Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 115: Independent personality side effects

Seeing my surprised expression, both the Queen of the Blade and the ghost asked in a very surprised tone, "President, don't you really think we don't know anything? Are we in our body full of souls? Copying your memories with true red, even if the fusion is not complete, it is not like the robot in the movie? "

"Wait a minute. You say movies?" I asked the ghost in surprise.

The ghost didn't figure out why I reacted so much. I wondered why I asked, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know what a movie is?"

The ghost nodded and said, "Well, of course I know. Is there any problem with this?"

"The problem is that you shouldn't know." I shouted. As a form of art that has existed for a long time, it is not strange for a modern person to know that it exists. On the contrary, if you haven't seen it, it would be strange if you haven't even heard it. However, this situation is only for humans in reality. Although "Zero" is a hodgepodge-style magic game, everything from east to west, magic, witchcraft, and even technology are included in the game, but there is no such thing as a movie here. "Zero" does have a better magic image system than the movie, but that thing is not called a movie at all here, so in theory, any game character who does not have a real body should not know the movie. existing. However, the ghost and the queen of the blade apparently knew about this existence, and seemed to take it for granted, which was not normal.

"Shouldn't we know the existence of the movie?" Queen Blade asked me in wonder.

I nodded surely. "If there is no accident, you should not know, but you know now, so there must be something wrong. And I guess that the biggest thing is that there is a problem in memory copying, and what should not be copied to you It's copied out. "

"Is there any problem then?"

"The problem is not necessarily too much, but it may be more disturbing," I said again and asked, "Can you determine from your memory that the movie is not something here?" I asked xìng tentatively.

The blade queen immediately asked me: "President, are you referring to the game here?"

"Do you even know this?"

"Isn't this what we should know?" Ghost asked in surprise.

I helplessly covered my face and said, "Do you understand what it means to go offline?"

"Of course." The ghost asked me after he said, "But why can't I be offline, President? The memory I used to receive seems to be different here. I don't want to be prompted to log out when I go offline. And, I seem to know that the reason I ca n’t go offline is because I lack a physical body. Why do I have no body in reality? ”

The ghost didn't ask anything at all. He asked the Queen of Blades immediately and asked a lot of questions about reality. I was the first two. Obviously, Noreen's memory transfer experiment was only half successful. They did copy my memory, but the information that should have been deleted in the copied information was not deleted. As a result, two mobile angels with the same behavioral memory of the player have now been created because they do not actually exist in the real world. Body but rather doubtful. Of course, all their doubts turned into my affairs. If the two of them didn't know anything, I wouldn't tell them, but they already know a part of it. If they don't explain it clearly, they would have to ask endlessly. In desperation, I had to reduce the flight to get the two of them closer, and then explain the relationship between reality and the game while flying back, and what kind of existence they are.

In fact, just as many people worry about telling the picked child that he will not be able to bear it after he has adopted him, many people think that he should not be allowed to know the existence of the real world. The data has changed. In fact, these concerns are superfluous. Regardless of whether it is a virtual life or a living person in the real world, the cause of our anger and sorrow is the same, that is, the change of the environment. What we really care about is the direction and amount of change in the environment, not the absolute state of the environment. A person who earns 2,000 yuan a month suddenly raises his salary to 3,000 a month. He will be very happy because his salary has risen. However, if a person who earns 4,000 a month suddenly becomes 3,000 a month, he will be very sad, because to him this is a decline in salary. Therefore, the absolute state of a monthly salary of 3,000 a month does not bring us happiness or sadness. The reason for our happiness or back is that wages rise and fall.

The blade queen and ghost are the same. They will not be unhappy because they know they are only data, because they know nothing before and after they know, they have nothing more and nothing less, they are still them, so there is no feeling of loss. Of course, as more is known, new requirements arise.

"Chairman, how can we get a body in reality?" Ghost asked with the Queen of Blades.

"Ah? This ..."

To be honest, this question is really difficult to answer. Our guild did have robot technology capable of achieving the capabilities of a mobile angel, but the problem is that it is not easy to copy the life in the game into reality. This requires the consent of the dad and the base. Cooperate over there, of course, have money. In addition to copying the actual execution difficulty from the personnel, there is another question ... why should I copy the blade queen and the ghost? It is an accident that the two of them appear in the game. In reality, recreating the two of them is an accident after the accident. However, they are now our Frost Rose Alliance. If they do n’t know, they do n’t have to, but they know it and make a request, which is difficult. Promising them feels a little loss, not agreeing and hurting their feelings.

