Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 109: Fairy killer

Volume 19 Chapter 109 The Immortal Killer

"Okay, don't worry about mud anymore. In the past, help, and put that guy down first." I pointed at the guy who had been turned into a player image by my side.

"Understand." As I said this, my magic pets rushed to help.

That guy had been defeated by Yeyue before, and now we suddenly have so many people here, his fighting space has been repeatedly compressed, and finally he was cut out of his arm by the Yeyue sword. A **** mouth.

Covering his bleeding left arm, the guy leaned against the wall and looked nervously at the magic pets surrounding him, and finally his eyes moved to me, and then he saw his eyes blink suddenly, the whole A person was suddenly brushed by a circle of white light from top to bottom, and after the white light passed, the guy turned into me.

After completing the transformation, the guy did not immediately attack, but pointed at me to those magic pets around him and shouted, "I am your master, go and kill the impersonator."

"Ah?" I almost dropped my chin when I heard this guy. I've seen an idiot, but I've never seen an idiot to this extent. He turned in front of my magic pets, who doesn't know he was impersonating? "Hey, you guys are stupid, don't be idiots like you, okay? Do you want to use this idiot scam to cheat a three-year-old kid? Even a three-year-old kid can't be fooled."

After I finished speaking, I suddenly saw Yeyue turned and looked at me in surprise, saying, "Master, you have become what he was just now!"

"What?" When I heard this, I quickly looked down at myself, and it turned out that I had become the original savage figure of that guy. "I rely, what's the matter?"

"It should only be some kind of magic effect." Ling Chusheng said, "Although the image has changed, we can still accurately sense the spiritual connection with you."

"Fortunately, this guy can't pretend to be spiritually connected." I said, then looked up to Yeyue over there: "Don't worry about me first, put the guy down before I say it. Since this is what he did, just kill him. He should be able to change back. "

"Understand." Yeyue Xun turned back, and shouted to the other magic pets around him: "Hide away, I will use a big move."

Hearing Yeyue's words, not only the surrounding pets hurried back, the guy who turned into me also raised his weapon and rushed up. Since Yeyue said that he would use big tricks, he would definitely be dead without resistance, so the guy finally decided to fight. However, he rushed to halfway, and saw Ye Yue's crystal protector that had been blocking his eyes suddenly bounced, and then he saw a pair of beautiful and suffocating pupils, and followed him and knew nothing.

Yeyue closed her eyes gently, lowered her eye protection, and then turned and gestured toward us with a victory gesture: "It's done."

"Yeyue's petrified pupil is the best," said the guy who walked over and patted the sculpture. At the moment of petrification, the guy changed back to his savage mode, and I returned to normal. It seems that things are really the same as I guess. As long as he is restrained, the effect of this swap image will disappear.

After confirming that the guy has no threat, I stuffed the petrified body of the guy directly into the space of Fenglong, and then sent a large group of monsters Kirin Samurai to start searching the entire mountain ng, and finally confirmed that there was really no danger here I took Noreen after the creature and they left this mountain ng.

After returning to Isinger, I stopped and threw the creatures that were caught back to Noreen, including the petrified guy. Of course, Yeyue ’s drool was also given to Noreen, otherwise the pile of stones was There is certainly no research value.

After dealing with several dangerous creatures, I ran to the heaven again. I was called back before all the things in the heavenly courts had been dealt with, and now I have to deal with things in the next heavenly courts.

Probably because this time will help the Celestial Celestial Immortals, so when Celestial Court changed the disease that had been inefficient in the past, I actually pulled all nine suspended mountains out of Nantianmen after leaving for a while, but To my surprise, Tianting not only pulled the mountain over, but even the building materials were ready. Although this time is very good for the heavenly courts, but with the xìng form of the heavenly courts, such generous expressions are somewhat unexpected.

"Well? Ziri, are you back?" I just stepped out of the teleportation circle, and Polaris, who was urging a bunch of sky soldiers to put materials, showed me.

"Polar Star, is this ...?"

"Oh, do you say these materials?" Polaris Jun explained to me with a smile: "This is donated by the gods who are going to take up the mission. They heard that you are going to build missions for them in the heaven, so they all donated. Some materials, I hope you can complete the construction as soon as possible to make this cloth work. "

"You can rest assured that I will definitely get the task running as soon as possible, but I didn't know before that you had already transported Fushan, so I didn't notify the construction team to come over. Now that you have all arranged, then I will go Calling people. "

"Okay, I'll watch it for you. Go and come back."

The construction team actually didn't need me to run back to call people at all, there was the army **** and the crystal communicator, and it was ok to just pass a word. The reason why I had to leave first was because of the other eight floating mountains purchased as weapons. The eight small floating mountains are all unpowered, they need large traction equipment, and they need a lot of engineering staff to set up fixtures. There are a lot of things to deal with, so I would definitely not do it if I didn't run a trip myself.

