Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 163: The World Library turned out to be so scary

Looking at the book of time shining with energy shock waves in the room, almost all of us present were shocked and didn't know what to say. The thing in front of me is really fascinating. The powerful energy fluctuations, the beautiful lines and the metal vibrations from time to time all make people feel that this thing is a work of art.

"It's so pretty!" An undead knight in Olivia's team reached for the book of time, but it was unexpected that his hand reached halfway and suddenly disappeared. The undead knight hurried back in surprise, only to find that his hand appeared again, and then he stretched out again, his hand disappeared again. After several repetitions, we finally found that there is actually a circle of time shields around the book of time. Everything that enters this circle will be transmitted to different points in time, so the result is that you cannot touch the time at all. The book will only be transmitted to the same place at different times as it approaches it.

"How can this happen?" After looking at the book of time in front of him, the Undead Knight and the surrounding Olivia team members were all anxious.

The original task of this book of time was nothing to do with them. These people were just sent to help me run the task, so they didn't pay much attention to this task at first. However, they were gradually lost in the maze of time during the subsequent mission execution, so they urgently needed the book of time to help them return to the correct point in time. It is also because they now need a book of time to help them go home, so these people are even more anxious than me.

"President Ziri, what do you do?" The few Olivia were also very anxious to see the team members' anxious expressions, but she was a team leader anyway, calmer than those team members. Seeing that the original owner of this task was not in a hurry, she immediately realized that I might have a way to approach the book of time.

When I heard Olivia's help, I immediately took out the speed and said, "You back first, let me try."

Everyone heard my words flash to the side, but I stood outside the circle of time with speed. The protection circle of the book of time has a radius of two meters. Any object that enters this range will be transmitted to different points in time. In our opinion, it will disappear directly. Therefore, if you want to contact the book of time, you must ensure that It is not transmitted to different times.

There are many methods of seal transmission, but that refers to the physical transmission of the seal, that is, the transmission between different locations, and the time transmission is completely different.

Looking at the empty space in front of me, I tried to reach in first, but the result was the same as that of the undead knight. As soon as I entered the circle, my hand would disappear. Of course, not that the hand was cut off, I can still feel the existence of the hand, but it did not reach into the vicinity of the book of time, but reached into this area at other points in time.

After confirming that I would also be affected by the time transmission, I immediately held the speed in my hand, and then held down the speed indicator on the dial on the left side of the speed with one hand to fix it in one position. This hand reached into the range of the time barrier, but this time my hand did not disappear, but directly entered the range.

Immediately after discovering that this method was effective, I took another small step forward, and it turned out that using this method really can penetrate the time barrier. With this speed, I easily walked under the book of time, and then I slowly extended my right hand to grab the book of time. However, at the moment when my finger just touched the book of time, the waves of energy radiation on that book of time suddenly went out, and the whole book closed like a frightened snail in an instant. The locks on the sides also closed automatically and locked each other, and finally the whole book fell off like a stone and hit the table below.

The book of time that suddenly landed frightened me. Fortunately, this thing just closed itself up, and it didn't explode with some horrible magic. Judging by the energy fluctuations just emitted by this thing, if it If you really use this energy to drive a spell, then this spell will be at least a level of forbidden spell. Think of the energy shock wave that this thing just broke out in almost two seconds. In other words, if this guy can really use the forbidden spell, it can throw one in two seconds, and there will be no magical exhaustion.

Although startled by the sudden landing of the book of time, I quickly picked up the book and couldn't wait to reopen it. After opening the metal locks on both ends of the page, I opened the time book with a metal case, and finally lifted it hard. The cover of the time book was lifted by me. The cover of this book is really exaggerated. It is almost a centimeter thick, and the material seems to be pure gold. The weight is absolutely genuine. It takes a lot of effort to open the cover.

Seeing that I had successfully opened the book, Olivia immediately surrounded them. The surrounding time enchantment disappeared automatically when the book of time fell, but Olivia is still a group of replicators standing together, which means that people who go to the wrong time will not be sent back to the correct time point automatically. Yes, so I want to find the real Olivia and have to study this book.

Although the thickness of the book of time is exaggerated, but following the style of the book of the world, there are still few pages in this thing. The pages in the entire book are made of metal plates, and the thickness is definitely more exaggerated than paper. Although the entire book looks quite thick, it is actually only a dozen pages in total. After all, each page of the metal plate is It ’s so thick that it wo n’t go thin, even if there are only a dozen pages.

