Starting from Zero

: Volume 19 Chapter 101 You can't even see 100 more people

Volume nineteenth one hundred and one hundred people come again

Under the exaggerated performance of my gods and the gods I used before, all the gods who have not used all looked at the kettle in my face with eagerness, and when they all got a drop, all the gods' expressions changed. Unusual surprise.

"Excuse me ... is this a magical water similar to Juling Dan?" Asked a fairy.

I shook my head. "This is not any kind of Dan or Shenshui you have seen before, but a kind of special Shenshui generated naturally by the special buildings of our guild. Its function is to strengthen your magical condensate, thereby increasing the damage output. Of course, because it just improves the degree of your magical condensation, it will not affect your cultivation, and it will not interfere with any strength enhancers. If you have to say that it has any disadvantages, I am afraid Only once after using it a lot, it will be a bit uncomfortable because the spell suddenly becomes much stronger. "After I said it, I took the lead and laughed, and the gods also laughed.

After laughing for a while, one of the gods asked: "I wonder if this magical Shenshui Ziri President is willing to sell?"

I smiled and said, "Sale is of course for sale. You ca n’t just look at such a good thing here, right?" I said with a sudden smile, and then said, "But this is only for the inside of the bank. Sales of personnel. Outsiders ... well, let's go to the next place. We have a lot of things like this, everyone can try it if you are interested. "

Originally, the immortals were angry when they said that they were not for sale. Isn't this obvious that they are playing? What do you show us if you do n’t sell it? However, when I said that there were many similar things, their spirit Lima raised again. Although according to the amount of trial I just gave, they will not get much benefit, but it ’s also u to get thinner. Besides, this lifting method has no side effects and does not conflict with other lifting methods. Do not pay such a good thing, why not take Bai Na? But can I really take my things for nothing?

"Come and come, everyone taste this fruit." At the urging of the gods, we soon arrived at the next visit-the botanical garden.

There will be a special professional player in this bank called funeral hua male. This guy likes to place various plants, and his implantation technique does not know why it is different from other skills. It is not limited to level 20, but can be upgraded infinitely . Of course, his skill upgrade will become difficult after the 20th level, but with the financial support of our guild and his own efforts, the implantation of the Seal of the Throne finally broke through a big bottleneck some time ago. Level up to forty. And after he completed the forty-level upgrade, he actually got a kind of magic fruit tree seed—experience fruit.

The fruit of experience can be said that every player in the game has eaten, because when the game reaches the level of 600, there will be a system task that every player must complete, the reward of this task is a low-level experience fruit, the effect It is possible to get half the experience value within six hours after taking it. That is to say, after eating this fruit, if you could have gained 10,000 experience in six hours, you can now get 15,000. This 5,000 is the effect of experience fruit.

Because of this passage of the fruit of experience, it has become a very popular thing in the game, and many people will accumulate it. When you have the opportunity to find a master band or kill the ss with the group, this thing can be waved. Worked. Of course, if you are lucky enough to be a member of a guild that often fights, it is definitely a cost-effective way to use it during guild battles.

But ... Although everyone likes this experience, it is very difficult to get it, because everyone never knows how this thing appeared. The only way to obtain the fruits of experience before is system tasks. No one has ever experienced fruits in the wild. It is said that since the fruit of experience is a kind of fruit, it should be grown from a certain kind of plant, but it is strange that no one has experienced a plant of fruit growth. However, the funeral Hua man actually obtained the seeds of the experience fruit, and also planted the experience fruit tree, which is simply too thorny.

In fact, the experience fruit planted by the male funeral is not the same as the system, because the fruit of the system is six tubes at a time, and it is only useful for the experience value obtained from the battle, but the experience fruit from the male funeral was divided into many grade. The lowest level does increase the experience value by only 50% like the low-level fruits of the system, but this kind of fruit adds all experience, such as completing tasks or whatever, as long as you gain experience, no matter how you get it, This fruit can get you 50% more. In addition, although the scope of gaining experience has increased, this experience fruit has a disadvantage that is not as good as the system fruit, that is, each fruit can only manage one hour, instead of the six hours of the system fruit. However, although the effect is one-sixth shorter, our output is more reliable and can be provided stably, which is not as difficult as the fruit of the system. Of course, this is not difficult to do, and it is only relative to the fruit of experience in the system task, not that the experience fruit of our guild has reached the point where we can open up the supply.