After returning to Isinger, I just informed the army **** to send someone to repair the mission, and then I went to the guild ’s weapon development department to find the person in charge here to introduce the situation of Fushan, and the other party thought a bit. Later, several researchers were asked to help him draw a sketch together. I roughly looked at them and thought they were okay, so I asked them to find someone to drag the Fushan back first. When he called for the staff and equipment to return to the court with me, the missions on this side had already begun to repair the second floor. Already.

"Are you fast?" After arranging the technicians to install traction devices on the other eight small floating mountains, I went to the largest floating mountain to inspect the progress of the project.

The player in charge of the construction here explained to me immediately and explained: "Actually, the construction rate today is slow. The main reason is that the teleportation array on the side of the heaven is too small and large equipment cannot pass, so it affects the construction rate. According to the previous normal degree, it is long time to cover the third floor. After all, most of our guild buildings are modular design, and it is not difficult to assemble them. "

"I'm very satisfied to have such a degree, but it's better to be able to hurry up. After all, the following immortals are waiting."

"Yes, we must complete the construction work as soon as possible."

"Very good, I'll give it to you here. I'm going to see how the floating mountain traction equipment is installed over there. You'll be busy with you first." After finishing the things on this side, I ran back there. There are several small suspension mountains, but the construction work here is obviously not as simple as imagined. When I left before, those technicians were busy punching the suspension mountain, but now they are just drilling the hole ng and chasing the bolt inside. According to this progress, the task offices over there are open for business. It is not possible to complete it here. Fortunately, we are not in a hurry to use it, or we must die urgently.

Since I ca n’t get started on the work at Tianting, I simply said hello to Polaris Jun and left Tianting first. After returning to Isinger, I ran to Wina first. Before that, so many sources of divine power came back. I still haven't figured out what kind of knowledge has been extracted from it. In addition, the great secret of heaven is also one of my concerns. It is believed that the information that Emperor yù must obtain at all costs must be very explosive.

When I arrived at the Temple of Mix and Order, the scene outside the temple was like a construction site. Many workers are repairing large caves that were knocked out by the fairy who was hit by the Peacock Pluto. In other words, our guild did not know what happened recently. Construction is everywhere. The guild construction team that was previously expanded to rush to catch up with Tianyu City already felt that the staff was a bit staffed, but recently it has become a bit inadequate.

"Wina? Wina?"

Entering the room that originally belonged to Weiner inside the temple, to my surprise, there was no one here.

"President, are you looking for the goddess Vena?" While I was moving around the room, the door was suddenly opened and a temple maid came in with a tray of fruit.

"Do you know where the goddess went?"

The maid shook her head and said, "Just now I saw the goddess and the two assistant **** adults left the room and went down. I don't know where I went."

"Very well, thank you." Needless to say, Wei Na went to the ground to see the information. I can also take a look at what's in the court of heaven to hide so deep.

After entering the basement, I went through the layers of guards, and finally I reached the storage place of the source of divine power. As soon as I pushed in the door, I saw Wina, Starfire, and the peacock. They were together like three thieves. Cooing silly, I don't know what I'm happy with.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah!" The three goddesses were taken aback by hearing my voice, and Wei Na herself threw a thing in her hand directly into the sky, but she quickly reacted to her, and quickly turned around and went back to the side by side. Finally did not let the thing break.

"Huh, it scared me. You won't make a noise when you come in?" Wei Na even complained to me after she picked up the things.

"Come on, the sound of the door to this secure warehouse starting is almost as good as the earthquake? You didn't hear such a big movement and how much noise should I make?"

Sparks waved at the two of us: "Okay, okay, don't make a noise, hurry up and show you something good."

I originally came to see the secrets of the heavenly court. Now I heard Xing Huo say that, and quickly rushed up and asked, "What good stuff?"

Sparks smiled mysteriously, and then said, "Hey, you know when you look at it." She said to me and said, "Give me something, whatever you want, but don't be too expensive, it may happen in a while Was broken by ng. "

Although I don't know what they are doing, I gave her a bigger breastplate. This thing is a piece of equipment that didn't know when it broke out before. Anyway, it belongs to xìng, and it doesn't hurt when it breaks.

Xinghuo took the breastplate and placed it on the stone platform around which they were before, then reached out and pressed it over the breastplate, and the hemispherical mask flashed and disappeared. Following Xinghuo, he explained to me: "This one I just used was a seal made with the magic power of heaven. Of course, because I am not a person in heaven and I don't know much about magic power, this seal is actually very weak. But On the genus xìng, this is the seal used by the regular heavenly gods, but the genus xìng is a little worse. "

I nodded and said, "You don't need to explain this, I can feel it. I have seen a lot of things in heaven."

