Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 122: Fastest race ever

"Woman?" I was a little surprised to see someone.

The other party seemed quite slow to me, and said a little bit angrily: "What? Do you think women can't participate in fighting?"

"No, I didn't mean that."

"Don't you mean that or you look down on a woman?" The woman leaned back to me like a cockfighting, and saw that the attitude was so high that I was dissatisfied with her and started fighting with me.

The Gun God probably knows that this woman's temper is not very good. When we see that we have a tendency to fight, we hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, you don't say any more. Yasina, certainly not that. You will be playing at the meeting. You still have to discuss how to cooperate in the next meeting. "

"Cooperate?" I looked at the God of Guns with a little surprise. "What rules do you have in battle? Isn't it a wheel fight or a solo fight?"

Gunslinger shook his head and said, "No, the rule we agreed upon was melee."


"It's just that three people are sent on both sides at one time, and then it's over until one of them is no longer standing."

"That's the case." I thought for a while and thought, "Then you need to design it a bit. Oh, by the way, can't the magic pet be used?"

The God of Guns nodded: "Of course, otherwise you don't have to compare anything when you go up alone, tens of thousands of summoned creatures pounce on them and step on them."

"Apart from being unable to nasal creatures and having to go together with three people, are there any rules?"

The Gun God gestured to the previous macho, and then the macho named Logan walked over and introduced to me: "After the game starts, some weapons will be randomly dropped around the field, but the attack power of those weapons are all Very low, all the data is designed with reference to real-life weapon data. Our own equipment needs to be taken off in advance, because it does not account for the attribute, and it will affect our swing. In order to facilitate combat, it is best to wear shorts to enter the field, This is more convenient for Founder to wear equipment and has no defense. "

"What random weapons are on the field?"

"Swords, halberds, and everything, but the style is random. There may be only epee or dagger. In short, the style and quantity are not fixed. In addition, some shields will appear in the venue, but only wooden shields. As for the armor, don't count on that kind of thing. "

"What else to pay attention to?"

"Well, there is also the need to pay attention to our health and physical strength. Although it is modeled after the actual data, but in order to make the battle look exciting, our health and physical strength will increase by about three to six times than in reality, that is, Saying that the damage that may threaten life in reality may not be fatal at all here. Of course, the key attack still works, and it looks absolutely flesh and blood. As for the other, if you have fought in reality, it is basically the same. . "

"If it's just these, it shouldn't be a problem."

Jasna interjected suddenly: "Look at your little body, don't drag your legs in a while." He also knocked on my armor. "You are the number one in the world when you wear this thing, and you know how many you are if you lose it. If you ca n’t beat it, you will be back behind me and Logan, and you will be able to get up and help, taking care not to block our attack line. "

When I heard Jasna's provocation, I just looked at her, then smiled slightly, and did not argue with her. Jasna saw that I ignored her, and didn't say anything, but ran and ran to find what the gun **** said, and I turned to Logan and whispered after she walked away: "If I can, I hope After the opening, you can stop shooting. "

Logan gave me a surprised look, then nodded in agreement.

Although it seems to be the type that has long muscles in his head, Logan's performance has come out of unexpected shrewdness. Instead, Yasna, with a baby face, is like eating gunpowder, and catching anyone. Whoops.

A lot of spectators came soon after we arrived, and it was estimated that they knew that there would be a big game tonight, so they had to grab the spot early to visit. However, today they are doomed. Because I didn't plan to play with each other at all.

As the audience continued to pour into the hottest topic in the brutal arena, the gambling game finally kicked off. The host of the venue soon opened the market. As the two hosts asked and answered, the market information under the **** behind the Queen of Spades was also opened. Guests who participated in the meeting could make their own guesses and I like to hang down, and as the proportion of hang down continues to change, the disk. The accompany rate on both sides is also constantly changing. This kind of instant accompany rate change is rare in China, but it is very common in the United States. It is said that the advantage of doing this is to prevent some people with particularly good mathematics from using formulas. Winning rate is stable and not losing.

Because of the different wins and losses on the two sides, the audience on the court gradually began to separate from the camp. Everyone hoped that the party they bought won, and desperately cursed the opponent. Of course, this clamor is purely emotional, and it will certainly have no effect on the outcome of the game.

With the introduction of the Queen of Spades side, the host on the stage began to dazzle, until a staff member trot and sent a note, and the host who held the presentation finally took the paper Read aloud: "Everyone, I just got the information of the warriors on the Gun God's side."

