Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 153: Sky and earth tree

"Don't you really think I dare not offend your Olympians?" Seeing Pandora's expression clearly did not believe that I had that courage, but after I asked such a question, she became hesitant Up. After a bit of rethinking, she suddenly looked up in surprise and asked me: "Are you really planning to solicit us?"

"I was just trying to see it, but after I saw you, I changed my mind. Talent is welcome everywhere, and you are exactly like that."

Pandora lowered her head for a moment of thought, and then suddenly stretched out her little finger to me to pose the child in a hooked pose. I looked down in surprise at her little thumb, and then looked back at her face. "You are ...?"

"Make an appointment," Pandora said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"I will not betray Hades, but that does not mean that I cannot betray Zeus."

"You want me to dig out Hades too?"

"No, plus Minos and Eacos." Ramandatis suddenly came up and put out his little thumb.

Pandora's smile was even brighter, and she also deliberately tilted her head and put on a cute look, saying, "Of course, Parsefort must not be thrown away."

"Hey? I'm digging for talents, not trying to engage in protoss immigration, okay? Would you like to move the entire underworld of the Olympus?"

"It would be better if you could do it."

I cover my face helplessly, and then I let go of my palm and turned to look at Ares. "how do you say?"

Ares didn't seem to have responded yet. He looked at Pandora a little stupidly and asked, "Are you not my group now?"

Pandora replied with a smile: "It depends on how you decide. If you follow suit, we will still be a group, otherwise we may be enemies in the future."

"Isn't it? How can you say mutiny and mutiny? What should I do? I won't talk about conditions!"

I looked at Ares in a hurry and said, "Actually, with regard to your welfare, do you think if I said I could solve your tragedy lucky value, would you consider betraying Zeus and mingling with me?"

Although the Ares are not smart, that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he needs. Obviously has a super ability, but often defeated because of various accidents, the most tragic thing after life is nothing more than this. Now I suddenly heard that there is a way to solve his tragedy-like luck. Anyone with normal thinking will want it. As for the betrayal of Zeus, it seems that Zeus originally ruled by power in the Olympian Protoss. There is basically no emotion between the gods and him, but there is more hatred. So Ares has no psychological burden for betraying Zeus.

"Do you really have a solution to my luck?"

Instead of answering Ares's words directly, I clapped my hands. The door behind me suddenly slid to one side, and then I saw auspicious, Ruyi sitting on two simple sedan chairs and being carried in. "Introducing you, these two are our mascots and good luck."

Ares nodded his head and asked, "But what does this have to do with me?"

"The relationship lies in their special skills." I said to Pandora, "Thank you for your cooperation." After that, I handed a dice to Pandora. "Say the points you want to throw, and throw them once."

Although I don't know what the **** I was doing, Pandora obediently said that the number she wanted to throw was six, and then she threw the dice. The big dice, whose head is comparable to a toy cube, bounced a few times on the ground and the last number to point upwards. Pandora looked at me when she saw the numbers, but I didn't go to pick dice, I just asked her to repeat it a few more times.

Pandora played a few more times as I said, each time first saying the number he wanted to throw, and then throwing the dice. It was thrown a total of twenty times, and the number that was thrown three times in the end was consistent with the number that was said before. It can be said that the probability is quite high, which means that Pandora's lucky value may be higher than the average of normal people.

After this last night, I asked Ares to repeat the same process, but I let him play it fifty times in one breath, and the result was fifty times wrong. On the number.

Seeing that Ares was about to run away because he couldn't throw the number he said, I quickly grabbed the dice and said, "You see. The same dice, when Pandora throws it, he can occasionally hit the number he wants, this It's her luck, and your hit rate is zero. That is to say, what you think in your heart is 100% impossible. Of course, our small experiment is not scientific, but it reflects at least from the side that you have May be a lucky number with a negative number. "

Ares looked downcast and said, "I know I'm down, can you stop stimulating me?"

I smiled a little and started with a group of hands and said, "Okay, I won't stimulate you anymore. I will give you motivation now." I said a gesture to Ruyi, and then Ruyi immediately twisted her fat **** and reached Pandora beside her, then stretched her forefoot towards Pandora. Pandora would bend down, and Ruyi immediately touched her forehead and Pandora's forehead together.

After Ruyi last night, I handed the dice back to Pandora and said, "Throw it ten more times. It's the same way."

Pandora seemed to understand something, she quickly reported a number and threw the dice, and then waited for the dice to stop just as she said the number.

This was repeated ten times, and the result was a hundred hits, all the numbers thrown ten times were the numbers she said.

In Ares's surprised eyes, I handed him the dice again, and then said, "You also try." After I said auspiciously, I ran and did the same thing to Ares. When Jixiang and Ares' foreheads separated, Ares immediately tried to say a number with excitement, and then threw the dice. In the end, the dice did not know what was going on, as if it were a middle-aged evil. It turned like a gyro on the ground for more than a minute and had no intention of falling down.

Seeing that crazy dice, Ares was just nervous, Pandora was a little confused, and me and Jixiang and Ruyi were shocked. I didn't expect Ares' bad luck to be so powerful. The trick that was just auspicious and wishful use is called lucky blessing, which is to make people who touch their foreheads get a lucky guard of one day. Those who are blessed during the validity period will be super lucky. Normal attacks almost do the biggest damage almost every time, and skill attacks often double the effect ~ ~ Killing strange 100% explosive good equipment, anyway, all things related to luck will be very good. If it weren't for the auspicious and wishful use of this skill, there is a limit on the number of times it can be used every day, I would like to let the people in the guild receive blessings once a day.

However, although there is a limit on the number of times this skill can be used, its effect is really great. I have tried it a few times before, and it is simply an attribute against the sky. Especially when faced with a long-range attack, you can almost sway through the arrow rain without making any arrows hit. Of course, this anti-nature attribute is not used casually. Just like other benefits in our guild, this auspicious, wishful ability will be clearly marked every day for members to use the guild contribution value to redeem. Generally, the members of our guild will choose to collect funds when the player is responsible for the damage output of the team to redeem it once. In this way, he will basically blast out a bunch of good things when he completes the final blow. The absolute value will return to the contribution value. .

Because I understand the power of this ability, I am even more shocked now. Because under normal circumstances, Ares should now be transformed into Lucky Superman, what number can be thrown at any number. However, the actual result is that the dice is spinning all the time. What does this mean? This shows that the lucky blessings just used by Jixiang are fighting the bad luck of Ares himself, and it seems that the two are currently evenly matched, so that the dice cannot stop at all.

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