Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 141: Succubus?

Volume 19 Chapter 141 Succubus?

"Master saves!"

Suddenly, I heard Xiao Chun's cry for help in my heart contact, and it stopped me. "Xiaochun? What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

"We met a guy who can fight well, and she has a lot of helpers, and we are almost out of support!"

"Aren't you kidding me? When the four of you went out together and still couldn't support it? Would that trade be so powerful?"

"I don't know where they found the masters, we can't stand it anyway!"

Listening to Xiaochun's voice seemed quite anxious. I also knew she was not joking with me, and quickly comforted her: "If you hold on for a while, I will be right away."


After cutting off the communication, I directly retracted the night shadow and jumped up. The flying bird appeared immediately under me. After catching me, the thrust was shot in the direction of Xiaochun and they flew away, leaving only a circle in the sky. Circular water mist.

At this time, in a small city dozens of kilometers away from us, a group of players surrounded a circle surrounding Xiaochun and the four of them. However, although they surrounded Xiaochun, they were not fighting, they were watching the battle. What is really fighting Xiaochun is actually a group of magic pets, the most powerful of which is a winged humanoid creature that is so fast that it can't see the form completely. In fact, this guy dragged Jingjing and Lingling alone, while Emmys and Xiaochun were actually cleaning up a large group of monsters around them.

Although that creature is now one enemy and two, Jingjing and Lingling, who claim to have the strongest defense and the strongest attack, are instead the side that is being beaten. On the contrary, Xiaochun and Aimeness on the other side are With two to twenty, it was very easy to hit, but also took a few time to kill several targets.

"Guardian." In the face of the creature that rushed over, Jingjing quickly flashed in front of Lingling and slammed the shield, followed by a loud noise, and Jingjing's smashed back glided backwards two or three meters to offset it. Shock. However, the other party failed to please, and was directly bounced back and bumped a few heads in the air to stabilize.

Lingling saw the chance of the opponent being bounced and quickly bypassed Jingjing and rushed straight up. The holy sword unfolded instantly into a door panel as wide as a giant long sword over eight meters long and smashed on the head of the opposite guy. past. However, it was unexpected that the guy's response was surprisingly fast. At the moment when the holy sword was about to hit, the figure suddenly flickered around the sword body and appeared directly on Lingling's side and knocked Lingling with an elbow. Go out. However, although Lingling was hit and flew, her holy sword flew forward along the route just released, and as a result, a small group of people watching outside was directly bombarded by the holy sword that was flown out of the pond Become the sky.

Seeing Lingling being hit and flying, Jingjing immediately rushed up to a shield and slammed into each other. The guy flexed a backflip in the air, then quickly completed a large maneuver in the air and rushed back and crashed into Jingjing, but Jingjing was known as the first shield angel of the shield, but not as easy as Lingling. The shield moved down to seal the guy ’s offensive course, then pulled back a distance, followed the right-handed long sword at the guy, and a white light ball flew out to knock the guy out.

Although Jingjing and Lingling are Angels of the Shield and Angels of the Sword, that is just to say that their specialty is this, not that Jingjing has no weapons and only uses shields. As an angel, Jingjing not only has a shield, but also an epee. In addition, she can also use the auxiliary magic of angels.

While the guy was hit by the fly, Jingjing quickly turned around and threw a recovery operation over Lingling, and then chased the guy who was hit by the fly and rushed forward, just before Ling Ling got up from the ground, heaven That guy has shot down Jingjing.

Without Jingjing's restraint, the guy rushed directly to Lingling, then raised his sword in his hand and was ready to stab. The crowd around him was also shouting excitedly to let that guy quickly kill Lingling. However, just as the long sword in the guy's hand was about to fall, a horrible Jian Mang suddenly cut across. After the guy saw Jianmang, he hurriedly blocked the sword, but the two arms realized the badness as soon as he touched the guy. With the loud noise, the guy suddenly flew out like a cannonball. The huge impact kept sending the guy out for hundreds of meters and crashing through a large row of buildings before he stopped completely.

"Who is that? You two have been so bad against each other?" I asked as I reached out and pulled Lingling off the ground.

After Lingling held my hand up from the ground, she wanted to stand on her own. She just returned and almost sat back on the ground. Fortunately, I was next to her and helped her in time. Looking at her like this, I just rang my fingers and released Ling and Mira, and then pointed at the fighting area over there: "Ling, go and replace Xiao Chun and let her come and take care of Lingling. Mira You protect Jingjing, she seems to be injured too. Bring her over. "

Ling nodded his head and suddenly opened his wings and flew into the sky to suppress the surrounding Warcraft with various spells. Although Xiaochun and Ling should be considered to exist at the same level in terms of overall strength, in fact, their partiality is very serious. Ling's strength lies in attack, and Xiaochun mainly assists, so it seems that Ling ’s total strength has not changed since Xiaochun was replaced, but in fact, the Warcraft troops opposite Ling began to take turns as soon as Ling joined the battle. The magic that Ling's spell touched was really dead or wounded.

