Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 151: Ares really good

Volume Nineteenth Chapter One hundred and fifty-one Ares

"Everyone is hiding, Ares' unlucky guy is here." Victoria was in charge of observing the situation at the outer periphery of the encirclement. According to her, in terms of her lucky value, if she meets Aris, it is entirely possible that Aris's luck value will be geometrically enlarged. To put it simply, when Victoria is present, Ares gets worse than usual.

When we heard Victoria ’s reminder, we all tried to lower our body and activate various stealth skills. Anyway, the ghost monitoring is enough for surveillance work. We don't have to take the initiative to let the other party find us.

We only lurked here for a short while, and on the road ahead, Ares came over with a large group of Saints, but it was more confusing that the first few people in the team actually took all of them. With a stick, along the way, it was like a minesweeper, plunging into the ground while walking. The places they walked through were the same as shotguns, and the ground was full of small and large potholes.

"Victoria, what are those Saints doing?"

Victoria said with a smirk: "Oh, this is a joke on Mount Olympus. It seemed that Athena and Hera Hugh and Aphrodite, the **** of love and beauty, bet together. Hera said that the protoss It was smart, but Athena didn't agree, and Aphrodite said they could come and make a bet to prove who was right. "

"What does this have to do with the saint of Ares making holes in the ground?"

"Of course it matters. Do you know what kind of bet the three goddesses made?"

I haven't spoken so exquisitely that I asked first: "What bet?"

Victoria said with a smile: "They dug a big pit in the middle of the road and then made a simple camouflage. Anyway, it is the obvious camouflage. Basically, you can see it with a little attention. Then they are in front of the big pit. A sign was inserted, which reminded passers-by that there was a large pit in the middle of the road in front of them, so that everyone could walk by. "

"Aris won't just fall in right?" I asked a little funny.

Victoria nodded with a smile and said, "Yes. When Athena prepared everything, Apollo first came over. He saw the sign on the sign, and then walked down the side of the road. Afterwards Seddon walked here, he saw the sign, and experimented with a stone, and found that there was really a hole in the road, so he also bypassed. Athena they repaired the camouflage after Poseidon passed, and then Reese appeared. He also saw the sign, but he pointed at the sign angrily and said that it was a prank on him. After being accommodated, he jumped to the pile of camouflage to prove to the followers who followed him. And then Aris has a habit of going out. As long as it is not the hard stone ground, he will definitely take things to test whether there is a trap on the road ahead. "

"This guy is too idiotic, right?" Xiaochun couldn't help asking.

Victoria said: "You can't say that too. Ares is the **** of war. It represents disorderly and irrational wars, so he is usually impulsive. In fact, I think most of his unlucky luck follows His impulsive personality is related. "

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, when this guy is coming closer!" I hurriedly calmed down the pets as I watched the Ares team getting closer.

Ares's lineup is not neatly arranged. It looks not only like the marching army, but more like a bandit roaming around. Of course, it would be more like without the group of saints in the front holding holes to punch holes in the ground.

Watching the other person gradually walk into the ambush circle, I kept reminding the magic pets in my spiritual contact: "Don't move, don't move, wait, wait, don't move around, okay, let them go inside. Others Do n’t move, tanks, Amenities, it ’s your turn. ”

With my reminder, the tank fired the magic crystal shell at the same time as Aimes, which used the real mirror image, and Ares noticed the sudden magic reaction before the shell was launched. However, just as he suddenly shifted his attention to the direction in which the cannonball was flying because of the magic induction, I just jumped out from behind the rock and yelled, "Hand."

Although Ares's attention was attracted by the tank and Aimeness, but the shouts at hand made him quickly turn his attention back.

As soon as I found him beside him, Ares stepped back immediately, while holding the hilt on the waist side of his right hand and yanking outward, he wanted to fight against me. However, within just one second, Ares let me fully appreciate his tragic luck. Ares, who took a small step back, not only failed to distance me, but was frightened and distracted by hitting the Saint Seiya behind him. At the same time, the sword hanging on his waist did not know how to come Problem, he had pulled out the sword and fought against me. He actually pulled the rope of the hanging sword, but the sword was indeed lifted, but the sheath was not removed.

when. In an instant my eternity collided with Ares's sword, and then the first half of the scabbard and the sword inside it were cut into two pieces. Ares in surprise, because she wanted to avoid my attack, she continued to take a step back in the case of hitting people, but this step happened to step on a round stone, and then this guy was tragically out of balance. And even more frightening is that before he fell, he actually tried to grab the nearby Saint Seiya to stabilize himself, but instead he not only stopped himself, but also dragged the Saint Seiya who was going to protect him. For him, let's not fight back now, he even has trouble getting up.

