Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 171: hell

Volume 19 Chapter 171 Hell

After plugging the elixir, I didn't care about that poor worm at all, and the guy who has degraded to the level of 180 does not need to care at all. Even if I stand there and let him fight for a few hours, there is no effect. In the middle, the revenge property on me could not be activated, otherwise any spell was activated once and he had to be dropped.

After solving this guy, I looked up at this city, which was one-third less. Fortunately, the destructive power is too strong. This wooden building-based city cannot bear his damage at all. A swallow of Longyan can ignite a large area in the past.

I waved my hand to recall the luck. I let the guard of death and the warrior Kirin out and let them search the entire city, kill all the enemies, and remove all the valuable things that could be removed.

Ashford looked at me in doubt and asked, "Why are you searching here? I thought you just wanted revenge."

"No, revenge is only one of the purposes. As for the second purpose, you may soon see it." Before my words fell, I saw a unicorn warrior running over with a stack of sheepskin.

"Master, this was found in a place like an office."

I took the thing over in Ashford's doubtful gaze and asked, "Are there any?"

"And this one." The unicorn warrior immediately handed over a hollow cylinder made of wood, and I easily pulled out a roll of paper with a strange texture in it. After unrolling this paper, we immediately found out This thing is actually a map, and what is painted on it is clearly an underground building complex.

"Oh, it looks like your plan to explore the ruins is down." I handed the map directly to Asheford.

Ashford looked at the map in his hand and asked with a little confusion: "How do you know they have this thing?"

"See more, listen more, and think more."

"I still don't understand."

I shook my head helplessly and said, "You said that the place on the fake map was marked incorrectly. This shows that the map was not fabricated out of thin air. At least part of it is correct, so why can they draw This kind of inaccurate map? Obviously, they have seen the real map, or they have the real map. "

"So you came to take me to rob?"

"This is just by the way, I mainly come out of anger." I said and waved to Ashford: "I think with this thing, you should not use me for the next exploration, you first Go and do your task. I'll take it all back and go back, and I have my task to complete. "

After Ashford nodded and said goodbye to me, he took someone to do his task of ruins. As for the contents of the ruins, although I was also curious, it was discovered by Ashford after all. He invited me to participate It ’s easy to say that I have to go along with myself, but I ca n’t justify it. As an ally, the most important point is to know which benefits you can share yourself and which ones are best not to touch, otherwise it will only lead to the breakdown of the alliance.

After Ashford left, it took us an hour or so to completely ransack the entire city. This city is very small. If it wasn't for the search for a place like a secret room, we could completely rob it in less than half an hour, but it would not be a waste of time to spend so much time. The unicorn warrior and death guard found at least thirty secret rooms in the city. A city founded by a group of scammers, thieves and robbers, whose style is also an absolute criminal dream, with hidden secret doors and secret rooms everywhere. The only pity is that these guys are really poor. After looting the entire city, only about 10,000 or 20,000 crystal coins were found. Other things were not taken away or the ribs were disproportionate in value and volume.

After evacuating all valuable materials, before we left, let Ling and Xiaochun join forces to lose the light-dark hybrid bomb in the city, and then with a loud noise, the small highland where the city was originally turned into a place Small lakes, don't expect to build a city here even if they come back.

When I returned to the tree of nature, the other party had already instilled it. After I took the world tree seedling, the tree of nature gave me a green crystal-like thing. Although I don't know what this is used for, but since it is the reward given by the tree of nature, I can only collect it first. After I said goodbye to the tree of nature and returned to Isinger, I saw the properties of this thing through appraisal.

The thing that the tree of nature gives me is actually the source of life. Its purpose is very simple. It is to increase the value of life, but not to replenish blood, but to increase the upper limit of life. This piece of nature gave me a source of highly concentrated life, its content is 200,000 units, which means that if I absorb this source of life, my health will increase by 200,000 points. Is there more than 200,000 hit points? Of course many. Because my current health value is only over 370,000, 200,000 is already half life. Besides, my health value is high because my attributes and levels are exaggerated. For most balanced players, the health value can exceed 50,000, which is not low. That is to say, it is close to 200,000. Those who can exceed 200,000 are either world-class masters or main blood ox soldiers raised by the Great Guild.