I do n’t need to worry about the situation here after Xiaochun ’s return. The reason why it was suppressed before is mainly because Xiaochun was entangled by the band of Warcraft and could n’t provide auxiliary support. Now she can spare time to use auxiliary spells. There are also two major battles to help, Mira and Ling. It is impossible to think of problems.

Let the magic pets deal with those World of Warcraft, and I myself directly met the guy who was just hit by me. After I arranged the fight here, the guy also climbed out of the rubble, and it wasn't until then that I really saw what we were fighting.

The creature in front of him has the basic shape of a demon, similar to a human head and body, with a pair of huge bat wings behind it, and a slender tail behind his butt. Except that there is no long horn, this is basically a demon, and ... she is indeed a demon, but not a big demon, but only a succubus.

After discovering that this was a succubus, I soon discovered that she was significantly different from the general succubus. Normally the succubus needs to attract the opposite sex, so the face and figure are usually long and easily evoke the sexual desire of the opposite sex. In layman's terms, the succubus all have a natural fox-like appearance. In short, at first glance, you will feel that this is definitely an unscrupulous woman. However, the succubus in front of her is obviously different from her counterparts, and of course, she may not be a succubus at all.

The creature in front of this suspected succubus does have a beautiful and pretty face, especially the ecstasy twin pupils are even more dazzling. If it weren't for the twin pupils looking at the overnight moon, I would definitely think that this is the most beautiful eye in the world. However, although Yeyue ’s pupils are more beautiful than hers, Yeyue ’s petrified pupils are also annoying, so fortunate to see Yeyue ’s charming pupils are now basically sculptures or broken Sculpture. In contrast, the creature ’s pupils are much more approachable. At least her eyes can let you enjoy it unscrupulously. However, although those eyes are extremely beautiful, by the standards of a succubus, it is an unsuccessful pair of eyes, because it does not show charm and attraction, but gives people a cold feeling. That's right, this is the problem of this succubus right now. Although she is also very beautiful, but unlike those succubuses who seem to be desperate for hunger and thirst, she gives people a completely iceberg-like feeling. Although her beauty is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary succubus, as a succubus, this deputy looks a little inappropriate.

Except for a grim face, this succubus' body is completely in line with the standards of the succubus. It has an absolute shape like the peaks and valleys, and the ratio is quite perfect. One more point is fatter. Part is thin. However, although it can be seen that her figure is quite hot, the suspected succubus in front of her does not wear a seductive costume almost like a **** lingerie like a normal succubus, instead, she is actually wearing a Light armor. Although this armor is not fully covered, at least it covers most of the main parts of the body. Of course, although the area of ​​this armor is not small, in fact she is quite attractive, at least Jingjing and Lingling's armor is not as attractive as hers. But by succubus standards, this outfit is already quite conservative.

In fact, this suspected succubus not only looks and dresses differently from the ordinary succubus, but even her weapon is very different from the ordinary succubus. Normally, the weapon used by the succubus is either a whip or a blade, but the suspected succubus is using a sword, and it is not a general sword, but a heavy chopping sword. This heavy weapon, which is comparable to the width of the two-handed sword but nearly twice as wide as the two-handed sword, can be said to be completely incompatible with the succubus' light and fast fighting style, but she just holds such a weapon, and it seems It works well. Of course, there is only one handle left in that sword. I just hit it with the eternal front. At least it must be a super-class artifact. General weapons, including ordinary artifacts, are broken when they are touched.

The succubus that crawled out of the ruins first looked down at the broken sword with only the hilt left in her hand, then threw the hilt aside, wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, and then she suddenly flew towards me. Come on.

"Are you brave?" I said, covering the blades and palms of all parts of my body. This succubus is obviously a speed-type player. To deal with her needs speed rather than attack power, so I directly switched to melee combat and gave up my intention to use long weapons.

The speed of the succubus rushing in front of me just rushed towards me without any reduction. I didn't expect her to be so crazy. After holding her arms with her hands, she even opened her mouth and bit her over my neck. But before her fangs hit my neck, I fell back, and lifted a leg against her belly, kicking her over me with the force of her forward rush.

After the other party was kicked out by me, he didn't hesitate at all. Before he landed, he completed the posture adjustment in the air. Immediately after the four limbs landed at the same time, the limbs swooped towards me and rolled into me again. This time she was useless, but her new tactics were even more blatant than before. As soon as she touched me, she reached out and scratched my face. Honestly, after fighting for so long, this is the first time I have encountered a shrew-like fight. Fortunately, the dragon dragon armor has a mask. Before her five bright red nails were about to touch my face, my mask suddenly broke from the helmet. The inside slipped out to seal the helmet, and then her claws caught the sharp noise of the helmet's mask and brought five Mars.