Olivia, because they were in a hurry to get back to the right time, they turned around immediately after I opened the pages of the book to see what was written in the book. As a result, they found that there was no word in the book. The entire page is full of dense magic circuit diagrams. With this metal book page, the entire book is like a stack of circuit boards.

"this is……?"

"It should be a regular pattern." I stroked the general page of the circuit board and said, "I have seen something similar on the ring of commandments. This book is also a rule-type device. It is not surprising that it has a similar structure."

One of them said, "How can we go back if we don't understand it?"

When I heard Olivia's words, I immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry. Rule devices are the best to operate, because they are all-voice operations." I opened the book of time to the middle, Then he said to the book, "Please return to the chaotic time in my ice cave."

There was no answer, but we all clearly felt a horrific wave of energy just emanating from the book. Olivia, they were not quite sure, so I ran to another cave with the speed to get the time, and found that those time faults really all returned to normal.

"Really recovered!" Said one of Olivia: "but why are we still here?"

"It should be that it only restored the chaotic time flow, and did not refill you to the corresponding point in time." I thought about it and said to the book of time again, "Please leave all because of the chaotic time in the ice cave. All the people at the wrong time came back. "

The effect this time is much crisper than the last time. As soon as I spoke, the group of Olivia and their men around me, including the frosty snow and the night moon at the chaotic time point I saw at the beginning, were all gone. Immediately following us, five people suddenly fell.


"Purple Sun?" Olivia on the ground looked up at us and asked in surprise, "Isn't I dead? Why ...?"

When I heard Olivia's words, I immediately became a black line. Thanks to this book of time, it's a bull's fork. Otherwise, the real Olivia died in the hole. It is estimated that Di Tans didn't work hard with me.

After some explanation, I finally made Olivia understand what happened. Of course, there is no need to explain her replica, because she also encountered a lot of wrong time in the disorder time. Herself.

After Olivia understands the situation, I suggest that everyone return to the dark temple first, after all, the guy from Di Tans is still waiting for us at home. I don't want to turn back to the dark temple and find that there is more honorable female stone in the door.

Because there is no time to flow, and I have already figured out the map in the ice palace, the return process is quite smooth, except that the undead knight accidentally stepped on a thin piece of ice and fell into a hidden ice. Apart from the passage being pulled out by us again, basically no other troubles were encountered.

When we returned to the headquarters of the European Temple of Darkness, Di Tans rushed over and hugged Olivia as soon as we saw him. Even though we usually deal with a lot, I ca n’t take the current Di Tans is connected to the dark-hearted master God who is usually black-handed. After all, the loving father and the evil dark **** seem to have little compatibility.

Dietans their father and daughter team members, I do not need to stay, after saying hello to Dietans, I returned directly to Isinger. Originally, my plan was to send the book of time to study first. Who knows that the system prompt sounded as soon as he entered the Isinger area.

"President of the Frost Rose Alliance, Zi Ri, has noticed that your guild has successfully collected three world books, and you can turn on the World Library function. This function will be irreversible. If you choose to give up the current conversion, you will permanently lose the conversion. qualifications."

"Fuck, how could such a prompt pop up?" The original role of the three books was to upgrade the library, but after I got the books, I found that the three books seemed to be more valuable than the library itself. At first, this was fine. After all, I could suspend the upgrade of the library first, and then take out the book to upgrade the library, but now the system has directly rejected my dual approach, and actually forced me Decide immediately whether to upgrade. If I upgrade now, the three books will disappear immediately, which means that I have no chance to study in the future. But if you give up, it means that the library building is completely stuck at this stage, and you can no longer upgrade.

Since the two cannot be obtained at the same time, it is only possible to find a solution with the greatest benefits and the least harm. At first glance it may seem that upgrading a library is not as useful as studying three books, but it is actually not that simple. The three books of the world are indeed very good, but the technology above is not to say that they can be analyzed by studying them, so this solution is actually risky. Of course, high risk means high return. If the analysis is successful, it will be developed after that. As for the other plan, the upgrade of the library is definitely very important. The strength of a guild can be seen from the scale of the library. Other guild players need to spend money to find skills by themselves, but our guild players can learn all the basic skills for free in their guild library, and advanced skills can also be checked with guild contribution points. Increased the cohesion and combat effectiveness of our guild players. If I give up upgrading the library, although the current library can also be used, its effect will be greatly reduced. It can be said that this will mean that an important strength of our guild will always be a defective product for the future, perfect for worship For us, the Frost Rose Alliance, this is absolutely absolutely unacceptable.

