Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 106: Buy a few mountains

Volume 19 Chapter 106 Buying a few mountains for fun

According to Ling's guess, what we are looking for should be a very powerful creature, and the origin of this guy should be related to heaven. After all, most of the western creatures we have contacted before do not have the ability to change their shape, even if they have They will transform, and most of them can only switch between the body and the human form. They rarely change their own appearance or become other creatures. That type of creature is definitely an extremely rare existence.

Now that I have guessed that the creature that has drilled through this ng is a difficult guy, then I have to make some perfect preparations. Rushing in this way, although I may not necessarily meet a guy who can't figure it out by myself, but I'm ready to take precautions. And if this guy is really powerful, it would be too expensive to kill it directly. If he can catch it, whether it is made into a magic pet egg or something else, it is better than killing it directly.

After analyzing the treatment plan, I didn't rush to rush in, but turned around and called out the guards outside to guard the ng mouth. Anyway, Bai 1ang's nose has proved that the creature that attacked the dragon girl is in this ng, so it would be meaningless for our guard to guard the river crossing over there.

After arranging the guards, I left the ng hole here and went back to Isinger, looking for a circle of gold coins that I finally wanted to pull over to help. Because that creature might be a Oriental creature, I wanted to help with gold coins as a Taoist profession, but I didn't expect her to be there. No way, the gold coins are not available but have to ask someone for help. But ... After a while with the army god, all the people who are suitable for this job are busy.

Although there are many people in our guild, but they are helpless, so everyone is very busy all day long. I do n’t say no, but there are definitely not many, especially when encountering sudden events or large-scale wars. Especially busy. Now that our guild has just ended the invasion of Japan and the self-defense war against Russia, we have just captured the four cities in the underground river basin. We will fight another battle with the Russians in the near future. So many things are stacked together. Naturally no one has time.

Of course, in addition to our guild players, guild protoss is also a good choice. However, it is a pity that the protoss in our guild are not available now. The information recorded in the source of divine power and the secret information of the heavenly court that we quietly copied all need to be read and analyzed manually, and Vena and her guild protoss are all busy with this now Things are not in control.

"Abominable! Say we go out and we have more than 100,000 members in the Frost Rose League. So many people can't find one who can help. It's really people who hate them when they use them!"

"Actually, you don't have to limit your eyes to the people in this guild?" Army God suggested.

"Outside the bank?" I stunned for a moment, then reacted. "Damn, why don't you forget this crop!"

I was reminded by the army **** that I immediately remembered that a group of gods had just come to us to work here. Although Emperor Yü has not given a clear answer, this matter is also a matter of course, so if I now It used to be that there was nothing wrong with asking people. Of course, it's obviously not appropriate to go directly in this way. It is better to find an excuse, and I now have a very reasonable excuse available.

"Well? Ziri, why are you here?" As soon as I arrived outside Nantianmen, I came across Polaris who was planning to go to Isinger to find me.

"Polestar King? Are you ...?"

Hearing my question, North Star Jun remembered the business and didn't ask me what to do. He said directly, "Did you not say that you want to do business with Heaven? Emperor yù has approved it, and I am going to inform you. "

"Then you don't have to run, I happen to have something to say to Emperor Yù."

"Oh, come with me."

Emperor yù was also surprised when he saw me. After all, he just asked Polaris Jun to go back to answer me. I didn't expect that I would come right away. "First of all, I have to thank you for letting us get back the secret of heaven, and then, for the unpleasantness before, let's take it in one stroke."

In the face of Emperor Yù's polite words, naturally I will not find trouble for no reason. Although we have improved our status now, we can't just offend people for no reason, right? Emperor yù was kind to me, that was to take the initiative to show, if I was arrogant again, it would be mentally disabled.

"Yi Emperor is polite. Before the unhappiness, he was not born. However, after the cooperation, he needs to support him a lot."

After hearing what I said, Emperor Nod quickly nodded: "You said that the heavenly gods went to help you? I have agreed, and I will strongly encourage those gods to go. This star just did not follow you Say it? "

"Speaking. I am very grateful to Emperor yù for his support, and I came here for this matter."

"Oh? Is there anything wrong?" As soon as I heard that I was here for this matter, Emperor Yù became nervous. To him, this immortal employment plan has only advantages and no disadvantages. He can get benefits without paying anything. If such a good thing suddenly disappears, he will naturally not be happy.

Seeing Emperor yù so nervous, I quickly explained: "It is not a change, but I suddenly thought of some specific implementation details that need to be improved. I wonder if Emperor yù can be accommodating and allow us to occupy a lot of land in the heavens? "

"Occupies a parcel of land?" Emperor yù was confused by my jumping thinking. "What do you want in heaven?"