The stock of the source of life in my hand is actually as high as 200,000 units, which means that the internal health value of it has already reached the top blood bull warrior. If a mage got this thing, it would probably be shirtless with the average soldier. Moreover, this source of life has a lovely advantage, that is, it does not need to be replenished to a person at one time, but can be ingested as needed. My 370,000 health points are just basic attributes. In addition, the equipment on my body has a lot of health attributes, and my life ball can store vitality. Calculating my extreme health value may be close to sixty. Million. Such a high health value means that even if the defense is zero, I can take the full blow of most players except Gunsling. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense for me to use this thing. My life value cannot be cut by ordinary people at all, and once something can threaten me, the result may be the same even if it is several times more, so it seems too wasteful for me to use it.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally gave it to the rose. Of course, it wasn't for the rose, but to let her think about who would be more suitable in the meeting. It can also produce unexpected results.

After dealing with that source of life, I began to think about whether I should get the task of Mother Earth first or go to the Olympus Protoss first. Speaking of which I have detained Pandora for a long time, it is also time to go back and see the situation. After thinking about it for a long time, in the end I think it is better to finish the task of Mother Earth first, after all, there is only the last tree left. As for the Olympus Protoss, anyway, they are still far away from China, and for a while, they didn't expect it to be our hands, so we might as well air them for a while.

After deciding my goal, I took out the guiding crystal of the last Soul Tree, but this thing started in a strange way. The other crystal **** will start as long as the magic is injected, but this crystal ball must be started with a mental impact. Fortunately, several of my magic pets are mentally shocking, otherwise they are in trouble!

After successfully starting the crystal ball, the guiding crystal ball did not immediately fly towards the target location, but first shook in place, and then when I thought that something was wrong, the crystal ball suddenly coughed. Just like a missile inserted into the sky, it flew out of sight in the blink of an eye.

"Fuck, doesn't it mean that the guiding crystal ball won't leave me a certain range? What's the problem? Mechanical failure?" I said as I called out the bird and jumped up quickly, then pointed at the one that was still pushing up Crystal Fairway: "Catch up."

"Understand." Asuka started all the thrusters directly, and immediately took me straight into the sky. Although the flying speed of that crystal ball is very fast, it is still incomparable with the flying birds, and soon we should not catch up with it. However, this crystal ball is indeed strange enough. It has no response to me as a user. It only knows that it is flying all the way forward, there is no need to wait for me, and it is not known whether the guiding crystal is like this. there is a problem. Because I was afraid that this thing would disappear, I had no choice but to stop and start the door of the earth to go in to find the mother of the earth and ask clearly, so I had to follow this thing and fly to see it.

After the crystal ball left the ground, it kept flying upwards. We chased it and flew to a height of 20,000 meters. Then the guy started to turn to the west and entered the level flight mode. Seeing that it turned, I also let Asuka immediately turn to catch up. The flying speed of this thing is probably subsonic. This speed is already very slow for Asuka, so we chase quite easily. But after flying for half an hour, I finally lost patience.

"No, I do n’t know when to fly with it. Look at it in this direction. The tree of souls is in Europe. Asuka you speed up, I grab it back and use the teleportation array to go to Europe to release it. . "


As soon as I got my order, the flying bird quickly caught up with the crystal ball. Since this thing didn't know about dodging, it just kept flying forward in a straight line, so it was easy for us to catch it again. Although this crystal ball will fly towards the destination by itself, its power is actually not great, and it can be controlled with only a little force after grasping it.

Immediately after catching the crystal ball, I took back the bird, and then teleported back to Isinger and used the transnational teleportation array to transfer to Tianyu City. After releasing from the teleportation array of Tianyu City, I released the guiding crystal again. I did not expect that as soon as I let go of it, I immediately lifted it into the sky.