After thinking for a long time and being undecided, I finally decided to set up some intelligence with the system. The "Zero" system is so good. If you have any questions, you can ask them on-site. As long as it is not a confidential information system, it will help you, especially the problems related to the upcoming operation. The system will give you a detailed explanation and analysis. , Guaranteed to let you make a decision with an understanding of the cause and effect.

"System, I want to ask. What if I decided to keep the three books of the world for research?"

"The library upgrade system will be permanently closed by retaining the Book of the World, and the Frost Rose Alliance Guild Library will never be able to upgrade to the World Library level again. In addition, three books of the world may be cracked, with a certain probability of getting one of them The ability to rule, but the possibilities are uncertain and the time it takes is uncertain. "

After hearing the system prompts, I asked again: "What will happen if I choose to upgrade the library?"

"The Essinger Library under the Frost Rose Alliance will be upgraded to a regional landmark, the World Library. The building enjoys systematic protection, cannot be destroyed, cannot be penetrated, will not lose data, and all illegal reading of materials will be prevented, but the building can Occupied, but must ensure continuous control of the library for three days before it can take effect. After the upgrade, the library will be spacious and the skills library capacity will be added. In addition, the World Library has supporting guild attributes: 1. All members of the guild will receive Various experience values ​​increase by an additional 5%. 2. All the skills that can be learned in the city reduce the learning requirements by 10% and increase the learning speed by 50%. 3. All guild players acquire passive skills-stealing teachers. The skills seen by players are automatically entered into the library skill library with a probability of 1 in 10,000, and the bank will be able to learn in the future. Players who successfully capture this skill will instantly learn this skill and reach level 8 skill level at once. 4 、 All guild players get common skills—improvement. All the skills used by guild players will be slowly strengthened in the library. According to the frequency of skill use, The power will continue to increase until it reaches the double power of the initial effect of the skill. 5. All technical research and development of the guild will accelerate by 10%, reduce research and development costs by 10%, and the technical research and development success rate will increase by 20%. 6. In all libraries worldwide Public materials without security settings will be automatically updated in this library. 7. Added guild attributes based on the ability of three books of the world. The above are all functions of the World Library. "

Before, it didn't matter. I was just stuck with these functions. What are his grandpa's abilities? Maybe it's too perverted, right? Take the first one, the 5% extra experience value increases. Is this attribute constant? You need to know that the auxiliary drugs that strengthen the 5% experience value are shot in thousands of crystal coins, and that kind of drugs are all time-limited. The common time is one to two hours. It's only a day or two, but what about us? It is open 24 hours a day, and when you want to level up, you will increase your experience by 5%. If such medicines are sold, 10 million pieces will still break their heads, but this library will give us all in one go. Add one. If it is converted into money, what astronomical figure would it be? Of course, money cannot be counted this way, because if there are so many medicines, it is estimated that it will definitely cause prices to fall ~ ~ but at least the spot price outside is still so exaggerated.

Except for the first attribute, the next six attributes are not simple.

Skill learning requirements are reduced by 10% and accelerated learning by 50%. Looking at nothing, it is very good to use, because the combat capabilities in "Zero" are accurately calculated. You ca n’t learn those skills until you reach that level. And without those skills leveling will become very hard, but when you finally reach the level to learn those skills, and feel that the power is not enough. Players have actually been in this strange circle during the continuous upgrade process, but if you can learn advanced skills in advance, it will be different. Learning skills in advance means using high-power skills in advance, and in the face of monsters at the current level, the high-power skills in the future will often appear amazingly powerful. This is the reason why advanced players tend to be stronger and stronger, but ordinary players are weaker and weaker, because advanced players always have the ability to deal with low-level monsters with advanced skills.

The skills that follow are quite exaggerated. Even if some of them are not scary in terms of numerical values, they can be found to be amazing in actual application. However, what I care about most now is not the scary attributes in the front, but the last one.

"System, what does it mean to add guild attributes based on the ability of the three books of the world?"

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