"Oh, this is it." I explained to Emperor Yù: "Although I said that we welcome the gods to take up the task, our guild's tasks are not unlimited. If the fairies are too enthusiastic, our task If you do n’t get enough assignments or some gods ca n’t find a suitable task, in this case, do n’t you let the gods who come to take the task run for nothing? ”

"That's it." Emperor Yù nodded: "After all, it's not easy for our gods to travel to the lower world. In case there is no task to run over, it is really not cost-effective."

"So I imagined Emperor Yù repairing a mission cloth center in Tianting. Although some of the gods in Tianting lived abroad, they accounted for more than half of them living near Tianting and Tianting. If they build a mission in Tianting, then these The gods can take the task nearby, even if the gods are scattered, it is easier to go to heaven than to my Isinger? "

"This method is really good." Emperor Yù said a little more thought after he said: "However, the internal structure of the heavenly court was built in accordance with the law of the heavenly path. Any addition or decrease of any building will destroy the entire array. You set up the mission. If the building in the heavenly court can be changed at will, the teleportation array that was originally repaired will not be placed outside the Nantianmen, you say yes? "

I also remembered what Emperor yù said. The teleportation array that originally repaired the heavenly court was outside the southern heavenly gate of the heavenly court. It seemed that the gods had said the formation method at first, but when I repaired the teleportation array, it was not me, so I did n’t understand it in detail. This information.

"Then yù, look at this ...?"

Emperor Yù said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, although it can't move inside the court, but it's fine outside."

"Outside?" I stunned and said, "But there is only cloud left outside Nantianmen? Is it repaired at the gate of Nantianmen? We can plan to repair this mission. There are only two outside Nantianmen. There is support within 10 meters, and the air is far away. It is no problem to repair the teleportation array at this point, but if our mission is repaired, I am afraid that the entire Nantian Gate will be blocked! "

"Of course I won't let you repair it at the door of Nantianmen." Emperor Yù explained: "I think so. I plan to sell you a floating mountain first ..." Seeing that the word "sell" has to be soaring Emperor Yù quickly explained: "Don't worry, selling is only a symbol of xìng selling. You only need to pay 100,000 crystal coins. I won't pit you on this."

When I was about to soar, I heard the price quieted down. Indeed, as Emperor Yù said, this price really can't be considered a pit for me. Except for the type of suspended mountain whose area is only a standard football field, the value of any suspended mountain will not be less than 100,000 crystal coins. I just said that what I want to build is a very big building. Since Emperor yù also said that he would sell my suspended mountain, it would definitely not be too much. From this we can see that Emperor Yù did not mean to pit me in this matter.

"This price is fine, but ... Excuse me, can I buy more?"

I don't have to take it in. I'm just asking for the purchase intention, Emperor Yian doesn't want to sell, he can't sell it at all. Such a thing as a suspended mountain can be said to be an unsinkable aircraft carrier, and I do n’t need to say that everyone thinks it is so important. Although our guild can also make levitation equipment, don't forget. Our guild's gravity resistance device starts from the moment it is activated, and it consumes energy every moment. Although this consumption is barely acceptable, anyway, no energy-saving appliances are completely energy-efficient, right? Not to mention that the suspension mountain cannot move without the gravity resistance device of our guild at the start, and can only be moved by a tracked array. The suspension mountain does not need to be supplemented with energy.

The emperor did not react too much when he heard me. Maybe it was considered that he would also cooperate with our guild in the future, so he also wanted to have a good relationship with me, so he only asked for a moment to think, "The emperor suddenly asked:" You don't want to buy more seats to repair the mission cloth center. Right? "

If yùdiken sells the suspended mountain, it will definitely not be concealed in the future, so I did not want to hide it, and nodded directly: "Yes, the mission center only needs a slightly larger suspended mountain, I think Buy a few more as a guild weapon platform. "

Immediately after listening to my words, Emperor Yù said: "It is not impossible to sell, but it cannot be too many in quantity, and you should not count on large floating mountains. At most, they can only be large individuals in the floating mountains. In addition, construction Because the mission cloth center is for the heavenly gods, I can give you a low price of 100,000 crystal coins, but the other can only be at the normal price. "

"Just sell it."

"Then you will go to Wanshanlin with Polaris King and pick for yourself. Except for the one used to repair the mission, the others will sell you up to three."

"Are there fewer three seats? Give us auspicious numbers, or thirteen?" (Western people think that thirteen is an unlucky number, but in rural China, there are still thirteen Taibao claims that thirteen is a Very auspicious number.)

Emperor Yù was obviously used to bargaining with me. He immediately stretched out four fingers when he heard me saying, "Add you one. It's auspicious enough for the four or four, right?"

"What is auspicious? Forty-four and four are all right, but you are not selling me forty-four seats, one for four, that is death! Are you cursing me? No, add one more, ten? Perfect! !"