Although Ares is unlucky enough, I will not be softened by this. Seeing him and the Saint Seiya fall, I immediately stood up to the Saint Seiya who pierced the ground eternally. Anyway, with the eternal sharpness, no one can stop it. Even though this Saint, it is definitely not a problem to want to poke Aris behind. However, the saint was indeed fierce enough. After discovering my intentions, he took the initiative to pounce on himself and hit my sword, and then rolled my arms to the side, hoping to use an excuse to drag me. However, although he successfully controlled my right hand, he did not know that I actually had weapons on both hands.

Because my right hand was held and I couldn't continue to attack, I immediately took my left hand in front of me, and thundered three blade claws, followed by a swift lash. It is a pity that although Ares was born with a bad luck, his fighting skills are real. While the Saint Seiya held my right hand for a second, he had dragged a dagger from his waist to replace the previously cut main weapon.

when. Because it does not cover eternity, the sharpness of the blade is not enough to cut off the dagger in Ares' hands. After all, that thing can be carried by Ares, at least it should be a high-level artifact.

When I missed it, I quickly withdrew and backed away. The eternity in my hand instantly turned into an eight-claw sharp blade, and instantly opened a big hole in the chest of the Saint Seiya wrapped around my hand, and then with the help of my backing power, the guy easily The body was dumped out.

Although the saint did not do me any harm, his self-sacrifice at least saved Ares. Aris, who had re-emerged, threw the dagger directly as a flying knife, but it was easily removed by my blade claw, but he also took this opportunity to pull out a piece of gold from the void. gun.

"Dare to kill my saint, let me die." Ares growled and stabbed, and I immediately crossed the sword. Just listening to the sound of a bang, Eternal collided with the tip of that gun, but it just rubbed out a piece of Mars, but it couldn't cut the long gun. It seems that the gun in Ares's hand is not a general commodity, and it can be regarded as an artifact in the artifact when it can block the eternal weapon.

After firing Aris's spear, I just let go of Eternity with a loose hand, and lowered my shoulders. The whole person leaned down and rushed under the spear that Aris handed out. The blades of both hands popped up at the same time. Spencer's chest fluttered. Ares hurriedly retracted the gun and held my crossed blade claws with the tail of the gun, and then twisted it sharply and twisted it in place, turning it into a posture of head and foot. While I was still spinning, he suddenly kicked his own gunpoint, and just turned to the lower gunpoint, which suddenly bounced forward, and flew directly towards my throat. I quickly hurled my arms and fired a long gun. The whole person turned around in the air, and my legs naturally stretched out and shook Aris's shoulders. The whole Aris immediately took three steps backwards, until He used the golden gun to control the glide of the body.

"It's pretty amazing." After re-landing, I found that Ares had not been kicked far, and I praised.

Ares responded politely: "Anyway, it's enough to deal with you." Then he suddenly drew the golden gun and rushed at me again.

Watching that guy rush forward like a siege tank, I immediately put on a posture and prepared for the attack. However, just as I was about to meet, Ares's sad luck broke out again. Ares, who was rushing forward, stepped on the grip of a weapon that didn't know where to fly from, and then he slipped and started to fall forward. Originally, with the skill of Ares, he could find the balance by just sprinting for a few steps. Maybe he could increase his attack power. Who knows that when he sprinted and accelerated, he just hit one foot. The groove left on the ground when he kicked his golden gun before. As a result, his foot was blocked by the mud. Not only did he not find the balance, the whole person flew forward like a superman.

Watching in surprise Ares flew past me and crashed into a boulder, I didn't know what to say. But even more unfortunate is still behind. That guy ’s head hit the stone, it ’s okay, but he was so unlucky that he cracked the stone. The fallen rock not only smashed him hard, but also smashed his head into In the crack between the two rocks, Ares got stuck tragically.

"Unfortunately, this is a brave man who can persist in living." After sighing, I did not let him down because of respect for Ares. On the contrary, I showed it in a more violent way as soon as I finished speaking. My respect. "Now you can faint." I said, turning eternity into a huge hammer, and hitting Aris's stuck head was a hammer. In the shaking of a mountain for a while, Ares' head was directly smashed into the ground. As for the previous rock, it is now directly turned into lime powder.

Looking at Ares, the boss's red envelope swollen on the back of my head, I directly went up and grabbed one of his ankles, and pulled him face down from the pit just smashed out.

Seeing that Ares was stunned, those saints also lost their confidence in fighting. Some deadly saints wanted to rush over to rescue the driver, while others had a better brain and hurried out, hoping to break out. Call someone to help. However, no matter whether it was going out to report or to go to my side to save the rescue, in the end, all of them were put down without exception. Except for several die-hards, most of the Saints were arrested.