"President, aren't we asking too much?" Ghost asked in a voice.

I didn't expect that he could think of even this. It seems that the head that he spent 1.8 billion yuan on is intellectually extraordinary. "This ... I'll tell you the truth. It can be done in real life, but it takes a considerable price, and it is not something I can decide for myself, so you suddenly want me to give it in reality. You make a pair of bodies, and this requirement is really difficult. "

"If it's so difficult, can we make a request?" The blade queen asked xìng tentatively.

I thought for a while and said, "You talk about it first. If I can agree, I will definitely agree. I'm more generous to myself. But if it doesn't work, it means nothing."

The Queen of Blades nodded immediately after hearing: "I understand that it will not make the president difficult to do. Both the ghost and I hope to get a body in reality, but we can't do it by our own ability, so we hope that The president helps us to resolve the various permits that need to be passed. As for the production of our expenses ... We can only guarantee the hard work in the future and contribute as much as possible to the guild. After all, we even belong to the guild. Yes, even if you want to work and make money, it is impossible, so we have nothing else to do except to complete the task. And, in reality, if we have a body, we can continue to serve the chairman, two more subordinates Shouldn't the chairman be disadvantaged? "

Although the words of the Queen of Blades are asking me to give, but because her posture is very low, and she clearly stated the status of the two of them, there is no white-eyed wolf who considers them as independent individuals, which makes me sound I feel very comfortable. Although according to the ideas of peaceful naturalism, life should belong only to that life body, but the reality is that we spent 3.6 billion crystal coins to create two mobile angels. If they suddenly said that they do not belong to the property of our guild, Just admit that you are a member of the guild. What do you think of you as president? Anyway, all I can think of is that I lost 3.6 billion yuan in vain.

fortunately. Fortunately, both the Queen of Blades and the Ghost understand the matter, knowing that while fulfilling their wishes, they will not harm my interests. In fact, I really want to say that I don't really care about those 3.6 billion. There is a lot to say about 3.6 billion, but after all, the 3.6 billion that made the Queen of the Blades and the Ghost is only calculated based on the price of materials on the market. This is exactly the same as buying 3.6 mobile angels with two 3.6 billion crystal coins. Are two concepts.

Because the materials used to make the blade and the ghost are basically produced by our guild itself, although the price is ridiculously high, it actually has no effect on the operation of our guild. Noreen, they are not stupid, even if I say that at any cost, they will not really spend money on this extreme art. They just knew that this time they spent the bottom of the stock of the box, so they were so overwhelming.

In any case, I don't really care about the cost of the Queen of the Blade and the ghost now. As long as they perform well, I don't even think they are two independent natural people. If they talk harshly with me or threaten me or something, I may still disagree, but if they understand the matter so well, I don't care much.

"I can agree in principle with your request, but when you can build a body for you depends on the future situation, and you must ensure that you work hard in the guild."

"Thank you, President." Blade and Ghost agreed with excitement when they heard me agree. For them, a real body is a complete person, because they are different from others, they know the existence of the real world. Without a physical body, they naturally feel that they are incomplete.

As a result, two mobile angels asked questions, and I started to ask questions that I hadn't finished before. "Why did you pretend to be dumb puppets to lie to those people?"

Because the desire has been realized to a certain extent, both mobile angels are now in a good mood, and even the relatively silent ghosts have proactively said, "We wanted to be the president before, and you were going to take us out to adapt to the fighting situation, and those People are just right for trying hands, so the two of us pretend to be very stiff and actively make excuses to fight with them. Because our performance seems to be in accordance with the set procedures, so those people will not be dissatisfied in the end It will be too annoying to the meeting. "

Although Ghost's explanation was simple, I also understood what he meant. If you think about it, it is indeed the case. In fact, the ghosts just use the player's pride and deliberately use the dull appearance to make the other party unable to get angry with them who seem stupid. After all, most people think that they are much more noble than machines, so even if they are angry at a rigid machine, they wo n’t be able to argue or retaliate with each other like their peers, because they think that it reduces their identity. Just as a person will not bite the dog in turn after being bitten by a dog, even if someone is pitted by a machine, at most, it is possible that there may be a violent counterattack due to the anger at that time. Later, I was thinking of returning to that machine in a certain day, which was not a normal person's behavior.