Emperor Yù thought for a moment and suddenly reached out and said, "Eight seats, exactly two fours, let you be completely happy, and the sound of eight is also rich, how can you say that is auspicious? Can you stop grinding with me, That's the biggest concession. "

I figured it out, and the number was almost exactly there, so I nodded and said, "Happy cooperation."

After getting permission from Emperor Yù, I went with the Polaris King to the Wanshan Forest that Emperor Yù said. At first I wondered why this place is called Wanshanlin, not Wanlinshan. After all, a forest of 10,000 trees on a mountain is not an exaggeration, but a forest including 10,000 mountains is a bit scary. However, when I saw the so-called Wanshan Forest, I understood that this was completely my fault. Wanshan Forest does not have a single tree, and it is not a forest at all. Wanshanlin is basically a planetary belt, but it is not in space, but in the divine realm.

"I trust, there are so many suspension mountains in Tianting that only sell me eight? Emperor yù is too angry?" The moment I saw that Wanshan forest, I felt that I had been cheated by Emperor yù. This place is densely lined with countless large suspended mountains from top to bottom. Looking at the density and area, it is estimated that there are not 10,000 or 8,000 suspended mountains here, and the eight mountains are really good here.

Upon hearing what I said, Polaris Jun smiled and said, "There aren't as many suspended mountains in heaven as to sell to you, are you? It's great that you can approve eight. Don't be too greedy!"

"Okay, I know you're from Heaven. I won't tell you bad things about Heaven. I still choose my mountain." I flew forward after finishing speaking, but only flew a few meters and then came back again. . "By the way, how about the price of these mountains?"

Hearing my words, North Star Jun flew directly to the side of the mountain, and a few black spots suddenly flew out of the mountains over there and quickly flew in front of us.

"Wanglin Mountain God is here. Ask the **** who is here?" Although the other party did not know the Polaris King, he could feel the power of the Polaris King, so he spoke quite politely.

The Polaris King first showed the token given by Emperor Yù, and then talked about the matter. The mountain guardians immediately took me into the mountains with enthusiasm. According to them, as long as I look at which mountain, they can tell me the specific price.

Since Tianting even arranges shopping guides, it will save a lot of work. The mountain gods who are familiar with the situation helped to choose. I said the requirements, and soon the eight suspension mountains used in the guild and the large suspension mountain used to repair the mission were selected.

Of the nine suspended mountains, the one where the repair mission is located is the largest and the flattest at the top. The mountain as a whole is an inverted irregular cone. The top of the mountain is a basically flat open space, but the bottom is getting thinner. Because the top is very flat, there is almost no need to do anything. Simply level the floor with concrete to build the house directly, and basically no cleaning is required.

In addition to the mountain at the repair site, the volume of the other eight mountains is obviously much larger. The maximum cross-sectional area of ​​these eight mountains is only about 2,000 square meters, which is more than half that of the suspended mountain where the mission is located. The most important one is only about one-third of the one where the mission is located. One. However, despite the cross-sectional area, the eight mountains may be more suitable for me than the one where the repair mission is located.

The eight mountains I bought were to be used as aerial weapon platforms, not intended to be used as the foundation of a floating city, so a flat mountain top would not be of much use to us. The structure of these eight mountains is different from the inverted cone of the mountain where the repair mission is located. They are all olive-shaped structures, the upper and lower ends of the mountain are pointed, and the middle part is the widest. Such a structure can facilitate us to build a lot of firing holes on the mountain body ~ ~ And the staircase mountain body can also provide a wider firing angle for weapons such as turrets, so the fire strength after completion Maybe even slightly out of the partner who is much larger than them.

In addition to the structure of the mountain, the reason why I did not choose these eight suspension mountains is that besides the restrictions of Emperor Yù, there is also an important reason for the problem of motion. Suspended mountain is such a big thing, after equipped with various weapons, its own quality is certainly amazing. According to the idiomatic principle, it is more difficult for an object with a larger mass to change its motion state. To put it simply, it is difficult to start when you stop, and it is difficult to stop when you move. And the things in the air are not like the cars on the ground that can brake, the floating mountain can not be reduced by friction in the air. Although air friction does have a reducing effect, but such a large-mass thing must be stopped completely by air friction. Then we must not rush out for hundreds of kilometers from the moment we start braking until it really stops moving? Therefore, in order to take into account the ability to exercise under the premise of ensuring firepower, our suspension mountain must not be too large. A suspension mountain of one or two thousand square meters can be said to be the most suitable. If the firepower is too weak, the survivability will be reduced, and it is not useful to buy. No matter how big, firepower and survivability go up, but the slowness is not acceptable.

We just selected the suspended mountain here. Just asking the mountain **** for the price, I suddenly heard the voice of the army **** from the crystal communicator in my ear. "Zi Ri, come back soon. Something happened to the ng mouth you were guarding."

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