When the gods were brought to the botanical garden, we didn't know exactly what we meant, but after I showed them the fruits of experience, these guys immediately got excited. Although this thing is for players, it is a feature in my system recently. That is, player supplies are all-purpose supplies, and most of the supplies belong to specialized supplies. The explanation is that the player's equipment and the items used are basically special equipment, not only the player can't use it, and it can't be used for other things. Therefore, although the fruit of this experience was originally prepared for players, the fairies can also eat it.

After each group of gods got a fruit of experience, I asked them to meditate and practice, but as a result of their cultivation, their degree of strength increased immediately. This now of course caused another piece of hún1uan, but because there are peacock Pluto here in town, so the group of immortals did not dare to do it, but can only express the meaning of wanting more.

Looking at the fairy goddesses, I finally got the fox's tail ... Ah, no, it should be a kind smile. "Well, I also know that you would like a few more fruits of experience, but because of the output problem, there is no way to release the supply even within our guild."

After hearing me saying that even the insiders of our guild could not open up the supply, these fairies Lima looked down one by one. These guys also know who they are. After all, they are outsiders, and we are not enough to separate ourselves. I just gave each of them a special treatment, and it is impossible to estimate it anymore.

The group of gods was in the depression, and suddenly I continued to say, "Of course, you are guests from heaven, so it is not impossible to think of a way. The rules are dead, but people are alive."

After hearing what I said, the immortals felt that they felt like playing some somersault clouds. The feeling of going up and down was really uncomfortable. However, for the sake of experience, even if they let them come again twice, they have absolutely no problem.

"Okay, listen to me first." Reaching out to stop some of the fairies who moved too far, I continued: "The rule is the rule, the one I gave you before is the maximum amount that can be transferred within my authority. . So I do n’t want to give you away. But there is another place in our guild called the training ground, where the coach can get the fruits of experience as a reward, so if you are sure you want it, you may wish to check it out. Be a coach for a while. "

Although the fairies do not want to be coaches, the fruit of experience is too great. After thinking about it for a long time, the hesitating fairies still decided to go and see first. If it is really simple, then they will work for a while.

After getting their answers, I took all the immortals to the training center of our guild. This large training center with compressed space technology can provide various types of training for 2,000 players and 10,000 at the same time. As for asking the immortals this time, the main reason is to let them be training instructors for combat ability.

The combat skills training hall of the training center only provides basic instructors, and training with these instructors can only get about 110% of the experience value of normal combat, although it is not much faster than going out to level, it will also consume the guild contribution Point, but unlike going out leveling by yourself, in addition to the character level experience will also increase skills experience, and the instructor will definitely point out the mistakes and omissions in your battle, you can continue to improve your personal combat quality. Therefore, although the contribution points of the guild are consumed here, and the equipment is not yet out, there are still many people waiting in line to train.

Of course, the above are the training results of the basic instructors that come with the building. This training hall also allows players to find their own coaches to train here. If it is a foreign instructor, the system will determine the training experience ratio based on the level difference between the instructor and the player. For example, if I come here to be an instructor, because my level has exceeded 2,000 levels, the average player ’s experience value will be multiplied many times, and the lower the level, the more doubling the more powerful. Not long ago, I remember that I had been here once. In order to encourage players in the guild to level up, I was a three-time coach at that time, and three players in line to train as lucky members to guide them. At the time, the lowest of the three was a player who was only 834. At that time, he actually gained 1,700 times the experience. When the training was over, he rose to 854 in one breath. The eyes of those who did not reach envy turned red.

In fact, doubling the experience under normal circumstances is not as exaggerated as when I was a coach, because the characteristic of this calculation method is that the greater the difference between the coach and the student's level, the more exaggerated the experience, and as the level difference increases, The doubling strength is also gradually increasing, that is to say, the doubling effect of the two coaches with a difference of ten or twenty is not as simple as twice, so the higher the coach level, the more terrible the effect. However, if you think about it from another perspective, although senior coaches are effective, so senior staff can't just pull in as coaches.

Because of the above reasons, our guild has been thinking of various ways to enrich the coaching team. One of them is that the coach can choose special items from our guild as compensation for coaching. After the immortal gangs came over, they could see that the optional range of the reward even included the magic liquid of the previous one.

According to the wages given by our guild, when the minimum standard for coaching is one hour, and the prolonged time, the Seal of the Seal of God is also based on hours, and it is not counted for less than one hour. If you want to pay for the fruits of experience, then the fruits given according to the level of the coach are not the same. For example, if you are a coach at the level of 1600, you will get a reward for one moment. If you are a coach at the level of 1400, you will get a reward for two hours. Will be less.