As in today's situation, if I attacked the group of people, the other party would definitely keep the account on my head or Frost Rose Alliance, and if I had the opportunity in the future, I would definitely try to get revenge. But now they have two mobile angels who are dumbfounded. Even if the other side encounters them again after an hour, they will never think of revenge, but will try to stay away from these two dangerous machines.

After understanding the meaning of these two mobile angels, I also laughed and couldn't help laughing and cursing: "You are slipping your head. That group of people is really unlucky, and they have suffered for no reason. It is estimated that they will see it later. You guys will definitely go around the throne of the Seal of God for the first time. "

"Anyway, we are unlikely to see each other in the future. Besides, even if the detour is their detour, it has no effect on us." The ghost laughed at me and laughed.

As for the ghostly and queen-blade queen-like performance, I can only attribute it to the side effects brought by the level soul. These two guys have nothing to do with the dull xìng grids that creatures should have. Not only do they slip their heads than many players, but they also know about high-level emotional changes such as jokes. If they were not for their metal skin, it is estimated that they were posing as ordinary people. Definitely not recognizable.

"Well, now that you have just tested the most basic combat mode, what have you gained?"

"Harvest is a bit natural," said Queen Blade. "Just now I actually started the thruster on the ground not as soft as it felt in the air, and it had a strong explosive thrust at the moment of starting. If it wasn't for the attack on that person before, My power was low and my response was quick. I almost didn't get him at that time. "

The ghost nodded when hearing the Queen of Blades saying, "Well, I feel the same way. It seems that I got a lot of thrust just now, and I almost didn't control it."

"That is a chain reaction caused by changes in air density caused by ground effects. Should you two have relevant knowledge?"

As soon as I was reminded, the two mobile angels were thinking for a second, and then they suddenly realized, "Oh, this is how it turned out. I feel that the connection between many related knowledge in our memory seems to be disconnected, I know that Nothing is connected. "

"Because memory is not yours, knowledge is not just memorizing, it must be understood."

"This we know, but there are so many things stuffed into our heads, we will definitely be ... dangerous ..." the ghost said suddenly and shouted, followed by a sharp flash to the side, A mauve beam of light entwined with purple electric awns suddenly slipped from the trajectory of our previous flight. If it were not for all three of us that flashed fast, it was estimated that all of them would be directly covered.

"The attack came from the ground, look down." I said to the Queen of Blades and the Ghost after successfully flashing the beam of light. However, before we had time to dive, we saw a beam of light suddenly shot up from the ground, and it was clear that this direction was towards me. I quickly tilted my wings to the side and slid down the air, eventually flying over the beam of light by a meter. However, what I didn't expect is that when I was closest to the beam of light, the purple arc on the beam of light suddenly separated a branch and connected to my body. I felt a sense of paralysis all over my body, but the degree was very weak ~ ~ Damn, what kind of weapon is this **** mother? "Looking at the slight arc that flickered twice from time to time on the straight line that the beam just passed behind, I was very surprised. It can leave such a noticeable discharge reaction in the air after the beam passed, absolutely in the beam of light just now With a large number of moving electrons, otherwise it is impossible to cause ionization on the entire beam trajectory. Also, I felt a numbness in my body just now, which also shows that the beam does have a strong current response, otherwise it will not be separated. A distance of one meter can make me numb by electroinduction. To know that I am not naked, the anti-shock of the dragon suit does not completely block the induction electricity, but I can imagine the beam of light. The strength of the current itself. And the most terrible thing is that the weapon seems to be hit from the ground. His grandmother's we are now at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. The range is too long, right? Damn this Will weapons not have energy decay?

A beam of light ended, and when I missed it, another beam flew up immediately, and the target was still me. Judging from the shooting direction, this weapon obviously has more than one shot. Fortunately, their shots are very ordinary. Even a few shift shots can barely reach two degrees per second. However, except for the slower range, the power and accuracy of this thing are scary enough.

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this? Ghost, blade, dive and dive, go down and see what ghosts are hitting us."

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