Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 129: Accident

Xiaochun throws a small artificial sun, although we can't see anything, but the **** snake on the opposite side is even worse. Although we don't know if the **** snake has a rattlesnake-like thermal sensing system, it is useless even now, because there is no heat sensing system that can work normally next to the sun, even if it is a small sun. . Even if the Hell Snake has no heat induction and full vision is on target, we are not worried at all. After all, even we can't see things ourselves, I don't believe Hell Snake can see things.

Xiaochun's tricks blocked the sensory system of Hell Snake, but our side was not completely blind. Just as everyone closed their eyes and turned around, Yeyue and Chili rushed to the place where the prison snake landed.

Ye Yueyue's eyes were blocked because she would cause petrification of the target, which means that she didn't have to rely on her eyes to see the road. Even if she can't see it now, it has no effect on her at all. As for pepper, although she usually judges objects by her eyes, after all, she has a mental field to replace her eyes, so she can fight normally even with her eyes closed.

"Ling, bring this." I fumbled and handed Ling a headgear with a guard. Although this thing can't let Ling see things, it can completely shield the light, so Ling doesn't have to look back to avoid the strong light, and can free his hands. Coming to normal operations. In addition to Ling, the other magic pets also tried to block their eyes, and then all of us rushed back as if we had restored vision.

I said a long time ago that the biggest advantage of this profession system is not the output of absolute harm, nor how tenacious the vitality, but the comprehensive and constant adaptability. For example, in the current situation, ordinary people cannot fight at all under strong light, but it has no effect on us, because my magic pet has a presence that can fight without vision, and we can just share information. That is to say, in my magic pet, as long as one individual sees it, it means that everyone has seen it. Therefore, although everyone's eyesight is lost, we are all as flexible as we still have eyes to avoid the uneven rocks on the ground and rush to the location of the prison snake.

Although the **** snake couldn't open his eyes completely under the strong light, his ears were fine. Although he doesn't have the ability of a bat to hear the target position by his ear, at least he can hear that we are approaching from the sound of footsteps getting closer.

Feeling that the **** snake that was about to die when he didn't fight back suddenly burst out from under the falling rock, and then opened his eyes at the fastest night moon. The **** snake, forced into despair, finally took out his own housekeeping skill, the eye of death, but unfortunately he got it wrong.

The goggles in front of Yeyue suddenly bounced at the moment when I felt the energy that was suddenly active in front of me, followed by her pair of people who had let countless dead people call her the most beautiful. The eyes of the winter jacket m's gem suddenly opened. The two invisible eyes met in the air instantly, and the night moon suddenly softened without warning as if it were a power-off robot, and the **** snake on the opposite side gradually turned into gray-white rocks from both eyes, and the petrified area It continued to expand, and eventually turned half of his body into a stone before he stopped completely.

Xiaochun reduced the brightness of the little sun to the level of a fluorescent lamp by sharing the senses when the **** snake was petrified, and then we quickly surrounded it. The king and II together held down the **** snake with only a tail that could move, and Xiaochun and Chili were the first to seal the throne of the seal around Yeyue.

"How is she?" I asked, worried.

Xiaochun tempted Yeyue's breath and then probed her energy into Yeyue's "body" and checked it before saying: "Most of the vitality has been drained, but not all drained, and the effectiveness of that eye of death seems It's going down. Even if she doesn't care about this, she should be able to recover for at least two or three days. "" Two or three days? "

Xiaochun nodded and said, "It ’s as if you have been so ill at one time that you have been drained so much of your vitality at one time. It is considered very good to be able to recover in two days. But the two days I said are completely untreated. In some cases, I should be able to recover in less than half an hour. "

I heard that it wouldn't take me half an hour to recover, and I stopped worrying. I turned my head to look at the half-sculpture to the **** snake, and I asked the princess doubtfully, "Is it true that Yeyue and this **** snake are not descendants of son-in-law? How do you feel that Yeyue is better than the **** snake? It ’s much weaker? ”,“ Even the twin brothers are a little different in abilities? Besides, we are just a common ancestor. And I do n’t see that Yeyue is weaker than the prison snake. ", I pointed to the **** snake said:" You see, Yeyue and Hell Snake fight for a destiny skill. As a result, Yeyue's vitality is only pumped out, and Hell Snake is only half petrified. Obviously Are **** snakes much stronger than Yeyue. "

"Inability is not to look at the damage ratio, but to see the effect. Yeyue did only petrify half of the prison snake, but there was no Yeyue's body fluids to help him detoxify the petrified effect. This prison snake would have to live for at least another few decades. In order to fully recover the physical body, let alone say that he can not persist for decades without eating, drinking, or dying, but even in this state, any predator can eat his second half of his body and cause his death.