"I rely, why is it going up?" I had jumped up to catch flying birds immediately after this preparation, but the crystal ball didn't fly to 20,000 meters in one breath, but only rose a few hundred. Mi began to turn and drew a steep arc in the air and flew towards the northwest.

The crystal ball turned to us and we had to follow the turn. As a result, the thing turned into a level flight and persisted for less than five minutes before starting to descend. It started flying at a height of one kilometer, and then dropped to 800 meters after flying. After flying for more than ten seconds and then reduced to 500 meters, and continued to fly for three minutes, the crystal ball suddenly began to slow down to a speed of 300 meters per second to 170 meters per second, although this speed is still not slow , But it is much slower than before. Obviously my guess is correct, that thing is approaching its destination, otherwise it will suddenly slow down without reason.

It continued to fly for about ten minutes, and the flying height of the thing dropped to a height of more than one hundred meters above the ground. This height can clearly see the players on the ground, and the speed of the gadget has been reduced to less than one per second. One hundred meters, it is clear that this state is about to reach the destination. However, why do I think this road is so familiar?

After flying about two kilometers along the road below us, the crystal ball actually dropped its height to five meters above the ground, and the speed decreased again. Now this speed is slightly faster than that of ordinary players. Riding a bird at such a slow speed is a bit inconvenient. I simply changed the night shadow and ran on the ground riding the night shadow.

Before, I just felt familiar in the sky. I fully recognized this landing. Is this clearly the way to the Temple of Darkness! Could it be that the Tree of Souls is at Di Tans?

Sure enough, the crystal ball took me all the way to the gate of the dark main shrine of Di Tans, and then it suddenly pushed down, and a fierce son pierced into the shrine gate. I had to follow it to run in, so The temple staff here knew me, and they didn't stop me when they saw me running.

After entering the temple, the speed of the crystal ball dropped again. Now this speed is about the same as the speed of ordinary players running at full speed.

"Well? Ziri ..."

Di Tans just came out of the temple at this time, and saw hello when I ran in. He didn't expect to say half of what he said, and he shouted at me with a wave: "Now I have no time, I will explain to you."

In Di Tans's surprised eyes, I rushed directly to the underground temple area behind the dark temple, and then guided by the crystal ball all the way to a side temple on the side of the underground temple area. If I remember correctly, it looks like hell's nest is right here!

The light ball flew into the **** dog's den without any pause, and then disappeared completely. Although it was weird to enter the kennel, since the crystals were all guided in, I had to follow it. Fortunately, although the nether dog's den is said to be a kennel, it is actually not small, and you don't have to bend over and bow your head.

When I rushed into the kennel of the **** dog, the light ball had disappeared, and there was only one big hole left in this little nest except the door I came in. This big hole is located in the center of the helldog breeding area, and it is about 30 meters in diameter. The black hole underneath can't be seen at all, but the death gas emanating from it can be concluded that this hole is at least connected to one even if it is not directly through **** Hell entrance.

After seeing this hole, I finally understood where the guiding crystal was going. Its destination should be hell. I'm stupid enough to come here now. The tree of souls naturally grows where there are the most souls, and where in the world is there more souls than hell?

Thinking of where the crystal ball went, I immediately jumped into the big hole. Because I wanted to chase the crystal ball, I took back the night shadow and replaced it with a flying bird. After opening the afterburner, I dived all the way down, and soon caught up with the crystal ball, and I can gradually see the exit of this big hole in front.

When I was about to leave the cave entrance, I put away the birds again and replaced them with night shadows. As long as I got out of the cave entrance in front, it was considered to be hell. Although the flying bird is my magic pet, the environment in Hell is harsh after all. Most of the creatures except the native **** species will not be too comfortable here, so I eventually took back the flying bird and replaced it with night shadows. After all, Nightmare is also a demonic creature, and the environment of Hell is just like going home.