Hearing this voice, the venue below Lima was quiet. Many people who bought guns to win before were guessing with gambling mentality. They based on the fact that the Paladin League itself is more powerful and should attract relatively strong people. However, in comparison, there are still many more people who buy the Queen of Spades. After all, it is not known whether the people on the side of Gunshit can fight, but two of the three Queen of Spades have already died. In this case, there are naturally more people buying the Queen of Spades. However, no matter whether you bought the Queen of Spades or the Gunslinger victory, or if you haven't made a deal, as long as you want to participate, you all pay special attention to the appearance list of Gunslinger. After all, you know the approximate strength of the two sides and judge Much easier.

Seeing the sudden quiet down below, the host also knew that everyone was anxious to listen to the information, so he directly said: "The first one of the gun God's combatants is ......... Logan."

What surprised me is that Logan seems to be famous here. The person under the name will turn green as soon as the host finishes shouting. Obviously, most of the crazy gamblers know Logan, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to just hear a name. It was so lively.

After finally waiting for the people below to be quiet, "the host went on to say," Have you been so excited when you heard Logan's name? You guys are too easy to meet, right? Do you know who is the second one that Gun God invited? She is "... our Miss Jasna.", Um ... Rogan's name just made the people below stir up for a while, but now it seems to be throwing a bombshell in the crowd, the whole competition The market was like a pan, everyone shouted and ran around. "I do n’t know who just came in thought they were in a lunatic asylum. However, the noise was only temporary, and the crowd calmed down soon, but they didn't stop. It ’s the place where I started to crazily squeeze down to buy guns to win. Of course, although this craziness seems to be crowded, it is actually only a part of the audience. ”After all, the two **** champions under the Queen of Spades are also Out of the famous competition killer, it is definitely not a role that can be ignored. Although Jasna ’s name is very loud, after all, the other party also has masters, so only those who hesitated before can be pulled, not everyone has decided to switch camp.

"Did you see that?", Yasna didn't know when she came to me again, and then provocatively said, "Here, it's our black market fighters who decide to win or lose, not the so-called masters on your list. . You take off your armor and you are nothing. I glanced at Jasna puzzledly, not because she didn't understand what she said, but she didn't understand why she was always having trouble with me. Although I didn't pay attention to the speech before, it might offend her a little, but most people don't He would care about this, and it was obviously too aggressive to repeatedly trouble me like her.

"Have we had conflicts before?" Jasna was asked by me for a moment, then glared at me and turned away, leaving me with a question mark in my head. However, I didn't intend to find out why she hated me so much. Anyway, we just teamed up temporarily, and then there will be no intersection, so I have no time to control her mood.

After the host introduced all kinds of information about Yasna above, "again said," Now, you must be very curious about the third master invited by Gunslinger. Even Logan and Jasna were put in front of him. Who would this person be? He is ... the first purple day in the world's combat power list. "It's different from the explosion and chaos when the two names appeared before. With the shouting of my name, the whole arena is like the throne of time and the Seal of Throne suddenly stopped." Audible.

"Ha ha ha ha ...", Gun God smiled and patted my shoulder, "Your name is really lethal!"

"I'm like a demon to you." I said without waiting for Gun God to continue Hu Kan and asked directly: "When will we enter the field? I still have something to do at night and don't want to delay too much time here. throne."

"Soon. It will take a few minutes at most for the Seal of the Throne. Of course." How long will it take you to end the battle with the Seal of the Seal? I can't predict it. "Yasina really did not miss any chance to sneer at me, and said directly:" As long as you don't hinder me "I can end the fight within an hour. If you behave a little like a man, maybe halfway Hours are enough. "

I did n’t bother her about her sarcasm, I turned around and looked back at the side of the stand, watching the flow of people below, suddenly resumed activities, started to crowd down and prepare to buy a lot of guns and gods to win. Although everyone doesn't know how my fighting ability is in reality, at least the combat strength in the game is at the top. Without attributes and equipment, it will not be weak?

When the people below frantically crowded to place a bet, the door of our box was knocked suddenly, and when the gunman shouted, the outside talent entered the room and informed us that we could go to the waiting area of ​​the game.

Follow that guy down to the waiting area of ​​the arena, and then take off your equipment here. Logan directly stored the equipment temporarily with the custodian. Of course, I directly threw the Fenglong space, and it seemed that Jasna also had space equipment.

It seems that Rogan's guy often mixes up here, and after taking off the equipment, he got a leather-like thing from the keeper and put it on. Of course, this thing actually has a lot of decorative effects. After all, the rules of the arena say that equipment attributes are not calculated.

Besides, this guy's leather seems to be too light, except for a little protection on the shoulders and chest, there are almost a few belts left.

Yasna is similar to Logan. She also has her own special equipment. However, her equipment is not leather armor, but a tight-fitting design designed to look like a surgeon. ”And there are a lot of decorations on the wrists, ankles, and waist, which looks like more costumes than combat equipment.

Logan looked at me wearing only one pair of pants, and then asked, "Are you not used to this? I also have a similar set of leather armor if needed, and you should be able to wear the lower belt position."