"That's good." Xinghuo continued, "Generally speaking, with the fairy power level of heaven, create a seal with a strength of 5,000. What is the power required to break it?"

I thought about it: "It's about 6,000. Twenty percent more is a basic need, and it depends on your ability to use power. If the control is not good, even more than 6,000 may not be opened. This five thousand seal. "

Xinghuo smiled: "It seems that you really know the Celestial Rule of Heaven. So now I will show you what kind of information is recorded in the message that Tianting has to get at all costs." Xinghuo finished Pointing at the armor again, he said, "Now this armor has a seal with a strength of 50 units. According to general theory, the magic power of 60 units is enough to destroy the seal, and if the control is better, five Fifteen or more is almost the same. However, what I want to demonstrate is not my control, but this. "Starfire suddenly extended a finger, and a small light spot was flashing on it. "Can you feel the strength of the divine power in this little light spot?"

I sensed it slightly: "The exact value is uncertain, but it must be below five."

"Yes, the power of this light spot is actually only three. But ..." Xing Huo said, and he pressed the light spot on the armor, only to hear a pop sound like the explosion of féi soap bubbles, followed by There was a squeak of metal distortion, and the armor with the strength of fifty protection not only exploded, but even a large number of pits appeared on the surface of the armor, as if shot by a shotgun.

"This ... how is this possible?" Looking at the distorted armor and looking at the light spot on Starfire's hand, I was a little bit confused about what to say in surprise.

At this time, Wei Na cha came up to explain: "In fact, it wasn't the light spot on Starfire's hand that just crushed the armor, but the protective seal of the fifty units she had cast at first. The light spot in Starfire's hand only had one This kind of reversed position can make the fairy force weaken and reverse change to a certain extent. Simply put, the spell originally used for attack may become something like healing to restore the target's injury, and it is used to protect the target. Might in turn hurt the protected target. "

I suddenly thought of the information I wanted to see before, and then asked in amazement, "Is this what is recorded in the piece of information that Heaven wants to recapture?"

Wei Na nodded and said, "This is actually just a theoretical application of that kind of thing. What is recorded in that information should be said to be a research report on Xianli, and it is mentioned that Xianli is easily affected by a particular The type of mana affects the deviation, which was just used by Spark. In addition, in addition to the problem of mana deviation, there is also a problem that the fairy force is easily defeated by a special type of magic wave. As we just demonstrated This deviation modification method is only suitable for things that have little change such as a fixed seal and can let us start slowly. In battle, because the opponent's spell is released too quickly, plus the uncertainty of this deviation, Therefore, this technique is not suitable for use. However, the other method of smashing is more suitable. As long as your strength can reach one-fifth of the opponent's magic power level, you can defeat the opponent's magic power directly, but if only With one-sixth of the power, at least one can fight it out. "

"Fuck, is this really the nemesis of the heaven court! No wonder the heaven court is so anxious to return that information. If such things are spread out, the court will not have to be confused after that day."

Wei Na nodded: "It's because this thing is so strong that we can't use it now."

I was quite excited, and when I heard this, it was a stun, and then I came back. "Yeah! This thing itself is information read from the source of our divine power. If anyone in our guild exerts similar abilities, it is tantamount to telling the heavenly court that we peeked at the information. Although we If this information is spread, the heaven can be completely spanned, but the problem is that the collapse of the heaven is not good for us. Although the heaven will now bully us occasionally, as the saying goes, the big tree is good for the cool, there is the towering giant tree in the heaven Protect us from the wind and rain, even if it is occasionally a small effort is actually worth it ~ ~ So this information must be kept absolutely confidential at this stage. "

"Can't even the top executives in the guild know?" Weiner asked.

I thought about it: "You three already know about the Protoss of the Guild. In addition ..." I turned to the Peacock Pluto: "You can let the Pluto know this information, but keep her secret."

The peacock nodded and said, "I know."

After getting the peacock's guarantee, I followed and said, "The Protoss know up to four of you, and others don't want to inform you first. The guild side ... The leadership can tell Eagle and Red Moon besides me, but also There are roses, of course, the **** of war must also know about this. Oh yes, Su Mei can also know about this, others do n’t let them know. As for the guild, I may tell Jiaha and Nuo about this Lin them, because I want to equip the guild ’s mobile angels against the protoss with the ability to suppress the immortal force. In the future, if we conflict with heaven, this mobile angel against the protoss will be our hole card. "

Wei Na nodded. "Then arrange it. But I think there is another person who can know this."


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