After covering her claws with a mask, I didn't even want to be separated from her. I grabbed her arms and hugged her shoulders and yanked her arms. Anyway, she is also a succubus, and her hard work with me is definitely her loss. However, she obviously knew this too. After discovering my intentions, she even shrank down like a loach and easily withdrew from my hug. Then she pressed my arm with a backhand and the other hand flew from the leg instantly. When I found a dagger on my side, I fell down against my shoulder socket. Fortunately, I was strong enough that she couldn't hold my arm. Her arms stretched out her palms, pinched her neck, and then the other hand pinched her wrist to stop the dagger from advancing. The succubus also wanted to push down hard, but unfortunately there was always a gap in strength, and her dagger was eventually pushed away by me.

I found that this was not the opponent. The succubus stepped back on my chest, and I followed a turn from the ground and got up. Looking at the battlefield, I immediately noticed the location of the succubus, followed by the shaking of the wrists of both hands, and the blades on both arms slipped out. The succubus opposite me after seeing my weapon was also anxious, but while she was looking around, a guy in the crowd suddenly raised her hand and threw two crescent machetes and shouted for her Catch it.

The succubus instantly inserted the dagger back into the scabbard on the side of the leg, followed by a sudden jump and caught the two knives in the air, then slashed directly at me. Seeing the slashing double knives, I immediately took a step back, and then rushed up again at the moment when the succubus landed directly because of a distance judgment error. When she saw me approaching, she leaned back, and after offsetting the impact of falling, she immediately kicked her legs and jumped backwards, but I moved faster than her. When she took off, I followed. Take off, and obviously higher than her position. I was catching up with her in the air while she was still rising, and one of her knees bent forward directly hit her beautiful and pretty face, and then, with the blood flower, knocked her all over the air with a head . Taking advantage of her opportunity to lose balance in the air, I held my hands together and held a big fist and smashed down at her.

With a bang, the succubus that I smashed down from the air fell to the ground on his back and stirred up the dust of the sky. I landed lightly on the ground, watching the succubus who was already in a semi-coma but still struggling to get up. I really didn't know what to say. Although she is my enemy now, such an enemy is quite respectable. A person's persistence in resistance in the awake state can only indicate that the person is determined, but even in a semi-comatose condition, it can never be maintained by ordinary people.

Seeing that I was still trying to get up from the pit, but couldn't help the succubus, I hit my finger directly. The princess immediately appeared beside me, then squatted beside her, held her head, and put her forehead on her forehead. The moment the two foreheads touched, the succubus twitched violently as if it were an electric shock. If I had summoned four death guards in time to help her and hold her hands and feet, the princess would almost be lifted by her Go out.

"what's the situation?"

The princess did not answer my question immediately, apparently her invasion of thought was also in trouble. Later, I thought that a member of the audience suddenly stood up and shouted at me with a sword: "I ... I'm not afraid of you."

"Aren't you afraid of shaking me?" Looking at this obviously scared guy, I walked directly to it and said, "It can actually suppress my four magic pets. Are you very powerful? . "

"Master, come here, good things!" The coward opposite hadn't spoken yet. The princess called out first, and I quickly turned and ran back. The opposite guy saw me running back and immediately rushed up from behind to try to attack me. Unfortunately, he ran two steps and was shot into the ground by a big tail that fell from the sky. Jingjing and Lingling are now cured by Xiaochun, and Mira can naturally join the battle without protecting Jingjing. I just saw that this guy wanted to attack me, so why didn't he pump him?

I do n’t care about the behind the scenes. That guy ’s strength is several orders of magnitude worse than me. Even if Mira ca n’t help, the strength of that guy may not even break my defense, let alone threaten it. I'm safe now.

Immediately after running to the princess, I immediately half-knelt beside her and the succubus, and then pulled down the armor gloves on both hands ~ ~ Extended two hands to hold the princess and the succubus, respectively On top of the demon's head, he then started to capture. As the light flashed a few times, the succubus who was struggling desperately suddenly softened.

"Huh, I'm finally done." The princess said to me with a smile: "Congratulations on getting another high-level magic pet."

"I only started to capture you when you said there was something good. I haven't seen any attributes of her yet."

"then you……"


The princess just said two. The succubus on the ground, which has become my devil's pet, suddenly gave me a punch. I was caught off guard by a direct backflip of this punch to take the Pingsha Luoyan style. The one who fell was called miserable, and the princess was lifted out because the succubus suddenly got up, and it was not much better than me.

"Did you get it wrong? Why did you fight too?"

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