After exiting the hole, the guiding crystal immediately began to turn and flew in one direction, and the night shadow quickly followed. The crystal ball suddenly started to accelerate after passing through a mountain made entirely of bones, but fortunately we were still catching up at this speed, so I didn't change the bird out.

Chasing the crystal ball was another fierce fly. During that time, I didn't know how many corpses and blood passed by. I feel this **** under the Dark Temple is more disgusting than the Hell at my Yan Luo Temple, and I do n’t know how the guys of Di Tans usually educate their men, and do not know how to pay attention to environmental sanitation, so many corpses Looking at the disgusting pile of things together without saying, the smell can kill people.

After continuing to fly for a while, the crystal ball finally began to slow down over a huge forest, and gradually lowered the height until it entered the canopy and began to pass forward at a relatively slow speed. It should be true this time. However, less than five seconds after I followed through the dense forest, I suddenly felt a huge evil force approaching us from the back side at a very fast speed.

Ye Ying, as a half-hell creature, is also very impressed with this kind of breath. Before I speak, he turns his head away.

"You feel it too?" I whispered.

Ye Ying nodded and said, "It should be an undead of beasts. It feels very wild, and it may be an irrational thing."

"That would be difficult. Normally undead creatures would be kind to me when they see me, but if there is irrational existence, it is difficult to say."

Ye Ying said for a while before he said, "Otherwise, let ’s leave them alone if we are lucky to block it."

I thought for a while and said, "Run this way first, if you can stick to the place and talk, if you can't, then let the lucky ones come out and help you stop."

"That's okay," Ye Ying said, speeding up a bit and getting close to the crystal ball, but the breath behind the side also quickly raised the speed after we accelerated, and soon it was on our side. The rear became parallel with us, and it moved closer to us while running.

As the distance between the two sides approached, we quickly felt that the breath was close to a distance of about 20 meters, but because the forest here was so dense, we couldn't see where it was, and we could only hear it caused by hitting a branch. The rattling leaves trembled. However, just a few minutes after we ran in this state, the guy suddenly moved closer to us again.

"Attention, it's coming."

As we ran at high speed, a large tree on the side suddenly snapped and was smashed horizontally. A shadow of the night shadow passed the tree, but then saw a huge creature like a tyrannosaurus. From the gap where the big tree fell, we rushed into the area where we were barely considered a forest road.

To our surprise, the creatures in front of us are not rushing at us. Because when he suddenly found us, he seemed even more surprised than us. He actually slammed into a large tree on the opposite side because he forgot to make a turn. As a result, he knocked the whole tree out, but he was just crooked. After a while, he wasn't taken over, so it can be seen that his power is absolutely terrifying.

Although this guy obviously didn't come to us, we had to be wary of this guy. After all, the appearance of this thing is really not safe. That guy obviously had similar ideas with us, of course, he didn't judge by appearance, but judged by breath. Ye Ying's breath is relatively light, but the strong evil breath in my body makes him realize that I am more terrifying than him, so he just glanced at us and ran forward.

We were slightly relaxed as we watched the distance run away, but just after we ran for two steps, a knight riding a black war horse suddenly jumped out from the jungle ahead. The blackness of the knight's whole body is dark, and the light in Hell is very dim, and it is darker in the dense forest. This guy ’s black is almost integrated into the background, if it were not for me Visual estimation is not easy to find him.

The guy rushed out of the forest area in front of us, so he didn't notice us, but instead held up a long sword and ran the horse to chase the tyrannosaurus-like monster.

Until now I have figured out that the monster is not chasing us, but is running away. Is the reason why he ran away ... obviously the knight, or he and his friends.

That's right, that guy is more than one person. Just after the knight appeared, a large number of people suddenly jumped out one after another. These guys have a variety of equipment, and even a few of them are bright occupations. There is only one possibility to see a bright career in a place like hell, that is, the other party is a player, because even if the bright n is strong, he will never run to **** for no reason. This is the same as if a normal person would never run to the toilet when it is not necessary, instead of not being able to go, but unwilling to stay there. Therefore, it goes without saying that these people are definitely players.

