Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 145: Potential fat sheep that almost missed

"Zi Ri, is this request ...?" Di Tans felt improper as soon as he saw my request.

Regarding Di Tans's hesitation, Rose said directly: "As long as you don't let others know, this request is nothing, isn't it? We don't preach everywhere that we use the three temples for spying, will you? Di Tans quickly shook their heads and said no, Rose quickly steals them and said, "Willn't it be okay? You won't spread it around, let's not even say it. Then since no one knows, you are afraid what?"

Dietans thought about it with Philin Deere and Marilyn next to him, and finally nodded his teeth and said, "No problem, what do you say!"

"Very good, then please look at the last three conditions. As long as you all accept, our transaction can be executed immediately."

The rest of the three bars are quite special. Di Tans first turned a page back, and then found that the request written here actually asked the three temples to help our guild train clerics.

In fact, we have only recently learned that the formal shrine can accept entrusted training business, and the first person who found that this kind of thing is not feasible is our guild, but an Italian player.

"Zero" is a worldwide online game. When it was publicized, it was said that anyone can find your favorite entertainment here. For example, like me, I follow the game route of adventurers and political speculators. And like Rose, she is playing "Zero" as a simulation business game. Su Mei, they are playing "Zero" as a strategy management game. Red Moon simply played "Zero" as a real-time strategy game. Of course, people like us are marginalized after all. Most people do n’t have that hobby, nor do they have the capital to play our exaggerated game. The real mainstream players in Zero should still be combat players. They are actually playing first-person fighting games.

It is precisely because "Zero" has so many ways to play, so he can meet almost all kinds of strange entertainment requirements of men, women and children all over the world. The Italian mentioned earlier is such an alternative player, his hobby is to try every possibility. For example, let's see if there is any mystery in the novice task of Xinshou Village, whether it can be summoned as a magic pet in some urban fixed facilities, or to test whether you can train wild Warcraft without using the capture skills. Anyway, people like them just like to try things that others can't think of or think is impossible. Moreover, these people also organized a forum to exchange various experiences and some strange features they successfully tried out.

This Italian tried to ask his branch to go to a branch of the Temple of Light to inquire about training during a certain boredom. As a result, the guy who thought he should be rejected got an application form. The details above It contains some necessary information such as training requirements, training personnel, training time, etc. Anyway, the content is very detailed. According to this finding, he finally sent a purchased low-level battle for training, and he filled out the study of logistics management project for the purpose of experiment, and as a result paid a large amount of crystal coins After waiting for ten days, the cannon fodder battle, which had only five hundred levels, returned to the guild in a priest's robe and turned into a senior management talent. Later, after inspection by the Italian, it was discovered that all the previous combat attributes were preserved, and he also became an elite logistics management. This discovery was quickly spread to the forum and spread quickly, and many guilds later confirmed that this method is indeed feasible.

However, although this method proved to be feasible in the end, it had two major shortcomings. First, this training costs money. It's not just spending money in general, but a lot of money. The basic training fee for one person is as high as one hundred crystal coins. This money is enough to buy a low-level battle, but this is only the basic value. If the project you want to train is more complex or requires teaching to be completed in a short time, then finally The cost will go up as the water goes up. In fact, this is not the most expensive one, the most expensive one should be regarded as training elites. Everyone knows that the elite can be met but not sought, but the level setting of the training courses in the temple can actually train the ordinary settings into an elite level. Of course, this exaggerated training effect corresponds to the same exaggerated training costs. Even if our guild can only occasionally train so few elites, it should only be emergency. It is better to spend money to obtain elites in this way. Other guilds will buy it cheaper. Because the cost is so high, although the associations know this method, they rarely use it. After all, the consumption ratio is too low.

In addition to the first drawback, this training method has a troublesome flaw, which is that it has limited permissions. If you want to cultivate the low level into the middle level, it's okay, just write an application and pay for it, and you can start training immediately.

However, if you want to train a group of advanced people into elites, then you are in trouble. You have to ask the temple to help you train a large group of middle and low end. During this period, the value of cooperation between your guild and the temple will continue to rise. Until this value reaches a certain standard, the temple will start to help you train advanced. The process is like upgrading. It needs to be done step by step. It is not only time consuming but also money consuming. It can be described as extremely troublesome.

After reading the first of the remaining three requests, Di Tans looked at us in amazement and asked, "We didn't say we wouldn't help you train the staff? Why add one?"

