Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 112: "Good things" in pairs

Volume 19 Chapter 112 "Good Things" in Pairs

"There is no way for you to see it now." Noreen said: "Although the soul has been successfully input, the soul is still blank at the moment, and at least it needs to enter the required knowledge before moving."

"Then copy the memory quickly?"

"But I don't have the right one!"


"Because this guy is a brand new mobile angel, all his xìng abilities are different from the existing body, and the previous data will not work for him at all."

"What then?"

Noreen came up with three magic arrays and said, "There are three ways now. One is to directly use the memory of the Protoss using mobile angels. Although the two have different functions, the difference is relatively small, as long as there are more. After adapting to the Throne of the Seal of God for a period of time, you can use all abilities normally. However, this may cause the later xìng to be able to swing, and some of the actions that he could have failed to do because of memory problems. "

"And two more options?"

"One is to completely autonomously evolve with a learnable soul. At first, he does not let him know anything except the basic xìng energy indicator. In this way, he will gradually accumulate experience in the future battles, and eventually become more and more powerful. Use The advantage of this method is that it can fully wield the design of the mobile angel in the future. The disadvantage is that the final soul body may be a bit stiff, and it is afraid to try combination skills other than design data. "

"Is the last one better than the first two?"

"It depends on what you think." Noreen said: "The third method is to directly copy a person's thinking template and put it in the mobile angel's body. The advantage of this method is that it can absorb the copying thinking mode, The stronger the replication target, the stronger the intuition of the mobile angel. In addition, the mobile angel produced in this way will also carry a part of the judgment habits of the replicator. The mobile angel thus produced will have a more complete personality and moral system. For various applications in the future, it will show the advantages that the first two methods do not have. Of course, this method is not perfect. The disadvantage is that the mobile angel produced in this way may carry various badnesses of the copied person. Disease, and may also produce a behavioral characteristic similar to that of a child in the early stage. The main manifestation is that there will be obvious timid behavior. You will be afraid of many things that you do not understand, and your urge to protect yourself will be strong. "

"In this way, I think the third method is better, at least this is the best post-show."

Noreen also said: "Yes, this method is the best in terms of future exhibition height."

"Then this way. But what about duplicating candidates? Use mine?"

"You are number one in the world's combat rankings, who do you need?" Noreen said as he handed me something like a game helmet: "Take this and wait until I'm connected You press the switch on the forehead and close your eyes dozens of times. "


Adjust the helmet according to Noreen, and Noreen connected a wire pulled from the helmet to the soul core of the mobile angel's chest. Finally, I pressed the button and counted ten silently, etc. When I opened my eyes again, the puppet on the opposite side had already removed from netbsp; "Well? The effect is quite direct?" I asked while removing the helmet.

Noreen said: "Because you have copied your knowledge base, his understanding ability is not worse than yours. Except that the xìng lattice system is not complete, it can basically be said that you are another one."

"Fortunately, he doesn't look like me."

"That's because no external armor has been installed." Noreen said: "This mobile angel is equipped with an advanced version of the Mirage system, and it is easy to simulate your image."

"Anyway, it's not you who spend money. You're willing to install things for him. Okay, let's hang up his armor first. It looks weird like this."

Hearing what I said, Noreen they pressed at the top of a braid-like thing behind the mobile angel, and the mobile angel who had sat up suddenly fell as if fainted. Several researchers around him immediately dragged two hooks from the roof after the fall of the mobile angel, hung the mobile angel by the shoulders, and the people next to him pushed for a long time. External armor began to dock piece by piece to the mobile angel. When the last piece of armor was in place and all personnel evacuated, the mobile angel that looked strange before had become a two-meter-high mobile angel that looked extremely ... extremely luxurious.

I originally wanted to use strong or advanced words to describe him, but after my careful observation, I could only give the word luxury. After all, this is a class mobile angel worth 1.8 billion crystal coins! If you use this money to produce ordinary mobile angels, it is estimated that you can create a camp. Even if it is used to produce high-quality goods such as mobile angels for the Protoss, the money is definitely enough for one class. The production of this guy is actually only one.

At present, this puppet is relatively close to a high-mobility mobile angel. The bodies of both are mainly streamlined. They look relatively slender and well-proportioned. They do not have a strong sense of power, but they are very rhythmic. Light feeling, as if jumping up at any time.

