery bombardment came straight to my face, and a slamming noise broke the crystal wall in front of me and stopped suddenly in the air. Around that shell, the space seemed to have shattered and a lot of cobweb-like cracks appeared. After the shells were stuck, the cracks began to heal quickly and completely disappeared into everyone's sight within a second, as if they never appeared. When those cracks completely disappeared, the shells fixed in the air suddenly fell back to the ground as if they suddenly returned to the jurisdiction of gravity.

From that guy's firing to the landing of the shell, there were only about two seconds in between, and in the meantime, let alone dodge, and didn't even move. It's not that I didn't respond, but that I didn't need to react at all. I just released the pepper when the guy was eating metal cannonballs. Protected by the pepper's mental barrier, that cannon just wanted to hurt me. That was a dream. You should know that during the previous test, the pepper used a mental barrier to block the direct attack of a 300mm caliber gun at a distance of 50 meters. This guy's shoulder-mounted artillery was only 120mm. The test gun fired a high-explosive armor-piercing projectile. This guy fired only a solid iron golem. Just because he wanted to penetrate the pepper's mental defense, that was a delusion.

The demon over there saw the cannonball blocked, and thought it was inadequate because the cannonball passed through a crystal barrier, so he fired another shot after the end. This time the artillery shell passed through the hole on the two crystal barriers without any change of course and flew in front of me again, but the result was the same as last time. The crack that flashed in front of me accurately blocked the shell, and then after the crack healed automatically, the shell dropped again with a bang.

The shell was blocked twice in a row, and the guy's intelligence naturally knew it wasn't because of a crystal wall problem. However, although he knew it wasn't the power of the shells caused by the crystal wall, he couldn't think what to do in a short while. Although he can change his structure at will, he can easily make a class gun with a diameter of 300 mm or even more than 1,000 mm, but his energy output is fixed after all. Unlike ordinary fire weapons, although he can transform into cannons, he cannot make fire. The projectile just fired was actually shot out using electromagnetic force. It is quite considerable to produce such a large shot. It is not that he simply increased the cannon to increase the power. In the face of my magical barrier that I don't know what the defense is, he simply couldn't think of any way to attack me.

When the guy was thinking about the problem, I was not idle, but turned around and asked the guy's energy level. The shell he just fired was obviously not made out of thin air. Melting metal to make cannonballs, and shooting cannonballs to give them powerful kinetic energy, all of them consume energy, and even every time the guy raises his hands and feet, it also consumes energy. Metal and modified weapons are negligible. However, the consumption of the operation is negligible, but the energy of the three artillery shells and firing can not be ignored.

"How much energy does he have left?"

"More than sixty-nine thousand."

I nodded and said, "Yes, it looks like he'll calm him down soon."

Although my thoughts are good, the facts are often not as good as people think. Just when I thought the guy would be stuck with us, the guy suddenly did something quite unexpected. I saw that guy suddenly shrank the cannon's caliber a lot, but stretched the barrel a lot, and then he aimed at me and fired again.

Although the caliber of the shell dropped a lot this time, the shot was more than doubled, but unfortunately, it was far from the cap of the pepper.

The shell is still ineffective. The guy stunned first, and then suddenly turned the muzzle against the wall on the other side.

At first we saw that he suddenly fired at the wall on the other side. We haven't responded yet. What did he do, but soon we understood it, because the shell he fired hit one of the barrier organs accurately, and then saw him. A big pit was smashed out of the living thing, and the two barriers associated with the living thing flickered, but it didn't go out.

Although the protective shell of the barrier generator blocked a shell, both we and that guy showed the information they needed. We realized that the guy was going to break the barrier, and the barrier couldn't stand a few times. The guy realized that his guess was correct. Before he saw that faint energy isolation barrier seemed to be connected to those weird devices. Now that attacking that thing will cause the barrier to flicker, it means that if the thing is really destroyed, maybe it can be completely thorough Break this barrier.

Both sides realized the problem at the same time, so we acted together. The guy suddenly raised his cannon and fired a shell again, and I was the first time that the Seal of the Seal of Siam stood in front of the barrier with a pepper.

Click, the shell was caught in the space in front of the barrier generator with a slight difference, and it was only one centimeter away to hit the barrier generator. However, even if it is only one micron away, it is not encountered, and as long as it is not encountered, it will have no effect.