The other party also noticed my existence after rushing out. The first person who saw me was scared and almost turned over immediately. Fortunately, his mount was more powerful. When he found that the situation was wrong, he turned around and used centrifugal force. Throw him back into position.

After re-settling, the guy immediately reacted and put his hand to his mouth to blow a whistle. The crowd in front of him looked back at him, and then noticed me who was behind them.

After finding me, the other party was obviously a bit messy. Some people started to speed up and wanted to distance themselves, while others faintly meant to form a encirclement in front of me.

Although I don't want to conflict with these people, the speed of the opponent is gradually slowing down, and I can only accelerate if I don't want to lose the crystal ball. The other party saw that I didn't communicate with me first, but instead actively launched an attack. One of the mage started throwing bursts of light at me every seven or eight meters. As a result, the night shadow suddenly took me and disappeared. With the spot in place, the next second we emerged directly next to the guy.

"I don't want to fight you, so don't mess with me."

I originally thought that the other party would give up attacking after I showed my meaning. Who knew that guy turned around and shot at me with a thunderbolt. If it weren't for Yeying ’s dream shuttle ability, we would have been hit again.

Since the other party made it clear that they didn't want to be good, I had to fight. A clip of Ye Ying's belly, Ye Shu immediately noticed a shuttle disappeared in place, and then the next second we suddenly emerged from behind a guy on the edge of the team. Night Shadow opened at full speed, taking me through the guy at lightning speed, and taking away that guy's head.

The headless corpse continued to sit on the mount for a while before crooked to the side and planted from the mount, and I had already crossed Ye Yeying with the second unlucky sword.

"Asshole!" Watching the team lose two consecutive battles, the black knight chasing the monster in front of the team suddenly rushed back.

& nbs, the whole team immediately became tense, and the black knight quickly rushed to nurse mm in the hope of saving her life. Fighting in the harsh environment of hell, if there is no priest, the team will soon be forced to leave, so the opponent is very nervous about his priest. However, when the opponent rushed to the pastor mm, he suddenly heard two screams coming from the side of the team. When other people noticed, they discovered that the two masters in the team who were the main damage output staff had been cut at the same time Get off the horse. Looking at the tumbling body on the ground, the black knight snarled and drove the mount towards me, but unfortunately he found that I had disappeared again before he approached.

"Coward, kind of ..." The knight's words were only half spoken and he couldn't shout anymore, because his heart suddenly drilled a sword tip.

"Even if I'm a coward, I won't be afraid of you, so please put away your arrogance in front of me. By the way, don't think you are an undead knight. I will not kill you. My sword is broken. Magic. "With my words, the guy suddenly screamed, and the whole person followed him collapsed as if falling apart, even the armor on the warhorse he stepped on was no exception. After the armor fell to the ground, many people found that the armor was empty, no human body and no horses. From beginning to end, there was a humanoid armor and a set of horse armor, and there was no body at all.

"The president is actually a ghost knight among the undead knights?" A team member muttered in surprise, apparently this was the first time that they had learned the news.

I was too lazy to see the reaction of the team members. I threw the breastplate on the early sword out of eternity, and I drove Night Shadow out of the team that had stopped completely. My current goal is to guide the crystal, not the group of people. If the guide crystal is lost due to love fighting, it will not be worth the price.

After getting out of contact with that team, I quickly caught up with that tyrannosaurus monster, and the opponent's speed also obviously slowed down. Obviously, I have found that the person chasing him is gone, but I am still running just to pull it It's just a distance, otherwise he might have stopped early.

Seeing me catching up, the guy immediately moved to the side of the forest road and walked as close as possible to the trees, giving most of the road to me. Obviously, Yeying's guess was not correct before. Although this guy's breath is very violent, his mind is not stupid. At least he knows that I am not good at messing up and will take the initiative to give in.

After the dragon's side, we accelerated to chase forward. The crystal ball has driven us away a long way. There are many obstacles in the dense forest. It is better to keep up with the good things so as not to lose them.