Rose didn't answer, but told him to look down. There is a small additional content behind the big one, and Distan changed their face immediately after reading it. "Isn't this too much? The free-of-charge training is okay. We still have to train to the highest level, and we also need to open the training of combatants. We have to accept this, otherwise our temple will be drained by you sooner or later. . "

Rose said with a smile: "We can discuss this again. If there is no fee, we can also pay some fees appropriately, or still free of fees, but you can limit the number of monthly training. As for combatants Training and all elite programs cannot be negotiated. If you refuse, then we will not have to talk. "

Seeing how we bite like this, the three main gods got together again for a discussion, and finally Distan said, "We discussed it. The number of training is still yours, and there is no problem in training combatants, but different bīng training Fees will be based on different charging standards. Our plan is that combat training costs are calculated at one-sixth of the direct purchase price, and non-combatant costs are all trained at one hundred crystal coins. This is fine. Right? "

Rose nodded immediately: "No problem, even if this pass is passed, there are two in the back, please discuss it as soon as possible."

Distan and they turned back after confirming, but when they turned over the agreement, they found that there was one page left, and the remaining two were written on this side. The content of these two items is very short, but compared to the resources that occupy more than 90% of the pages in the book, these two items are absolutely ten times more demanding.

The main point of the penultimate article is: signing a secret agreement, promising the absolute existence of the temple of chaos and order within the sphere of influence of the three temples.

The interpretation of this agreement is to require the Tripartite Temple to suppress the guilds of other guilds, and to ensure that the chaos and order of our guild occupy the absolute dominant position in the European guild temple system.

This seems to conflict with the interests of the three temples, but it is actually not the same. If we compare the power of faith admiration to a food-eating animal, then the temple can be understood as a carnivorous animal. They can ensure their survival and strength by hunting food-eating animals. On the surface, the chaos and order temples of our guilds, such as the Temple of Heaven and Heaven, and the Black Temple Dark Temple, are conflicting, because they are all carnivores, and the power of faith to exist as food is indeed limited. The so-called mountain is not tolerated, and the contention is nothing more than food. (This paragraph seems to have máo disease, but the original text is like this, everyone understand it.)

However, the actual situation now is that the Temple of Chaos and Order was established smoothly in Zhongli, and the strength of heaven has not suppressed the Temple of Chaos and Order of our guild. Of course, there is a reason for this, and this The reason is that the temple of chaos and order does not compete with heaven for faith and admiration.

The power of faith in the game is actually not one but two. In the game, the temple supported by the guild creation established by the player is called the guild temple or guild protoss, and the power of faith and admiration required by the system-set protoss such as heaven is completely Two different parts. A person, whether a player or a player, can provide trust and admiration for both of them without affecting each other. Because of this setting of the system, there is no problem of fighting for faith between the two protoss, because the two seem to be two species whose foods do not overlap at all. Food A of B does not eat at all. B's food A also does not eat, so there is no conflict between the two at all.

Because the two temples can coexist peacefully, there is nothing absolutely unacceptable for the three main temples of our team. After all, the existence of the chaos and order temples will not endanger the fundamental interests of the three temples. Of course, if they are required to come forward and suppress other guild protoss, then the three temples will need to pay a certain price. After all, the growth of the guild in their country means that they may expand their sources of faith and snoring. The guilds of the guilds that overwhelm their guilds will inevitably lead those guilds to be less competitive than our guilds. This is equivalent to hurting their own interests, so the three temples are so tangled.

After a fierce quarrel of more than ten minutes, Distan finally nodded and agreed to this request, not because they thought of a solution. On the contrary, the reason why they promised is because they didn't do anything. Promising us will only affect their future expansion of power, and if they do not agree, their power will now begin to shrink. The two evils are the least important, and the three temples naturally know which one is more important.

After the penultimate claim was also passed, there was only the last claim, which was the most difficult thing for them. Because our last rule is to connect the cores of the divine power of the four temples for knowledge sharing.

Everyone knows the meaning of the core of the divine power for the protoss, and the knowledge recorded in it is invaluable. If the four temples are to transmit knowledge to the chaos and order of the guilds, the price is definitely high. It should be known that the European Black Temple Dark Temple and the European Light Temple are the general headquarters of the Black Temple and the Light Temple in the world. The information recorded in the core of their divine power here is definitely more than the core of the divine family in any country. More things to record. Although we are only copying the knowledge part, not the meticulous privacy of secrets, this value transfer can definitely make the three temples vomit.