Among the immortals who came over this time were the 1200-level immortals, and the high-level ones were even 2,000-3,000. Of course, such high-end goods are always scarce varieties. Although there are, they are only one or two. In fact, I had previously considered whether to invite the great gods of Tianting to come and give us experience, after all, the gods that can be played in the heaven like Erlang Shen are basically above 4,000, and there are such levels When it comes to bringing ordinary players, even if I go into training, I can get quite a lot of experience. Therefore, people with high combat effectiveness will get higher and higher levels. After all, I am only over 2,000 levels now, and I can fight against enemies below 5,000 levels, even protoss. This combat strength means that I can attack those Enemies higher than me get the bonus experience bonus, and the upgrade is naturally faster than others.

After studying the pay system of our guild, the group of immortals have signed up to become coaches. Of course, these guys did not forget to ask me by the way if they can often come to coach, after all, the gods in the heavenly courts are basically They all belong to the category of leisurely egg pain, and they basically do nothing every day except for cultivation. Now that these idle and immortal gods actually have such a good part-time job here, don't you think about it every day? After all, when the coach is not in vain, in addition to the reward, the coach itself will gain experience in coaching the college. This setting makes the immortals feel that this job is very cost-effective. As you hone yourself, you can also get benefits, such a cost-effective thing is not a fool.

After all the immortals signed the contract to enter the field, the coach ’s training ground Lima burst. I heard that I brought a bunch of bulls to be coaches. Those players who usually struggle to find senior coaches still have to move forward? Unfortunately, the maximum capacity of the training center is 2,000 players, and the number of coaches is not enough to guide 2,000 people at the same time, so everyone can only line up, and when you are lined up, you may not be guided by the gods. Sometimes it will be System coach. Those who managed to get a chance to enter were not assigned to the fairy coach at that time, but they burst, but when they suddenly appeared that I was on the main stand of the training center, Lima continued to look for system instructor training dimly went. My prestige worked well in the guild.

"Amenis." Watching the guys below are busy training players to earn rewards, I whispered softly.

The faint figure of Aimeness slowly floated behind me as I called. "It's ready," Emmys said after she appeared.

I nodded slightly, then kept my body still, and said in my mouth, "Vena, let's get started."

Wei Na nodded slightly, and then her body shook slightly. Then she returned to normal. At the moment when Wei Na's body was shaking, the group of immortals under training suddenly turned her eyes and looked at the stands at the same time, but when they saw Wei Na still standing with me, only the peacock Pluto next to did not know Why did he turn his eyes back after turning around and leaving.

"These hún eggs have a good nose." Wei Na, who was standing next to me, yelled, but the voice was clearly different from Wei Na's.

I smiled for a moment, and did not express any opinion on her words, but just watched the immortals who were working hard to guide our members.

After about twenty minutes, the voice of the **** of war suddenly sounded in my crystal communicator. "Purple Sun, Starfire has brought Polaris and three new Celestial Protoss to Essinger, and is now sending someone to inform you of the excuse for procrastination."

I nodded slightly, and then asked, "What's up with Wina?"

"Vena is transmitting information to me through the Aurora Beast's mind network, and has now copied 97%."

"Speed ​​up."

"No, the amount of information is too large. The readability of Vina's side limits the transmission."

"How long will it take?"

"Seven minutes and twenty seconds ~ ~ Then let Spark to find a way to delay it again. If it doesn't work, tell them that the rules here are calculated on a time basis, and the time mark is not counted as a time mark The throne, so in order not to let those fairies suffer, please ask them to wait another ten minutes, and it will be a short time here. "


After hearing my conversation with God of War, many people may have guessed. The one standing next to me was not Wei Na at all, but Pluto of the Peacock. The reason why she looks like Wei Na is because Emily added a high-level illusion to two people, and the Peacock Pluto who just left is the real Wei Na. As for now, of course, Wei Na reads the piece of information that the court of heaven does not let us see on the side of the divine core of the Protoss.

Although we have promised not to look at that piece of information, the more the court of heaven refuses to see us, the more we want to see it. The heart of gossip is common to everyone, not to mention that the message may be more than simple. The information that can make heaven so nervous is absolutely different. Now that we know that there is a big secret in front of us, how can we say that we can watch it being taken away without peeking?

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