Yasina continued to sarcastically take it for granted: What's the difference between "just his little body" and whether to wear it? "

Although she was sarcastic to me, she didn't say too much about this, because Yasna was almost close to 1.99 meters, and her body was also quite athletic, although she had no exaggerated muscles. , But definitely more plump than oriental beauties. In contrast, my height and weight, called a small body in front of her is not wrong.

I disregarded the irony of Yasna as usual "and then thanked Logan for his kindness, and finally turned out a white exercise suit from Fenglong Space. This suit was bought for me by Rose. Of course, the function is definitely not to wear It ’s good-looking, but it ’s for camouflage. Because I often need to camouflage into various places, I need to prepare some clothes of various styles and types. One piece of clothing for camouflage. Of course, I actually like this suit. The pure white pants are quite wide, and you will not be restrained no matter what you do. The white gown above is also ancient style. On the front left side, there is also embroidered a golden dragon that extends from the left shoulder to the hem of the robe The embellishment, the only embellishment on the whole dress made the whole costume look a lot more agile.

Seeing that I took out my belt and wristband to fasten the cuffs and waist, Logan's mouth was a little tight. "Look at him like this dementia" I simply waved in front of him with my hand: "Hey, back to the soul. Please, I'm not a big beauty. What do you look at me with this look? Don't tell me your hobbies. "

After listening to my words, Logan quickly denied that he didn't want me to think he had a rich sexual orientation. "No, no, no, I'm not interested in men. I'm just surprised you're going to dress like this."

"What's wrong? Is there any dress code here?"

When Yasina found the opportunity, she said ironically, "He is afraid that you will be chopped up with blood." You are so white that you are absolutely spectacular. "

Still not talking about Jasna, I directly said to Logan: "You don't have to worry about this, I won't be met by those people." I looked down and looked at myself again, then sighed: "If there is Is the fan just fine? " Oh yes, you should get a piece of jade and hang it on your waist. "

I was studying what small equipment should be equipped, and suddenly I heard the outside shouting, "Please enter the personnel on both sides." With the voice, the door in front of us also rose automatically.

"Okay, it's our turn." Rogan said as he walked into the arena first. "Jasna immediately followed, and I was the last one to come out. People outside were obviously used to Rogan. Dressed up with Yasna, so there was n’t much reaction to see them coming out. When I came out, I lost my voice again. I saw all the scenes of demons coming to life before. I suddenly changed my body today. White, dressed like an ancient male brother, this image is indeed too much contrast.

The God of Guns looked at me for a moment, and then he laughed a lot. Then he just smiled and patted the table and beat the bench. He didn't know how much fun he was. Opposite the arena, three people walked out of the same door. Unlike our appearance, two of the three were enthusiastically cheered by the audience, and some clamored for them to make me a pig and let me know what fighting is.

After seeing the personnel from both parties, the host encouraged the atmosphere as usual, and then invited the opposite Queen of Spades and Gun God to the stand of the Arena. After reading the gambling agreement, the host asked whether the two sides regretted it. As a result, both sides did not regret it. Therefore, if they lost, they had to agree to any request made by the party. However, when I looked at the woman standing on the stage with the Gunslinger below, I always felt that the atmosphere between her and the Gunslinger was quite weird, and there was no sense whatsoever. Anyway, she didn't look like the enemy and left.

After confirming the validity of the bet on both sides, the host yelled and announced the start of the game. More than ten various weapons and two shields were thrown into the field. Unfortunately, a machete was dropped directly. In front of the other person, the closest weapon to us was a short-handled hammer, and it was at least seven or eight meters away from us.

"Kill ..."

"Take away Zi Rihua's mess.


"Let the yellow skin monkey know that we are great."

Seeing that the other party got the weapon, many radical American players in the stands yelled, yelling for them to teach me. Hearing the shouts of cheering, the three of the other were obviously excited. However, these three guys are obviously not newbies. 〖Xing〗 Fen returns to 〖Xing〗 Fen, they can't do the stupid thing that the enemy takes the lead.

It's a pity that although they can't do anything adventurous, Jasna beside me did it. I guess she is eager to show that she is better than me, otherwise she should not make such low-level mistakes because she can accumulate the popularity now. It's a pity that those who are mad can't judge by common sense.

Seeing Jasna rushing out, Logan first glanced at me, and immediately after I nodded, I turned around and ran over a tomahawk that fell behind us. Although the Tomahawk is not the closest to us, because it is "behind us", Logan definitely has time to grab it before the opponent. Just as Logan got the axe, Yasna finally rushed to the opponent. Since I knew her strength should be good, I wasn't surprised to see that she developed joint skills before and after she rushed to the opposite side.