However, although Yeyue was drained of most of her vitality, she did not die, and her recovery time was only two or three days after the throne of the Seal of God. In the absence of external interference, if only they were singled out, Yeyue would win in the end, because after she woke up, the snake was still a stone.

While Xiaochun was treating Yeyue, I also started to fight against Hell Snake. This time I came to catch the prison snake to ask him and Yeyue and the princess to show their combined skills, so now I must first turn the prison snake into my magic pet.

Due to the level problem, the failure rate of the arrest of the **** snake is quite high, but this guy is already in a semi-stone state, so there is no way to resist it. Although the failure rate is high, it can't hold me back from using it repeatedly. Before I woke up, I got the **** snake first.

Because the captured **** snake did not join voluntarily, it became a magic pet egg directly. After being identified by dripping blood, it became my magic pet completely, and his previous memory was also cleared. Regarding things like bloodline, it can basically be said that information about his character formation and the like has been cleared up. In other words, the current snake has all the instincts and battle-related information of the previous snake, but the life information is basically gone.

The arrest of the Serpent snake has just been completed, and Yeyue there just woke up. After confirming that Yeyue was okay, I started to shift my target to the treasures here. "No matter how much you look down on those treasures, they are also treasures. You can flash people without any reason after you hit ss?

We quickly knew the location of the treasure under the guidance of Hell Snake, but it was disgusting enough. Those treasures are actually under the piles of corpses outside. "I have the urge to leave directly. Fortunately, we are the player with the most magic pets in the game. For this class of disgusting corpses, there is just a suitable magic pet. use.


"What's the matter, my master?" Lilith stooped down and gave me a very standard noble ceremony as soon as she appeared. Of course, if you don't think about her body, Lilith really has a strong noble temperament.

Because I couldn't stand the good breath from the other side, I stood directly in the crescent-shaped hole and said to her: "There is a mess in the hole behind you, go and clean it up." Lilith glanced back and then returned Licking her lower lip said, "Give me five minutes. "," Can you stop disgusting us? Xiaochun covered her mouth and almost vomited.

Lilith smiled mischievously, then turned and got into the hole over there. Ling was wise to seal a soundproof and light-shielding barrier at the entrance of the cave so that we couldn't help spitting out the overnight dinner together.

I thought that when I first met Lilith, she was a piece of meat hung in a dungeon. People who did n’t know would think it was a bacon or something. However, Lilith was actually a terrible Lich. Although there are some mutations, "her unique ability is very powerful. This ability can be summarized in three words: swallow, screen, and evolve.

Lilith can devour all the carbon-based life matter she comes into contact with, whether it is a rotten meat that is about to rot, or a living animal, as long as it is a carbon-based life matter, she can devour. Even bacteria, viruses, and even lifeless carbohydrates can be swallowed. After successfully swallowing the target, Lilith can screen various physical, chemical, biological, magical and other attributes contained in it, such as comparison of certain compounds. Hard, some are tough, some are resistant to corrosion, some are resistant to high temperatures, some can smell, some can sense energy, etc. In short, Lilith will analyze the properties of these substances and screen them, keeping useful information for recording, and discarding duplicates and useless things. In the end, all this information will be etched into each of Lilith's genetic code. Cell.

After a rigorous screening, Lilith will make a comprehensive transformation of herself based on the latest information. Make every organization on your body the best under the new information "is stronger, faster, smarter, and more perfect than before.

After counting the time, the Seal of the Seal of God was almost there, and I asked Ling to remove the outer wall. Who knew that the wall had just disappeared and immediately heard a scream.

Almost as soon as I heard the sound, I drilled through the hole, and as soon as I landed, I saw that Lilith, like a pile of throbbing meatballs, was gradually shrinking and moving towards me, and the opposite At the entrance of the cave are seven players standing "and one of them is putting arrows on the bow, and the other mage is saying a spell" In addition there are several soldiers and other people who are rushing here.

It was clear that these people had attacked Lilith just now, and Lilith seemed to have suffered a small loss. Of course, this has something to do with her being too greedy. Originally, Lilith should be very powerful, but she has a weakness, that is, her ability will decline in all aspects when devouring the enemy. If she only swallows a small thing, of course, her decline in ability will not be obvious, but if too much is swallowed by the Sigil Throne at the same time, then it will be troublesome. This was the case just now. She thought there was no danger here, so she swallowed up the large body at one go, and she ate herself like a giant meat ball. It is also because she is busy digesting so many messy things that her ability will drop sharply, which will directly lead to her being screamed by the other side but unable to fight back.