The shell was actually blocked, and the guy didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned away and fired at the other side of the experimental area. If Chili and I want to block the projectile, we must bypass the entire experimental area and calculate that we are close enough to block the projectile, but if he keeps changing the direction from left to right, we will also be adjusted by him Come and go?

The answer is obviously no. The moment he turned and aimed at the barrier vitals behind him, I turned to the control room and shouted, "Close the barrier."

Although I don't know what I mean, the researcher in the control room quickly pressed the switch of the energy isolation barrier, and then when the isolation barrier disappeared, I opened the door on the crystal wall and rushed in. However, due to the delay of the crystal wall and the isolation barrier, the guy fired a shot earlier than me. After passing through the crystal wall, the cannonball hit the barrier vital device over there, of course, it still just hit a pit in the vital device. Our barrier appliances are military products, and the outer protective shell is not worn through everything. However, according to the power of his cannon, there is at most one or two shells, and it is estimated that the vitality will have to be scrapped.

However, although it is almost impossible to destroy the living thing, he has no chance to do so. Just after I entered the experimental area, I asked the researcher to activate the vitality. The entire experimental area was completely wrapped by the isolation barrier, which surprised the guy who wanted to escape. Immediately after the barrier was closed, he rushed out of the barrier after firing his cannon. As a result, the barrier started as soon as he ran to the side of the barrier. If he was one step behind, he ran into it again. With the previous lesson, he now dare not touch the barrier easily again. However, although he did not hit the barrier, the demon was neutralized by the reverse energy released from the barrier at the end, but fortunately, the running speed did not cause too much damage.

After leaving the side of the barrier, the puppet turned around again, and those red eyes stared at me as if to kill me with his eyes. But unfortunately, his eyes did not have any lethality, and it did not work for me at all.

"You're really a restless guy. I wanted to be kind to you. But now I still look too kind." I said eternal e out, a layer of **** with a chill. The fire fast burned on the entire sword, and the surrounding temperature not only did not increase due to the flame, but it continued to drop.

The puppet was stiff as soon as he saw Hellfire, and apparently he had felt the special ability attached to this strange flame. The special feature of hellfire is to burn the soul, or to put it another way, hellfire is specifically used to consume soul energy. And what is the identity of this guy in front of me? Isn't it just a mass of soul energy? So my hellfire is just this guy.

"Are you afraid now?" I walked towards the guy step by step, holding the eternal fire of hell.

When the guy saw me coming, he first wanted to step back, but suddenly he remembered that there was an energy barrier behind him, and he was scared that he just took a half step back and put it back. Watching him look back and forth there, I quickened my pace and walked in front of him, then raised eternity and prepared to cut it with a knife. However, just as I was about to start, the guy's body suddenly exploded, and the lower body was still in place, but the upper body jumped up like a spring, flew over my head, and fell behind me.

Just out of my frontal attack range, the guy didn't leave me, instead he climbed back with two hands and grabbed my ankle.

After the guy successfully grabbed my ankle, I happened to look down at him, and he immediately said proudly: "Haha, this time you will die, I will change your armor into my body." He said that he was able to move, but the result was not that my metal boots became a metal solution, but that he suddenly released his hand that was holding my ankle like an electric shock and looked at me in surprise and said, "You ..."

"I'm surprised why my armor can't be transformed?" Looking at the guy's blinking eyes, I said directly: "Because my armor is not metal at all."

"Impossible! This is obviously ..." The guy said that he was suddenly stuck halfway, and then his eyes looked at my armor with great victory. "Are you ...?"

"Yes, the upper artifact. The upper artifact formed by the rules condensed, the half-energy and semi-materialized rules are armed." I said, reaching out and lifting the guy's half body from the ground, and then said, "So you are the most Don't give me a trick, my genus will be able to overcome your ability, no matter how capable you are, you are nothing to me. "

"Well, I surrender, if you have anything you want to know, just come forward!"

Seeing that this guy was finally subdued, I put it back on the previous experimental platform, and then formally introduced: "I'm Zi Ri, President of the Frost Rose Alliance. This is a research base of our guild. So you better not think about playing with me, even if you run out of this room, there is a larger layer of isolation energy hood outside the base, you cannot run out anyway. "

"Well, how could my Jia Ha teacher do such a thing?"