After about twenty minutes of chasing and guiding the crystal, the tyrannosaurus creature had completely disappeared between the trees, and I finally saw this destination.

The lush forest seems to be a large, round, blank area that has been artificially restored. However, although there is no tree in this area, it is not really blank because there is a huge space of hundreds of thousands of square meters. On the ground, densely packed with white ghosts. Some of these ghosts still have the appearance of life, while others have simply turned into a white mist with almost no human shape, but no matter what kind of ghost they are, they are all doing the same thing. And that is to eat.

That's right. These ghosts are eating, and their food is the other ghosts around them. It's hard to describe what it is like to eat tens of millions of human-shaped objects together. If this is not a feast for ghosts, it is estimated that the sound of that eating can cause people to completely collapse. However, although this scene is more terrifying than Shura Hell, it has no effect on me.

Seeing those crazy bites devouring the same kind of ghosts, I just staggered a little, and then returned to normal. After turning back from Ye Ying and recovering Ye Ying, I walked into the area filled with ghosts on my own. Almost as soon as I stepped into this area, the few ghosts closest to me rushed towards me for the first time, but just as they were about to meet me, a burst of flames burst into my body. Of the flames of hell, the ghosts flew directly into the flames of **** because they were unable to dodge, and then they seemed to be thrown into the fire. The ghosts were all ignited in an instant and then screamed and fled Out of my side.

When I saw the ghosts that were on fire, the other ghosts didn't pounce and bite as before, but they were desperately away from them, and even some of them were eating the same kind of ghosts and they were scared to throw their food into their mouths and turned around. run.

Hell-split flames are negative-energy flames, just as ordinary flames consume energy, and negative-energy flames also consume negative energy, and the soul happens to belong to the category of negative energy, so for Hell-split Flames, these The ghosts are all-fuel.

Despite their low intelligence, these ghosts still have some instincts. After having learned from the previous car, other ghosts will no longer dare to approach me, but will automatically open up an area across a long distance, even if some ghosts are Squeezing into this area will also desperately squeeze back, even if eaten by other ghosts, they are definitely not willing to set foot in this area around me. Even after I completely extinguished the flames of **** on my body, these guys still kept this distance and did not dare to approach me anymore.

For the cooperative attitude of the ghosts, I happened to be very relaxed, striding directly to the center of the open space, where a pale towering giant tree was slowly swinging his branches and leaves, it seemed as if they were swinging in the wind . But here is hell, something like wind is almost non-existent here. The wind on the ground is formed by air convection caused by different light intensity. There is no sun in Hell, so there is no wind here.

"Hello, I am……"

I was walking under the big tree, and I was about to introduce myself. I didn't expect the other party to speak first. "I know, you must be the messenger of the mother of the earth. It's almost time to calculate. Give me the seedlings of the world tree."

I quickly passed the seedlings ~ ~ and then the tree of soul immediately stretched out a rattan to roll the seedlings over. After completely connecting the right side with some of my own rattan trees, the ghost tree said to me again: "There are already other world tree information in it, it seems that I am the last one. You have run so much Secondly, you should know that it takes time to instill. My side is about an hour. You can go around by yourself and come back in an hour. "

"Okay. But I'm not familiar here. Is there any interesting place to visit?"

"Interesting?" The Tree of Soul obviously did not expect that I would ask such a question. After all, this place in Hell is really not related to entertainment. This is just like someone asking a doctor in a pharmacy what is delicious, although it is not logically complete. Wrong, but normal people would never do that. Most people will only feel that this place is super scary when they go to hell, and I want to leave early, but I ask what is fun here, and it is no wonder that the tree of souls will be surprised. But after all, the other party is a local creature here. After a stunned moment, he resumed normal introduction and said to me, "I have no interesting place to say, but I have a very interesting neighbor. If you are not afraid of being killed, Bones can go and see. "

"There are more guys who want to eat me, but unfortunately none of them can move me, and your neighbor is probably the same. But then again, what kind of creature is your neighbor?"! ~!

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