Seeing this situation, I didn't even want to run immediately. There are not many people who can do this kind of thing, but most people are actually more accustomed to helping them. Not to mention Lilith is obviously in a state of inconvenience. Of course, I did not hesitate to hit the opponent.

Just as I was running, the archer on the opposite side had shot the arrow in my hand, and watching that feather arrow with a clear magic light was about to hit Lilith, I quickly waved a dart like a streamer The arrow was intercepted in midair. In any case, darts are also moving by light, and feather arrows cannot be faster than light. However, although the arrow was stopped by the dart, the opponent's mage just shot, and a magic bullet suddenly appeared and flew towards Lilith.

Although darts can intercept feather arrows, they can't intercept magic attacks, and I can't react at too far. However, just when I thought Lilith was going to suffer, I suddenly heard the sound of an explosion behind me, and then saw the ghost rushing past me like lightning, and then split the magic bomb in mid-air with a sword. For two and a half. Although the magic bomb exploded at the moment it was cut, the ghost was too fast, and it was worn out before the explosive power fully appeared.

The dart legs that landed directly in front of the mage pulled a large ditch on the ground and slid in front of the mage, followed by a scoop. A soldier next to the opponent quickly blocked the ghost's sword in front of the mage with his own weapon. I did not expect that the power of the ghost was too great, and one sword lifted him out.

The bomber flew over the player who was blocking the way, and the ghost immediately smashed the sword thrown over his head, but the mage reacted at a critical moment with a tumbling danger flashing over the sword.

The fighters who had been rushed by the mage behind the attack behind the attackers immediately turned around and rushed back, but what they did not expect was that they had just turned around and I had rushed behind them. A few guys were running very well, and suddenly one of them saw a sword tip appearing in the chest, and then the guy suddenly fell forward to the ground. By the time the other three responded and turned to attack, I had put the sword in the chest of the second guy.

When one turned, two people hung up and the remaining two people were angry and wanted to kill me and vent their anger, but before their weapons were lifted, I had rolled around to the side of one of them, raised my leg and kicked him towards the other. The two guys immediately fell into a ball like a gourd.

After knocking them down, I just glanced behind them and turned around and rushed over to the hole. The two men stopped trying to roll back and retaliated, but after seeing my strange movements, they turned back and looked at me behind them. Looking forward. However, they only saw two huge meat tubes covering themselves this time, and then they were swallowed by the meat tubes without any accident, followed by the screams and moved along the meat tubes. Infused into Lilith's body.

After swallowing two people, the meat pipe didn't stop and moved to the two guys on the ground who were not dead, and then sucked them in just like before.

At the other side of the hole, the ghost picks three players against each other, but it looks like he has the upper hand.

I just added that the balance was tilting faster.

While the ghost was hunting down the mage, the archer took an arrow and fired, hoping to sneak into the ghost. Who knew that his sword had just left the bowstring and hadn't flown a meter away, I was rushed up from the side by a sword. It became two. The arrow without the stable feather of the arrow flew away from the direction and flew to the side in an instant, and I rushed to the archer before the arrows came to the ground. It was too late to use a sword, and I simply hit him directly with my shoulder. As an archer, he obviously couldn't compare with me. I just hit the guy and flew straight out, and before he landed, I suddenly pointed at him and shot the dragon's tendon on his left arm around his ankle. The cable shrank and pulled him back in a moment, and a flick of his wrist made him stand up in the air. He lifted his left hand and pinched his neck. In his surprised eyes, his right hand eternally caught him with a sword. Heart, then pulled out instantly and threw his body to Lilith.

At the same time as I solved the archer, the ghost over there has also made the mage into a human pie ~ ~ and then gave the soldier who tried to escape to liquefy the magic crystal steam missile. Of course, that person is not as fast as a missile, and his defense can never stop the liquefied magic crystal steam missile that can even be opened by the city walls, but "... the way we go out is also unstoppable.

"Don't ..." I shouted when I saw the ghost launching a missile, but unfortunately it was a slow step. I could only watch the missile with a thick pen draw white smoke into the tunnel, followed by There was a loud noise, and a large group of flames spewed out of the cave with the dirt, and then the whole cave began to shake, and a lot of dirt and stones collapsed from above. I was scared to go to the crescent-shaped cave. Running.

Although I am already strong, the power of nature is still irresistible. Hundreds of tons of dirt and rocks were smashed from the top of the head, and no one would have good results. Fortunately, we were not slow, and eventually we hid over to the Crescent Cave before the cave over there, and fortunately the collapse did not seem to affect this side.

"Ghost, hasn't anyone told you not to use explosives in the crypt?" I finally stared at the ghost and questioned when it was finally safe.

[... Volume XIX Chapter 129 The text of the novel is updated the fastest ...] a! !!

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