In terms of body color, because the shell uses a special alloy added with colorful magic crystals, the whole shows a very dazzling bright silver. Not only does this color have a good reflectance, but also there are some flash points from time to time because of the existence of colorful magic crystal powder, and the whole body has a dreamlike unreal feeling. In addition, a special feature of this body is the installation of more than thirty large and small white diamonds throughout the body. Although the general mobile angel or player's armor also has the habit of inlaying gems to increase magic, it is all colored gems, and the case of directly mounting transparent large diamonds is definitely the only unique case. Because these diamonds are pure and transparent, on the silver-white background, as long as they don't happen to encounter reflections, most people don't notice the existence of these diamonds.

In fact, the diamonds on the surface of this mobile angel are not beautiful, after all, they are too easy to mix with the main body color. The reason why these diamonds are installed is for that class of expensive-the second-generation mirage system.

The guild warships had a mirage system installed long ago, but at that time, they could only create a blurred background picture to make themselves camouflaged. The only effect is to prevent the enemy from appearing in a relatively far place, as long as the distance is close, it is easy to reveal the body in disguise. However, the current second-generation mirage is different from the one that can only make fuzzy camouflage. The second-generation system can not only completely integrate itself with the background, but also disguise the appearance of the object that it wants to become. As long as the main body does not move after the system is started, it can even be observed at a close distance without any flaws. Even if the body moves high in the camouflage state, as long as the distance is not less than 30 meters, it can be completely invisible, and the range of 30 meters to 10 meters can achieve a state that the u eye is difficult to track. , But can delay the enemy ’s aiming, at least the other party needs to spend time to determine the target position. It can be said that such a camouflage system is already powerful to a certain extent. Of course, at present, this system has not listed any military units of the guild. There are two reasons. First, the volume is too large. Except for large battleships, there is basically nothing that can fit such a large equipment. Second, the cost is too scary. With that money to install a camouflage system for a warship, it is better to make him ten or eight warships to charge together. Even if the enemy sees it, it is impossible to sink so many ships at the same time.

Although this second-generation mirage system is ridiculously expensive, Noreen and they are holding on to my words. As long as xìng can ignore it, the thing is forcibly installed on a mobile angel who should not be equipped with such a system. Who told me to say it at no cost! However, if you think about it from another direction, although the cost of this mobile angel is a bit outrageous, xìng should be very powerful, otherwise he will be sorry for his valuable materials.

After assembling the shell, a group of researchers quickly brought a bunch of strange equipment to the mobile angel. Under these devices, the various hidden weapon switches on the mobile angel all began to work. After that, various weapons hidden under the armor were continuously ejected and retracted. After many times of repeated research, the researchers removed the auxiliary instruments one by one. Of course, there are cases where some hidden institutions will get stuck during this period, and this needs to be adjusted manually.

After a lot of tossing by this group of researchers, the powerful mobile angel was finally released. Su Mei beckoned backwards, and the two researchers immediately ran over with a thin tube and connected it to a special interface behind the mobile angel. After confirming that the connection was completed, the researcher over there immediately pressed a switch on the wall where the pipe was connected, and then closed the pipe. The pipe suddenly trembled there at the same time. At the same time, the outside of the pipe was hung up with a degree visible to the eye Layer of hoarfrost, obviously a very cold liquid flowing through the pipe.

It took about three minutes. When the tube was about to become a popsicle, the researchers finally closed the switch and pulled the pipe. After closing the pipe interface behind the mobile angel, Noreen immediately took it. With a flashlight-like thing, press on the diamond at the center of the mobile angel's eyebrow, and then just listen to the sound of a bang, all the armor plates on the mobile angel's body are tightened automatically, and the two regiments also The white mist, not knowing whether it was steam or air-conditioning, also spewed out from behind the mobile angel.

The fully-activated Mobile Angel did not immediately leave his position, but first looked at the surrounding environment, followed by looking down at his hands again, and then fumbled his head and body with his hands, as if at last After confirming my condition, I suddenly raised my head and looked directly at me. After staring at me for a few seconds, the mobile angel suddenly stepped in front of me in two steps, and then slammed his right hand up to his chest as he knocked on his left chest, saying at the same time, "Chairman, You will be reported to Special Mobile Angel No. 1. "

"Did you pretend to identify this enemy?" I turned and looked at Noreen in surprise.

Noreen shook her head and said, "His memory is copied from you, so as long as you judge it as an enemy, he considers it to be an enemy, and you consider him to be his own. We are only in his The memory increases his knowledge of himself and prevents him from treating himself as you. Everything else should be the information provided by your memory bank. "

"Is this just another person besides my identity?"