Although the last one required me and Rose to be prepared for possible rejection, but unexpectedly, the final conclusions given by the three temples turned out to be a limited development knowledge base, not a complete rejection. In addition, this so-called limited development is actually limited and very broad. The low-level capabilities are almost all open. There are only a few restrictions on the prohibition of surgery and some theories that they have not yet confirmed. We can get at least 80% of them. The above amount of knowledge can be said to have exceeded the task.

After confirming the last requirement, Rose quickly demonstrated the quality of a professional negotiator. In just two minutes, she got the complicated system settings and passed a system guarantee agreement into the hands of the three main gods. After the three were stamped with their own divine power, the contract was completely effective, and until after the contract was signed, Di Tans suddenly screamed and remembered that they only wrote what they were going to do in the contract and did not. Define what tasks I want to complete, that is, even if I do n’t do anything now, they have to do all of them according to the requirements of the agreement, otherwise the system will force them to do it. The three main gods scared by this serious mistake almost passed out. In the end, Di Tans just cried and didn't hold my big lame leg.

"Okay, okay, do you guys look a little bit good? Thanks to all the confidants here, otherwise what does it look like?" I first counted them like a righteous Ling Ran before I said, "You Do everything for me. Did I say that I want to rely on the account? You can rest assured. Although my Ziri asking price is a little bit tougher, my credibility is still guaranteed. Isn't it that the Olympians are encroaching on your territory? Just let them have no time to encroach on your territory. Of course, you have to hurry up and grab the stolen sphere of influence while I am in trouble for Olympus. If you can fight back against aggression, of course it is better . After all, your sphere of influence will also be the predator of our Temple of Chaos and Order. The larger your territory, the happier I will be. "

Hearing my assurance that the three main gods were immediately grateful expressions, and said a lot of good words, for fear I would regret it. Of course, they are so enthusiastic and I do n’t feel bad, so in the end, I reluctantly gave them the search task for the last book of the world. After all, the book should be marked at the South Pole according to the mark on the map. nearby. In reality, the Antarctic climate is bad enough. The ghost place in the game is simply the forbidden area of ​​life. Not to mention people, the flames can be instantly frozen into a pile of ice. Although my equipment is also very cold-resistant, it is better not to go to that ghost place.

For Di Tans, after thirty-nine or nine weeks passed, it is not bad. So when I heard that I just wanted them to help me find the book, I patted my **** immediately and promised to help me find the book. As to whether they can find it, that's not my concern. Want to join the three shrines so that you can't even find the book?

After the negotiations were over, I returned the roses to Tianyu City and started to move directly to Italy. However, due to the exquisite reasons, I still could not use the birds to travel, so I had no luck but luckily, although there were no birds So fast, but flying faster than walking.

Although the mission this time is to deal with the Olympus Protoss, I did not intend to go directly to Greece, because in this matter I suddenly thought that there is another guy who should give some benefits.

The Protoss system in "Zero" is set up like this. First, two temples of light and darkness are set for each country as the guide to the protoss who first contact the players. They are more like the offices arranged by the system in the game. However, although the Temple of Light and Darkness is spread all over the world, it is not complete. It is as if Ling was China ’s dark goddess at first. She and Di Tans were not at all affiliated with each other. Until Ling, China ’s Dark Temple was from Europe Apart from the division of the Dark Temple, there is no relationship between the two.

In addition to the temples of light and darkness, the game also set up their own protoss system in accordance with the beliefs of various countries in the reality. For example, the heavens in China and the high heavenly gods in Japan are set according to the legends in reality. Protoss body system. This reality of the protoss in the game and the light and dark temple cross existence ~ ~ there is a certain competitive relationship between the two, but because of system protection, the general situation is that the local protoss can not be destroyed The Light and Dark Protoss are generally stronger than the two temples.

According to this theory, the most widely spread Christianity in nature naturally exists, and the Vatican Holy See is also indispensable. Of course, it's different from reality. This place is really inhabited by Ye Ye and Hua Hua, not just a group of sacrifices, the Pope or something.

Geographically speaking, the two temples of light and darkness in Germany and France are actually separated from the Greek Olympus by the land of the elderly. Now that they are even far away in Germany and France ’s Di Tans, they have come to me for help. Does n’t it make sense that the closer God ’s territory has no impact? Well, since he was affected, when I attacked the Olympian Protoss, he must also be one of the beneficiaries, and it is likely that he was the one with the most beneficiaries.

With my help, it is definitely impossible to not give money. My Ziri's cheap is not so easy to occupy. Therefore, instead of flying directly to Greece, I now head to Italy. In any case, I have to talk to God and his old man first. Wouldn't it be too good for me to be sorry for myself and the **** Dietans?

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