Protoss are all treasures. It would be too wasteful to kill them. Whether it ’s to bring them back and try to persuade them to become their own, or to process them into something else, it ’s more cost-effective than killing them directly. .

After all the Saints and Ares were packed and tied together, the sickle was wrapped into a cocoon with a spider web, and then all of it was petrified by Yeyue. Finally, a seal was added and the seal was carved. These Protoss were all loaded into the Phoenix Dragon Space and they were accompanied by Pandora and Radamantis.

After dealing with the group of protoss, the next thing is the old rules, cleaning the battlefield to create fake battle traces, and finally leaving some traces of the protoss here, and the rest will wait for the Olympians to speculate. As for us, of course ... we went straight.

I hid near Olympus last time because I knew that the Protoss of Olympus could not be too exaggerated because of a less certain disappearance, so it was very difficult to hide in the hotel by using the principle of black under the lamp. safe. But this time is different. The disappearance of Ares illustrates the existence of a group of powerful attackers in Greece. The Olympians cannot possibly be sloppy without knowing that the country is insecure, so they this time It is bound to make a lot of searches, and in this high-density carpet search, it is obviously impossible for us to continue hiding in Greece. So I plan to leave here for the mission of Mother Earth for the time being, and when I return, it is estimated that the search efforts of the Olympians will return to normal. As for Di Tans, I guess the Olympians will not have time to harass them during this time, so I don't count it as a breach of contract. Besides, I will still come back to continue the destruction.

In fact, after attacking Ares this time, I originally wanted to take the team from Persephone, but Victoria's words quickly made me give up this plan. According to Victoria, I think Ares is so good at dealing with it because of that guy's weird luck, but Persephone is different. Although she is not a **** who is good at fighting, after all, her status is there, and it is conceivable that her strength will not really be worse. Besides, for her safety, all the saints around him were arranged by Hades for her. These saints are more difficult than Ares's Saints. After all, they don't need to go on a mission with Ares, the unlucky guy, and can also get the powerful auxiliary spells of Persephone. This one plus one minus, the team against Persephone is definitely more than ten times more complicated than the team against Ares. If you do not see them after attacking Ares, they will soon be reported to the upper level of the Olympus Protoss. At that time, a large number of Olympians will return to the country together. Earceforne's team was delaying too much time, and it was troublesome. At that time, the people of Persephone have seen us. Whether we stay or continue to evacuate or evacuate, we will reveal our identity, and my plan will be lost because of it. . So in the end I abandoned the plan to attack Persephone.

After leaving Greece, I was not busy doing the task. Instead, I went to the city of commandments to release all the Olympians that were caught. Of course not to give them freedom, but to lock them in a cell converted into a secret warehouse under the ring of commandments. This place is directly below the Ring of Discipline, and because of the super seal array which is jointly arranged by the Protoss of various countries to ban all excess energy, in this prison, no matter who you are, as long as you come in, you can only become Ordinary people. Whether your original power is magic, magic, or magic, or your own power, you will be suppressed here, and eventually you will become an ordinary person. All kinds of magical mana will fail, and their power will be reduced to only slightly stronger than ordinary people. In this state, even the harder wood as a handcuff can easily lock the existence of the main **** level.

However, this seal is not for everyone to become ordinary people fighting, it is to protect the ring of commandments. Therefore, although those who enter here will be blocked with extra power, there is an exception, that is, the person with the guardian badge on his body can be protected from being suppressed. In this way, any intruder can be discouraged. After all, other people come in and become ordinary people, but the guard can still maintain the original strength. Who will attack in this state?

Although this guard badge is prepared for the guards, it is very unfortunate. As the actual owner of the commandment city, I also happen to have one ~ ~ So, I also exist unrestricted here.

"Ah ..." Aris, who had just been released to dissolve petrochemicals, rushed up to me and punched him as soon as possible, but the result was accompanied by a loud noise, and he immediately jumped over his fist and held it. stand up. Ares, weakened to the strength of ordinary people, hit me with armor that is harder than steel with fists. Doesn't it hurt? In fact, he should also thank the Seal Formation for weakening his strength. Not only with his own normal strength, it is estimated that his fists will have to be turned into flesh with the punches. Moreover, if it is not because his current strength is so low that he can't trigger the revenge attribute of Shenlong Armor, with his urged luck, the punch can make him be revenge attributed to me all over my body. Scan it again.

Compared to the reckless Ares, Pandora and Radamantis are much calmer. As soon as they came out, they found that their power was suppressed, so they did not hesitate to choose a gentleman.

"Who are you? Why brought us here?" Pandora, as the highest status of the normal intellectuals here, stood up and acted as a talking representative. Because she is not the main god, she has not been to the city of commandments, and she cannot pass my photos like a player, so she does not know me. !! ~!

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