"It should be said that the fighting habits are similar. After all, we are mainly copying the memory information of the battle. We need a mobile angel like a fighter, not a leader, so it is useless to copy other things. Otherwise, you think it was just ten seconds. Can you complete your entire knowledge copy? "

"That's it, too." I thought for a moment, "Is there anything else he needs to adjust now? Can you take me out?"

Noreen nodded and said, "It's okay, but remember not to put him in Fenglong space."


"Because he now needs to follow you to fill in some memory flaws, and because he has adopted a way of copying living people's thinking patterns, he should be very disgusted with things like captivity. Although Fenglong Space and the prison cell It ’s different, but it ’s going to be bad, right? ”

"Then I'll just let it go." I turned to the mobile angel and asked, "Do you have a name?"

"Chairman of the report, my production code is special-equipped mobile angel No. 1." The mobile angel standing in front of him looked straight and replied like a soldier.

"That is the production code, not the name. You need a short, unique name."

After a little delay, the mobile angel said, "Report, I don't have a name. But I hope I can pick one myself. Please approve it."

"Hope?" I looked at the mobile angel in surprise and asked, "Do you have anything you want to do?"

The other responded without hesitation: "Yes."

Real artificial intelligence and simulated intelligence sometimes look similar in behavior, and even some simulated intelligence sometimes behaves smarter than artificial intelligence. However, only artificial intelligence can truly be regarded as the existence of life, and no matter how intelligent the simulated intelligence is, it can only be a program forever. The easiest and most straightforward way to identify these two is to see if there is any hope in their behavior.

The hope is not necessarily a very strong emotion. For a synthetic intelligence, "what to do" is a kind of hope. The real weakness of simulated intelligence is that it has no impulse to do what it wants. As long as there are no commands and pre-programmed task sequences, it will enter standby mode instead of looking for various things after the real life body is idle. Have fun or take a rest.

Just now this mobile angel said that he wanted to name himself. Although this is a very simple request, it is a kind of hope. From this we can see that this guy has entered the level of living beings, and cannot be simple Treats it like a machine.

"What do you want to call yourself?"

"What is my name?"

"Ghost. I want to be a ghost."

"Why did you think of such a name?"

Ghost hesitated for a moment, then replied, "I don't know too well, but I feel the name is very close to me. It should be like it! Well, yes. I like the name, so I want to be called Ghost."

"Okay, you'll be called ghost afterwards."

"Then can I name it myself?" A sudden voice made me stunned, and then suddenly turned around, but now a new mobile angel stood behind me. Although the appearance is slightly different, the classic shape of the mobile angel makes me recognize at a glance that the extremely luxurious body in front of me is also a member of the mobile angel family.

Unlike the white body in front of me, the overall shape of the mobile angel in front of me is more slender and slender, and the entire body is shorter than the ghost, and it is only about 1.9 meters tall. Moreover, this body is actually shaped like a lady. The foot mechanism with high heels under the feet, the slim s-shaped waist curve, a lot of **** that are significantly more swollen than other parts, and the v-shaped facial armor, all of this shows that this is a female xìng body, and before she spoke The voice is also female. Of course, given the fact that females are usually more fancy than males in reality, the color of the female body is also quite gorgeous. The overall crystal shell, the large area of ​​yan red painting and the golden decoration embellished on it, the whole look gives a noble queen-like feel ~ ~ Are you ...? "

"Well? Chairman, are you there?" The other person was interrupted by someone who just came in from the side room before the other party came and answered me.

"Really red? Why are you here?"

"Don't you say that you need to read my battle memory to make a mobile angel?" Zhenhong looked at me in surprise and asked.

"What? I said ..." As soon as I thought about it, I suddenly thought about the truth. "Norim ... come out for me!"

Although I reacted very quickly, but helpless Noreen knew that I was going to blame this thing, so she already ran away. What is even more hateful is that the two accomplices, Jia Ha and Jia Ha, have fled away together, and I have nowhere to go. I can only stare in the room with two mobile angels and true red. However, being angry now is useless. Both ministry-level mobile angels have been created. Can they be disassembled again? Even if the puppet can be dismantled, those rare metals can be re-refined again, but those magical materials like Phoenix Tears can no longer be restored. In a word, now that it is cooked with raw rice, I do n’t want to repent!

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