On our side, I haven't moved since the beginning. Jasna rushed straight up, but Logan went to get a weapon. Two of the three guys on the other side immediately turned to the Throne of Seals to pick up weapons. After that, the guy who happened to get a knife before became big with Jasna. It's a pity that the guy took the knife just like he didn't. It was kicked off by Yasna's anti-joint as soon as he opened it.

The guy without the weapon seems to be weaker than Yasna "Although his fist is also inferior, but after a long time, he missed a single punch, so that Yasna wore back and forth beside that guy Yeah, after a while, the guy has beaten the guy lightly. It ’s a pity that the guy ’s flesh seems to be thick, and his ability to resist attack is not generally strong. Although he hits n punches, it does n’t seem obvious. reaction.

Logan did not return to the battle after getting the tomahawk, but instead ran towards a long sword. Obviously he wanted to help us also get a weapon. The two people on the opposite side also ran back after getting weapons. Yasna had a one-to-one reluctance to prevail, but now it becomes three-to-one. "The other two people still had weapons, and she couldn't resist it immediately. In hard After being kicked by the other party, she finally hurriedly returned to us.

"What are you doing? Why don't you help?" Yasina rushed at me angrily as soon as she returned.

I looked at her with a smile, and then Yun Dan asked lightly: "Aren't you asking me not to get in your way? Since you can handle it alone, am I going to make you mess?"


Yasina was almost vomiting blood because of Qi, but because she was too angry, she didn't know what to say. "But she didn't respond, but the gun **** on the stand couldn't help it. He climbed to the railing and shouted at me regardless of the image:" I beg you, Zi Ri, this is the business. " , Can you fight well? Don't hurt me if you get angry with her! "

I watched the gun **** and replied loudly, "Okay, just help you win and leave."

After talking with Gun God, I walked directly in front of the three men who rushed across the street. It wasn't like fighting, it was like walking. However, when the fastest runner rushed in front of me and slashed down, I suddenly flashed his blade sideways, raised my fist with my right hand, and slightly raised the second joint of my **** outwards. Reach out, hit a lightning punch, hit the throat of the guy. With a click, the guy's eyes were instantly staring at the boss, and I continued to pan across the guy's body following the inertia of the dodge blade before, and then continued to walk forward with a walking rhythm. In the eyes of the audience, I just passed around the guy, but the strong man who immediately rushed past me immediately fell to the ground and never moved again. .

"Wow ..." There was chaos outside. The attack was so fast that it was hard to see. Everyone just saw me go around his body with an elegant turn from the person, and then the guy fell to the ground by himself. Those foreigners who are used to fighting and have exaggerated body collisions have never experienced such sophisticated oriental killing skills. The shock at this moment is absolutely unimaginable.

The Queen of Spades next to the Gun God saw her own man falling down and stood up from her seat. She knew that I was strong before, but she did not think she would lose. After all, my strength was attribute points and equipment. Heap out. In this "real" real-world mode, none of my attributes and equipment can play a role. According to her thoughts, I have a limit even if I am strong in this state, and she is very confident and confident in her people. They can definitely beat me. However, the situation now is that her men not only lost, but also lost somehow. Just like letting a killer who has received more than ten years of professional training to kill a stroke patient who is unstable in walking, everyone on the scene of this huge gap in power does not know what to say.


Logan's axe fell into the ground without paying attention. Although he didn't know why I didn't let him rush, he was still shocked when he understood it.

Despite the shock of others, I still walked to the second enemy with my walking pace. The other side didn't react suddenly until I got near him, slamming the warhammer in his hand and smashing at me.

The moment the hammer swept over, I stopped suddenly because I had anticipated the advance. As a result, the guy ’s hammer fell down from my face because of my sudden stop ~ ~ in his arm because After the inertia fluttered in front of me, I quickly took a big step forward and stuck in front of him, and then slammed a bunch of his shoulders, hooked his ankles under his feet, and lost the center of gravity because of the swing of the hammer The guy who was pushed by me immediately fell laterally, and he spun up in the air during the fall. However, just after he landed, everyone was surprised that his hammer actually smashed into his own face due to inertia, and then clicked like a watermelon, a red and white moment spread. One place.

Kill the two in a blink of an eye, and the third guy was just stupid. However, I did not delay time because of him. Walked directly to the guy with a deformed head, picked up the hammer on his head, and leaned back, throwing the hammer suddenly towards the third guy. The guy did n’t respond to anything, so he was hit with a face-to-face door. Although he did n’t have a brain blow like the second guy, he fell to the ground and lost his voice.

I patted the dust that didn't exist. Regardless of the demented crowd in the audience, I turned directly to the main table and asked aloud, "Referee? Can it be decided? Or do you want me to abuse the corpses Do we win? "

[... the nineteenth volume of the 122nd chapter of the fastest competitive green novel in the history of the fastest update ...] a! !!

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