"Wait, what do you mean by your name?"

"Jiaha, what's wrong?" The half of the puppet looked at me with a very idiotic look.

Looking at his eyes, I quickly asked: "You say your name is Jia Ha? The Jia Ha who specializes in structuring life?"

"Have you heard of me?" The guy was so surprised that I knew about him. However, he thought I would immediately ask him about his deeds after knowing his identity, but he did not expect me to pose as a thinker for a long time and did not respond. Unable to bear it, he asked, "What are you thinking?"

When I heard his question, I broke away from my meditation and looked at him and said, "I was thinking: if you are Jia Ha, then who is our guild."

"Why are you guild?" The demon asked suspiciously.

"Let me tell you so. There is a guy in the guild who calls himself Jiaha. If you say you are Jiaha, then who is our guild?"

"What? That brain is with you?"

"Brain?" I heard this for a moment, then reacted. Our guild's Jiaha has now lost his body. His entire body is a computing unit the size of a room. If you understand in this direction, Jiaha can be said to be a big head. "Do you know that Jia Ha?"

"Knowing? Hahahaha ... we're not just knowing it."

"What's the relationship between you guys? And who the **** are you and him?"

"I am ... so is he."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning that we are both Jiaha." Seeing my inquiry, the guy suddenly said seriously: "The Jiaha I said to you are all Jiaha, but we are not really Jiaha. "

"what do you mean……?"

"The real Jiaha is a person. Even if he is a very great mage, he is still a human. His life is limited. Since you know so many things that are related to Jiaha, you must have been exposed to it. The ruins of Jiaha are all things from thousands of years ago. Do you think a human can live that long? "

I shook my head and said, "I'm afraid not."

The guy in front of him nodded and said, "So when Jiaha's life was about to run out, he made two things. One was the big head and the other was me."

I only understood what he meant when I heard what this guy said. "So you say that you are Jiaha, not Jiaha, because you are the successor of Jiaha's will, but you can also say that you are not him."

"Yes, that's it."

"Wait, if you know these, isn't that Jiaha supposed to know these too? For example ..."

I haven't made the whole thing clear, the guy said first: "I know what you want to ask. It's nothing more than you wondering why I know that I'm not really Jiaha, but that guy claims to be Jiaha ?"

I nodded and said, "Yes. It seems you know a lot more than that Jiaha."

"No, I only know a lot about some things, but overall Jiaha knows a lot more."


"Because our two manufacturing purposes are different." The puppet in front explained: "The real Jiaha knew he was going to die soon, so he wanted to save his life, so he referred to the Lich's The life box created me. Of course, because Jia Ha himself was not specialized in undead spells, I used the design structure of the soul carrier of the puppet in my manufacturing technology, but only borrowed some of the principles from the life box. Technology, so I am still strictly a kind of soul carrier. In addition, because Jia Ha does not have the complete Lich conversion technology, he can only transform himself into a semi-Lich, which is similar to ordinary ghosts. Exist. This ordinary soul body will have Jiaha's intelligence and personality, but because the soul strength is not as strong as the Lich, it cannot remember too much. "

"You mean that your memory is not good, but can you inherit Jia Ha's soul and xìng lattice?"

"Yes ~ ~ My design purpose is to carry Jia Ha's soul and record his xìng grid, but the real Jia Ha wants to continue to study the magic puppet technology after transformation, and to study these technologies must Have enough memory to save his knowledge. "

When he said that, I went over and said, "But your memory ability is poor, so Jiaha created another one to help him store knowledge, right?"

"Right or not. That big guy was mainly used to help Jiaha record his knowledge, but it was not another Jiaha. Jiaha did not have the idea of ​​moving his soul into it. But because that guy has all of Jiaha Memory and knowledge, so he always thought he was really good. However, because the big guy was originally designed to assist research, his thinking ability and knowledge level are very strong, and the most important point is that he The xìng lattice is very good and basically belongs to the type of obedience. After all, his task is to assist research, and the xìng lattice is too strong or bad. "

After listening to this guy's introduction, I finally understood the origin of the two Jiahas. Of course, this was just a unilateral statement of this guy before he verified with that Jiaha. But even if I haven't verified with that Jiaha, I already believe more than half, after all, many things can be explained in this way.

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